11 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memahami Cerita Anak Siswa Kelas V Sdit Insan Utama Pekanbaru

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    The problem this research is the students achievement of social fifth graderes studies still low with an average value of 68,1 and minimum completeness criteria (KKM) social studies is 70. Between students, amounting to 21 people only 8 students who achieve classical KKM with 38,1%. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which aims to improve the student achievement of social studies class V at SDIT Insan Utama Pekanbaru with implementation cooperative learning model type numbered heads together. Formulation of the problem : Is the implementation of cooperative learning model type numbered heads together can improve students achievement of social studies class V at SDIT Insan Utama Pekanbaru? The research was conducted on January 11 to January 21 by 2 cycles. Subjects were students of SDIT Insan Utama Pekanbaru, totaling 21 people who use the data source. The data collection instruments in this thesis is a teacher and students activities sheets and students achievement. This thesis presents the results obtained each day before the action an improve in base score cycle with the average being 68,1. In the first cycle improve an average of 76,43 with increase big as 8,33% and an improve in the second cycle with an average of 86,14 with increase big as 9,71%. Activities of the teacher in the learning process in cycle I first meeting improve to 50 % and the second meeting improve to 62,5%. Cycle II first meeting improve to 82,5% and the second meeting improve to 92,5 %. Results of data analysis of students activities in the first cycle with the first meeting of an average of 50% and a second meeting improve to 62,5%. Second cycle first meeting improve to 82,5% and the second meeting improve to 92,5%. Results in the class V at SDIT Insan Utama Pekanbaru that the implementation of cooperative learning model of Numbered Heads Together can improve the student achievement of social studiesat fifth graderes SDIT Insan Utama Pekanbaru

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Picture And Picture untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Kelas I SD Swasta Arvena Sei Pejangki

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    This study was conducted because of the low ability to read the beginning of first grade elementary school SD Swasta Arvena Sei Pejangki. Of the 47 students who received a lower category there are 35 students (74.46%), moderate category there are 11 students (23.40%) and high category 1 students (2.12%) with an average value of 49.47. The purpose of this study to improve students' reading ability of Grade I SD Swasta Arvena Sei Pejangki by implementing cooperative learning model picture and picture. Results of preliminary data research students who are low category there are 35 students (74.46%), students were categorized being there are 11 students (23.40%) and students who were high category No 1 students (2.12%) with an average value category 49.47 low. In the first cycle of students' reading ability has increased. Students who are low category, there are 29 students (61.70%), students were categorized being there are 13 students (27.65%) and students who were high category there are 5 students (10.63%) with an average value of 64.36 categorized low. In the second cycle back to increase students' reading ability. Students who are low category reduced to 17 students (36.17%), students were categorized being increased to 15 students (31.91%) and the high category also increased to 16 students (34.04%) with the average value 79.43 average category being. Activities of teachers at each meeting have increased activity of teachers in learning. At the first meeting of the cycle I obtained a score of 30 with a percentage of 75% categorized either. The percentage increased to 32 with 80% categorized either. While on the second cycle of teacher activity has risen back to the first meeting of the second cycle obtain a score of 35 with a percentage of 87.5% is very good category. And at the second meeting of the second cycle increased to 37 with a percentage of 92.5% is very good category. Activities meeting 1 cycle I obtained a score of 28 with a percentage of 70% good category. Increased to 30 with a percentage of 75% categorized either. While on the second cycle of student activity has risen back to the first meeting of the second cycle obtain a score of 32 with a percentage of 80% good category. And at the second meeting of the second cycle increased to 35 with a percentage of 87.5% is very good category

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning (Ctl) Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Puisi Anak Siswa Kelas III SD Negeri 147 Pekanbaru

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    The problem this research is the students writing skills of childrenpoetry third grade students through the learning model SD Negeri 147 PekanbaruContextual Learning Model (CTL). This research subject were students of (III) SD Negeri147 Pekanbaru 2014/2015 school year the were onlyas 35 students. While objects inthis research is to improve the writing skills of children through models poetryContextual Learning Model (CTL). This research was conducted in two cycles, the firstcycle consists of two meetings with one end of a cycle and repeat the second sklus alsoconsists of two cycles consist of two meetings with one cycle replications. The datacollection instruments in this study was the observation sheet teacher and studentobservation sheet and assessment sheet results. The level of students\u27 abilities beforeaction categorized as low to the score with average 62.71. While the value of MasteryMinimum Criteria 70. Among the students who totaled 35 people only 15 people whoreached KKM with the increased about 42.85%. At the first UAS student skill levelsrose by an average increased about 71.02 with both categories. While the skill level ofthe child after the act of writing poetry UAS II with an average increased about 84,30with very good category. The data collection instruments using teacher observationsheets and sheets of observations of students during the learning process were studentsof (III) SD Negeri 147 Pekanbaru, the percentage of teachers in the first cycle ofactivity first meeting of 60.71% with enough categories, at the second meeting of thefirst cycle of 71.42%. Furthermore, the percentage of the second cycle of the firstmeeting of 85.71% with the good category, at the second meeting of the second cycle of92.85%. Furthermore, the activity of the first cycle students first meeting with apercentage of 57,14% sufficiently categories, the second meeting of the first cycle of67.85% with the good category. Furthermore, the second cycle of the first meeting witha good 78.57%, in the second meeting of the second cycle 89.28 with very goodcategory. From the above shows that through Contextual Learning Model Learning (CTL)can increase the skill of writing poetry Indonesian children students of (III) SD Negeri147 Pekanbaru

    Penerapan Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 001 Teluk Pinang Kecamatan Gaung Anak Serka

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    This research has purpose to improve the ability of student in studyin mathematics by applying cooperative learning method calledNumbered Heads Together (NHT)in fourth grade SD Negeri 001 Teluk Pinang. NHT is a cooperative learningmethod, in which students are placed into groups of 4-5 people and each group are numbered 1-5. The research was conducted in April to May 2014. The subject of this research where the IV year students of SD Negeri 001 Teluk Pinang in academic year 2013/2014.The number of students was 33, they are 14 boy and 19 girls. Class data of this study is data about the outcomes of learning and cooperative learning NHT. The technique of collecting data through observation and tests, while the technique of data analysis using descriptive analysis. Data analysis can be seen from the activity of the teacher during the learning process with the implementation of cooperative learning model NHT in the first cycle by an average of 66.7%, the second cycle increased to 79% and in the third cycle an average percentage of 93.8%. In the classical completeness on the basis of scores by an average of 39.3% of learning outcomes. In the first cycle completeness percentage of 51.5%, in the second cycle completeness percentage of 63.6%, while the third cycle completeness percentage increase of 84.8%.There fore, it concludes tht applying NHT cooperative method can improve the ability of the class IV SD Negeri 001 Teluk Pinang in learning mathematics

    Practices, taboos and techniques of indigenous contraception among Batswana traditional healers in Ngaka Modiri Molema district, South Africa

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    In South Africa, modern contraceptives are promoted more than indigenous contraceptives. Despite free access to modern contraceptives, teenage pregnancy remains a serious challenge in South Africa. Indigenous contraception could provide women and girls a way to avoid unwanted pregnancies. The purpose of this study was to document practices, taboos and techniques of indigenous contraception among the Batswana traditional healers in Ngaka Modiri Molema, North West province of South Africa. Seven participants were sampled through a purposive snowball technique. Qualitative data was collected through in-depth face-to-face interviews. Thematic data analysis was used to evaluate and synthesise the data. The three themes on practices, taboos and techniques of indigenous contraception were reviewed, and subsequently refined into corresponding subthemes. The following practices of indigenous contraception were documented: birth spacing, virginity, and sterilisation. The following taboos related to pregnancy under various circumstances were documented: after death of a spouse, following divorce, during breastfeeding, after miscarriage and abortion, as well as sex during menstruation. Techniques of indigenous contraception documented included: abstinence, use of animal intestines, burial techniques, drinking water, vaginal stitching, waist techniques, avoidance of certain foods, withdrawal and eating certain soils. In conclusion, Batswana traditional healers in Ngaka Modiri Molema possess abundant knowledge regarding indigenous contraception. Documentation of these practices, taboos and techniques of indigenous contraception is important for conservation of the Batswana culture. Recommendations for health policy regarding the role of indigenous knowledge constructs in contraception are proffered