202 research outputs found

    Smoking Status and Public Responses to Ambiguous Scientific Risk Evidence

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    Situations in which individuals receive information seldom involve scientific consensus over the level of the risk. When scientific experts disagree, people may process the information in an unpredictable manner. The original data presented here for environmental risk judgments indicate a tendency to place disproportionate weight on the high risk assessment, irrespective of its source, particularly when the experts disagree. Cigarette smokers differ in their risk information processing from nonsmokers in that they place less weight on the high risk judgment when there is a divergence in expert opinion. Consequently, they are more likely to simply average competing risk assessments

    Survey Mode Effects on Valuation of Environmental Goods

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    This article evaluates the effect of the choice of survey recruitment mode on the value of water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams. Four different modes are compared: bringing respondents to one central location after phone recruitment, mall intercepts in two states, national phone-mail survey, and an Internet survey with a national, probability-based panel. The modes differ in terms of the representativeness of the samples, non-response rates, sample selection effects, and consistency of responses. The article also shows that the estimated value of water quality can differ substantially depending on the survey mode. The national Internet panel has the most desirable properties with respect to performance on the four important survey dimensions of interest

    Macrophage skewing by Phd2 haplodeficiency prevents ischemia by inducing arteriogenesis

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    The authors are thankful to Dr. P. Carmeliet for scientific discussion and support. VE-Cadherin:CreERT and PDGFRB:Cre transgenic mice were generated at the Cancer Research UK (London, UK) and kindly donated by Dr. R. Adams. The IKKβ floxed mice are a generous gift of Dr. M. Karin (UCSD, La Jolla, CA). The hydroxylase-deficient PHD2 construct was given by Dr. P. Ratcliffe (Oxford, UK).PHD2 serves as an oxygen sensor that rescues blood supply by regulating vessel formation and shape in case of oxygen shortage. However, it is unknown whether PHD2 can influence arteriogenesis. Here we studied the role of PHD2 in collateral artery growth by using hindlimb ischaemia as a model, a process that compensates for the lack of blood flow in case of major arterial occlusion. We show that Phd2 (also known as Egln1) haplodeficient (Phd2(+/-)) mice displayed preformed collateral arteries that preserved limb perfusion and prevented tissue necrosis in ischaemia. Improved arteriogenesis in Phd2(+/-) mice was due to an expansion of tissue-resident, M2-like macrophages and their increased release of arteriogenic factors, leading to enhanced smooth muscle cell (SMC) recruitment and growth. Both chronic and acute deletion of one Phd2 allele in macrophages was sufficient to skew their polarization towards a pro-arteriogenic phenotype. Mechanistically, collateral vessel preconditioning relied on the activation of canonical NF-κB pathway in Phd2(+/-) macrophages. These results unravel how PHD2 regulates arteriogenesis and artery homeostasis by controlling a specific differentiation state in macrophages and suggest new treatment options for ischaemic disorders.This work was supported by grants from FWO (G.0726.10), Belgium, and from VIB. ED was granted by ARC, SC by FCT, RLO and VF by FWO, AH by DFG. CR was supported by COST action TD0901. MDP was supported by an ERC starting grant

    Crystal structure of a DNA containing the planar, phenoxazine-derived bi-functional spectroscopic probe Ç

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    Previously, we developed the deoxycytosine analog Ç (C-spin) as a bi-functional spectroscopic probe for the study of nucleic acid structure and dynamics using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and fluorescence spectroscopy. To understand the effect of Ç on nucleic acid structure, we undertook a detailed crystallographic analysis. A 1.7 Å resolution crystal structure of Ç within a decamer duplex A-form DNA confirmed that Ç forms a non-perturbing base pair with deoxyguanosine, as designed. In the context of double-stranded DNA Ç adopted a planar conformation. In contrast, a crystal structure of the free spin-labeled base ç displayed a ∼20° bend at the oxazine linkage. Density function theory calculations revealed that the bent and planar conformations are close in energy and exhibit the same frequency for bending. These results indicate a small degree of flexibility around the oxazine linkage, which may be a consequence of the antiaromaticity of a 16-π electron ring system. Within DNA, the amplitude of the bending motion is restricted, presumably due to base-stacking interactions. This structural analysis shows that the Ç forms a planar, structurally non-perturbing base pair with G indicating it can be used with high confidence in EPR- or fluorescence-based structural and dynamics studies

    Demonstration of Ignition Radiation Temperatures in Indirect-Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Hohlraums

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    Impact of Renewable Energy Policy and Use on Innovation: A Literature Review

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