83 research outputs found

    Advances in heterometallic ring-opening (co)polymerisation catalysis

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    Truly sustainable plastics require renewable feedstocks coupled with efficient production and end-of-life degradation/recycling processes. Some of the most useful degradable materials are aliphatic polyesters, polycarbonates and polyamides, which are often prepared via ring-opening (co)polymerisation (RO(CO)P) using an organometallic catalyst. While there has been extensive research into ligand development, heterometallic cooperativity offers an equally promising yet underexplored strategy to improve catalyst performance, as heterometallic catalysts often exhibit significant activity and selectivity enhancements compared to their homometallic counterparts. This review describes advances in heterometallic RO(CO)P catalyst design, highlighting the overarching structure-activity trends and reactivity patterns to inform future catalyst design

    Differences in stress tolerance and brood size between a non-indigenous and an indigenous gammarid in the northern Baltic Sea

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    Differences in stress tolerance and reproductive traits may drive the competitive hierarchy between nonindigenous and indigenous species and turn the former ones into successful invaders. In the northern Baltic Sea, the non-indigenous Gammarus tigrinus is a recent invader of littoral ecosystems and now occupies comparable ecological niches as the indigenous G. zaddachi. In laboratory experiments on specimens collected between June and August 2009 around Tva¨rminne in southern Finland (59°500N/23°150E), the tolerances towards heat stress and hypoxia were determined for the two species using lethal time, LT50, as response variable. The brood size of the two species was also studied and some observations were made on maturation of juveniles. Gammarus tigrinus was more resistant to hypoxia and survived at higher temperatures than G. zaddachi. Brood size was also greater in G. tigrinus than in G. zaddachi and G. tigrinus matured at a smaller size and earlier than G. zaddachi. Hence, there are clear competitive advantages for the non-indigenous G. tigrinus compared to the indigenous G. zaddachi, and these may be further strengthened through ongoing environmental changes related to increased eutrophication and a warming climate in the Baltic Sea region

    ESTs in Plants: Where Are We Heading?

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    Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are the most important resources for transcriptome exploration. Next-generation sequencing technologies have been generating gigabytes of genetic codes representing genes, partial and whole genomes most of which are EST datasets. Niche of EST in plants for breeding, regulation of gene expression through miRNA studies, and their application for adapting to climatic changes are discussed. Some of the recent tools for analysis of EST exclusive to plants are listed out. Systems biology though in its infancy in plants has influenced EST mapping for unraveling gene regulatory circuits, which is illustrated with a few significant examples. This review throws a glance at the evolving role of ESTs in plants

    Analysis of the impact of sex and age on the variation in the prevalence of antinuclear autoantibodies in Polish population: a nationwide observational, cross-sectional study

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    The detection of antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) is dependent on many factors and varies between the populations. The aim of the study was first to assess the prevalence of ANA in the Polish adult population depending on age, sex and the cutoff threshold used for the results obtained. Second, we estimated the occurrence of individual types of ANA-staining patterns. We tested 1731 patient samples using commercially available IIFA using two cutoff thresholds of 1:100 and 1:160. We found ANA in 260 participants (15.0%), but the percentage of positive results strongly depended on the cutoff level. For a cutoff threshold 1:100, the positive population was 19.5% and for the 1:160 cutoff threshold, it was 11.7%. The most prevalent ANA-staining pattern was AC-2 Dense Fine speckled (50%), followed by AC-21 Reticular/AMA (14.38%) ANA more common in women (72%); 64% of ANA-positive patients were over 50 years of age. ANA prevalence in the Polish population is at a level observed in other highly developed countries and is more prevalent in women and elderly individuals. To reduce the number of positive results released, we suggest that Polish laboratories should set 1:160 as the cutoff threshold

    Akumulacja niektorych pierwiastkow sladowych w wybranych roslinach Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego

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    W latach 1999 - 2000 przeprowadzono badania nad zawartością pierwiastków śladowych: Fe, Mn, Zu i Cd w igłach i liściach następujących roślin: Pinus silvestris, Picea abies, Fagus silvatica, Carpinus betulus, Dactylis glomerata, Taraxacum officinale, Urtica dioica, Cirsium oleraceum, występujących w Ojcowskim Parku Narodowym. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że zawartość analizowanych pierwiastków śladowych w roślinach OPN układała się na poziomie pośrednim między terenami niezanieczyszczonymi - Puszczą Białowieską, a bardzo zanieczyszczonymi - Puszczą Niepołomicką.During 1999-2000 the study was carried out concerning the contents of some trace elements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd) in the needles and leaves of following trees and plants: Pinus silvestris, Picea abies, Fagus silvatica, Carpinus betulus, Dactylis glomerata, Taraxacum officinale, Urtica dioica, Cirsium oleraceum, from the Ojcowski National Park. According to obtained results the level of trace element contents in analysed plants of Ojcowski National Park ranged within the values intermediate for unpolluted zones, eg. Primeval Forest of Białowieża - and strongly polluted zones, eg. Niepołomice Forest

    The demo installation for monitoring and reduction of mercury emission from coal-fired plants

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    Polska jest "krajem - dużym emitorem rtęci" o rocznej wielkości emisji rtęci do atmosfery powyżej 10 Mg. Blisko 60% udział w tej emisji ma spalanie węgla w elektrowniach i elektrociepłowniach. W publikacji przedstawiona została koncepcja instalacji demonstracyjnej do monitorowania i redukcji emisji rtęci ze spalania węgla kamiennego w kotłach pyłowych. Instalacja ta będzie zlokalizowana przy kotle pyłowym o mocy 225 MW i wyposażonym w układ do katalitycznej selektywnej redukcji tlenków azotu. Instalacja demonstracyjna, zasilana surowymi gazami spalinowymi w ilości do 20 tys. m3 /godzinę, będzie się składać z następujących węzłów: elektrofiltra, płuczki do mokrego odsiarczania spalin, układu dozowania sorbentów pylistych, filtra workowego oraz aparatury kontrolno-pomiarowej do monitorowania m.in. zawartości rtęci i jej specjacji w gazach spalinowych. Badania, które zostaną przeprowadzone na instalacji demonstracyjnej obejmą m.in.: określenie dystrybucji rtęci pomiędzy poszczególne produkty procesu spalania węgla i oczyszczania gazów spalinowych, tj. żużel, popioły lotne wydzielane w elektrofiltrze, gips powstający w instalacji odsiarczania spalin oraz gazy spalinowe emitowane do atmosfery. Zostanie określona skuteczność redukcji emisji rtęci w metodach pasywnych, tj. SCR, ESP, WFGD. Zasadnicza część badań obejmować będzie usuwanie rtęci w wyniku iniekcji pylistych sorbentów do gazów spalinowych. Przedmiotem badań będą różne sorbenty: pyliste węgle aktywne oraz ich tanie substytuty oraz sorbenty mineralne, jak również miejsce dozowania sorbentów. Harmonogram przewiduje również badania nad utylizacją zużytych sorbentów. Istotnym elementem instalacji demonstracyjnej będzie możliwość pomiaru on line specjacji rtęci w gazach spalinowych, która jest jednym z najistotniejszych czynników decydujących o skuteczności redukcji emisji rtęci do atmosfery. Wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na tej instalacji pozwolą na opracowanie optymalnego układu usuwania rtęci z gazów spalinowych w aspekcie spełnienia wymagań tzw. Konwencji Rtęciowej.Poland is a “Significant aggregate mercury emitter” with annual emissions to the atmosphere above 10 Mg. Almost 60% of this emission is caused by power plants and heating and power plants. This paper presents the conception of a demo installation for monitoring and reduction of mercury emissions from coal-fired boilers. The installation will be localized at a 225 MW boiler equipped with a Selective Catalytic Reduction system. The demo installation will be supplied with raw flue gases up to 20,000 m3 /h and will consist of the following nodes: an electrostatic precipitator, Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization, powdered sorbents dispensing system, fabric filter, and control and measuring equipment. Research conducted on the demo installation will include, among other things, the determination of mercury distribution between products of coal combustion and products of flue gases purification: slag, fly ashes, gypsum, and flue gases emitted to the atmosphere. The efficiency of reducing mercury emissions will be determined for passive methods such as: Selective Catalytic Reduction, Electrostatic Precipitator, and Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization. An essential part of the project will be focused on mercury removal via powdery sorbents injection into flue gases at different injection sites. Different sorbents such as powdered activated carbons, their cheap substitutes, and mineral sorbents will be tested. Research on the utilization of used sorbents will be carried out as well. Importantly, the demo installation will allow for the online monitoring of mercury speciation in flue gases. This speciation is a crucial factor determining the efficiency of reducing mercury emissions into the atmosphere. Research conducted on this installation will allow the development of an optimal system of mercury removal from flue gases under the terms of the Mercury Convention’s requirements

    Viewing of Internet-Based Sexually Explicit Media as a Risk Factor for Condomless Anal Sex among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Four U.S. Cities

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    <div><p>The last decade has seen a dramatic increase in the availability of sexually explicit media (SEM) on the Internet. Men who have sex with men (MSM) report near universal use of SEM. However, this widespread use of SEM among MSM may contribute to more condomless anal sex. To examine the association of viewing SEM on the Internet and the number of condomless anal sex encounters among MSM, in 2012, an online survey was conducted of 265 MSM from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Washington D.C. who reported viewing SEM online in the past 3 months. Analyses were performed using negative binomial regression. Nearly all men reported viewing SEM featuring anal sex with (91%) or without (92%) condoms in the past 3 months. Neither viewing more hours of SEM per week or compulsively viewing SEM were associated with more condomless anal sex encounters. Rather, viewing a greater proportion of SEM containing condomless anal sex was associated with engaging in more condomless anal encounters (IRR = 1.25), while viewing a greater proportion of SEM containing anal sex where condoms were used was associated with fewer condomless anal sex encounters (IRR = 0.62). MSM reported that viewing SEM caused changes in their sexual fantasies, desires, and behaviors. These findings provide important insights for health policy and the design of interventions addressing SEM and condomless sex among MSM. The findings suggest that condom use by SEM performers may benefit not only actor health, but also have health implications for SEM viewers.</p></div