402 research outputs found

    Recoil velocity at 2PN order for spinning black hole binaries

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    We compute the flux of linear momentum carried by gravitational waves emitted from spinning binary black holes at 2PN order for generic orbits. In particular we provide explicit expressions of three new types of terms, namely next-to-leading order spin-orbit terms at 1.5 PN order, spin-orbit tail terms at 2PN order, and spin-spin terms at 2PN order. Restricting ourselves to quasi-circular orbits, we integrate the linear momentum flux over time to obtain the recoil velocity as function of orbital frequency. We find that in the so-called superkick configuration the higher-order spin corrections can increase the recoil velocity up to about a factor 3 with respect to the leading-order PN prediction. Furthermore, we provide expressions valid for generic orbits, and accurate at 2PN order, for the energy and angular momentum carried by gravitational waves emitted from spinning binary black holes. Specializing to quasi-circular orbits we compute the spin-spin terms at 2PN order in the expression for the evolution of the orbital frequency and found agreement with Mik\'oczi, Vas\'uth and Gergely. We also verified that in the limit of extreme mass ratio our expressions for the energy and angular momentum fluxes match the ones of Tagoshi, Shibata, Tanaka and Sasaki obtained in the context of black hole perturbation theory.Comment: 28 pages (PRD format), 1 figure, reference added, version published in PRD, except that the PRD version contains a sign error: the sign of the RHS of Eqs.(4.26) and (4.27) is wrong; it has been corrected in this replacemen

    How black holes get their kicks: Gravitational radiation recoil revisited

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    Gravitational waves from the coalescence of binary black holes carry away linear momentum, causing center of mass recoil. This "radiation rocket" effect has important implications for systems with escape speeds of order the recoil velocity. We revisit this problem using black hole perturbation theory, treating the binary as a test mass spiraling into a spinning hole. For extreme mass ratios (q = m1/m2 << 1) we compute the recoil for the slow inspiral epoch of binary coalescence very accurately; these results can be extrapolated to q ~ 0.4 with modest accuracy. Although the recoil from the final plunge contributes significantly to the final recoil, we are only able to make crude estimates of its magnitude. We find that the recoil can easily reach ~ 100-200 km/s, but most likely does not exceed ~ 500 km/s. Though much lower than previous estimates, this recoil is large enough to have important astrophysical consequences. These include the ejection of black holes from globular clusters, dwarf galaxies, and high-redshift dark matter halos.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, emulateapj style; minor changes made; accepted to ApJ Letter

    Gravitational Recoil during Binary Black Hole Coalescence using the Effective One Body Approach

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    Using the Effective One Body approach, that includes nonperturbative resummed estimates for the damping and conservative parts of the compact binary dynamics, we compute the recoil during the late inspiral and the subsequent plunge of non-spinning black holes of comparable masses moving in quasi-circular orbits. Further, using a prescription that smoothly connects the plunge phase to a perturbed single black hole, we obtain an estimate for the total recoil associated with the binary black hole coalescence. We show that the crucial physical feature which determines the magnitude of the terminal recoil is the presence of a ``burst'' of linear momentum flux emitted slightly before coalescence. When using the most natural expression for the linear momentum flux during the plunge, together with a Taylor-expanded (v/c)4(v/c)^4 correction factor, we find that the maximum value of the terminal recoil is 74\sim 74 km/s and occurs for a mass ratio m2/m10.38m_2/m_1 \simeq 0.38. We comment, however, on the fact that the above `best bet estimate' is subject to strong uncertainties because the location and amplitude of the crucial peak of linear momentum flux happens at a moment during the plunge where most of the simplifying analytical assumptions underlying the Effective One Body approach are no longer justified. Changing the analytical way of estimating the linear momentum flux, we find maximum recoils that range between 49 and 172 km/s. (Abridged)Comment: 46 pages, new figures and discussions, to appear in PR

    Recoiling Black Holes in Quasars

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    Recent simulations of merging black holes with spin give recoil velocities from gravitational radiation up to several thousand km/s. A recoiling supermassive black hole can retain the inner part of its accretion disk, providing fuel for a continuing QSO phase lasting millions of years as the hole moves away from the galactic nucleus. One possible observational manifestation of a recoiling accretion disk is in QSO emission lines shifted in velocity from the host galaxy. We have examined QSOs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with broad emission lines substantially shifted relative to the narrow lines. We find no convincing evidence for recoiling black holes carrying accretion disks. We place an upper limit on the incidence of recoiling black holes in QSOs of 4% for kicks greater than 500 km/s and 0.35% for kicks greater than 1000 km/s line-of-sight velocity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses emulateapj, Submitted to ApJ Letter

    Gamma-ray emission from dark matter wakes of recoiled black holes

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    A new scenario for the emission of high-energy gamma-rays from dark matter annihilation around massive black holes is presented. A black hole can leave its parent halo, by means of gravitational radiation recoil, in a merger event or in the asymmetric collapse of its progenitor star. A recoiled black hole which moves on an almost-radial orbit outside the virial radius of its central halo, in the cold dark matter background, reaches its apapsis in a finite time. Near or at the apapsis passage, a high-density wake extending over a large radius of influence, forms around the black hole. It is shown that significant gamma-ray emission can result from the enhancement of neutralino annihilation in these wakes. At its apapsis passage, a black hole is shown to produce a flash of high-energy gamma-rays whose duration is determined by the mass of the black hole and the redshift at which it is ejected. The ensemble of such black holes in the Hubble volume is shown to produce a diffuse high-energy gamma-ray background whose magnitude is compared to the diffuse emission from dark matter haloes alone.Comment: version to appear in Astrophysical Journal letters (labels on Fig. 3 corrected

    Recoil velocities from equal-mass binary black-hole mergers: a systematic investigation of spin-orbit aligned configurations

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    Binary black-hole systems with spins aligned with the orbital angular momentum are of special interest, as studies indicate that this configuration is preferred in nature. If the spins of the two bodies differ, there can be a prominent beaming of the gravitational radiation during the late plunge, causing a recoil of the final merged black hole. We perform an accurate and systematic study of recoil velocities from a sequence of equal-mass black holes whose spins are aligned with the orbital angular momentum, and whose individual spins range from a = +0.584 to -0.584. In this way we extend and refine the results of a previous study and arrive at a consistent maximum recoil of 448 +- 5 km/s for anti-aligned models as well as to a phenomenological expression for the recoil velocity as a function of spin ratio. This relation highlights a nonlinear behavior, not predicted by the PN estimates, and can be readily employed in astrophysical studies on the evolution of binary black holes in massive galaxies. An essential result of our analysis is the identification of different stages in the waveform, including a transient due to lack of an initial linear momentum in the initial data. Furthermore we are able to identify a pair of terms which are largely responsible for the kick, indicating that an accurate computation can be obtained from modes up to l=3. Finally, we provide accurate measures of the radiated energy and angular momentum, finding these to increase linearly with the spin ratio, and derive simple expressions for the final spin and the radiated angular momentum which can be easily implemented in N-body simulations of compact stellar systems. Our code is calibrated with strict convergence tests and we verify the correctness of our measurements by using multiple independent methods whenever possible.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, 5 table

    Exploring black hole superkicks

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    Recent calculations of the recoil velocity in black-hole binary mergers have found kick velocities of 2500\approx2500 km/s for equal-mass binaries with anti-aligned initial spins in the orbital plane. In general the dynamics of spinning black holes can be extremely complicated and are difficult to analyze and understand. In contrast, the ``superkick'' configuration is an example with a high degree of symmetry that also exhibits exciting physics. We exploit the simplicity of this ``test case'' to study more closely the role of spin in black-hole recoil and find that: the recoil is with good accuracy proportional to the difference between the (l=2,m=±2)(l = 2, m = \pm 2) modes of Ψ4\Psi_4, the major contribution to the recoil occurs within 30M30M before and after the merger, and that this is after the time at which a standard post-Newtonian treatment breaks down. We also discuss consequences of the (l=2,m=±2)(l = 2, m = \pm 2) asymmetry in the gravitational wave signal for the angular dependence of the SNR and the mismatch of the gravitational wave signals corresponding to the north and south poles

    The gravitational wave rocket

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    Einstein's equations admit solutions corresponding to photon rockets. In these a massive particle recoils because of the anisotropic emission of photons. In this paper we ask whether rocket motion can be powered only by the emission of gravitational waves. We use the double series approximation method and show that this is possible. A loss of mass and gain in momentum arise in the second approximation because of the emission of quadrupole and octupole waves.Comment: 10 pages LaTe

    Consequences of gravitational radiation recoil

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    Coalescing binary black holes experience an impulsive kick due to anisotropic emission of gravitational waves. We discuss the dynamical consequences of the recoil accompanying massive black hole mergers. Recoil velocities are sufficient to eject most coalescing black holes from dwarf galaxies and globular clusters, which may explain the apparent absence of massive black holes in these systems. Ejection from giant elliptical galaxies would be rare, but coalescing black holes are displaced from the center and fall back on a time scale of order the half-mass crossing time. Displacement of the black holes transfers energy to the stars in the nucleus and can convert a steep density cusp into a core. Radiation recoil calls into question models that grow supermassive black holes from hierarchical mergers of stellar-mass precursors.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, emulateapj style; minor changes made; accepted to ApJ Letter

    Constraints from Gravitational Recoil on the Growth of Supermassive Black Holes at High Redshift

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    Recent studies have shown that during their coalescence, binary supermassive black holes (SMBHs) experience a gravitational recoil with velocities of 100 km/s < v(kick) < 600 km/s. These velocities exceed the escape velocity v(esc) from typical dark matter (DM) halos at high-redshift (z>6), and therefore put constraints on scenarios in which early SMBHs grow at the centers of DM halos. Here we quantify these constraints for the most distant known SMBHs, with inferred masses in excess of 10^9 M(sun), powering the bright quasars discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey at z>6. We assume that these SMBHs grew via a combination of accretion and mergers between pre-existing seed BHs in individual progenitor halos, and that mergers between progenitors with v(esc) < v(kick) disrupt the BH growth process. Our results suggest that under these assumptions, the z=6 SMBHs had a phase during which gained mass significantly more rapidly than under an Eddington-limited exponential growth rate.Comment: submitted to ApJ Letters, 5 emulateapj pages with 1 figur