402 research outputs found

    An m sin i = 24 Earth Mass Planetary Companion To The Nearby M Dwarf GJ 176

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    We report the detection of a planetary companion with a minimum mass of m sin i = 0.0771 M_Jup = 24.5 M_Earth to the nearby (d = 9.4 pc) M2.5V star GJ 176. The star was observed as part of our M dwarf planet search at the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET). The detection is based on 5 years of high-precision differential radial velocity (RV) measurements using the High-Resolution-Spectrograph (HRS). The orbital period of the planet is 10.24 d. GJ 176 thus joins the small (but increasing) sample of M dwarfs hosting short-periodic planets with minimum masses in the Neptune-mass range. Low mass planets could be relatively common around M dwarfs and the current detections might represent the tip of a rocky planet population.Comment: 13 pages preprint, 3 figures, submitted to Ap

    Stellar Activity and its Implications for Exoplanet Detection on GJ 176

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    We present an in-depth analysis of stellar activity and its effects on radial velocity (RV) for the M2 dwarf GJ 176 based on spectra taken over 10 years from the High Resolution Spectrograph on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. These data are supplemented with spectra from previous observations with the HIRES and HARPS spectrographs, and V- and R-band photometry taken over 6 years at the Dyer and Fairborn observatories. Previous studies of GJ 176 revealed a super-Earth exoplanet in an 8.8-day orbit. However, the velocities of this star are also known to be contaminated by activity, particularly at the 39-day stellar rotation period. We have examined the magnetic activity of GJ 176 using the sodium I D lines, which have been shown to be a sensitive activity tracer in cool stars. In addition to rotational modulation, we see evidence of a long-term trend in our Na I D index, which may be part of a long-period activity cycle. The sodium index is well correlated with our RVs, and we show that this activity trend drives a corresponding slope in RV. Interestingly, the rotation signal remains in phase in photometry, but not in the spectral activity indicators. We interpret this phenomenon as the result of one or more large spot complexes or active regions which dominate the photometric variability, while the spectral indices are driven by the overall magnetic activity across the stellar surface. In light of these results, we discuss the potential for correcting activity signals in the RVs of M dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Determination Of The Orbit Of The Planetary Companion To The Metal Rich Star HD 45350

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    We present the precise radial velocity (RV) data for the metal-rich star HD 45350 collected with the Harlan J. Smith (HJS) 2.7 m telescope and the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) at McDonald Observatory. This star was noticed by us as a candidate for having a giant planetary companion in a highly eccentric orbit, but the lack of data close to periastron left the amplitude and thus mass of the planet poorly constrained. Marcy et al. (2005) announced the presence of the planet based on their Keck/HIRES data, but those authors also cautioned that the remaining uncertainties in the orbital solution might be large due to insufficient data near periastron passage. In order to close this phase gap we exploited the flexible queue scheduled observing mode of the HET to obtain intensive coverage of the most recent periastron passage of the planet. In combination with the long term data from the HJS 2.7 m telescope we determine a Keplerian orbital solution for this system with a period of 962 days, an eccentricity of e=0.76 and a velocity semi-amplitude K of 57.4 m/s. The planet has a minimum mass of m sin i = 1.82 +- 0.14 M_Jup and an orbital semi-major axis of a = 1.92 +-0.07 AU.Comment: 9 pages preprint, 4 figures, accepted in A

    A Planetary Companion to gamma Cephei A

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    We report on the detection of a planetary companion in orbit around the primary star of the binary system γ\gamma Cephei. High precision radial velocity measurements using 4 independent data sets spanning the time interval 1981--2002 reveal long-lived residual radial velocity variations superimposed on the binary orbit that are coherent in phase and amplitude with a period or 2.48 years (906 days) and a semi-amplitude of 27.5 m s1^{-1}. We performed a careful analysis of our Ca II H & K S-index measurements, spectral line bisectors, and {\it Hipparcos} photometry. We found no significant variations in these quantities with the 906-d period. We also re-analyzed the Ca II λ\lambda8662 {\AA} measurements of Walker et al. (1992) which showed possible periodic variations with the ``planet'' period when first published. This analysis shows that periodic Ca II equivalent width variations were only present during 1986.5 -- 1992 and absent during 1981--1986.5. Furthermore, a refined period for the Ca II λ\lambda8662 {\AA} variations is 2.14 yrs, significantly less than residual radial velocity period. The most likely explanation of the residual radial velocity variations is a planetary mass companion with MM sin ii = 1.7 MJupiterM_{Jupiter} and an orbital semi-major axis of a2a_2 == 2.13 AU. This supports the planet hypothesis for the residual radial velocity variations for γ\gamma Cep first suggested by Walker et al. (1992). With an estimated binary orbital period of 57 years γ\gamma Cep is the shortest period binary system in which an extrasolar planet has been found. This system may provide insights into the relationship between planetary and binary star formation.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted in Ap. J. Includes additional data and improved orbital solutio

    The planet search programme at the ESO CES and HARPS. IV. The search for Jupiter analogues around solar-like stars

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    In 1992 we began a precision radial velocity (RV) survey for planets around solar-like stars with the Coude Echelle Spectrograph and the Long Camera (CES LC) at the 1.4 m telescope in La Silla (Chile). We have continued the survey with the upgraded CES Very Long Camera (VLC) and HARPS, both at the 3.6 m telescope, until 2007. The observations for 31 stars cover a time span of up to 15 years and the RV precision permit a search for Jupiter analogues. We perform a joint analysis for variability, trends, periodicities, and Keplerian orbits and compute detection limits. Moreover, the HARPS RVs are analysed for correlations with activity indicators (CaII H&K and CCF shape). We achieve a long-term RV precision of 15 m/s (CES+LC, 1992-1998), 9 m/s (CES+VLC, 1999-2006), and 2.8 m/s (HARPS, 2003-2009, including archive data), resp. This enables us to confirm the known planets around Iota Hor, HR 506, and HR 3259. A steady RV trend for Eps Ind A can be explained by a planetary companion. On the other hand, we find previously reported trends to be smaller for Beta Hyi and not present for Alp Men. The candidate planet Eps Eri b was not detected despite our better precision. Also the planet announced for HR 4523 cannot be confirmed. Long-term trends in several of our stars are compatible with known stellar companions. We provide a spectroscopic orbital solution for the binary HR 2400 and refined solutions for the planets around HR 506 and Iota Hor. For some other stars the variations could be attributed to stellar activity. The occurrence of two Jupiter-mass planets in our sample is in line with the estimate of 10% for the frequency of giant planets with periods smaller than 10 yr around solar-like stars. We have not detected a Jupiter analogue, while the detections limits for circular orbits indicate at 5 AU a sensitivity for minimum mass of at least 1 M_Jup (2 M_Jup) for 13% (61%) of the stars.Comment: 63 pages, 24 figures (+33 online figures), 13 Tables, accepted for publication in A&A (2012-11-13

    Evidence for a Long-period Planet Orbiting Epsilon Eridani

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    High precision radial velocity (RV) measurements spanning the years 1980.8--2000.0 are presented for the nearby (3.22 pc) K2 V star ϵ\epsilon Eri. These data, which represent a combination of six independent data sets taken with four different telescopes, show convincing variations with a period of \approx 7 yrs. A least squares orbital solution using robust estimation yields orbital parameters of period, PP = 6.9 yrs, velocity KK-amplitude == 19 {\ms}, eccentricity ee == 0.6, projected companion mass MM sin ii = 0.86 MJupiterM_{Jupiter}, and semi-major axis a2a_2 == 3.3 AU. Ca II H&K S-index measurements spanning the same time interval show significant variations with periods of 3 and 20 yrs, yet none at the RV period. If magnetic activity were responsible for the RV variations then it produces a significantly different period than is seen in the Ca II data. Given the lack of Ca II variation with the same period as that found in the RV measurements, the long-lived and coherent nature of these variations, and the high eccentricity of the implied orbit, Keplerian motion due to a planetary companion seems to be the most likely explanation for the observed RV variations. The wide angular separation of the planet from the star (approximately 1 arc-second) and the long orbital period make this planet a prime candidate for both direct imaging and space-based astrometric measurements.Comment: To appear in Astrophysical Journal Letters. 9 pages, 2 figure

    A Search for Multi-Planet Systems Using the Hobby-Eberly Telescope

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    Extrasolar multiple-planet systems provide valuable opportunities for testing theories of planet formation and evolution. The architectures of the known multiple-planet systems demonstrate a fascinating level of diversity, which motivates the search for additional examples of such systems in order to better constrain their formation and dynamical histories. Here we describe a comprehensive investigation of 22 planetary systems in an effort to answer three questions: 1) Are there additional planets? 2) Where could additional planets reside in stable orbits? and 3) What limits can these observations place on such objects? We find no evidence for additional bodies in any of these systems; indeed, these new data do not support three previously announced planets (HD 20367b: Udry et al. 2003, HD 74156d: Bean et al. 2008, and 47 UMa c: Fischer et al. 2002). The dynamical simulations show that nearly all of the 22 systems have large regions in which additional planets could exist in stable orbits. The detection-limit computations indicate that this study is sensitive to close-in Neptune-mass planets for most of the systems targeted. We conclude with a discussion on the implications of these non-detections.Comment: Accepted to ApJS. Includes 39 pages of radial-velocity data table

    Elemental Abundances of Solar Sibling Candidates

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    Dynamical information along with survey data on metallicity and in some cases age have been used recently by some authors to search for candidates of stars that were born in the cluster where the Sun formed. We have acquired high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra for 30 of these objects to determine, using detailed elemental abundance analysis, if they could be true solar siblings. Only two of the candidates are found to have solar chemical composition. Updated modeling of the stars' past orbits in a realistic Galactic potential reveals that one of them, HD162826, satisfies both chemical and dynamical conditions for being a sibling of the Sun. Measurements of rare-element abundances for this star further confirm its solar composition, with the only possible exception of Sm. Analysis of long-term high-precision radial velocity data rules out the presence of hot Jupiters and confirms that this star is not in a binary system. We find that chemical tagging does not necessarily benefit from studying as many elements as possible, but instead from identifying and carefully measuring the abundances of those elements which show large star-to-star scatter at a given metallicity. Future searches employing data products from ongoing massive astrometric and spectroscopic surveys can be optimized by acknowledging this fact.Comment: ApJ, in press. Tables 2 and 4 are available in full in the "Other formats: source" downloa