292 research outputs found

    Wormholes and Child Universes

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    Evidence to the case that classical gravitation provides the clue to make sense out of quantum gravity is presented. The key observation is the existence in classical gravitation of child universe solutions or "almost" solutions, "almost" because of some singularity problems. The difficulties of these child universe solutions due to their generic singularity problems will be very likely be cured by quantum effects, just like for example "almost" instanton solutions are made relevant in gauge theories with breaking of conformal invariance. Some well motivated modifcations of General Relativity where these singularity problems are absent even at the classical level are discussed. High energy density excitations, responsible for UV divergences in quantum field theories, including quantum gravity, are likely to be the source of child universes which carry them out of the original space time. This decoupling could prevent these high UV excitations from having any influence on physical amplitudes. Child universe production could therefore be responsible for UV regularization in quantum field theories which take into account semiclassically gravitational effects. Child universe production in the last stages of black hole evaporation, the prediction of absence of tranplanckian primordial perturbations, connection to the minimum length hypothesis and in particular the connection to the maximal curvature hypothesis are discussed. Some discussion of superexcited states in the case these states are Kaluza Klein excitations is carried out. Finally, the posibility of obtaining "string like" effects from the wormholes associated with the child universes is discussed.Comment: Talk presented at the IWARA 2009 Conference, Maresias, Brazil, October 2009, accepted for publication in the proceedings, World Scientific format, 8 page

    Black Holes and Photons with Entropic Force

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    We study entropic force effects on black holes and photons. We find that application of an entropic analysis restricts the radial change ΔR\Delta R of a black hole of radius RHR_{\mathrm{H}}, due to a test particle of a Schwartzchild radius RhR_{h} moving towards the black hole by Δx\Delta x near black body surface, to be given by a relation RHΔR=RhΔx/2R_{\mathrm{H}} \Delta R= R_h \Delta x/2, or {\Delta R}/{\lambdabar_M} = {\Delta x}/{2 \lambdabar_m}. We suggest a new rule regarding entropy changes in different dimensions, \Delta S= 2\pi k D \Delta l /\lambdabar, which unifies Verlinde's conjecture and the black hole entropy formula. We also propose to extend the entropic force idea to massless particles such as a photon. We find that there is an entropic force on a photon of energy EγE_\gamma, with F=GMmγ/R2F=G M m_{\gamma}/R^2, and therefore the photon has an effective gravitational mass mγ=Eγ/c2m_\gamma = E_\gamma/c^2.Comment: 4 Latex pages, no figure

    Standard Model Parameters and the Cosmological Constant

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    Simple functional relations amongst standard model couplings, including gravitional, are conjectured. Possible implications for cosmology and future theory are discussed.Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    A Curvature Principle for the interaction between universes

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    We propose a Curvature Principle to describe the dynamics of interacting universes in a multi-universe scenario and show, in the context of a simplified model, how interaction drives the cosmological constant of one of the universes toward a vanishingly small value. We also conjecture on how the proposed Curvature Principle suggests a solution for the entropy paradox of a universe where the cosmological constant vanishes.Comment: Essay selected for an honorable mention by the Gravity Research Foundation, 2007. Plain latex, 8 page

    A model of radiating black hole in noncommutative geometry

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    The phenomenology of a radiating Schwarzschild black hole is analyzed in a noncommutative spacetime. It is shown that noncommutativity does not depend on the intensity of the curvature. Thus we legitimately introduce noncommutativity in the weak field limit by a coordinate coherent state approach. The new interesting results are the following: i) the existence of a minimal non-zero mass to which black hole can shrink; ii) a finite maximum temperature that the black hole can reach before cooling down to absolute zero; iii) the absence of any curvature singularity. The proposed scenario offers a possible solution to conventional difficulties when describing terminal phase of black hole evaporation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Microbial Symbionts and Ecological Divergence of Caribbean Sponges: A New Perspective on an Ancient Association

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    Marine sponges host diverse communities of microbial symbionts that expand the metabolic capabilities of their host, but the abundance and structure of these communities is highly variable across sponge species. Specificity in these interactions may fuel host niche partitioning on crowded coral reefs by allowing individual sponge species to exploit unique sources of carbon and nitrogen, but this hypothesis is yet to be tested. Given the presence of high sponge biomass and the coexistence of diverse sponge species, the Caribbean Sea provides a unique system in which to investigate this hypothesis. To test for ecological divergence among sympatric Caribbean sponges and investigate whether these trends are mediated by microbial symbionts, we measured stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) ratios and characterized the microbial community structure of sponge species at sites within four regions spanning a 1700 km latitudinal gradient. There was a low (median of 8.2 %) overlap in the isotopic niches of sympatric species; in addition, host identity accounted for over 75% of the dissimilarity in both δ13C and δ15N values and microbiome community structure among individual samples within a site. There was also a strong phylogenetic signal in both δ15N values and microbial community diversity across host phylogeny, as well as a correlation between microbial community structure and variation in δ13C and δ15N values across samples. Together, this evidence supports a hypothesis of strong evolutionary selection for ecological divergence across sponge lineages and suggests that this divergence is at least partially mediated by associations with microbial symbionts
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