749 research outputs found

    Quantum interference in laser-induced nonsequential double ionization in diatomic molecules: the role of alignment and orbital symmetry

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    We address the influence of the orbital symmetry and of the molecular alignment with respect to the laser-field polarization on laser-induced nonsequential double ionization of diatomic molecules, in the length and velocity gauges. We work within the strong-field approximation and assume that the second electron is dislodged by electron-impact ionization, and also consider the classical limit of this model. We show that the electron-momentum distributions exhibit interference maxima and minima due to the electron emission at spatially separated centers. The interference patterns survive the integration over the transverse momenta for a small range of alignment angles, and are sharpest for parallel-aligned molecules. Due to the contributions of transverse-momentum components, these patterns become less defined as the alignment angle increases, until they disappear for perpendicular alignment. This behavior influences the shapes and the peaks of the electron momentum distributions.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures; some discussions have been extended and some figures slightly modifie

    Photon Momentum Transfer in Single-Photon Double Ionization of Helium

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    We theoretically and experimentally investigate the photon momentum transfer in single-photon double ionization of helium at various large photon energies. We find that the forward shifts of the momenta along the light propagation of the two photoelectrons are roughly proportional to their fraction of the excess energy. The mean value of the forward momentum is about 8/5 of the electron energy divided by the speed of light. This holds for fast and slow electrons despite the fact that the energy sharing is highly asymmetric and the slow electron is known to be ejected by secondary processes of shake off and knockout rather than directly taking its energy from the photon. The biggest deviations from this rule are found for the region of equal energy sharing where the quasifree mechanism dominates double ionization

    Carbon K-shell Photo Ionization of CO: Molecular frame angular Distributions of normal and conjugate shakeup Satellites

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    We have measured the molecular frame angular distributions of photoelectrons emitted from the Carbon K shell of fixed-in-space CO molecules for the case of simultaneous excitation of the remaining molecular ion. Normal and conjugate shake up states are observed. Photo electrons belonging to normal \Sigma -satellite lines show an angular distribution resembling that observed for the main photoline at the same electron energy. Surprisingly a similar shape is found for conjugate shake up states with \Pi -symmetry. In our data we identify shake rather than electron scattering (PEVE) as the mechanism producing the conjugate lines. The angular distributions clearly show the presence of a \Sigma -shape resonance for all of the satellite lines.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Interatomic Coulombic Decay following Photoionization of the Helium Dimer: Observation of Vibrational Structure

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    Using synchrotron radiation we simultaneously ionize and excite one helium atom of a helium dimer (He_2) in a shakeup process. The populated states of the dimer ion (i.e. He^[*+](n = 2; 3)-He) are found to deexcite via interatomic coulombic decay. This leads to the emission of a second electron from the neutral site and a subsequent coulomb explosion. In this letter we present a measurement of the momenta of fragments that are created during this reaction. The electron energy distribution and the kinetic energy release of the two He^+ ions show pronounced oscillations which we attribute to the structure of the vibrational wave function of the dimer ion.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Single photon double ionization of the helium dimer

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    We show that a single photon can ionize the two helium atoms of the helium dimer in a distance up to 10 {\deg}A. The energy sharing among the electrons, the angular distributions of the ions and electrons as well as comparison with electron impact data for helium atoms suggest a knock-off type double ionization process. The Coulomb explosion imaging of He_2 provides a direct view of the nuclear wave function of this by far most extended and most diffuse of all naturally existing molecules.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Two-particle interference of electron pairs on a molecular level

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    We investigate the photo-doubleionization of H2H_2 molecules with 400 eV photons. We find that the emitted electrons do not show any sign of two-center interference fringes in their angular emission distributions if considered separately. In contrast, the quasi-particle consisting of both electrons (i.e. the "dielectron") does. The work highlights the fact that non-local effects are embedded everywhere in nature where many-particle processes are involved

    Eine verbesserte fluorimetrische Cortisolbestimmung im Serum

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    Die fluorimetrische Methode zur Bestimmung von Serumcortisol wurde durch blasenfreie Füllung einer Spezialküvette mittels Pumpvorrichtung, durch Benützung eines Spectralfluorimeters, sowie Verlegung des Meßzeitpunktes (80 min) und durch optimale Anregung (464 nm) und Emissionsmessung (522 nm) verbessert. Empfindlichkeit (<1 µg Cortisol/100 ml), Richtigkeit, Genauigkeit, Reproduzierbarkeit von Tag zu Tag (VK=6–7%) und Störfaktoren der Methode werden angegeben. Mit dieser Methode wurden Normalberciche für die 9 Uhr-Nüchterncortisolwerte und die i.v. ACTH-Belastung ermittelt. Bei NNR-insuffizienten Patienten (M. Addison; Zustand nach Operation eines Hypophysentumors; total Adrenalektomierte) wurden i.v. ACTH-Belastungen durchgeführt, wobei sich bereits beim 9 Uhr-Nüchterncortisolwert eine diagnostisch gut brauchbare Trennung gegenüber dem Normalbereich ergab. Unter Dexamethasonsubstitution wurden bei NNR-Insuffizienz sehr niedrige Cortisolspiegel gemessen, was für die Spezifität der Methode spricht. Dic Bestimmung des 24 Std-Rhythmus der Cortisolwerte bei NNR-Insuffizienten zeigte, daß besonders in den frühen Morgenstunden im Vergleich zu Normalpersonen erniedrigte Cortisolspiegel bestehen. Daraus wird ein besserer Verteilungsvorschlag für die Cortisol-substitution abgeleitet.The fluorimetric determination of serum cortisol was improved 1. using a pumpdevice to fill a special microcuvette avoiding the development of small bubbles, 2. using a recording spectrofluorometer with optimal absorption (464 nm) and emission (522 nm), and 3. allowing for maximal fluorescence of cortisol (80 min). Sensitivity (<1 µg cortisol/100 ml), accuracy, precision and specificity of the method are reported. Normal values of 9.00 a.m. serum cortisol (9.7–32.0 µg/100 ml) and of values before and after ACTH infusion tests were determined. For adrenal insufficiency (Addisons disease, total adrenalectomy, or after hypophysectomy) the 9.00 a.m. values of serum cortisol were generally satisfactory for diagnosis. In partial adrenal insufficiency ACTH infusion tests had to be performed. Very low levels of serum cortisol (2–4 µg/100 ml) were obtained, when patients with adrenal insufficiency were substituted with dexamethasone for three days, proving the specificity of the method. Determination of circadian rhythms of serum cortisol in patients with adrenal insufficiency on cortisol substitutive therapy in divided doses demonstrated cortisol levels far below the normal values during the carly morning hours. This situation should be improved by dividing the cortisol dose as follows: 6 a.m.: 10 mg, 10 a.m.: 5 mg, 2 p.m.: 5 mg and 8 p.m. or later: 10 mg cortisol

    Quasi-discretization Of The Electron Continuum Emitted In Collisions Of 0.6 Mev U−¹ Au11+ With Noble Gases

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    We have measured relative doubly differential cross sections for electron emission in collisions of 0.6 MeV u−1 Au11+ projectile ions with He, Ne and Ar targets for laboratory electron-detection angles between 17\u27 and 80\u27 and electron energies from 100 eV to well above the classical binary encounter region. The authors observe that, independent of the target Zt, the electron spectra display three characteristic peak-line structures whose energies are nearly invariant with observation angle. These structures are attributed to the diffraction of quasi-free target electrons in the potential of the projectile. © 1992 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Revealing the Two-Electron Cusp in the Ground States of He and H2 via Quasifree Double Photoionization

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    We report on kinematically complete measurements and ab initio non-perturbative calculations of double ionization of He and H2 by a single 800 eV circularly polarized photon. We confirm the quasifree mechanism of photoionization for H2 and show how it originates from the two-electron cusp in the ground state of a two-electron target. Our approach establishes a new method for mapping electrons relative to each other and provides valuable insight into photoionization beyond the electric-dipole approximation.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure