5,713 research outputs found

    Reduction of errors in vibratory gyroscopes by double modulation

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    Reduction of errors in vibratory gyroscopes by double modulatio

    Reconstruction subgrid models for nonpremixed combustion

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    Large-eddy simulation of combustion problems involves highly nonlinear terms that, when filtered, result in a contribution from subgrid fluctuations of scalars, Z, to the dynamics of the filtered value. This subgrid contribution requires modeling. Reconstruction models try to recover as much information as possible from the resolved field Z, based on a deconvolution procedure to obtain an intermediate field ZM. The approximate reconstruction using moments (ARM) method combines approximate reconstruction, a purely mathematical procedure, with additional physics-based information required to match specific scalar moments, in the simplest case, the Reynolds-averaged value of the subgrid variance. Here, results from the analysis of the ARM model in the case of a spatially evolving turbulent plane jet are presented. A priori and a posteriori evaluations using data from direct numerical simulation are carried out. The nonlinearities considered are representative of reacting flows: power functions, the dependence of the density on the mixture fraction (relevant for conserved scalar approaches) and the Arrhenius nonlinearity (very localized in Z space). Comparisons are made against the more popular beta probability density function (PDF) approach in the a priori analysis, trying to define ranges of validity for each approach. The results show that the ARM model is able to capture the subgrid part of the variance accurately over a wide range of filter sizes and performs well for the different nonlinearities, giving uniformly better predictions than the beta PDF for the polynomial case. In the case of the density and Arrhenius nonlinearities, the relative performance of the ARM and traditional PDF approaches depends on the size of the subgrid variance with respect to a characteristic scale of each function. Furthermore, the sources of error associated with the ARM method are considered and analytical bounds on that error are obtained

    A Tension Shell Structure for Application to Entry Vehicles

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    The shape of a shell of revolution designed t o have only tensile stresses under axisymmetric aerodynamic loadings has been derived on the basis of linear membrane theory. values of circumferential tension is also given. The results of this paper indicate that the design of an entry vehicle based on the tension shell concept leads to desirable aerodynamic and structural characteristics, namely, high drag and low weight

    Ergovaline and Ergovalinine and Tall Fescue Content of Pastures in Central Kentucky

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    Kentucky has \u3e 2Mha of tall fescue (Festuca arundianacea Schreb.) grown mainly for livestock consumption. Many alkaloids in tall fescue are produced in a mutualistic association between tall fescue and an endophytic fungus (Neotyphodium coenophialum) (Long et al., 2002). Ingestion of tall fescue by livestock may depress reproduction and growth (Schultz & Bush, 2002). Not all Kentucky fields of tall fescue are thought to be infected with endophyte, but forage samples from all surveyed pastures had measurable ergopeptine alkaloids. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that some of the tall fescue plants in these fields were infected. We estimated tall fescue content and evaluated ergopeptine alkaloids in tall fescue monocultures and composite pastures of several central Kentucky horse farms

    Ancient Amazonian populations left lasting impacts on forest structure

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    Amazonia contains a vast expanse of contiguous tropical forest and is influential in global carbon and hydrological cycles. Whether ancient Amazonia was highly disturbed or modestly impacted, and how ancient disturbances have shaped current forest ecosystem processes, is still under debate. Amazonian Dark Earths (ADEs), which are anthropic soil types with enriched nutrient levels, are one of the primary lines of evidence for ancient human presence and landscape modifications in settings that mostly lack stone structures and which are today covered by vegetation. We assessed the potential of using moderate spatial resolution optical satellite imagery to predict ADEs across the Amazon Basin. Maximum entropy modeling was used to develop a predictive model using locations of ADEs across the basin and satellite‐derived remotely sensed indices. Amazonian Dark Earth sites were predicted to be primarily along the main rivers and in eastern Amazonia. Amazonian Dark Earth sites, when compared with randomly selected forested sites located within 50 km of ADE sites, were less green canopies (lower normalized difference vegetation index) and had lower canopy water content. This difference was accentuated in two drought years, 2005 and 2010. This is contrary to our expectation that ADE sites would have nutrient‐rich soils that support trees with greener canopies and forests on ADE soils being more resilient to drought. Biomass and tree height were lower on ADE sites in comparison with randomly selected adjacent sites. Our results suggested that ADE‐related ancient human impact on the forest is measurable across the entirety of the 6 million km2 of Amazon Basin using remotely sensed data

    Partial coalescence of soap bubbles

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    We present the results of an experimental investigation of the merger of a soap bubble with a planar soap film. When gently deposited onto a horizontal film, a bubble may interact with the underlying film in such a way as to decrease in size, leaving behind a smaller daughter bubble with approximately half the radius of its progenitor. The process repeats up to three times, with each partial coalescence event occurring over a time scale comparable to the inertial-capillary time. Our results are compared to the recent numerical simulations of Martin and Blanchette [“Simulations of surfactant effects on the dynamics of coalescing drops and bubbles,” Phys. Fluids 27, 012103 (2015)] and to the coalescence cascade of droplets on a fluid bath

    Critical behavior in a cross-situational lexicon learning scenario

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    The associationist account for early word-learning is based on the co-occurrence between objects and words. Here we examine the performance of a simple associative learning algorithm for acquiring the referents of words in a cross-situational scenario affected by noise produced by out-of-context words. We find a critical value of the noise parameter γc\gamma_c above which learning is impossible. We use finite-size scaling to show that the sharpness of the transition persists across a region of order τ1/2\tau^{-1/2} about γc\gamma_c, where τ\tau is the number of learning trials, as well as to obtain the learning error (scaling function) in the critical region. In addition, we show that the distribution of durations of periods when the learning error is zero is a power law with exponent -3/2 at the critical point

    "To Be Nice or Not to Be Nice?” That’s Not the Question: A Case from Clinical Pastoral Education Supervision

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    A cluster of CPE educators in the former Eastern Region of APCE, present a case study of supervision, using the familiar format of reflections from educational, personality theory and theology

    The Structure of Active Merger Remnant NGC 6240 from IRAC Observations

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    NGC 6240 is a rare object in the local universe: an active merger remnant viewed at the point of merging where two active galactic nuclei are visible. We present IRAC data of this object, providing high sensitivity maps of the stellar and PAH distribution in this complicated system. We use photometry to analyze the variation in these distributions with radius and provide an SED in the four IRAC bands: 3.6 microns, 4.5 microns, 5.8 microns and 8.0 microns. We fit the radial profiles of the 3.6 micron band to r^.25 and exponential profiles to evaluate the structure of the remnant. Finally, we compare the IRAC images with multi-wavelength data and examine how outflows in the X-ray, Halpha and CO correlate with 8 micron emission. The results support the general picture of NGC 6240 as a system experiencing a major merger and transitioning from a disk galaxy to a spheroid. The sensitivity of IRAC to low surface brightness mid-infrared features provides detailed information on the extended distributions of stars and dust in this rare system.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Parasite infections in a social carnivore: Evidence of their fitness consequences and factors modulating infection load

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    There are substantial individual differences in parasite composition and infection load in wildlife populations. Few studies have investigated the factors shaping this heterogeneity in large wild mammals or the impact of parasite infections on Darwinian fitness, particularly in juveniles. A host's parasite composition and infection load can be shaped by factors that determine contact with infective parasite stages and those that determine the host's resistance to infection, such as abiotic and social environmental factors, and age. Host–parasite interactions and synergies between coinfecting parasites may also be important. We test predictions derived from these different processes to investigate factors shaping infection loads (fecal egg/oocyte load) of two energetically costly gastrointestinal parasites: the hookworm Ancylostoma and the intracellular Cystoisospora, in juvenile spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) in the Serengeti National Park, in Tanzania. We also assess whether parasite infections curtail survival to adulthood and longevity. Ancylostoma and Cystoisospora infection loads declined as the number of adult clan members increased, a result consistent with an encounter‐reduction effect whereby adults reduced encounters between juveniles and infective larvae, but were not affected by the number of juveniles in a clan. Infection loads decreased with age, possibly because active immune responses to infection improved with age. Differences in parasite load between clans possibly indicate variation in abiotic environmental factors between clan den sites. The survival of juveniles (<365 days old) to adulthood decreased with Ancylostoma load, increased with age, and was modulated by maternal social status. High‐ranking individuals with low Ancylostoma loads had a higher survivorship during the first 4 years of life than high‐ranking individuals with high Ancylostoma loads. These findings suggest that high infection loads with energetically costly parasites such as hookworms during early life can have negative fitness consequences