191 research outputs found

    Membangun Lingkungan Internet Sehat Di Rumah Tinggal Dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Web Filtering

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    Healthy internet is a human activity that access to the public network that the Internet is done in an orderly manner, good, and ethical in accordance with norms and rules that apply in the community. Healthy internet USAge is also by not doing unlawful internet activity, one of them is accessing illegal content (adult website). Currently, the use of Internet technology in the home environment has been very developed, with the ease that given the use of the Internet will be increasing. The problem is how to create a healthy internet environment by not accessing adult website links so that it can be protected from the access of children under age in the neighborhood. To maintain the activities of Internet use at home, then made an application that serves to monitoring the access to the Internet, especially to block the activities of accessing illegal content. This application is made by implementing Squid by way of doing filtering to access web. The results of this study is an application that can be used to monitor the Internet access at home. So it can create a healthy internet environment at home


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    The purpose of this research is to find out the description of performance of the supply chain and analyze the marketing channels for Polianthes tuberosa based on margin calculation and marketing efficiency. The research method used was a survey. Respondents consisted of farmers and actors at the flower marketing agency as well as night. Polianthes tuberosa farmers in Baran Village who were respondents as many as 26 and the number of samples of marketing institutions as many as 30 people consisting of market traders, florists and consumers. The data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative and quantitative based on the supply chain development method in the Asian Productivity Organization (APO). The results of the study show that supply chain performance can be said to be quite good, marked by the fulfillment of demand for Polianthes tuberosa interest to consumers. Clear and directed supply chain goals, good supply chain structure, good supply chain management, sufficient and adequate resources and overall good supply chain performance. There are 3 marketing channels that are already efficient with the value of farmer share in marketing channel I that is 50.19%, marketing channel II which is 50.19% and marketing channel III which is 77.21%

    Pengaruh Ukuran Berat Benih terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Merbau Darat (Intsia Palembanica)

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    The demand of mirabow wood is increasing nowdays, where as the existence species in the nature is getting reduced. Therefore, it\u27s preservation efforts are urgent to be done. Seed size was correlated with it\u27s vigor, where heavy seeds relatively have a better vigor, compare to the light one. The research was aimed to determine the effect of seed size to percentage of germination, average days to germinate, germination value and germination power of mirabow seeds. The research was conducted in greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty Lampung University on November 2013 to January 2014. The research was arranged in Complete Random Design (CRD), with 3 treatments and 4 replications. Seed are classified based on the weight of seed is heavy weight, medium weight, and light weight. Each unit of experiments was used 100 mirabow seeds. The observed variables were consisted of germination percentage, average day to germination, germination value, and germination power. Data analysis methods used were homogeneity of variance, variance analysis, and least significant of difference test at 5% significant level. The results showed that seed size of mirabow has a positive effect to the germination. The heavy weight of seed (> 3.49 grams) gave a better response for germination percentage 80.250% and germination value 1.595 %/day compared with the medium weight (2.36--43.49 grams) and light weight (< 2.36 grams)

    Komposisi Dan Kelimpahan Plankton Di Perairan Pulau Gusung Kepulauan Selayar Sulawesi Selatan

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    Plankton adalah penyusun dasar dalam ekosistem perairan. plankton dapat dibedakan menjadi fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi, kelimpahan, indeks keanekaragaman, indeks keseragaman, indeks dominansi fitoplankton dan zooplankton di perairan Pulau Gusung, Kepulauan Selayar, Sulawesi Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah diskriptif eksploratif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 5 Oktober 2013 pada 5 stasiun yang merupakan kawasan penangkapan ikan karang. Sampel fitoplankton diambil secara pasif dengan menyaring air sebanyak 100 L. Sampel zooplankton diambil secara aktif dengan menyaring air secara horisontal dan di tarik perahu 100 m.Penelitian menunjukan fitoplankton ditemukan 2 kelas yaitu Bacillariophyceae (14 genus), dan Dinophycea (2 genus). Kelimpahan berkisar antara 42.000-92.000 sel/l (kelimpahan sedang) genus dengan kelimpahan tertinggi Rhizosolenia. Indeks keanekaragaman 1,539-1,761 (sedang), indeks keseragaman 0,773-0,889 (tinggi) dan indeks dominansi 0,111-0,227 (tidak ada dominansi). Zooplankton ditemukan 7 filum yaitu Arthopoda (15 genus dari 3 kelas), Cnidaria (1 genus dari 1 kelas), Chaetognata (1 genus dari 1 kelas), Protozoa (1 genus dari 1 kelas), Annelida (3 genus dari 1 kelas), Mollusca (4 genus dari 2 kelas), Chordata (1 kelas). Kelimpahan berkisar antara 2.240 - 4.880 ind/l (kesuburan sedang) genus dengan kelimpahan tertinggi Limacina. Indeks keanekaragaman 2,411-3,303 (sedang-tinggi), indeks keseragaman 0,740-0,908 (tinggi) dan indeks dominansi 0,092-0,260 (tidak ada dominansi)

    The Syriac Galen Palimpsest::Research Methods and Latest Discoveries

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    In this article, we provide an update on the progress of the AHRC-funded Syriac Galen Palimpsest Project, which is directed by Peter E. Pormann at the University of Manchester. We also present a newly identified folio from Book 3 of Galen’s On Simple Drugs—a book hitherto not known to be represented in the manuscript. We offer some preliminary conclusions about the original medical manuscript’s codicological structure, particularly the composition of its quires and the sequence of hair and flesh sides of parchment. Finally, we outline our approach to analysing the undertext’s palaeography, with reference to the methodology devised by Ayda Kaplan

    Carcinome muco-Ă©pidermoide chez une jeune fille de 21 ans

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    Les carcinomes muco-épidermoïdes font partie d’un groupe rare de tumeurs pulmonaires malignes. Ces tumeurs sont le plus souvent retrouvées chez lessujets jeunes. La croissance de la tumeur est en général endo-bronchique et concerne les bronches de grande taille. L’aspect histo-pathologique révèle des cellules produisant du mucus, des cellules épithéliales et des cellules mixtes. Dans cet article nous rapportons l’observation d’une jeune fille de 21 ans avec une tumeur de la bronche souche droite, qui après résection endo-bronchique s’est avéré être un carcinome muco-épidermoïde pulmonaire. La patiente a subi une pneumonectomie droite élargie à la carène avec un curage ganglionnaire médiastinale. Elle est actuellement en rémission après un suivi de 7 mois. Aucun traitement standard n’est défini pour ces tumeurs. Le pronostic dépend du grade histologique, et peut, notamment chez les sujets âgés, être très péjoratif

    Assessing the Capability of Sentinel-2A Data for Mapping Seagrass Percent Cover in Jerowaru, East Lombok

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    Remote sensing technology has been widely used in various applications related to natural resources and environment monitoring. In this paper, we evaluated the capability of new Sentinel-2A image to map the distribution and percent cover of seagrass in optically shallow water of Jerowaru coastal area, East Lombok. Seagrass distribution map was produced from radiometrically and geometrically corrected Sentinel-2A image with overall accuracy of 61.9%. Using empirical model, seagrass percent cover was predicted with maximum coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.51 and standard error of estimate (SE) of 19.4%. The results suggest that Sentinel-2A image can be used to perform seagrass mapping time and cost-effectively and can be further improved by incorporating more robust empirical modeling technique

    Sosialisasi Penanganan Stunting Sebagai Upaya Sustainable Development Goals Desa Keban Agung

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    Prevention of stunting in children in Indonesia still needs attention, including Bengkulu. One form of stunting prevention activity is through community service activities. This service activity is in the form of socialization about stunting prevention in Keban Agung Village, Seluma Regency. The purpose of implementing stunting socialization is to provide self-awareness to villagers about the importance and dangers of stunting. The method used is observation and socialization about stunting. The results obtained are that the residents of Keban Agung Village receive early knowledge and awareness to prevent stunting in children and are aware of implementing a healthy lifestyle to avoid stunting and other diseases


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    LinkAja’s Sharia Service puts forward three main categories of sharia service products, namely the Zakat, Infaq, Alms and Waqf ecosystems, mosque-based economic empowerment and the digitization of Islamic boarding schools and micro small and medium enterprises. As most of the communities are Muslim, and as there are many religious institutions, Cirebon has become a target for the expansion of LinkAja's Sharia Services. This research used qualitative research methods, the data were collected by interviews, observation, documentation and then were analyzed by descriptive analysis method. The results of this study showed that transactions through LinkAja Sharia Services, especially in Cirebon City, must certainly applied the concept of sharia. The qardh contract is the longest in refilling LinkAja Syariah. LinkAja Syariah services use a qardh contract, namely LinkAja Syariah customers provided by LinkAja Syariah, in this case it is called a top-up and LinkAja Syariah in which it does not use the money, it only saves and it can be returned to the customer at any time in the same form
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