2,269 research outputs found

    Universal persistence exponents in an extremally driven system

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    The local persistence R(t), defined as the proportion of the system still in its initial state at time t, is measured for the Bak--Sneppen model. For 1 and 2 dimensions, it is found that the decay of R(t) depends on one of two classes of initial configuration. For a subcritical initial state, R(t)\sim t^{-\theta}, where the persistence exponent \theta can be expressed in terms of a known universal exponent. Hence \theta is universal. Conversely, starting from a supercritical state, R(t) decays by the anomalous form 1-R(t)\sim t^{\tau_{\rm ALL}} until a finite time t_{0}, where \tau_{\rm ALL} is also a known exponent. Finally, for the high dimensional model R(t) decays exponentially with a non--universal decay constant.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Si microwire-array solar cells

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    Si microwire-array solar cells with Air Mass 1.5 Global conversion efficiencies of up to 7.9% have been fabricated using an active volume of Si equivalent to a 4 μm thick Si wafer. These solar cells exhibited open-circuit voltages of 500 mV, short-circuit current densities (J_(sc)) of up to 24 mA cm^(-2), and fill factors >65% and employed Al_2O_3 dielectric particles that scattered light incident in the space between the wires, a Ag back reflector that prevented the escape of incident illumination from the back surface of the solar cell, and an a-SiN_x:H passivation/anti-reflection layer. Wire-array solar cells without some or all of these design features were also fabricated to demonstrate the importance of the light-trapping elements in achieving a high J_(sc). Scanning photocurrent microscopy images of the microwire-array solar cells revealed that the higher J_(sc) of the most advanced cell design resulted from an increased absorption of light incident in the space between the wires. Spectral response measurements further revealed that solar cells with light-trapping elements exhibited improved red and infrared response, as compared to solar cells without light-trapping elements

    High-performance Si microwire photovoltaics

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    Crystalline Si wires, grown by the vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) process, have emerged as promising candidate materials for lowcost, thin-film photovoltaics. Here, we demonstrate VLS-grown Si microwires that have suitable electrical properties for high-performance photovoltaic applications, including long minority-carrier diffusion lengths (L_n » 30 µm) and low surface recombination velocities (S « 70 cm·s^(-1)). Single-wire radial p–n junction solar cells were fabricated with amorphous silicon and silicon nitride surface coatings, achieving up to 9.0% apparent photovoltaic efficiency, and exhibiting up to ~600 mV open-circuit voltage with over 80% fill factor. Projective single-wire measurements and optoelectronic simulations suggest that large-area Si wire-array solar cells have the potential to exceed 17% energy-conversion efficiency, offering a promising route toward cost-effective crystalline Si photovoltaics

    Reduction of Two-Dimensional Dilute Ising Spin Glasses

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    The recently proposed reduction method is applied to the Edwards-Anderson model on bond-diluted square lattices. This allows, in combination with a graph-theoretical matching algorithm, to calculate numerically exact ground states of large systems. Low-temperature domain-wall excitations are studied to determine the stiffness exponent y_2. A value of y_2=-0.281(3) is found, consistent with previous results obtained on undiluted lattices. This comparison demonstrates the validity of the reduction method for bond-diluted spin systems and provides strong support for similar studies proclaiming accurate results for stiffness exponents in dimensions d=3,...,7.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex4, 6 ps-figures included, for related information, see http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher

    Local field distributions in spin glasses

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    Numerical results for the local field distributions of a family of Ising spin-glass models are presented. In particular, the Edwards-Anderson model in dimensions two, three, and four is considered, as well as spin glasses with long-range power-law-modulated interactions that interpolate between a nearest-neighbour Edwards-Anderson system in one dimension and the infinite-range Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Remarkably, the local field distributions only depend weakly on the range of the interactions and the dimensionality, and show strong similarities except for near zero local field.Comment: 17 pages, 34 eps-figs included, extensive updates and new results, as to appear in JPA, find related articles at http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettche

    Aging in lattice-gas models with constrained dynamics

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    We investigate the aging behavior of lattice-gas models with constrained dynamics in which particle exchange with a reservoir is allowed. Such models provide a particularly simple interpretation of aging phenomena as a slow approach to criticality. They appear as the simplest three dimensional models exhibiting a glassy behavior similar to that of mean field (low temperature mode-coupling) models.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figures, REVTeX. Submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Optical Lightcurve & Cooling Break of GRB 050502A

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    We present lightcurves of the afterglow of GRB050502A, including very early data at t-t_{GRB} < 60s. The lightcurve is composed of unfiltered ROTSE-IIIb optical observations from 44s to 6h post-burst, R-band MDM observations from 1.6 to 8.4h post-burst, and PAIRITEL J H K_s observations from 0.6 to 2.6h post-burst. The optical lightcurve is fit by a broken power law, where t^{alpha} steepens from alpha = -1.13 +- 0.02 to alpha = -1.44 +- 0.02 at \~5700s. This steepening is consistent with the evolution expected for the passage of the cooling frequency nu_c through the optical band. Even in our earliest observation at 44s post-burst, there is no evidence that the optical flux is brighter than a backward extrapolation of the later power law would suggest. The observed decay indices and spectral index are consistent with either an ISM or a Wind fireball model, but slightly favor the ISM interpretation. The expected spectral index in the ISM interpretation is consistent within 1 sigma with the observed spectral index beta = -0.8 +- 0.1; the Wind interpretation would imply a slightly (~2 sigma) shallower spectral index than observed. A small amount of dust extinction at the source redshift could steepen an intrinsic spectrum sufficiently to account for the observed value of beta. In this picture, the early optical decay, with the peak at or below 4.7e14 Hz at 44s, requires very small electron and magnetic energy partitions from the fireball.Comment: 22 pages, including 3 tables and 1 figure, Accepted by Ap

    Low-energy cross section of the 7Be(p,g)8B solar fusion reaction from Coulomb dissociation of 8B

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    Final results from an exclusive measurement of the Coulomb breakup of 8B into 7Be+p at 254 A MeV are reported. Energy-differential Coulomb-breakup cross sections are analyzed using a potential model of 8B and first-order perturbation theory. The deduced astrophysical S_17 factors are in good agreement with the most recent direct 7Be(p,gamma)8B measurements and follow closely the energy dependence predicted by the cluster-model description of 8B by Descouvemont. We extract a zero-energy S_17 factor of 20.6 +- 0.8 (stat) +- 1.2 (syst) eV b.Comment: 14 pages including 16 figures, LaTeX, accepted for publication in Physical Review C. Minor changes in text and layou
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