486 research outputs found

    Thermometric Measurement of Depth

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    During anaesthesia seven patients received a bolus of morphine 10 mg injected into the nebulization reservoir placed between the tracheal tube and the anaesthetic circle (lH). Five days after operation the same seven patients received morphine 10 mg i.m. On both occasions, venous blood samples were taken before and every 15 min after administration over 4.5 h for measurement of free morphine immunoreactivity by radioimmunoassay. There was marked individual variation in the serum morphine concentrations produced following each route of administration. The maximum serum morphine concentration following inhaled morphine was approx. six times lower than that after morphine i.m. and the time of occurrence differed significantly (P < 0.001). The individual relative bioavailabilities of inhaled morphine varied from 9% to 35%, with a mean of 17

    Quantum dot opto-mechanics in a fully self-assembled nanowire

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    We show that fully self-assembled optically-active quantum dots (QDs) embedded in MBE-grown GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires (NWs) are coupled to the NW mechanical motion. Oscillations of the NW modulate the QD emission energy in a broad range exceeding 14 meV. Furthermore, this opto-mechanical interaction enables the dynamical tuning of two neighboring QDs into resonance, possibly allowing for emitter-emitter coupling. Both the QDs and the coupling mechanism -- material strain -- are intrinsic to the NW structure and do not depend on any functionalization or external field. Such systems open up the prospect of using QDs to probe and control the mechanical state of a NW, or conversely of making a quantum non-demolition readout of a QD state through a position measurement.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Lebensmittelchemie 2012

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    Neben der Identifizierung von Aromastoffen durch die molekulare Sensorik sind die Aufklärung ihrer ‧Biosynthese sowie ihre biotechnische Produktion ins Zentrum der Aromastoffforschung gerückt. Geruch und Geschmack vermitteln die Qualität eines Lebensmittels. Den Geruch bestimmen flüchtige Aromastoffe, die heute vielen industriell hergestellten Lebensmitteln zugesetzt werden, um herstellungsbedingte Verluste auszugleichen oder das Aroma abzurunden. Der Verbraucher akzeptiert dabei eher natürliche Aromen. Der Begriff „natürlich“ darf nach EU-Recht allerdings nur dann zur Bezeichnung eines Aromas verwendet werden, wenn es ausschließlich Aromaextrakte oder natürliche Aromastoffe enthält.1) Dazu zählen biotechnisch erzeugte Aromastoffe, die in puncto Nachhaltigkeit für Aromenhersteller eine Alternative sind zu den klassischen natürlichen Aromen aus pflanzlichen Rohstoffen wie ätherischen Ölen. Biotechnische Verfahren dienen vermehrt dazu, strukturell komplexe Aromastoffe billiger und in größeren Mengen herzustellen, als dies mit chemischen Synthesen oder durch Pflanzenextraktion möglich ist.2) Fortschritte in Enzymtechnik, Gentechnik, Bioprozess-Monitoring und Produktisolierung bieten viel versprechende Möglichkeiten für biotechnische Aromastoffproduktion.3) Spezifische Strategien sind hierfür aber nur dann weiterzuentwickeln, wenn Enzymologie und Regulation der Aromastoffbiosynthese auf molekularer Ebene verstanden sind. Daher ist die biochemische Forschung zur Aufklärung von Biosynthesewegen in Pflanzen ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Aromabiotechnik

    Clinical efficacy of amoxycillin/clavulanate in laparoscopically confirmed salpingitis

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    To test the efficacy and safety of amoxycillin/clavulanate (Augmenting 102 hospital patients with laparoscopically confirmed acute salpingitis were treated with paren-teral amoxycillin/clavulanate (l.2g qid for three days) followed by oral amoxycillin/ clavulanate (two tablets of 625 mg tid for a further six days). Bacteriological samples were obtained from the cervix uteri and the pouch of Douglas. One hundred patients were assessable for clinical outcome using several variables including pain scores. Amoxycillin/clavulanate alone was effective in 95 patients (95%). Three patients (3%) responded to amoxycillin/clavulanate with marked improvement but another antibiotic was subsequently added to their treatment regimen. Treatment failed in two patients. At follow-up two weeks after hospital discharge, three patients (3.8%) had relapsed or were re-infected. Adverse drug events included one case of drug fever, one case of rash and one case of severe diarrhoea. Treatment was stopped in all three cases. Gastrointestinal reactions, mainly mild diarrhoea, were seen in 31 patients. No clinically relevant changes in haematological or clinical chemical indices were attributable to the amoxycillin/clavulanate treatment. We conclude that amoxycillin/clavulanate is a clinically effective and safe treatment for acute salpingiti

    Lithological and facies analysis of the Roseneath and Murteree shales, Cooper Basin, Australia

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    Unconventional shale plays have received marked attention over the last five years because of their economic potential for hydrocarbon generation, and yet they are amongst the least understood of all clastic sedimentary rock systems. The Cooper Basin is one of the largest Gondwana intracratonic basins in Australia, extending from northern South Australia into south-western Queensland and covering approximately 130,000 km2. The basin is may be prospective for shale gas, particularly within the lacustrine shales of the Permian Murteree and Roseneath formations. This study investigates lithological characteristics of these two units in relation to reservoir evaluation. Core samples representing the Dirkala-02 and Moomba-46 wells were used for petrographic analysis. A combination of wireline log analysis, thin section petrography, X-ray diffraction and pyrolysis analysis was used to define and characterize four distinct lithofacies facies within the Roseneath and Murteree shales: siliceous mudstone, organic siliceous mudstone, calcareous siliceous mudstone, and silty siliceous mudstone. The siliceous mudstone and organic siliceous mudstone are the most common. Diagenetic siderite occurs in all four lithofacies. A conceptual depositional model is developed for deposition of the Roseneath and Murteree shales. Wireline-log cross plots were interpreted and utilized in the construction of electrofacies. The study was concentrated on the northern portion of the basin between the Nappameri and Patchawarra Troughs in order to understand the nature of lithofacies and variability in reservoir architecture, which was controlled by relative lake level fluctuation. The results of this study will aid in the evaluation of shale gas potential for this portion of the basin, as well as a better understanding of shale gas opportunities in the Cooper Basin more generally

    Evolution of extensional basins and basin and range topography west of Death Valley, California

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    Neogene extension in the Death Valley region, SE California, has produced a variety of sedimentary basins. Diachronous movements on an array of strike-slip and normal fault systems have resulted in the uplift and preservation of older basins in modern ranges. One of the best exposed of these is the Nova basin on the western flank of the Panamint Mountains. The Nova basin includes over 2000 m of sedimentary and volcanic rocks deposited during denudation of the Panamint Mountains metamorphic core complex in late Miocene (?) – early Pliocene time. The principal growth structure for the basin was the Emigrant detachment, which initiated and moved at a low angle. Modern Panamint Valley, west of the range, developed as a consequence of Late Pliocene - Recent, kinematically linked movement on the right-slip, high-angle Hunter Mountain fault zone and the low-angle Panamint Valley detachment. Detailed mapping of the intersection between the Emigrant and Panamint Valley detachments demonstrates that segments of the earlier system remained active during development of Panamint Valley and, thus, during development of modern Basin and Range topography as well. These results indicate that large-scale extension in the Death Valley region, accommodated by movement on low- to moderate-angle normal fault systems and high-angle strike-slip fault systems, is a continuing process. Basin and Range topography in the Panamint Valley - Death Valley area was generated at least in part by displacements on low-angle detachments rather than high-angle normal faults

    Altered Dark- and Photoconversion of Phytochrome B Mediate Extreme Light Sensitivity and Loss of Photoreversibility of the phyB-401 Mutant

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    The phyB-401 mutant is 103 fold more sensitive to red light than its wild-type analogue and shows loss of photoreversibility of hypocotyl growth inhibition. The phyB-401 photoreceptor displays normal spectral properties and shows almost no dark reversion when expressed in yeast cells. To gain insight into the molecular mechanism underlying this complex phenotype, we generated transgenic lines expressing the mutant and wild-type phyB in phyB-9 background. Analysis of these transgenic lines demonstrated that the mutant photoreceptor displays a reduced rate of dark-reversion but normal Pfr to Pr photoconversion in vivo and shows an altered pattern of association/dissociation with nuclear bodies compared to wild-type phyB. In addition we show (i) an enhanced responsiveness to far-red light for hypocotyl growth inhibition and CAB2 expression and (ii) that far-red light mediated photoreversibility of red light induced responses, including inhibition of hypocotyl growth, formation of nuclear bodies and induction of CAB2 expression is reduced in these transgenic lines. We hypothesize that the incomplete photoreversibility of signalling is due to the fact that far-red light induced photoconversion of the chromophore is at least partially uncoupled from the Pfr to Pr conformation change of the protein. It follows that the phyB-401 photoreceptor retains a Pfr-like structure (Pr*) for a few hours after the far-red light treatment. The greatly reduced rate of dark reversion and the formation of a biologically active Pr* conformer satisfactorily explain the complex phenotype of the phyB-401 mutant and suggest that amino acid residues surrounding the position 564 G play an important role in fine-tuning phyB signalling

    On the processes of renewal of the North Atlantic deep water in the Irminger Sea

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    Observations of temperature and electrical conductivity by a recording in situ salinometer are discussed in respect oo the physical processes connected with the renewal of North Atlantic deep water. The measured fine structure of the layering suggests that the downward movement of cooled surface water is combined with horizontal mixing down to more than 1000 m depth. This is confirmed by the existence of water elements which have slightly different temperature and salinity. Curves of temperature, conductivity, and salinity and T-S diagrams are shown