11 research outputs found

    Automated Meter Reading For Water Demand Forecast And Hydraulic Modelling Of The Municipal Water Distribution System In Miko艂贸w, Poland

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    This paper presents preliminary results of a project aimed at utilising automated meter reading (AMR) system for water demand forecasting and hydraulic modelling of Miko艂贸w (Poland) water distribution system. This system will allow for near-real time collection of hydraulic data. Accurate estimation and prediction of the demand patterns of the customers is a crucial element affecting accuracy of hydraulic model. AMR will be used to analyse the behaviour of individual household-based water consumption. Calibration and validation of the model will be realised by combining existing SCADA system and mobile (temporary) measurement points. Total length of the main water distribution system in Miko艂贸w (pop. 40 000) is about 310 km, with 117 km of service pipelines. Water in amount of 300 000 m3 per month is supplied to over 7600 individual clients and bulk (industrial) customers. All connections to water network will be equipped with automated meter and incorporated into existing monitoring system. The existing telemetry system for Miko艂贸w is composed of 30 stations measuring flow rate and pressure in the water distribution network (WDN). A hybrid AMR system will be used. It combines local reading of meters by two-way RF units with telemetry stations sending signals using mobile network (GSM) to the main database server. This server contains a database of water consumption readings for individual customers. To take advantage of the AMR system a detailed hydraulic model of the Miko艂贸w WDN was build. The hydraulic model will be later coupled with an integrated ICT system for comprehensive management of the water distribution network. The seamless connection between model and GIS, CIS and SCADA modules will allow for the network topology update, automatic re-calibration, water demand reading and forecasting

    Hydraulic Modelling And Calibration Of The Upper Silesian Waterworks In Poland

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    Our paper presents the preliminary results of hydraulic modelling and calibration of a complex water transfer and distribution system of Upper Silesian Waterworks PLC (USW). A new approach to quasi real-time model calibration and validation in connection with an integrated ICT system will be presented. The USW is the biggest water company in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe delivering water to over 3 million customers in Silesian Metropolis, on the area covering about 4.3 thousand square kilometres, with the main water network which is over 880 km long. This water distribution system incorporates central and western sub-regions of Silesia (Silesian Metropolis) supplying water in the amount of about 400 000 m3/d. The USW water transportation system is a mix of pressure and gravity mains (with diameters ranging between 300 mm and 1800 mm) conveying the water to several local (municipal) distribution systems and bulk buyers (industrial). The area is characterised by a great diversity of terrain altitude, heavy concentration of industry and severe mining damages. This dynamic environment requires constant update of WDN topology and real-time water demand from wholesale customers (towns and cities, coal mines, steel, energy, automotive, machinery and chemical industry). For calibration and validation of hydraulic model we used the extensive telemetry system composed of 180 monitoring stations (including wholesale customers meters, reservoirs, tanks, pumping stations etc.). This system contains over 800 sensors measuring flow rate, pressure, turbidity and chlorine residual. The existing database of measurements will be temporarily supported by mobile measurement points used for identification of hydraulic properties of selected groups of pipelines. Hydraulic model (based on EPANET) is an element of the integrated ICT system for comprehensive water network management, consisting of several modules: GIS, CIS, SCADA as well as tools for multi-criteria optimisation and forecasting

    Women as perpetrators of crimes

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    Przedmiotem pracy s膮 kobiety jako sprawczynie przest臋pstw. Tradycyjny obraz przest臋pczo艣ci skupia艂 si臋 na roli m臋偶czyzn jako sprawc贸w przest臋pstw, jednak z biegiem czasu zauwa偶ono, 偶e kobiety tak偶e odgrywaj膮 wa偶n膮 rol臋 w tej dziedzinie. W niniejszej pracy podj臋to si臋 badania zjawiska przest臋pczo艣ci pope艂nianej przez kobiety, ze szczeg贸lnym naciskiem na analiz臋 r贸偶nic w por贸wnaniu do przest臋pczo艣ci m臋偶czyzn. Praca zosta艂a po艣wi臋cona analizie przest臋pczo艣ci kobiet w kontek艣cie teorii kryminologicznych. Przedmiotem pracy jest r贸wnie偶 zrozumienie zjawiska gender gap w kryminologii oraz spo艂ecznego odbioru przest臋pczo艣ci pope艂nianej przez kobiety. Praca d膮偶y do ukazania r贸偶nic w podej艣ciu do przest臋pczo艣ci kobiet i m臋偶czyzn oraz analizy czynnik贸w wp艂ywaj膮cych na to, jak spo艂ecze艅stwo postrzega aktywno艣膰 przest臋pcz膮 kobiet.Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza roli kobiet jako sprawczy艅 przest臋pstw oraz zrozumienie r贸偶nic w por贸wnaniu do przest臋pczo艣ci pope艂nianej przez m臋偶czyzn. Praca skupia si臋 na badaniu motywacji, przyczyn oraz kontekstu spo艂ecznego, kt贸re sk艂aniaj膮 kobiety do 艂amania prawa. G艂贸wnym celem jest wydobycie istotnych aspekt贸w dotycz膮cych przest臋pczo艣ci kobiet, uwzgl臋dniaj膮c zar贸wno czynniki biologiczne, psychologiczne, spo艂eczne, jak i kulturowe. Praca ma na celu ukazanie rozmiar贸w, dynamiki i struktury przest臋pczo艣ci kobiet, co pozwala na lepsze zrozumienie zakresu i charakteru tego zjawiska.Problem g艂贸wny sformu艂owano nast臋puj膮co:Czym wyr贸偶nia si臋 zjawisko przest臋pczo艣ci kobiet?Pytania szczeg贸艂owe to:Jakie s膮 g艂贸wne teorie kryminologiczne wyja艣niaj膮ce zjawisko przest臋pczo艣ci kobiet?Jakie s膮 g艂贸wne r贸偶nice w przest臋pczo艣ci kobiet i m臋偶czyzn?Jakie s膮 rozmiary i dynamika zjawiska przest臋pczo艣ci kobiet?The subject of considerations are women as perpetrators of crimes. The traditional image of crime focused on the role of men as perpetrators of crime, but over time it was noticed that women also played an important role in this area. This study examines the phenomenon of crime committed by women, with particular emphasis on the analysis of differences compared to crime committed by men. The thesis was devoted to the analysis of women's crime in the context of criminological theories. The subject of the thesis is also to understand the phenomenon of the gender gap in criminology and the social perception of crime committed by women. The work aims to show the differences in the approach to crime by women and men and to analyze the factors influencing how society perceives the criminal activity of women.The aim of this thesis is to analyze the role of women as perpetrators of crimes and to understand the differences compared to crime committed by men. The thesis focuses on examining the motivations, causes and social context that encourage women to break the law. The main goal is to extract important aspects regarding women's crime, taking into account biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. The work aims to show the size, dynamics and structure of women's crime, which allows for a better understanding of the scope and nature of this phenomenon.The main problem was formulated as follows:What is unique about the phenomenon of women's crime?The specific questions are:What are the main criminological theories explaining the phenomenon of female crime?What are the main differences in crime between men and women?What are the dimensions and dynamics of women's crime

    Implementation of ferric hydroxide-based media for removal of toxic metalloids

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    Effective removal of inorganic arsenic species is possible by application of the sorption technique with the use of iron-based sorbents. This study investigates the removal of arsenic(III) and arsenic(V) from an aqueous solution by application of a granular ferric hydroxide-based sorbent. The performance of tested media was evaluated based on the batch and fixed-bed adsorption studies. The efficiency of the process was determined with various treatment times, adsorbent doses, initial concentrations of arsenic and various solution temperatures. The obtained adsorption data were fitted with pseudo-first and second-order kinetic models and Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations. It was observed that the overall arsenite removal was lower when compared to the arsenate, and all tested operating parameters influenced the process efficiency. The experiments under dynamic conditions showed high treatment capacity and stability of tested adsorbent over a long period of time

    How effective is aeration with vortex flow regulators? Pilot scale experiments

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    Vortex flow regulators (VFR) are used in urban drainage systems as a replacement for traditional flow throttling devices. Vortex regulators are not only very efficient energy dissipators but also atomizers which are beneficial for sewer aeration. A deficit of dissolved oxygen can be a problem in both natural waters and sewerage. Hydrodynamic flow regulators can boost oxygen concentration preventing putrefaction and improving treatment of stormwater and wastewater. We were first to investigate the aeration efficiency of semi-commercial scale cylindrical vortex flow regulators to determine the potential of their application in environmental engineering and to propose modification to enhance the aeration capacity of basic designs. Different device geometries and arrangements of active outlets for both single and double discharge vortex regulators were tested in a recirculating system. In this study, we present a concise review of the current state of our extensive research on the aeration efficiency of vortex flow regulators and their application in sewerage systems

    Performance of Selected Models for Predicting Malignancy in Ovarian Tumors in Relation to the Degree of Diagnostic Uncertainty by Subjective Assessment With Ultrasound

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    Preprint artyku艂uObjectives The study's main aim was to evaluate the relationship between the performance of predictive models for differential diagnoses of ovarian tumors and levels of diagnostic confidence in subjective assessment (SA) with ultrasound. The second aim was to identify the parameters that differentiate between malignant and benign tumors among tumors initially diagnosed as uncertain by SA. Methods The study included 250 (55%) benign ovarian masses and 201 (45%) malignant tumors. According to ultrasound findings, the tumors were divided into 6 groups: certainly benign, probably benign, uncertain but benign, uncertain but malignant, probably malignant, and certainly malignant. The performance of the risk of malignancy index, International Ovarian Tumor Analysis assessment of different neoplasias in the adnexa model, and International Ovarian Tumor Analysis logistic regression model 2 was analyzed in subgroups as follows: SA-certain tumors (including certainly benign and certainly malignant) versus SA-probable tumors (probably benign and probably malignant) versus SA-uncertain tumors (uncertain but benign and uncertain but malignant). Results We found a progressive decrease in the performance of all models in association with the increased uncertainty in SA. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve for the risk of malignancy index, logistic regression model 2, and assessment of different neoplasias in the adnexa model decreased between the SA-certain and SA-uncertain groups by 20%, 28%, and 20%, respectively. The presence of solid parts and a high color score were the discriminatory features between uncertain but benign and uncertain but malignant tumors. Conclusions Studies are needed that focus on the subgroup of ovarian tumors that are difficult to classify by SA. In cases of uncertain tumors by SA, the presence of solid components or a high color score should prompt a gynecologic oncology clinic referral