8 research outputs found

    A Detailed Study of Channel Estimation and BER Optimization in presence of AWGN and Rayleigh Channel of OFDM System

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is an important one field communication and that uses parallel information series. Contrast and single carrier adjustment are basic aspects of this technique where OFDM has many favourable circumstances are risky to work on this technique. It is robust, easy to use, and strength to safe the processing channel from distortions. It provides safety from multipath, much lesser computational many-sided characteristic. OFDM has some significant to execute it in commonly using media transmission frameworks. OFDM standard tolerate Packet misfortune, Bit trouble, Bit Error Rate (BER), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Calculation of PAPR, Power Spectrum estimation. This dissertation is targeted to show the comparison of AWGN and Rayleigh channel by using fading process for particularity in superior performance with individual values of spectrums as well as by their scattering plots. In this dissertation each and every signal of these terms are examined and all the four parameters are thought about utilizing AWGN and Rayleigh fading channel by changing the period of a portion of the subcarriers utilizing QPSK in OFDM regulation. The representation of outputs is finished through MATLAB programming

    Classification of COVID-19 Cases: The Customized Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning Approach

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    The recent advancements under the umbrella of artificial intelligence (AI) open opportunities to tackle complex problems related to image analysis. Recently, the proliferation of COVID-19 brought multiple challenges to medical practitioners, such as precise analysis and classification of COVID-19 cases. Deep learning (DL) and transfer learning (TL) techniques appear to be attractive solutions. To provide the precise classification of COVID-19 cases, this article presents a customized Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) and pre-trained TL model approach. Our pipeline accommodated several popular pre-trained TL models, namely DenseNet121, ResNet50, InceptionV3, EfficientNetB0, and VGG16, to classify COVID-19 positive and negative cases. We evaluated and compared the performance of these models with a wide range of measures, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score for classifying COVID-19 cases based on chest X-rays. The results demonstrate that our customized DCNN model performed well with randomly assigned weights, achieving 98.5% recall and 97.0% accuracy

    Performance Analysis of Multiple Access Techniques for LTE system under Symbol Error Rate (SER) Calculation

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    In the recent years, so many technologies in multiple access trends have influenced the field of Wireless Sensor Networks in significant ways. Various trends are readily available technology of ubiquitous wireless sensor networks as well as wireless communication networks and progress in the development of two multiple access techniques are compared in this scenario: the OFDMA and SC-FDMA. The OFDMA and SC-FDMA transceivers are modeled and simulated considering both the interleaved and localized subcarriers mapping schemes. WSNs have the potentiality to connect the physical world with the virtual world by forming a network of sensor nodes. To prolong the networklsquo;s hop in terms of single and two hop using both techniques should be used in the sensor nodes. The minimization of computing and storage platforms as well as the development of novel micro sensors and sensor materials with high reliability force encourages technology in research on WSN. In this paper, we will proposed the field of multipath routing in wireless sensor networks, and mainly focus on the technology of SER of WSNs

    Literature Survey of Security Enhancement in MANET Routing Protocols of WLANs

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    A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an autonomous collection of mobile users that communicate over relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links. One of the main issues in such networks is performance- in a dynamically changing topology; the nodes are expected to be power-aware due to the bandwidth constrained network. Another issue in such networks is security - since every node participates in the operation of the network equally, Malicious nodes are difficult to detect. There are several applications of mobile ad hoc networks such as disaster recovery operations, battle field communications, etc. The most active research area under MANET routing protocol is security. MANETs have certain unique characteristics that make them vulnerable to several types of attacks. Since they are deployed an open environment where all nodes co-operate in forwarding the packets in the network, Malicious nodes are difficult to detect

    Ketorolak-dekstran konjugati: sinteza, in vitro i in vivo vrednovanje

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    Ketorolac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Dextran conjugates of ketorolac (KD) were synthesized and characterized to improve ketorolac aqueous solubility and reduce gastrointestinal side effects. An N-acylimidazole derivative of ketorolac (KAI) was condensed with a model carrier polymer, dextran of different molecular masses (40000, 60000, 110000 and 200000). IR spectral data confirmed formation of ester bonding. Ketorolac contents were evaluated by UV-spectrophotometric analysis. The molecular mass was determined by measuring viscosity using the Mark-Howink-Sakurada equation. In vitro hydrolysis studies were performed in aqueous buffers (pH 1.2, 7.4, 9) and in 80% (V/V) human plasma (pH 7.4). At pH 9, a higher rate of ketorolac release from KD was observed as compared to aqueous buffer of pH 7.4 and 80% human plasma (pH 7.4), following first-order kinetics. In vivo biological screening in mice and rats indicated that conjugates retained analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities with significantly reduced ulcerogenicity compared to the parent drug.U radu je opisana sinteza konjugata dektrana i protuupalnog lijeka ketorolaka (KD). Konjugati su pripravljeni da bi se povećala topljivost ketorolaka u vodi i smanjila njegova nusdjelovanja u gastrointestinanom traktu. Ketorak je prvo preveden u N-acilimidazolni derivat (KAI) koji je kondenziran s polimernim nosačem, dekstranom različitih molekulskih masa (40000, 60000, 110000 i 200000). IR-spektri potvrdili su nastajanje esterske veze. Udio ketorolaka u konjugatu određen je UV-spektrofotometrijskom analizom. Molekulske mase određene su mjerenjem viskoznosti koristeći Mark-Howink-Sakurada jednadžbu. Hidroliza in vitro praćena je u puferskim otopinama (pH 1,2, 7,4 i 9) i u 80% V/V humanoj plazmi (pH 7,4). Pri pH 9 primjećeno je značajno brže oslobađanje ketorolaka iz KD nego u puferskoj otopini pH 7,4 i krvnoj plazmi. Oslobađanje je prati kinetiku prvog reda. In vivo biološka ispitivanja na miševima i štakorima ukazuju da konjugati imaju analgetsko i protuupalno djelovanje, a značajno smanjeno ulcerogeno djelovanje

    Вплив загартування на механічні властивості монокристала In2Se2.7Sb0.3

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    Напівпровідникові сполуки III-VI є цікавими матеріалами для виготовлення таких приладів як детектори іонізуючого випромінювання, твердотільні електроди, іонні акумулятори, а також фоточутливі гетероструктури та сонячні елементи. Структурна складність сімейства In-Se спонукала нас до дослідження невивченого складу In2Se3 та його властивостей із легуванням сурмою (Sb). Метою даної роботи є вивчення впливу сурми на нову конфігурацію In2Se3. Потрійні напівпровідникові сполуки у вигляді монокристалів або тонких плівок викликають значний інтерес через свої структурні, оптичні та електричні властивості, які дозволяють їх широко використовувати в багатьох електронних і оптоелектронних пристроях. Оскільки світовий енергетичний ринок шукає застосування, які пропонують більш ефективні електронні системи, монокристали In2Se2.7Sb0.3, синтезовані за модифікованою вертикальною технікою Бріджмена, відкривають шлях для захоплюючих інновацій у твердотільних фотоелектричних системах та секторах чистої енергії. Ми виростили монокристал In2Se2.7Sb0.3 за методикою Бріджмена-Стокбаргера. Температурний градієнт системи підтримували на рівні 60 °С/см зі швидкістю росту 0,35 см/год. Випробування твердості має важливе значення для інтерпретації механічної поведінки матеріалів і корелює з іншими фізичними властивостями. Твердість до деформації вирощених кристалів залежить від міцності зчеплення та досконалості структури. Вимірювання мікротвердості розщеплених і загартованих зразків проводили за допомогою проекційного мікроскопа Віккерса. У статті результати досліджень обговорені та докладно викладені.III-VI semiconductor compounds are interesting materials for the fabrication of such devices as ionizing radiation detectors, solid-state electrodes, ion batteries, as well as photosensitive heterostructures and solar cells. The structural complexity of In-Se family has motivated us to examine an unexplored composition (In2Se3) and its properties with antimony doping (Sb). The purpose of the present work is to study the influence of antimony on the novel configuration In2Se3. Ternary semiconductor compounds in the form of single crystals or thin films have attracted considerable interest because of their structural, optical and electrical properties, which allow them to be widely used in many electronic and optoelectronic devices. As the global energy market seeks applications that offer more efficient electronic systems, In2Se2.7Sb0.3 single crystals synthesized by the modified vertical Bridgeman technique pave the way for exciting innovations in solid-state photovoltaic systems and clean energy sectors. We have grown In2Se2.7Sb0.3 single crystal using the Bridgman-Stockbarger technique. The temperature gradient of the system was kept at 60 °C/cm with a growth rate of 0.35 cm/h. Hardness testing is of significant importance in interpreting the mechanical behavior of materials and correlates with other physical properties. Hardness to deformation of as-grown crystals depends on the bond strength and structural perfection. The microhardness measurements of ascleaved and quenched samples were made by using a Vickers projection microscope. In this paper, the results have been discussed and reported in detail