41 research outputs found

    Optimising Traffic Safety – Locating Traffic Gendarmes Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making

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    Turkey’s expanding population and growing economy have resulted in a significant increase in automobile ownership, leading to a rise in traffic volume and, subsequently, an increase in the number of accidents. The increase in the number of deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents has motivated authorities and automobile manufacturers to work together to mitigate the impact of traffic accidents. Therefore, the demand for better roads, modern technologies and higher-quality driver training is becoming increasingly urgent for traffic safety. Due to the scale of harm to the country’s economy and society caused by the material and moral losses, resulting from traffic accidents, traffic safety and management is one of the most important government initiatives. One of the responsible units of traffic safety and management in Turkey is the traffic gendarme. This study reviewed the categories of traffic accidents, the number of accidents, and the road network that occurred in a province\u27s gendarme responsibility area in Turkey and linked them with the number of traffic gendarmes in that province. Thus, the study utilised mixed integer programming based on multi-criteria decision-making methods to identify the areas where these traffic gendarmes will be deployed according to established principles

    Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Finansmanında Bir Pazarlama Karması Elemanı Olarak Fiyat

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    Fiyat, kurumlar için hem stratejik bir karar hem de ürüne yönelik tüketici algısını yönetirken kullanılan bir unsur olarak stratejik öneme haizdir. Sağlık hizmetleri alanı ise kendine has özellikleriyle diğer pek çok hizmet türünden ayrışmaktadır. Sağlık hizmetlerinde tüketicinin somut beklentisi şüphesiz tekrar sağlığına kavuşmaktır ve bunun için kendisini sağlık personeline emanet eder. Fakat aldığı hizmetin teknik boyutuna dair bilgi eksikliği hat safhadadır ve bu açıdan ele alındığında fiyatlandırma kararları daha da kritik bir hal almaktadır. Sağlık hizmetlerinin devamlılığı ve ulaşılabilirliği için uygulanan finansman yöntemleri de önemli bir konudur. Bu çalışmada amaç, sağlık hizmetleri sunumunda bir pazarlama karması elemanı olarak fiyat, fiyatlandırma kararları ve sağlık hizmetlerinin finansmanı için kullanılan yöntemlere dair kavramsal çerçevenin aktarılmasıdır

    8th Decades Presentation of Subaortic Fibrous Membrane with Left Ventricular Outfow Tract Obstruction

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    Subaortic membrane is the reason of the left ventricul outflow tract obstruction in the adults and it may causes severe clinical outcomes. A 70-year-old old female patient presented with syncop, tachycardia, anginal pain. Subaortic fibromembraneus ridge shown by echocardiography. She treated with surgical resection of fibrous membrane with no any complication. She discharged from hospital on the 10th postoperative day. At six-month postoperative follow-up there weren't any recurrence on echocardiogram. Recurrence is possible and close follow-up is mandatory

    A genomic snapshot of demographic and cultural dynamism in Upper Mesopotamia during the Neolithic Transition

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    Upper Mesopotamia played a key role in the Neolithic Transition in Southwest Asia through marked innovations in symbolism, technology, and foodways. We present thirteen ancient genomes (c.8500-7500 calBCE) from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Çayönü in the Tigris basin together with bioarchaeological and material culture data. Our findings reveal that Çayönü was a genetically diverse population, carrying a mixed ancestry from western and eastern Fertile Crescent, and that the community received immigrants. Our results further suggest that the community was organised along biological family lines. We document bodily interventions such as head-shaping and cauterization among the individuals examined, reflecting Çayönü's cultural ingenuity. Finally, we identify Upper Mesopotamia as the likely source of eastern gene flow into Neolithic Anatolia, in line with material culture evidence. We hypothesise that Upper Mesopotamia's cultural dynamism during the Neolithic Transition was the product not only of its fertile lands but also of its interregional demographic connections

    Girişimciler için yeni nesil bir finansman modeli "kitle fonlaması - crowdfunding": Dünya ve Türkiye uygulamaları üzerine bir inceleme ve model önerisi

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    Girişimcilerin en önemli problemi finansal kaynaklara ulaşmalarında yaşadıkları zorluklardır. Girişimciler finansal sorunlarını çözmek için geleneksel finansman yöntemlerinden ve Risk Sermayesi, Girişim Sermayesi, Bireysel Katılım Sermayesi, Mikrofinansman gibi alternatif finansman modellerinden yararlanmaktadır. Günümüzde girişimcilerin gereksinim duydukları sermayeye ulaşmak için kullandıkları yeni finansal yöntemlerden biri Kitle Fonlaması modelidir. Çalışmada girişimcilik, girişim finansmanı ve Kitle Fonlaması modeli konusunda literatür taraması yapılarak ilgili kavramlara değinilmiştir. Dünya’da 2000’lerin başından itibaren yoğun olarak kullanılan Kitle Fonlaması modelinin Türkiye’de kullanımı 2010 yılında başlamıştır. Ancak yasal engeller nedeniyle, 5 Aralık 2017 tarihinde gerçekleşen kanun değişikliğine kadar sadece Ödül ve Bağış Temelli Kitle Fonlaması modeli uygulanmıştır. Yapılan kanun değişikliği ile Türkiye’de Hisse Temelli Kitle Fonlaması da uygulanabilecektir. Çalışmada öncelikle Kitle Fonlaması Finansman modeli’nin dünya genelinde gerçekleşen uygulamaları irdelenerek, 2013-2016 yılları arasındaki fon hacimleri ile ülkelerde uygulanan yasal mevzuatlar incelenmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmada Türkiye’de Kitle Fonlaması modelinin gelişimi anlatılmış, faaliyet gösteren Kitle Fonlaması platformları ve işleyişlerine değinilmiş, platformlarında yayınlanan projeler içerik analizi ile kategorik ve model türlerine göre incelenerek Türkiye’nin Kitle Fonlaması hacmi ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Kanun değişikliği dünya genelinde en çok uygulanan ve en yüksek fon sağlayan model türü olan Borçlanma Temelli Kitle Fonlaması’nı içermemektedir. Çalışmada son olarak Borçlanma Temelli Kitle Fonlaması modeli geliştirilerek, girişimci ve yatırımcı profillerinin tümünün ilgilenebileceği “Bütünleştirici Borçlanma Temelli Kitle Fonlaması” adında yeni bir model önerilmektedir. Önerilen modelin Türkiye’deki Kitle Fonlaması uygulamalarında kullanılmasıyla gerçekleştirilecek proje sayıları ile toplanan fon miktarını artıracağı ve yatırımcılar için de tercih edilecek bir yatırım yöntemi olacağı düşünülmektedir. The most important problem faced by of entrepreneurs is difficulty in accessing financial resources. Entrepreneurs benefit from traditional financing methods to solve their financial problems and alternative financing models such as Venture Capital, Private Equity, Angel Capital, Microfinance. Crowdfunding model is one of the new financial methods used by entrepreneurs to reach the capital they need. In this study, a literature review on entrepreneurship, enterprise finance and the Crowdfunding model is performed and related concepts are explained. The use of Crowdfunding model in Turkey began in 2010. However, due to legal barriers, only Reward and Donation Based Crowdfunding models were in use until the change of the law on December 5, 2017. With changes made to the legislation, Equity Based Crowdfunding can now also be applied in Turkey. In the study, first of all, the applications of Crowdfunding Financing model in the world are examined and the fund volumes between 2013-2016 and the legal regulations in the countries are investigated. Moreover, development of the Crowdfunding model, and Crowdfunding platforms in Turkey are described. In addition, published projects in platform are analyzed according to the categorical model and type via content analysis to expose Turkey's Crowdfunding volume. The new amendment to the law does not include the Debt Based Crowdfunding model, which is the model most applied around the world and which provides the highest funding. At the end of study, a Debt Based Crowdfunding model is developed and a new model for Turkey called "Integrated Debt Based Crowdfunding" is proposed which might attract all entrepreneur and investor profiles. It is considered that using the proposed model in Crowdfunding applications in Turkey will lead to an increase in projects realized and funds collected, making it the preferred method of investment for investors

    Türkiye temiz kömür ve karbon yakalama ve depolama teknoloji yol haritası.

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    The present study presents a draft national CCT (Clean Coal Technologies) and CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) technology roadmap to policy makers. Various technical and non-technical (economic and social) challenges that currently prevent CCT and CCS from being a widely used commercial technology are discussed and the goals for each research pathway are defined. The process of creating the roadmap started with a review and assessment of the existing national and international technology roadmaps which represent a global picture of the state of the art and national and international plans for future on CCT and CCS research development, demonstration and deployment (R&D&D). Following this step, the national situation, capacities and priorities were examined. Finally, R&D&D actions discussed in the existing roadmaps and/or new actions were carefully selected and suggested as a draft Turkish CCT and CCS Roadmap that needs further development and discussion by the input of interdisciplinary national stakeholders. As a conclusion a number of technical and non-technical suggestions are delivered.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    The Predictive Value of Eosinophil Indices for Major Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Acute Decompensated HFrEF

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    Background and Objectives: Heart failure is a chronic disease with a high risk of mortality and morbidity. In these patients, inflammatory markers have been shown to be associated with cardiovascular adverse outcomes and disease progression. To investigate the relationships between eosinophil indices and major cardiovascular events (MACE) in patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) with reduced ejection fraction. Materials and Methods: A total of 395 consecutive patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with ADHF and reduced ejection fraction between January 2017 and December 2021 were enrolled in this retrospective study. MACE was defined as the composite of death and re-hospitalization for ADHF within 6 months of index hospitalization. All-cause mortality and MACE were assessed with respect to relationships with eosinophil indices, including neutrophil-to-eosinophil ratio (NER), leukocyte-to-eosinophil ratio (LER), eosinophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (ELR), and eosinophil-to-monocyte ratio (EMR). Results: NER and LER were significantly higher in subjects with MACE. Absolute eosinophil, lymphocyte and basophil count, hemoglobin, serum Na+, albumin, and CRP, and EMR and ELR were significantly lower in subjects with MACE compared to those without. NT-proBNP (OR: 1.682, 95% CI: 1.106–2.312, p = 0.001), Na+ (OR: 0.932, 95% CI: 0.897–0.969, p < 0.001), NER (OR: 2.740, 95 % CI: 1.797–4.177, p < 0.001), LER (OR: 2.705, 95% CI: 1.752–4.176, p < 0.001), EMR (OR:1.654, 95% CI 1.123–2.436, p = 0.011), ELR (OR: 2.112, 95% CI 1.424–3.134, p < 0.001), and eosinophil count (OR: 1.833, 95% CI 1.276–2.635) were independent predictors for development of MACE. Conclusions: Patients with ADHF and reduced ejection fraction who developed MACE within the first six months of index hospitalization had lower levels of absolute eosinophil and lymphocyte counts, and EMR and ELR values, whereas NER and LER were higher compared to those without MACE. The eosinophil indices were independently associated with mortality and MACE development. The eosinophil indices may be used to estimate MACE likelihood with acceptable sensitivity and specificity

    Optimising Traffic Safety – Locating Traffic Gendarmes Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making

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    Turkey’s expanding population and growing economy have resulted in a significant increase in automobile ownership, leading to a rise in traffic volume and, subsequently, an increase in the number of accidents. The increase in the number of deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents has motivated authorities and automobile manufacturers to work together to mitigate the impact of traffic accidents. Therefore, the demand for better roads, modern technologies and higher-quality driver training is becoming increasingly urgent for traffic safety. Due to the scale of harm to the country’s economy and society caused by the material and moral losses, resulting from traffic accidents, traffic safety and management is one of the most important government initiatives. One of the responsible units of traffic safety and management in Turkey is the traffic gendarme. This study reviewed the categories of traffic accidents, the number of accidents, and the road network that occurred in a province's gendarme responsibility area in Turkey and linked them with the number of traffic gendarmes in that province. Thus, the study utilised mixed integer programming based on multi-criteria decision-making methods to identify the areas where these traffic gendarmes will be deployed according to established principles

    Alteration of drug metabolizing enzymes in sulphite oxidase deficiency

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the possible effects of sulphite oxidase (SOX, E.C. deficiency on xenobiotic metabolism. For this purpose, SOX deficiency was produced in rats by the administration of a low molybdenum diet with concurrent addition of 200 ppm tungsten to their drinking water. First, hepatic SOX activity in deficient groups was measured to confirm SOX deficiency. Then, aminopyrine N-demethylase, aniline 4-hydroxy-lase, aromatase, caffeine N-demethylase, cytochrome b5 reductase, erythromycin N-demethylase, ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase, glutathione S-transferase, N-nitrosodimethylamine N-demethylase and penthoxyresorufin O-deethylase activities were determined to follow changes in the activity of drug metabolizing enzymes in SOX-deficient rats. Our results clearly demonstrated that SOX deficiency significantly elevated A4H, caffeine N-demethylase, erythromycin N-demethylase and N-nitrosodimethylamine N-demethylase activities while decreasing ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase and aromatase activities. These alterations in drug metabolizing enzymes can contribute to the varying susceptibility and response of sulphite-sensitive individuals to different drugs and/or therapeutics used for treatments. ©2012 JCBN

    Letter to the Editor Concerning the Article: Husniye Baser, Nihal Akar Bayram, Burcak Polat, Berna Evranos, Reyhan Ersoy, Engin Bozkurt, Bekir Cakir. The Evaluation of QT Intervals During Diagnosis and After Follow-Up in Acromegaly Patients. Acta Med Port 2014;27:428-32

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    WOS: 000344417100026PubMed: 25409229Dear Editor,We have read the article by Baser H et al1 with great interest. We thank our colleagues for highlighting the mechanism of arrhythmia in acromegaly patients via the evaluation of QT intervals during diagnosis and after follow up. They have demonstrated that acromegaly patients had longer baseline QT max, QT dispersion, QTc max and QTc dispersion when compared to controls