20 research outputs found
Assessment of mental health and prevention of mental disorders among University students
Studenti se uglavnom smatraju zdravom grupacijom stanovništva, ali ipak
oko 30% njih svake godine doživi neki problem iz oblasti mentalnog zdravlja.
Mentalno zdravlje studenata sve više postaje sfera interesovanja na globalnom nivou,
jer sučeljavanje sa brojnim životnim situacijama koje nosi ovaj period života ubrzava nastanak depresivnih i anksioznih poremećaja. Studija predstavlja jedno od najvećih istraživanja koje se bavi procenom mentalnog zdravlja kod studentske populacije na teritoriji Srbije.
Istraživanje sugeriše na potrebe uvođenja skrininga na depresivnost i
anksioznost kod studentske populacije, odnosno rano detektovanje neprepoznatih
poremećaja zdravlja u presimptomatskoj fazi poremećaja.
Ovakvo istraživanje bi moglo da pomogne u kreiranju preventivnih programa kod
studentske populacije, kako na lokalnom tako i na naciopnalnom nivou, što bi
rezultiralo sugestijama za dopune i izmene odgovarajućih zakonskih i podzakonskih
akata u ovoj oblasti.Previously obtained data in Serbia showed that about 30% of university
students population manifested signs of psychological distress and has mental problems.
Mental health of university students is under increasing concern worldwide, because they face challenges which predispose them to depression and anxiety. This is one of the largest study examining mental disorders in a sample of university students in Serbia.
AIM: to estimate the mental health and detection of depressive and anxiety symptoms among
university students.
The study was a cross-sectional survey of students attending
University of Kragujevac. Our research instrument was standardized questionnaires (adapted to students), from the WHO research protocol of Health behavior.
We randomly selected 1,940 students. Symptoms of depression were evaluated through the
scale BDI-IA. Symptoms of anxiety were evaluated through the BAI scale.
The prevalence of depressive symptoms in students was 23.6%, while the
prevalence of anxiety symptoms was 33.5%. Female students, older students, students who
reported low family economic situation, not owning the room, dissatisfaction with graduate education were more likely to show depressive symptoms. Female students, students who reported parents high expectations of academic success, students who reported environmental pressure of academic success were more likely to show anxiety symptoms. Questions from the questionnaire that were related to the presence of certain somatic symptoms in patients over the last six months, served as the basis for creating a new variable (the sum score of somatic symptoms) for assessing the risk of presence depressive or anxiety symptoms. By collecting responses, a new variable which sum the somatic symptoms might be indicate the presence of depressive or anxiety symptoms.
Results show that the sum score of somatic symptoms might be a very good marker for the
separation of students with depressive symptoms from students without which means that an
increase in the value of the sum score of somatic symptoms by 1 increases the risk of
depressive symptoms by 5.2%. Results also shows that the sum score of somatic symptoms
might be an excellent marker for the separation of students with anxiety symptoms, from
students without anxiety symptoms which means that an increase in the value of the new
variable by 1 increases the risk of anxiety by 5.6%.
These results demonstrate that the high rates of depressive and anxiety
symptoms among university students are related to academic, nonacademic and cultural
backgrounds. The last several years have provided data that highlight a neglected public
health problem in institutes of higher education. The importance of early identification,
especially the minor signs of depression, could prevent or reduce its severity and chronicity.
From a public health perspective, onset and development of mental illness in students is a potentially critical area for intervention programs. A particular challenge is to promote the early diagnosis of depression by initiating community-based intervention programmes and to reduce the stigma of mood disorders. Such efforts hold substantial promise for the development of interventions that may have a positive impact on the health and well-being of college students
Performance management models in construction companies
Opisuje se kritika dvaju najkorištenijih modela upravljanja izvršenjem u praksi – tablica uravnoteženih rezultata i Model izvrsnosti. Pokazano je kako se ti provjereni modeli ne mogu primjenjivati u svim slučajevima. Prvi model se pokazao boljim za ocjenu strategije, a drugi za procjenu benchmarkinga i sveukupnu ocjenu poslovanja. Prikazana je tablica odabira modela u odnosu na specifične zahtjeve menadžmenta. Dan je pregled primjene modela u Hrvatskoj sa smjernicama za primjenu.Model and excellence model, is described. It is shown how these well established and confirmed models can not be used in all situations. The first model has been proven better in strategic analyses, and the second in benchmarking and overall evaluation of business operations. The model selection table, enabling selection of models best suited for specific management needs, is presented. An overview of model use in Croatia is given, and practical guidelines are presented
Risk register developement and implementation for construction projects
U radu se prikazuje originalna metodologija razvoja sustava registra rizika za građevinske projekte u Hrvatskoj kao i njegova integracija u proces upravljanja rizicima. Primjena metodologije omogućuje kreiranje registra rizika koji ispunjava očekivanu ulogu središnjeg alata za proces upravljanja rizicima. U tom obliku registar rizika postaje aktivna poveznica između upravljanja rizicima i upravljanja znanjem u građevinskim projektima čime se upravljanje projektima podiže na višu razinu, a time i uspjeh upravljanja projektom.An original methodology for development of the risk register system for construction projects in Croatia, with its integration into the risk management process, is presented in the paper. The application of the methodology enables development of the risk register that assumes the central role in the risk management process. In this form, the risk register becomes an active link between the risk and knowledge management on construction projects, through which the project management is raised to a higher level, and hence the overall successfulness of project management activities is also increased
Nutritional status of hemodialysis patients
Hemodialysis patients are vulnerable population group and they, among other, should take special care on food and fluid intake with emphasis on energy, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and protein intake. The nutritional status of patients (n=14) was assessed through measurement of body weight, body height, upper arm circumference, lower leg circumference and handgrip dynamometry; as well as selected biochemical parameters: urate concentration, calcium and phosphate levels, total protein, creatinine, albumin and globulin ratio and C-reactive protein; and dietary assessment method: 3-day food record (3DD). Using range between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2 as cut-off, 35.7 and 57% of patients were classified as adequately nourished and overweight, respectively. According to results of 3DD, most of the subjects are supposed to align their micro- and macro- nutrients intake with the recommendations, with emphasis on the increasing intake of protein and energy as well as on decreasing intake of potassium, phosphorus, sodium and energy
Application of key performance indicators in South‐Eastern European construction
The importance of performance based benchmarking has become a necessity in a modern construction company and presents a constant challenge for the construction industry. The aim of this paper is to elaborate significance, role and types of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in the construction industry and show how different management perspectives perceive the indicators. A literature review was carried out in order to generate a listing of KPIs, used among academe and the industry. Afterwards, using surveys and semi‐structured interviews, the data was gathered from more than 30 South‐East European construction companies. Results were analyzed, producing a final set of 37 indicators. This study identified a low level of awareness of KPI models and performance management processes among the companies. Furthermore, the analysis showed a substantial difference in perception of KPIs among investors, consultants and contractors, which consequently led to a compiling list of KPIs. The top ten KPI's are: Quality, Cost, Number of investor interferences, Changes in project support, Time increase, Client satisfaction, Employees’ satisfaction, Innovation and learning, Time and Identification of client's interest. The paper concludes with final remarks and guidelines for the implementation of KPIs in practice.
Šiuolaikineje statybos imoneje efektyvumu pagristo lyginimo svarba jau yra neišvengiama, o statybu pramonei tai reiškia nuolatinius iššūkius. Šiuo darbu siekiama išnagrineti pagrindiniu statybu sektoriaus veiklos rodikliu (PVR) reikšme, vaidmeni ir rūšis bei pademonstruoti, kaip šie rodikliai vertinami remiantis skirtingais vadybos požiūriais. Apžvelgta literatūra, siekiant sudaryti akademineje aplinkoje ir pramoneje naudojamu PVR saraša. Pasitelkus apklausas ir iš dalies struktūrinius pokalbius, buvo surinkti duomenys iš daugiau kaip 30 pietryčiu Europos statybos imoniu. Išanalizavus rezultatus gautas galutinis 37 rodikliu rinkinys. Šiame tyrime nustatyta, kad imones menkai ka težino apie PVR modelius ir efektyvumo valdymo procesus. Be to, paaiškejo, kad investuotojai, konsultantai ir rangovai PVR suvokia gana skirtingai, ir del to teko sudaryti PVR saraša. Dešimt pagrindiniu PVR yra šie: kokybe, kaina, investuotojo kišimosi atveju skaičius, pasikeitusi parama projektui, nukelti terminai, kliento pasitenkinimas, darbuotoju pasitenkinimas, naujoves ir mokymasis, laikas, kliento interesu nustatymas. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos baigiamosios pastabos ir PVR taikymo praktikoje rekomendacijos.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: pagrindiniai veiklos rodikliai, statybu sektorius, darbo efektyvumas, suvokimas, vadyba, požiūri
Progression of chronic kidney disease often results with developing hyperkalemia; the increased serum level of potassium, which causes cardiac, neuromuscular and gastrointestinal complications. Hyperkalemia is generally associated with cardiac arhythmias and higher risk of mortality in patients on hemodialysis. The aim was to determine the impact of education on potassium control among patients on hemodialysis, while basing additional education on potassium-reducing techniques during food preparation and applying diet prepared accordingly to learned techniques. Participants were 47 patients on hemodialysis divided in control (n=22) and intervention (n=25) groups. All participants were educated by trained dietitian and received materials about proper nutrition at the beginning of the 1-year longitudinal study. The intervention group was educated additionally on potassium-reducing food preparation techniques. While both groups received two hospital meals per day during hemodialysis, meals for the intervention group were prepared accordingly to suggested food preparation techniques. Biochemical parameters were monitored during the study according to standard methods. The results showed that there was significant change in reduction of serum levels of potassium in intervention group compared to control group after one year of the study (p=0.037). Also, monthly serum levels of potassium were significantly reduced (p<0.05), compared to baseline of the study, during first 8 months in the control group and during all 12 months in the intervention group. Education about food preparation, proper diet alterations and its implementation can be useful in decreasing serum potassium levels and preventing hyperkalemia in patients on hemodialysis
Assessment of mental health and prevention of mental disorders among University students
Studenti se uglavnom smatraju zdravom grupacijom stanovništva, ali ipak
oko 30% njih svake godine doživi neki problem iz oblasti mentalnog zdravlja.
Mentalno zdravlje studenata sve više postaje sfera interesovanja na globalnom nivou,
jer sučeljavanje sa brojnim životnim situacijama koje nosi ovaj period života ubrzava nastanak depresivnih i anksioznih poremećaja. Studija predstavlja jedno od najvećih istraživanja koje se bavi procenom mentalnog zdravlja kod studentske populacije na teritoriji Srbije.
Istraživanje sugeriše na potrebe uvođenja skrininga na depresivnost i
anksioznost kod studentske populacije, odnosno rano detektovanje neprepoznatih
poremećaja zdravlja u presimptomatskoj fazi poremećaja.
Ovakvo istraživanje bi moglo da pomogne u kreiranju preventivnih programa kod
studentske populacije, kako na lokalnom tako i na naciopnalnom nivou, što bi
rezultiralo sugestijama za dopune i izmene odgovarajućih zakonskih i podzakonskih
akata u ovoj oblasti.Previously obtained data in Serbia showed that about 30% of university
students population manifested signs of psychological distress and has mental problems.
Mental health of university students is under increasing concern worldwide, because they face challenges which predispose them to depression and anxiety. This is one of the largest study examining mental disorders in a sample of university students in Serbia.
AIM: to estimate the mental health and detection of depressive and anxiety symptoms among
university students.
The study was a cross-sectional survey of students attending
University of Kragujevac. Our research instrument was standardized questionnaires (adapted to students), from the WHO research protocol of Health behavior.
We randomly selected 1,940 students. Symptoms of depression were evaluated through the
scale BDI-IA. Symptoms of anxiety were evaluated through the BAI scale.
The prevalence of depressive symptoms in students was 23.6%, while the
prevalence of anxiety symptoms was 33.5%. Female students, older students, students who
reported low family economic situation, not owning the room, dissatisfaction with graduate education were more likely to show depressive symptoms. Female students, students who reported parents high expectations of academic success, students who reported environmental pressure of academic success were more likely to show anxiety symptoms. Questions from the questionnaire that were related to the presence of certain somatic symptoms in patients over the last six months, served as the basis for creating a new variable (the sum score of somatic symptoms) for assessing the risk of presence depressive or anxiety symptoms. By collecting responses, a new variable which sum the somatic symptoms might be indicate the presence of depressive or anxiety symptoms.
Results show that the sum score of somatic symptoms might be a very good marker for the
separation of students with depressive symptoms from students without which means that an
increase in the value of the sum score of somatic symptoms by 1 increases the risk of
depressive symptoms by 5.2%. Results also shows that the sum score of somatic symptoms
might be an excellent marker for the separation of students with anxiety symptoms, from
students without anxiety symptoms which means that an increase in the value of the new
variable by 1 increases the risk of anxiety by 5.6%.
These results demonstrate that the high rates of depressive and anxiety
symptoms among university students are related to academic, nonacademic and cultural
backgrounds. The last several years have provided data that highlight a neglected public
health problem in institutes of higher education. The importance of early identification,
especially the minor signs of depression, could prevent or reduce its severity and chronicity.
From a public health perspective, onset and development of mental illness in students is a potentially critical area for intervention programs. A particular challenge is to promote the early diagnosis of depression by initiating community-based intervention programmes and to reduce the stigma of mood disorders. Such efforts hold substantial promise for the development of interventions that may have a positive impact on the health and well-being of college students
Platni sustavi
Zadatak je ovog rada objasniti načine izvršenja međubankovnih plaćanja preko platnih sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj, ulogu koju sustavi velikih plaćanja (tzv. RTGS sustavi) imaju u provođenju monetarne politike u nekoj zemlji, kao i ulogu koju platni sustavi općenito imaju u gospodarstvu neke zemlje.
Pojašnjava se razlika između sustava malih plaćanja i sustava velikih plaćanja, kao i veza koja postoji između sustava malih i sustava velikih plaćanja, odnosno način na koji se platne transakcije obračunate u sustavima malih plaćanja konačno namiruju iz sredstava izdvojenih na računima u sustavu velikih plaćanja.
Prikazuju se platni sustavi koji u Republici Hrvatskoj postoje već duže vrijeme (HSVP i NKS), a koji služe za obračun i namiru platnih transakcija u kunama, kao i dva relativno nova platna sustava (TARGET2 i EuroNKS) koji služe za namiru i obračun platnih transakcija u eurima. Posebno se objašnjava funkcioniranje TARGET2 kao pan-europskog sustava plaćanja u eurima, kao i SEPA (akronim od engl. Single Euro Payments Area) te kako funkcionira EuroNKS kao hrvatski SEPA sustav.
Komparativno se analiziraju platni sustavi u Danskoj, s naglaskom na sličnosti i razlike u odnosu na platne sustave u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Obrađuje se SWIFT kao tehnička podloga za funkcioniranje platnih sustava te kartične platne sheme kao zatvoreni platni sustavi u kojima se obrađuju plaćanja inicirana nekom od platnih kartica
Platni sustavi
Zadatak je ovog rada objasniti načine izvršenja međubankovnih plaćanja preko platnih sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj, ulogu koju sustavi velikih plaćanja (tzv. RTGS sustavi) imaju u provođenju monetarne politike u nekoj zemlji, kao i ulogu koju platni sustavi općenito imaju u gospodarstvu neke zemlje.
Pojašnjava se razlika između sustava malih plaćanja i sustava velikih plaćanja, kao i veza koja postoji između sustava malih i sustava velikih plaćanja, odnosno način na koji se platne transakcije obračunate u sustavima malih plaćanja konačno namiruju iz sredstava izdvojenih na računima u sustavu velikih plaćanja.
Prikazuju se platni sustavi koji u Republici Hrvatskoj postoje već duže vrijeme (HSVP i NKS), a koji služe za obračun i namiru platnih transakcija u kunama, kao i dva relativno nova platna sustava (TARGET2 i EuroNKS) koji služe za namiru i obračun platnih transakcija u eurima. Posebno se objašnjava funkcioniranje TARGET2 kao pan-europskog sustava plaćanja u eurima, kao i SEPA (akronim od engl. Single Euro Payments Area) te kako funkcionira EuroNKS kao hrvatski SEPA sustav.
Komparativno se analiziraju platni sustavi u Danskoj, s naglaskom na sličnosti i razlike u odnosu na platne sustave u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Obrađuje se SWIFT kao tehnička podloga za funkcioniranje platnih sustava te kartične platne sheme kao zatvoreni platni sustavi u kojima se obrađuju plaćanja inicirana nekom od platnih kartica
Platni sustavi
Zadatak je ovog rada objasniti načine izvršenja međubankovnih plaćanja preko platnih sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj, ulogu koju sustavi velikih plaćanja (tzv. RTGS sustavi) imaju u provođenju monetarne politike u nekoj zemlji, kao i ulogu koju platni sustavi općenito imaju u gospodarstvu neke zemlje.
Pojašnjava se razlika između sustava malih plaćanja i sustava velikih plaćanja, kao i veza koja postoji između sustava malih i sustava velikih plaćanja, odnosno način na koji se platne transakcije obračunate u sustavima malih plaćanja konačno namiruju iz sredstava izdvojenih na računima u sustavu velikih plaćanja.
Prikazuju se platni sustavi koji u Republici Hrvatskoj postoje već duže vrijeme (HSVP i NKS), a koji služe za obračun i namiru platnih transakcija u kunama, kao i dva relativno nova platna sustava (TARGET2 i EuroNKS) koji služe za namiru i obračun platnih transakcija u eurima. Posebno se objašnjava funkcioniranje TARGET2 kao pan-europskog sustava plaćanja u eurima, kao i SEPA (akronim od engl. Single Euro Payments Area) te kako funkcionira EuroNKS kao hrvatski SEPA sustav.
Komparativno se analiziraju platni sustavi u Danskoj, s naglaskom na sličnosti i razlike u odnosu na platne sustave u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Obrađuje se SWIFT kao tehnička podloga za funkcioniranje platnih sustava te kartične platne sheme kao zatvoreni platni sustavi u kojima se obrađuju plaćanja inicirana nekom od platnih kartica