38 research outputs found
The stenoendemism of high-mountain flora of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
Among the numerous mountain endemics in the Balkans, the local ones, the distribution of
which is restricted only to one massif or geographically neighbouring mountains, pose a peculiar
and very interesting geobotanical problem. The analysis was concerned with over 70 local
endemic taxa distributed in the mountains of Serbia and Montenegro. The age of each endemic taxon was established according to Turill's division (t927). The number of local endemics in
each studied mountain is correlated with height, steepness, geological diversity and degree of
isolation, as well as the impact of glacial events. It is established that the great and geologically
diverse massifs, i.e. Prokletije and Šarplanina. are characterized by the largest number of local
endemics compared with the other mountains studied. The presence of both relict and young
endemic originating from Tertiary and glacial ancestors indicate that the "nucleus" of high-mountain flora of the central Balkans is very old'Abstract
Distribution of the genus Galanthus L. (Amaryllidaceae) in Serbia
The distribution of species from the genus Galanthus in Serbia is presented, and notes on their taxonomy and ecology are given in the paper. To date, only two species from the genus are known to be present, namely G. nivalis and G. elwesii. Further research on delimitation of the taxa occurring in Serbia is needed
The alpine scrubs and dwarf heaths of the Balkan Peninsula - an exceptional center of floristic richness and endemism
Alpine scrubs (Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo) and dwarf heaths (Loiseleurio procumbentis-Vaccinietea) are an exceptional assemblage of rich floristic units which contribute significantly to the overall diversity on the Balkan Peninsula. The main edificators of these types of habitats are mostly glacial relicts. Additionally, they are of the arctic, alpine, and boreal distribution types, which further emphasises their importance from the conservation point of view. We investigated their taxonomic richness, endemism, patterns of spatial distribution and diversification in the central Balkans as well as their coenotic composition using a comprehensive dataset (15,609 species occurrence data). The analyses were conducted at three hierarchical levels taking into account the ecological and geographic diversity of the alpine
scrubs and dwarf heaths in the study area. The results obtained showed that in the
alpine scrubs and dwarf heaths of the central Balkans 902 taxa (829 species and 73
subspecies) had been recorded, and that the proportion of endemics in these habitats is extremely high (ca. 22%). Our results further showed that in 180 randomly
selected plots of medium size (≥ 10 and < 100 m2 ), the registered regional floristic
richness for the unique sample size was 527 species, placing the alpine region of the
Balkan Peninsula in second place among the richest alpine regions in the world.
Moreover, significant regional differences in species composition were observed
within the research area, with floristic richness and diversity increasing from north
to south
Phytosociology of Stipa-dominated steppe-like vegetation on the ultramafics of the Central Balkans
Despite the fact that dry grassland vegetation on ultramafics has been the object of continuous research in previous centuries, there remains a knowledge gap in regard to the initial stages of vegetation on ultramafic substrates. The Stipadominated dry grasslands of Serbia and Kosovo representing various initial phases in the overgrowth of ultramafic rocks were the object of the present study. A total of 213 relevés were made in different steppe-like Stipa species-dominated grasslands on ultramafics of Serbia including Kosovo, and were then analysed in the context of Balkan dry grassland vegetation of the Festuco-Brometea class. For cluster analyses, new relevés were analysed in order to characterize them floristically and sintaxonomically. For describing associations, we used the concept of “relative fidelity’’ allowing us to find the optimum occurrence of a species within a group of floristically similar communities. The threshold of the phi value was selected at 0.1 for new associations. Four new associations were distinguished: Stachyo scardicae-Stipetum tirsae ass. nov., Euphorbio glabriflorae-Stipetum pulcherrimae ass. nov., Alysso serbici-Stipetum pulcherrimae ass. nov. and Thymo striati-Stipetum mayerii ass. nov.. Relevés dominated by Stipa novakii were asigned to previously described Stipetum novaki Kabaš et D. Lakušić 2013. The first three new associations were assigned to Potentillion visianii, while the latter was assigned to the Centaureo kosaninii-Bromion fibrosi alliance of the Halacsyetalia sentneri order
Numerična analiza travišč v katerih prevladuje Sesleria juncifolia agg. v Srbiji
Phytosociological and numerical analyses of grasslands dominated by Sesleria juncifolia s.l. in Serbia were performed in order to resolve their syntaxonomy and nomenclature. Twelve relevés were sampled on Mt. Mučanj (western Serbia), which were then compared with similar relevés from other parts of the Balkan Peninsula by means of numerical analyses. The relevés were classified using cluster analysis, while the ordination was conducted using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). The results suggest the occurrence of two floristically well defined Dinaric associations in Serbia: Seslerio juncifoliae-Edraianthetum graminifolii ass. nova from Mt. Mokra Gora (Oxytropidion urumovii, Elyno-Seslerietea) and Diantho petraeae-Seslerietum juncifoliae ass. nova (Chrysopogono-Saturejion, Festuco-Brometea) from Mt. Mučanj.Naredili smo fitocenološko in numerično analizo travišč v katerih prevladuje vrsta Sesleria juncifolia s.l. in predstavili sintaksonomske in nomenklaturne rešitve. Dvanajst vegetacijskih popisov smo naredili na gori Mučanj (zahodna Srbija) in jih z numeričnimi metodami primerjali s podobnimi popisi z drugih delov Balkanskega polotoka. Popise smo klasificirali s klastrsko metodo, za ordinacijo smo uporabili korespondenčno analizo z odstranjenim trendom (DCA). Rezultati kažejo na obstoj dveh floristično dobro utemeljenih dinarskih endemičnih asociacij v Srbiji: Seslerio juncifoliae-Edraianthetum graminifolii ass. nova z Mokre Gore (Oxytropidion urumovii, Elyno-Seslerietea) in Diantho petraeae-Seslerietum juncifoliae ass. nova (Chrysopogono-Saturejion, Festuco-Brometea) z gore Mučanj
First record of a natural hybrid Neotinea × dietrichiana (Orchidaceae) in Serbia
Abstract. Neotinea × dietrichiana (Orchidaceae), a natural hybrid between Neotinea tridentata and N. ustulata, has been found on the southwestern slopes of Mt Maljen (Western Serbia) for the first time in Serbia, representing its most continental record in the Balkans. Morphological and distribution data, as well as the ecological preferences of N. × dietrichiana are provided. The hybrid grows between 490 m and 510 m a.s.l., on serpentine substrate, as a member of xero-mesophilous steppe-like meadows. Hybrid specimens have been recorded at the sites where the two parental species grow in sympatry, and mostly where the population size of N. tridentata is larger than the population size of N. ustulata
The phytosociological investigation of habitats with highly invasive tree species Acer negundo L. and Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall was performed in Ramsar site Carska bara (Vojvodina, Serbia). A total of 107 species were noticed within 32 relevés. Recorded relevés are georeferenced and analysed in detail. The results of the relevant numerical analyses suggest the existence of two floristically and coenologically well defined groups of stands defined as the forest communities: Rubo caesii–Aceretum negundi ass. nova and Carici otrubae–Fraxinetum pennsylvanicae ass. nova. The increasing dispersal rate of the invasive trees is detected as a problem amongst many fragile wet habitats across Serbia and SE Europe, alerting their urgent and effective control.Invazivne vrste, kao drugi faktor rizika ugrožavanja nativne biološke raznolikosti, jedan su od najvećih izazova u očuvanju biološke raznolikosti u Europi prema Europskoj strategiji o invazivnim vrstama. Prijetnje autohtonoj biološkoj raznolikosti i degradacije prirodnih staništa postaju najistaknutije kada invazivne vrste postanu naturalizirane i formiraju stabilne zajednice. To može dovesti do homogenizacije ekosustava i smanjenja autohtone raznolikosti vrsta, a konačni ishod može rezultirati u nastanku novih ekosustava. Veliki broj invazivnih biljaka su drveće. Dvadeset tri strane vrste drveća su identificirane u šumskim ekosustavima Srbije, od kojih je 17 invazivno. Unatoč svim poznatim negativnim utjecajima koje invazivne biljne vrste mogu imati, paradoksalno je što je razina istraživanja invazivnih biljnih zajednica, posebice gdje dominiraju drvenaste vrste, mala. Alarmantno velika prisutnost vrlo invazivnih sjevernoameričkh drvenastih vrsta Acer negundo i Fraxinus pennsylvanica zabilježena je u zaštićenom močvarnom području Carska Bara. One su uspostavile stabilne šumske zajednice koje su analizirane i opisane u ovome radu. U znanstvenoj literaturi nedostaju podaci o stabiliziranim zajednicama izgrađenim od dve promatrane drvenaste invazivne vrste.Istraživano područje Carska Bara nalazi se na aluvijalnoj ravnici između rijeka Tise i Begeja, u središnjem Banatu (Vojvodina, Srbija) (Slika 1). Zbog svojih prirodnih svojstava, uživa status specijalnog rezervata prirode, ramsarskog područja, važnog područja za ptice (IBA), važnog područja za biljke (IPA), kao i Emerald i ASCI područja.Fitocenološka istraga odabranih priobalnih šumskih staništa provedena je u razdoblju od 2011. do 2013. godine. Trideset i dva snimka sakupljena su prema Braun-Blanquet metodologiji. Svi podaci su georeferencirani. Osim vlastitih, 4 fitocenološka snimka slične asocijacije iz Austrije uključena su u analizu i korištena za usporedbu. Snimci su klasificirani i grupirani u klaster, za daljnju cenoekološku karakterizaciju i diferencijaciju. Sve analize su rađene u PcOrd 6,0 softveru. Korišten je koncept dominantnih i dijagnostičkih vrsta.Klaster analizom jasno se izdvajaju tri skupine snimaka (Slika 2). Klaster A se sastoji od 20 snimaka u kojima dominira Acer negundo, a klaster B uključuje 11 snimaka gdje dominira Fraxinus pennsylvanica. Treći klaster (C) od 4 snimka predstvalja posebnu skupinu sastojina ranije opisane zajednice Sambuco nigrae–Aceretum negundo, s područja Austrije. Na temelju rezultata svih analiza, smatramo da su prve dvije skupine (klastera A i B) specifične i dovoljno različite, te da se mogu definirati kao nove asocijacije.Ove nove asocijacije Rubo caesii–Aceretum negundi (Tablica 1) (Slika 3) i Carici otrubae–Fraxinetum pennsylvanicae (Tablica 2) (Slika 4) do sada su poznate samo iz istraživanog područja. Tu je prirodna vegetacija uveliko poremećena i sekundarna sukcesija vegetacije primarnih vlažnih staništa nastavlja se i danas. Prirodne šumske zajednice Populetum nigro–albae i Fraxino–Quercetum roboris opsežno su zamijenjene novom zajednicom invazivne vrste Fraxinus pennsylvanica. S druge strane, Acer negundo se proširio i sve više zauzima staništa autohtone zajednice Salicetum albae, a negdje i staništa ass. Populetum nigro–albae, formirajući stabilne sastojine nove invazivne zajednice. Međutim, zamjena zajednica nije tako strogo podijeljena po tipovima staništima, te se promatrane invazivne vrste često nalaze zajedno.Definiranje potpune sintaksonomske pripadnosti dvaju novih opisanih zajednica je u ovom trenutku teško, jer one nisu nigdje prethodno opisane. Njihove dijagnostičke vrste i tipovi staništa ukazuju na to da se one ne mogu svrstati niti u jednu od dve trenutno opisane sveze Robinietea klase. Kako ove opisane invazivne šumske zajednice predstavljaju veliku opasnost za autohtonu biološku raznolikost, situacija je izuzetno alarmantna s obzirom na činjenicu da je istraživano područje međunarodno važno i zaštićeno
Stipetum novakii ass. nova – a new association of serpentine rocky grassland vegetation (Halacsyetalia sendtneri) in Serbia
Phytosociological characteristics of grassland communities above serpentines (order Halacsyetalia sendtneri H. Ritter-Studni~ka 1970) in Serbia, are analyzed according to Braun-Blanquet methodology. In order to detect the basic floristic differentiation of analyzed communities ordinary correspondence analysiswas applied. Cluster analysis was also performed to see the structure and separation of the communities based on the floristic composition. In order to determine diagnostic species, fidelity indices with presence/ absence data and the size of all groups standardized to equal size were calculated. The new association Stipetum novakii is described in open rocky serpentine grasslands in Brdjani Gorge
Wild cereal grain consumption among Early Holocene foragers of the Balkans predates the arrival of agriculture
Forager focus on wild cereal plants has been documented in the core zone of domestication in southwestern Asia, while evidence for forager use of wild grass grains remains sporadic elsewhere. In this paper, we present starch grain and phytolith analyses of dental calculus from 60 Mesolithic and Early Neolithic individuals from five sites in the Danube Gorges of the central Balkans. This zone was inhabited by likely complex Holocene foragers for several millennia before the appearance of the first farmers similar to 6200 cal BC. We also analyzed forager ground stone tools (GSTs) for evidence of plant processing. Our results based on the study of dental calculus show that certain species of Poaceae (species of the genus Aegi(ops) were used since the Early Mesolithic, while GSTs exhibit traces of a developed grass grain processing technology. The adoption of domesticated plants in this region after similar to 6500 cal BC might have been eased by the existing familiarity with wild cereals
Novi i značajni podaci o biljkama, algama i gljivama iz JI Evrope i susednih regiona, 16
This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: diatoms Discostella asterocostata and Stephanodiscus hantzschii f. tenuis, red alga Bangia atropurpúrea, green alga Ulvapilifera, saprotro-phic fungi Didymella vitalbina and Phragmotrichum rivoclarinum, mosses Buxbau-mia aphylla, Sphagnum divinum, and Tortella fasciculata, monocots Anacamptis x nicodemi, Epipactis palustris, Epipogium aphyllum, and Gymnadenia frivaldii and dicots Androsace lactea, Drosera rotundifolia, Potentilla montenegrina, and Tozzia alpina subsp. carpathica are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions.U radu su prikazani novi i značajni podaci sa područja JI Evrope i susednih regiona o sledećim taksonima: dijatomejskim algama
Discostella asterocostata i Stephanodiscus hantzschii f. tenuis, crvenoj algi Bangia atropurpurea, zelenoj algi Ulva pilifera, saprofitskim
gljivama Didymella vitalbina i Phragmotrichum rivoclarinum, mahovinama Buxbaumia aphylla, Sphagnum divinum i Tortella fascicu-
lata, monokotilama Anacamptis × nicodemi, Epipactis palustris, Epipogium aphyllum i Gymnadenia frivaldii i dikotilama Androsace
lactea, Drosera rotundifolia, Potentilla montenegrina i Tozzia alpina subsp. carpathica