1,259 research outputs found


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    Svjedoci smo ekspanzije raznoraznih zaraza, kao Å”to su razne vrste gripe i ostale virusne bolesti. Ovi izrazito opasni virusi postaju velika opasnost za moderno druÅ”tvo. Znanstvenici sa svih strana svijeta i iz mnogih područja sve viÅ”e surađuju, te pristupaju ovom problemu na razne načine ne bi li uspjeli otkriti na koji se način zaraza Å”iri, te kako ju spriječiti. Influenca je akutna, lako prenosiva, po toku teÅ”ka i kratkotrajna infektivna bolest koju uzrokuju virusi influence. Praćena je prije svega općim simptomima, osobito vrućicom, malaksaloŔću, glavoboljom, bolima u miÅ”ićima te drugim znakovima teÅ”ke toksemije. Respiratorni simptomi u početku bolesti nisu izraženi, obično se javljaju tek u dijelu bolesti kad već popuÅ”taju opći simptomi, unatoč činjenici da su respiratorni organi osnovno i glavno mjesto infekcije[1]. Gripu karakterizira nagli početak, neÅ”to sporiji oporavak i mogućnost razvoja brojnih komplikacija. Na vrstu, težinu bolesti i komplikacija utječe dob oboljelog, cjelokupno zdravstveno stanje i poglavito kronične bolesti od kojih je osoba bolovala prije gripe. Pojava komplikacija određuje konačni ishod razbolijevanja od gripe: nekomplicirana bolest izaziva kratkotrajni prolazni opći zdravstveni poremećaj, a komplikacije mogu rezultirati i smrtnim ishodom. Gripa je zarazna bolest koja se vrlo lako prenosi s čovjeka na čovjeka, a od nedavno i sa životinja na čovjeka, kapljičnim putem. To znači da se svatko može zaraziti ako boravi u prostoru u kojem je i oboljela osoba. Nije važno kaÅ”lje li oboljela osoba ili ne. Tijekom epidemije mogućnost zaraze virusom gripe je izrazito velika, pa se samo stroga izolacija može smatrati dostatnom mjerom sprječavanja zaraze virusom. Provjetravanje prostorije ima nesiguran učinak kao i noÅ”enje zaÅ”titne maske. Naravno, i imunitet ovdje ima svoju ulogu. Redovite higijenske mjere i zdrava ishrana, koji utječu na opći imunitet, mogu se smatrati korisnim mjerama u sprječavanju obolijevanja[2].We are witnessing the expansion of various diseases, such as various types of influenza and other viral diseases. These extremely dangerous viruses have become a big threat to modern society. Scientists from all over the world and from many areas are increasingly working together and addressing this problem in various ways in order to manage to discover the way the disease spreads and how to prevent it. Influenza is an acute, highly portable, heavy-current and short-term infectious disease caused by influenza viruses. Accompanied primarily general symptoms, especially fever, malaise, headache, pains in muscles and other signs of severe toxemia. Respiratory symptoms in the beginning of the disease are not expressed, usually occur only in the area where the disease is already weakening general symptoms, despite the fact that the respiratory organs primary and principal place of infection. Influenza is characterized by sudden onset, slower recovery and the possibility of developing a number of complications. The type, severity of illness and complications affecting patient age, health, and especially chronic diseases of which the person had before the flu. Complications are determined by the final outcome of get sick from the flu: uncomplicated disease causes short-lasting temporary general medical condition, and complications can result in death. Influenza is a contagious disease that is easily transmitted from person to person, and most recently from animals to humans, via droplets. This means that anybody can get it if you stay in a place where the sick person. It doesn't matter if an infected person coughs or not. During the epidemic of influenza virus infection possibility is very big, and the only confinement can be considered a sufficient measure of preventing infection. Ventilation of the room has uncertain effect as wearing protective masks. Of course, the immune system plays a role here. Regular hygienic and healthy diet, which affect the general immunity, can be regarded as useful measures to prevent contracting the disease

    Relationship between music and mathematics in early and preschool education

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    Matematičke kompetencije u predÅ”kolskoj dobi možemo podijeliti na: brojevne operacije, geometriju, algebru i uzorke, mjerenje i analizu podatka. Glazbene kompetencije razvijamo usvajajući osnovne pojmove glazbene teorije: ton, harmonija, melodija, tempo i dinamika, ritam i (aktivno) sluÅ”anje glazbe. Spajanjem sastavnica ovih elemenata glazbe i matematike može se uvidjeti njihova korelacija realizirana u simetriji, vrijednosti i mjerenju, uočavanju uzoraka, ali i u otkrićima na polju neuroznanosti. MetodoloÅ”ki gledano poveznica glazbe i matematike slabo je ostvarena ako pokuÅ”avamo oprimjeriti matematičke elemente u glazbi i ostaje otvoreno pitanje potrebe takvih metoda u predÅ”kolskom odgoju.Mathematical competences of preschool children can be divided into: number operations, geometry, algebraic patterns, measuring and dana analysis. Musical competences are developed by learning the basic notions of musical theory: pitch, harmony, melody, tempo and dynamics, rhythm and (active) listening to music. By connecting the components of these elements of Music and Mathematics, we can observe their correlation which is realised in symmetry, value and measuring, patterning, and the developments in the field of neuroscience as well. Methodologically speaking, the connection between Music and Mathematics is not well realized if we are trying to exemplify mathematical elements within music, and the question of the need for such methods in preschools education remains open

    Sixth mass extinction

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    U geoloÅ”koj proÅ”losti planeta Zemlje dogodilo se pet masovnih izumiranja kojima su uzroci bili velike klimatske promjene i prirodne katastrofe. Unatoč procjenama koje je teÅ”ko napraviti i koje su nepouzdane, znamo da je danaÅ”nja stopa izumiranja veća od pozadinske, možda čak i do 1000 puta. Uzrok tome je rastuća ljudska populacija i utjecaj koji čovjek ima na ovaj planet. BioloÅ”ka raznolikost smanjuje se na cijelom planetu i u tijeku je Å”esto masovno izumiranje. Ljudskoj vrsti je ta bioraznolikost prijeko potrebna za opstanak i moramo učiniti neÅ”to da ju spasimo prije nego li bude prekasno.There were five mass extinctions in the geological history of Earth. They were caused by severe climate changes and natural disasters. In spite of uncertain estimates that are hard to come by, we know that modern extinction rate is higher than the background extinction rate, maybe even up to 1000 times. This is caused by human population growth and by the human impact on this planet. Biodiversity is globally decreasing and sixth mass extinction is under way. Human species needs that biological diversity to survive and we have to do something to conserve it before it is too late

    Hazony, Yoram: The Virtue of Nationalism. New York: Basic Books, 2018

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    Agricultural Output Growth at the Regional Level in Serbia

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    This chapter highlights the importance of enhancing the market economy and its chain and significance of a higher degree of exploiting the natural potentials of individual regions by emphasising the fundamental characteristics of the agricultural production in the Republic of Serbia and by examining its contribution to the overall socio-economic development of the country. The subject of the research has included the analysis of the individual regionsā€™ contributions to the overall agricultural growth and all obstacles that prevent the higher degree of exploitation of regionsā€™ natural potentials. The goal of the research is recognising the precise measures of promoting the growth of agricultural production, increasing the level of exploiting natural potentials of the individual regions and a higher participation of agricultural production in socio-economic development of the country

    Flora of the order Quercetalia pubescentis Br.-Bl. (1931) 1932 in the forest vegetation of the Požega hill area (NE Croatia)

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    This paper is a part of systematic ecological-vegetational research into the forest vegetation of the Slavonian hill area, an exceptionally valuable site in the vegetation of the Republic of Croatia. Particular attention was paid to the presence of the species of the order Quercetalia pubescentis in the forest vegetation owing to the fact that they are a special and rare feature in continental forest ecosystems. A total of 123 relevĆ©s encompassing 12 forest communities were analysed. The analysis of the floral composition of forest communities of Po`ega hill area revealed as many as 213 species, of which 31 or 14.5 % belong to the order Quercetalia pubescentis in a sociological sense. The species from the order Quercetalia pubescentis encompass the warmest, southern, south-eastern and south-western positions in the upper parts of the slopes, the flat tops of ridges and crests, as well as the stands with lighter and drier conditions. In terms of physiognomy and sociology, the species of the order Quercetalia pubescentis give the most distinct characteristic to the community Lathyro-Quercetum petraeae. The number of species of the order Quercetalia pubescentis decreases considerably going from the west to east with the exception of the Požega hill area. A comparison of species occurring in certain areas shows that the western part differs from the eastern part, to which the hills of Požega belong. The spectrum of biological forms and the spectrum of floral geoelements were determined for each community. The results of the research broaden the perception of the number, distribution and importance of species of Quercetalia pubescentis order in the forest ecosystems of hills in the Pannonian plain

    Common Case Studies of Marine Structural Failures

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    Marine structures are designed with a requirement to have reasonably long and safe operational life with a risk of catastrophic failures reduced to the minimum. Still, in a constant wish for reduced weight structures that can withstand increased loads, failures occur due to one or several following causes: excessive force and/or temperature induced elastic deformation, yielding, fatigue, corrosion, creep, etc. Therefore, it is important to identify threats affecting the integrity of marine structures. In order to understand the causes of failures, structureā€™s load response, failure process, possible consequences and methods to cope with and prevent failures, probably the most suitable way would be reviewing case studies of common failures. Roughly, marine structural failures can be divided into structural failures of ships, propulsion system failures, offshore structural failure, and marine equipment failures. This book chapter will provide an overview of such failures taking into account failure mechanisms, tools used for failure analysis and critical review of possible improvements in failure analysis techniques

    J-integral as possible criterion in material fracture toughness assessment

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    Numerical fracture toughness assessment of two types of steel, AISI 420 and AISI 431, has been conducted in this paper. The J-integral is chosen as a criterion for fracture behaviour comparison of compact type (CT) specimens made of investigated materials. The values of J-integral are determined through a newly developed algorithm using finite element (FE) stress analysis results of numerically simulated single specimen test method, which is usually employed for experimental J-integral assessment. J-integral values are presented in dependence on specimen crack growth size (Ī”a) for three initial measures of specimen\u27s crack size, a/W = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75

    Environmental activism as a new form of political participation of the youth in Serbia

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    Cilj ovog rada je da pruži odgovor na pitanje da li je ekoloÅ”ki aktivizam jedan od novih oblika političke participacije mladih u Srbiji. Jedna od karakteristika postindustrijskih druÅ”tava je ukupno povlačenje građana iz tradicionalnih kanala političke participacije. Smatra se da političko isključivanje karakteriÅ”e sve građane, ali mlade ponajviÅ”e. Ipak, iako se mladi ljudi sve viÅ”e okreću od 'mainstream' politike, oni su zainteresovani za različite teme koje se mogu svrstati u političke u Å”irem značenju pojma. U postsocijalističkim evropskim zemljama, mladi ljudi joÅ” manje učestvuju u političkom životu nego Å”to je to slučaj sa etabliranim demokratijama. Ipak, oni su takođe skloni da usvoje nove forme političkog izražavanja. Da li omladina u Srbiji prati iste obrasce političkog angažovanja, namera nam je da istražimo u ovom radu. U potrazi za odgovorom na ovo pitanje, fokusiraćemo naÅ”u analizu na ekoloÅ”ki aktivizam, kao jedan od oblika novog političkog angažovanja Å”iroko prihvaćenog među mladima.The aim of this paper is to explore whether the environmental activism is a new form of political participation of the Serbian youth. One of the characteristics of the postindustrial societies is a general citizen withdrawal from the traditional channels of political participation. Political disengagement is thought to characterize all citizens but most of all the young people. However, although young people may have turned away from mainstream politics, they are nevertheless concerned with a wide range of issues that could be considered political in a broader sense of the term. In the post-socialist Europe young people tend to be even less involved in political life than the youth in the established democracies. However, they are also likely to adopt novel forms of political expression. Whether the Serbian youth follow the same pattern of political involvement, we intend to explore in this article. In searching for the answer to this question, we will focus our analysis on the environmental activism, as one of the forms of the new political engagement widely accepted among young people

    The dynamics and structure of migration from North Africa to the European Union: An issue that is yet to arise

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse existing and projected trends in the dynamics of African-European migration. Despite the belief that African migrations are extraordinary compared to those in the rest of the world, the reviewed modern theoretical framework offers different depiction regarding the motivations of the African population to migrate and the identification of relevant push and pull factors. The paper also includes review of the attitudes towards immigrants in EU countries, capturing cultural, economic and general dimension. The existing secondary data show that European public does not feel comfortable with the growing number of foreign immigrants, especially in Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy and Slovakia, which puts long-term pressure on policymakers and EU institutions in creating a robust system that can cope with both current and future pressures on the EU\u27s external borders
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