30 research outputs found

    Technology of welding of stainless steel in agriculture

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    Bez primjene nehrđajućih čelika poljoprivreda je skoro nezamisliva zbog njihove dugotrajnosti i zbog dobrih mehaničkih svojstava, budući da većina poljoprivrednih strojeva i oruđa radi pod atmosferskim utjecajem (kiÅ”a, snijeg, mraz, zračenje sunca, itd.) te zbog toga moraju biti dugotrajni i korozijsko otporni. Takvi čelici moraju biti vrlo precizno i kvalitetno zavareni bez gubitka njihovih mehaničkih svojstava. U zavarivanju nehrđajućih čelika najviÅ”e se koriste MIG, MAG i TIG tehnologija zbog njihove jednostavnosti, preciznosti i brzine zavarivanja. U ovom radu se opisuju navedene tehnologije zavarivanja nehrđajućih čelika i njihova primjena u poljoprivredi, koja je rasprostranjena u stočarskoj i ratarskoj proizvodnji. Takvi postupci su brži od standardnog REL postupka jer nema zamjenjivanja elektroda, nego se koriste zaÅ”titni plinovi koji mogu biti inertni ili aktivni i ā€žbeskonačnaā€œ žica. Za zavarivanje su potrebna znanja iz viÅ”e područja: znanosti o materijalima i metalurgije, termodinamike, elektrotehnike, kemije i informatikeWithout application of stainless steels, agriculture is almost unthinkable because of his durability and good mechanical properties, since most agricultural machines and tools work under atmospheric influence (rain, snow, frost, sun radiation, etc.) and therefore must be durable and corrosion-resistant. Such steels must be very precise and properly welded without losing their mechanical properties. In welding of stainless steel, the most used are MIG, MAG and TIG technologies due to their simplicity, precision and welding speed. This paper describes the welding technologies of stainless steel and their application in agriculture, which is widespread in livestock and crop production. Such procedures are faster than the standard REL procedure because there is no electrode replacement, and they used protective gases that can be inert or active and "infinite" wire are used. Welding requires knowledge in several areas: materials science and metallurgy, thermodynamics, electrical engineering, chemistry and information technolog

    Technology of welding of stainless steel in agriculture

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    Bez primjene nehrđajućih čelika poljoprivreda je skoro nezamisliva zbog njihove dugotrajnosti i zbog dobrih mehaničkih svojstava, budući da većina poljoprivrednih strojeva i oruđa radi pod atmosferskim utjecajem (kiÅ”a, snijeg, mraz, zračenje sunca, itd.) te zbog toga moraju biti dugotrajni i korozijsko otporni. Takvi čelici moraju biti vrlo precizno i kvalitetno zavareni bez gubitka njihovih mehaničkih svojstava. U zavarivanju nehrđajućih čelika najviÅ”e se koriste MIG, MAG i TIG tehnologija zbog njihove jednostavnosti, preciznosti i brzine zavarivanja. U ovom radu se opisuju navedene tehnologije zavarivanja nehrđajućih čelika i njihova primjena u poljoprivredi, koja je rasprostranjena u stočarskoj i ratarskoj proizvodnji. Takvi postupci su brži od standardnog REL postupka jer nema zamjenjivanja elektroda, nego se koriste zaÅ”titni plinovi koji mogu biti inertni ili aktivni i ā€žbeskonačnaā€œ žica. Za zavarivanje su potrebna znanja iz viÅ”e područja: znanosti o materijalima i metalurgije, termodinamike, elektrotehnike, kemije i informatikeWithout application of stainless steels, agriculture is almost unthinkable because of his durability and good mechanical properties, since most agricultural machines and tools work under atmospheric influence (rain, snow, frost, sun radiation, etc.) and therefore must be durable and corrosion-resistant. Such steels must be very precise and properly welded without losing their mechanical properties. In welding of stainless steel, the most used are MIG, MAG and TIG technologies due to their simplicity, precision and welding speed. This paper describes the welding technologies of stainless steel and their application in agriculture, which is widespread in livestock and crop production. Such procedures are faster than the standard REL procedure because there is no electrode replacement, and they used protective gases that can be inert or active and "infinite" wire are used. Welding requires knowledge in several areas: materials science and metallurgy, thermodynamics, electrical engineering, chemistry and information technolog


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    The aim of this paper is to show that business entities that apply ethical principles in their business, gain a good reputation on the market and trust in the quality of their product. Thus, it is known that the business entity is responsible, which enables it to fulfill the basic goal of business, which is to make a profit. The subject of research in this paper is the impact of socially responsible business on the market position of business entities. The authors specifically investigated the application and impact of socially responsible business rules on the position of agricultural farms in the territory of the municipality of Ruma. The instruments used in this research are a survey of farm owners and other stakeholders, an extensive literate review and a method of comparative analysis. The results of the research show that compliance with the rules of business ethics, in the long term, brings more profit to the business entity, so compliance with those standards is becoming more and more universal. That is why agricultural producers follow the rules of socially responsible business. The authors concluded that the social responsibility of business entities is an ethical demand that society places on them, a correlation with two demands that they are already faced with: economic - gaining profit and legal


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    During project field activities conducted in May 2021 in the territory of the Landscape of Outstanding Features ā€œDolina Pčinjeā€ at the locality Vogance, one dead and trampled specimen of the web-spinning sawfly Caenolyda reticulata (Linnaeus, 1758) was found. The new finding is the first report of the species from Serbia, as well as from the Balkans, and significantly expands its known distribution into southeast Europe. The host plants of this species are pines (Pinus spp.), of which black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. nigra) occurs in the Pčinja River valley


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    The fauna of butterflies in Serbia is richer for another species - Tarucus balkanicus (Freyer, 1845). During the research of the Landscape of Outstanding Features of the "Valley of Pčinja", on August 3rd and 4th, a total of 6 individuals of this species were recorded at the site of Čivčija. The feeding plant of this species is Paliurus spina-christi, on the basis of which the popular Serbian name for T. balkanicus ā€“ ā€œdračacā€ was proposed

    Selected quality factors in the function of creating guests' satisfaction

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    The quality of service is an ongoing problem of research in the world in all service sectors and dictates potential expectations among guests and their satisfaction. Pursuant to the problem and theoretical setting of similar research, the authors identified the quality factors of hotel service in Divčibare, to determine their impact on guest satisfaction. Methods used in research are descriptive and regressive analysis. The authors used a modified questionnaire from the author of Akbab (2006), for the international community. The survey was conducted during 2022, with a total sample of 442 respondents. The study showed that the material component of the hotel service has a positive impact on the loyalty of visitors to the hotel building, in relation to the intangible component. In addition, by observing the behaviour of guests, it is possible to respond to their demands and needs which are a major factor in creating loyalty

    Service quality and customer satisfaction in the hotel industry in Serbia

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    The significance of quality measurement and the value of components of a hotel service offer can be observed in the connection with the clients' satisfaction. The goal of this paper is to measure the level of satisfaction with the quality of hotel service, i.e. to identify the possibilities for establishing and development of long-term relations with the hotelā€˜s clients. Happy guests show a larger degree of satisfaction and loyalty and they visit the hotel again, recommend it to their friends, which affects the hotelā€˜s profits, and the development of tourism as a whole. The research was conducted in eight hotels in Serbia. Primary data were obtained by using survey method and 87 respondents, all of which were the guests of the hotels. The respondents expressed their claims on 7 points of Likert scale. The data analysis was conducted by applying the statistical program IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS 20).Publishe

    The importance of intangible elements in the assessment of service quality in hotels in Kolubara District

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    One of the hotel companiesā€™ key strategies in terms of increasing domestic and international competition is that the hotel service offer reflects a high quality level. Aim of this paper is to measure the guestsā€™ satisfaction level by the intangible components of offer in the Kolubara District hotels, i.e. to show the significance of this dimension in the total process of providing hotel services. Satisfied guests show a higher loyalty level, which represents a precondition for visiting the same hotel by the same guests and recommend it to their friends. The research was conducted in four hotels, where 100 respondents, the guests of the hotel, were surveyed. The research results showed that the intangible dimension of hotel offer can predetermine and increase the value of services to a large degree, and guestsā€™ satisfaction as the users of services as well.Publishe

    Psychometric Properties of the Serbian Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS) and Validation of the English Version Among Non-native English Speakers

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    The present study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Serbian Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS) and the original English version of the same scale administered to a Serbian-speaking sample. In Study 1, 599 participants completed Serbian SABAS, with 189 having both test and retest data. Results suggested good internal consistency ( Ī± = .81) and testā€“retest reliability ( ICC = .795, p < .001, 95% CI [.731, .844], r test-retest = .803) of the scale. Convergent validity of the SABAS was evaluated through correlations with the Smartphone Addiction Scaleā€“Short Version (SAS-SV), as well as with anxiety, depression, worry, duration, and purpose of smartphone use. Divergent validity of the SABAS was evaluated through comparing the correlations with entertainment and productive smartphone use. The modified CFA model showed an acceptable fit ( Ļ‡ 2 (8) = 25.53, p = .001, CFI = .961, TLI = .926, RMSEA = .096, SRMR = .042), confirming the unidimensionality of the SABAS. In the second study, the English SABAS, completed by 335 non-native speakers from Serbia, also showed a good fit of the single-factor model ( Ļ‡ 2 (9) = 12.56, p = .184, CFI = .990, TLI = .984, RMSEA = .036, SRMR = 0.026), and good psychometric features. Based on the studyā€™s findings, the Serbian version of SABAS is a reliable and valid measure for screening the risk of smartphone addiction. Moreover, the English version can be used among non-native Serbian English speakers

    A Path to Sustainable Municipal Waste Management: From Engineering Practices to Education and Training

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    With population growth and increasing municipal solid waste generation, efficient and sustainable waste management strategies become important to protect both human health and the environment. Although the transition from the prevailing waste management systems, such as landfilling, to modern waste management systems based on the 3R principle (reduce, reuse and recycle) is imperative, it is still very difficult to achieve in many countries. The waste management systems applied are in line with the countryā€™s income level, and the sustainable cutting-edge technologies are almost exclusively applied in high- and upper-middle-income countries. Thus, the modernization of the waste management system is achieved mostly through the growth of the gross domestic product. Moreover, the efficiency of modern sustainable waste management systems depends not only on the implementation of appropriate technical and economic strategies, but also needs to be supported by the education of citizens and the training of waste management professionals. The paper gives an overview of the educational-professional project ā€œEDUcation for CLImate Change mitigation in the municipal solid waste sectorā€, which is part of the European Climate Change Initiative (EUKI)