261 research outputs found

    Reliability of judging in DanceSport

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of the new judging system in DanceSport. Methods Eighteen judges rated the 12 best placed adult dancing couples competing at an international competition. They marked each couple on all judging criteria on a 10 level scale. Absolute agreement and consistency of judging were calculated for all main judging criteria and sub-criteria. Results A mean correlation of overall judging marks was 0.48. Kendall’s coefficient of concordance for overall marks (W = 0.58) suggesting relatively low agreement among judges. Slightly lower coefficients were found for the artistic part [Partnering skills (W = 0.45) and Choreography and performance (W = 0.49)] compared to the technical part [Technical qualities (W = 0.56) and Movement to music (W = 0.54)]. ICC for overall criteria was low for absolute agreement [ICC(2,3) = 0.62] but higher for consistency [ICC(3,3) = 0.80]. Conclusion The relatively large differences between judges’ marks suggest that judges either disagreed to some extent on the quality of the dancing or used the judging scale in different ways. The biggest concern was standard error of measurement (SEM) which was often larger than the difference between dancers scores suggesting that this judging system lacks validity. This was the first research to assess judging in DanceSport and offers suggestions to potentially improve both its objectivity and validity in the future

    Evaluating goal threat in football using player and ball locations

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    Goal scoring in football is relatively low but vitally important, hence research has considered how goals are created and scored with measures such as expected goals prevalent. The dynamical systems theoretical perspective, considers a collective system, such as football, as existing in two states, stable (no substantive advantage for either team) or unstable (advantage present). Hence, goal scoring events occur when the system has become unstable, with a “perturbation” the event causing the system state change. Here, a “goal threat” value was calculated every second (scaled from 0 to 100) using the XY coordinates of players and the ball, weighted in relation to proximity to the goal (a potential proxy for the degree of system instability). Video recordings and synchronised Amisco 2D representations of goals (n=64) scored in Swansea City AFC English Premier League 2012/2013 matches (n=20) were analysed using Dartfish v10 Pro software. Each goal was analysed from when the play was judged to be stable (no obvious goal scoring opportunity), or the start of possession, until the goal had been scored. Goals were not always preceded by high goal threat values (maximum goal threat values ranged from 13.4 to 99.0). The authors independently subjectively determined that perturbations occurred up to 7 seconds from when the goal threat value increased by at least 40%. Thus, perturbations were not directly related to goal scoring opportunities. This novel method provides a useful, quantifiable, and simple measure of goal threat that may also aid audience engagement and measure defensive effectiveness

    CoRoT observations of O stars: diverse origins of variability

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    Six O-type stars were observed continuously by the CoRoT satellite during a 34.3-day run. The unprecedented quality of the data allows us to detect even low-amplitude stellar pulsations in some of these stars (HD 46202 and the binaries HD 46149 and Plaskett's star). These cover both opacity-driven modes and solar-like stochastic oscillations, both of importance to the asteroseismological modelling of O stars. Additional effects can be seen in the CoRoT light curves, such as binarity and rotational modulation. Some of the hottest O-type stars (HD 46223, HD 46150 and HD 46966) are dominated by the presence of red-noise: we speculate that this is related to a sub-surface convection zone.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, conference paper. To be published in "Four decades of Research on Massive Stars", Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Eds. C. Robert, N. St-Louis and L. Drisse

    Observations of the pulsating subdwarf B star Feige 48: Constraints on evolution and companions

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    Since pulsating subdwarf B (sdBV or EC14026) stars were first discovered (Kilkenny et al, 1997), observational efforts have tried to realize their potential for constraining the interior physics of extreme horizontal branch (EHB) stars. Difficulties encountered along the way include uncertain mode identifications and a lack of stable pulsation mode properties. Here we report on Feige 48, an sdBV star for which follow-up observations have been obtained spanning more than four years, which shows some stable pulsation modes. We resolve the temporal spectrum into five stable pulsation periods in the range 340 to 380 seconds with amplitudes less than 1%, and two additional periods that appear in one dataset each. The three largest amplitude periodicities are nearly equally spaced, and we explore the consequences of identifying them as a rotationally split l=1 triplet by consulting with a representative stellar model. The general stability of the pulsation amplitudes and phases allows us to use the pulsation phases to constrain the timescale of evolution for this sdBV star. Additionally, we are able to place interesting limits on any stellar or planetary companion to Feige 48.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Inverse relationship between oligoclonal expanded CD69- TTE and CD69+ TTE cells in bone marrow of multiple myeloma patients.

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    CD8+CD57+ terminal effector T (TTE) cells are a component of marrow-infiltrating lymphocytes and may contribute to the altered immune responses in multiple myeloma (MM) patients. We analyzed TTE cells in the bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) of age-matched controls and patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), smoldering MM (SMM), and newly diagnosed (ND) MM using flow cytometry, mass cytometry, and FlowSOM clustering. TTE cells are heterogeneous in all subjects, with BM containing both CD69- and CD69+ subsets, while only CD69- cells are found in PB. Within the BM-TTE compartment, CD69- and CD69+ cells are found in comparable proportions in controls, while CD69- cells are dominant in MGUS and SMM and predominantly either CD69- or CD69+ cells in NDMM. A positive relationship between CD69+TTE and CD69-TTE cells is observed in the BM of controls, lost in MGUS, and converted to an inverse relationship in NDMM. CD69-TTE cells include multiple oligoclonal expansions of T-cell receptor/VÎČ families shared between BM and PB of NDMM. Oligoclonal expanded CD69-TTE cells from the PB include myeloma-reactive cells capable of killing autologous CD38hi plasma cells in vitro, involving degranulation and high expression of perforin and granzyme. In contrast to CD69-TTE cells, oligoclonal expansions are not evident within CD69+TTE cells, which possess low perforin and granzyme expression and high inhibitory checkpoint expression and resemble T resident memory cells. Both CD69-TTE and CD69+TTE cells from the BM of NDMM produce large amounts of the inflammatory cytokines interferon-Îł and tumor necrosis factor α. The balance between CD69- and CD69+ cells within the BM-TTE compartment may regulate immune responses in NDMM and contribute to the clinical heterogeneity of the disease

    International Children’s Rights: Reflections on a Complex, Dynamic, and Relatively Young Area of Law

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    This chapter reflects on the aim of the International Children’s Rights volume to provide those wishing to study, research, and practice international children’s rights law with a contemporary and comprehensive legal text. It recaps on the themes that emerged from the process of commissioning and editing the various contributions from some of the world’s leading and emerging legal scholars in the area of children’s rights. It marks the progress that has been made in the implementation of children’s rights law and the many challenges that still exist in the implementation of the CRC and associated international instruments. It notes that legal scholarship in the field of children’s rights is still developing and that, although multidisciplinary research and analysis is valuable, it is important to reaffirm children’s rights as a field of law and legal practice. International children’s rights is a complex, dynamic, and relatively young area of law. As the contributions to the collection show, it is diverse and evolving, with many new aspects and issues worthy of analysis and scrutiny. This chapter encapsulates the aspiration of the volume editors that the book contribute to the scrutiny of the legal implications of the CRC, recognizing the unique features of international children’s rights law, adding to the ongoing development of this important area of law.Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist worl

    IgG1 Fc N-glycan galactosylation as a biomarker for immune activation.

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    Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc N-glycosylation affects antibody-mediated effector functions and varies with inflammation rooted in both communicable and non-communicable diseases. Worldwide, communicable and non-communicable diseases tend to segregate geographically. Therefore, we studied whether IgG Fc N-glycosylation varies in populations with different environmental exposures in different parts of the world. IgG Fc N-glycosylation was analysed in serum/plasma of 700 school-age children from different communities of Gabon, Ghana, Ecuador, the Netherlands and Germany. IgG1 galactosylation levels were generally higher in more affluent countries and in more urban communities. High IgG1 galactosylation levels correlated with low total IgE levels, low C-reactive protein levels and low prevalence of parasitic infections. Linear mixed modelling showed that only positivity for parasitic infections was a significant predictor of reduced IgG1 galactosylation levels. That IgG1 galactosylation is a predictor of immune activation is supported by the observation that asthmatic children seemed to have reduced IgG1 galactosylation levels as well. This indicates that IgG1 galactosylation levels could be used as a biomarker for immune activation of populations, providing a valuable tool for studies examining the epidemiological transition from communicable to non-communicable diseases

    Replication of fifteen loci involved in human plasma protein N-glycosylation in 4,802 samples from four cohorts

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    Human protein glycosylation is a complex process, and its in vivo regulation is poorly understood. Changes in glycosylation patterns are associated with many human diseases and conditions. Understanding the biological determinants of protein glycome provides a basis for future diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) allow to study biology via a hypothesis-free search of loci and genetic variants associated with a trait of interest. Sixteen loci were identified by three previous GWAS of human plasma proteome N-glycosylation. However, the possibility that some of these loci are false positives needs to be eliminated by replication studies, which have been limited so far. Here, we use the largest set of samples so far (4,802 individuals) to replicate the previously identified loci. For all but one locus, the expected replication power exceeded 95%. Of the sixteen loci reported previously, fifteen were replicated in our study. For the remaining locus (near the KREMEN1 gene) the replication power was low, and hence replication results were inconclusive. The very high replication rate highlights the general robustness of the GWAS findings as well as the high standards adopted by the community that studies genetic regulation of protein glycosylation. The fifteen replicated loci present a good target for further functional studies. Among these, eight genes encode glycosyltransferases: MGAT5, B3GAT1, FUT8, FUT6, ST6GAL1, B4GALT1, ST3GAL4, and MGAT3. The remaining seven loci offer starting points for further functional follow-up investigation into molecules and mechanisms that regulate human protein N-glycosylation in vivo
