8 research outputs found

    Optical supernova remnants and their influence on star formation rates derived from H[alpha]

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    U ovoj disertaciji je analiziran uticaj zracenja ostataka supernovih (OSN) u liniji H na stopu formiranja zvezda (SFZ) odredenu na osnovu emisije u ovoj liniji. Pri- kazana je detekcija 16 optickih OSN, od strane autora ove disertacije, u delu galaksije IC342, kao i dva potencijalna OSN u galaksiji NGC 185. Posmatranja su realizovana pomocu dvometarskog teleskopa na Nacionalnoj astronomskoj opservatoriji Rozen u Bugarskoj, koriscenjem uskopojasnih ltera: H, [S ii] i kontinuum ltera na tala- snoj duzini bliskoj talasnim duzinama ove dve linije. Takode, u sklopu rada na ovoj disertaciji, pretrazena je literatura kako bi se sastavila lista svih opticki detektovanih OSN van nase Galaksije. Prilikom odredivanja stope formiranja zvezda iz linije H, polazna pretpostavka je da zracenje potice iz jonizovanog gasa koji okruzuje mlade zvezde, tj iz tzv. Hii regiona. Zbog toga opticko zracenje ostataka supernovih u liniji H ,,kontaminira" uks na osnovu koga treba da se odredi SFZ. Nalazimo da je srednja vrednost udela H uksa OSN u ukupnom uksu galaksije, za uzorak od 18 galaksija sa optickim OSN, 5 5%. Zbog postojanja posmatrackih selekcio- nih efekata, ovaj procenat predstavlja tek donju granicu kontaminacije ukupnog H uksa galaksije zracenjem OSN. Za M83, galaksiju sa najvecim brojem detektova- nih optickih OSN, ovaj procenat je 9%, i ocekujemo da je ovaj broj blizu stvarnog procenta zagadenja u spiralnim galaksijama. Na primeru dva specicna slucaja, patuljastih galaksija Holmberg IX i NGC 185, pokazujemo da H uks proizveden od strane ostataka supernovih, ali i drugih objekata koji ne ukazuju na radanje zvezda, moze biti daleko veci, cak do deset puta, od onog uksa koji proizvode Hii regioni.In this dissertation we discuss in uence of H emission from supernova remnants (SNRs) on H derived star formation rates (SFRs). We present the detection of 16 optical SNR candidates in a part of nearby spiral galaxy IC342, and two more poten- tial SNRs in NGC 185 galaxy. The candidates were detected by applying [S ii]/H ratio criterion on observations made with the 2 m telescope at Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory in Bulgaria. Also, in this dissertation we present the most up-to-date list of nearby galaxies with optically detected SNRs. When deri- ving H star formation rates, assumption is that the radiation is coming from the ionized gas surrounding hot and young stars { Hii regions. In this case, emission from SNRs contaminates H ux used to derive SFR. We found that the contribu- tion of SNRs' ux to the total H ux, for 18 galaxies in our sample of galaxies with optical SNRs, is 5 5%. Due to the observational selection effects, the SNR contamination of SFRs derived herein represents only a lower limit. M83 is the galaxy with the most detected optical SNRs and in this galaxy SNRs account for 9 per cent of the total H emission. We expect that fraction similar to this would be close to the real contribution of SNR emission to the total H emission in spiral galaxies. Using two dwarf galaxies as an example, Holmberg IX and NGC 185, we show that the contamination of H ux by SNRs, or other sources, can be much larger, up to ten times higher than total H ux coming from Hii regions of the observed galaxy

    Molecular mechanisms of metabolic regulation in hibernation and during cold-acclimation in European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus)

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    Fenomen hibernacije predstavlja fascinantan primer plastičnosti kod sisara. Hibernirajući sisari podliježu složenom nizu biohemijskih, fizioloških i bihevioralnih promjena u odgovoru na senzonske energetski-zahtijevne periode kuplovane sa redukovanom dopstupnošću hrane. Cilj disertacije je da se ispitaju promjene ćelijskog metabolizma u tkivima i organima tekunica, ključnim za održanje ukupne energetske homeostaze - mrko i bijelo masno tkivo (engl. brown adipose tissue, BAT i white adipose tissue, WAT), mišići i jetra, tokom perioda aklimacije na nisku temperaturu, kao i u fazi hibernacije. Efekat aklimacije/hibernacije na metaboličko remodeliranje u tkivima i organima tekunica praćen je određivanjem: mitohondrijalnog kapaciteta (genska i/ili proteinska ekspresije komponenti respiratornog lanca i ATP sintaze); termogenog kapaciteta (ekspresija dekuplujućeg proteina 1); ekspresionih profila enzima ključnih metaboličkih puteva: glikolize, β-oksidacije, Krebsovog ciklusa, metabolizama triacilglicerola i glikogena. Ispitivani su i transkripcioni faktori uključeni u metaboličku regulaciju, kao i enzimi antioksidativne odbrane. Takođe, ispitivane su promjene u BAT i depoima WAT na strukturnom i ultrastrukturnom nivou. Mužjaci evropske tekunice Spermophilus citellus su početkom septembra podijeljeni u dvije grupe: kontrolnu, koja je boravila na sobnoj temeraturi (22 ± 1 ºC) i grupu aklimiranu na nisku temperaturu (4 ± 1 ºC). Aktivne, eutermične tekunice, koje nisu ušle u duboku hibernaciju tokom aklimacije, žrtvovane su nakon 1, 3, 7, 12, odnosno 21 dan. Tekunice koje su ušle u hibernaciju žrtvovane su nakon 2-5 dana trajanja hibernacije (kontinuirana rektalna temperatura 4 ºC). BAT, subkutano, retroperitonealno i epididimalno WAT (sWAT, rWAT i eWAT), skeletni mišić (musculus quadriceps) i jetra su uzorkovani odmah po žrtvovanju. Kako bi se ispitali mehanizmi metaboličke regulacije u BAT, specifični za hibernatore, paralelno je rađena komparativna studija aklimacije pacova na nisku temperaturu...The phenomenon of hibernation is a fascinating example of plasticity in mammals. Hibernating mammals are subjected to a complex series of biochemical, physiological and behavioral changes in response to seasonal energy-demanding periods coupled with reduced food availability. The aim of the thesis was to investigate metabolic changes in the key tissues and organs of the ground squirrel, responsible for maintaining overall energy homeostasis - brown and white adipose tissue (BAT and WAT), skeletal muscle and liver, during the acclimation to low temperature, as well as in the hibernation. Effects of acclimation/hibernation on metabolic remodeling in the tissues and organs of the ground squirrel were determined by: mitochondrial capacity (gene and/or protein expression of the components of the respiratory chain and ATP synthase); thermogenic capacity (uncoupling protein 1 content), the expression profile of the key metabolic enzymes involved in: glycolysis, β-oxidation, Krebs cycle, glycogen and triglycerides metabolism. Furthermore, transcription factors involved in the metabolic regulation, as well as antioxidant enzymes, were examined. In parallel, we examined the changes in BAT and WAT depots on the structural and ultrastructural level. Males of the European ground squirrel Spermophilus citellus were divided into two groups in early September: the control group, kept at room temperature (22 ± 1 º C) and a group acclimated to low temperature (4 ± 1 ºC). Active, euthermic ground squirrels, which did not enter into deep hibernation during acclimation, were sacrificed after 1, 3, 7, 12, or 21 days. Ground squirrels that entered hibernation were sacrificed after 2-5 days of hibernation (continuous rectal temperature of 4 ºC). BAT, subcutaneous, retroperitoneal and epididimal WAT (sWAT, rWAT and eWAT), skeletal muscle (musculus quadriceps) and liver were sampled. Parallel, in order to examine the mechanisms of metabolic regulation in the BAT specific for hibernation, comparative study with rats acclimated to low temperatures, was made. Results show that, when hibernating animals are exposed to low temperature, the cellular metabolism in all examined tissues/organs is initially subordinated to maintaining euthermia, i.e. thermogenic process. In the early period of the cold-exposure, shivering and nonshivering thermogenesis is induced in the muscle and BAT, respectively..

    Spanish themes in the 1930s Yugoslav literary periodicals in the Serbo-Croatian speaking region ; Испанские темы в югославской литературной периодике традцатых годов двадцатого века на сербскохорватской языковой территории

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    У жижи светске, али и југословенске јавности тридесетих година двадесетог века, нашли су се снажни утисци о друштвеним, политичким и културним приликама у Другој шпанској републици, а потом и о сукобима и страхотама Шпанског грађанског рата. Ова појава одразила се у великој мери на периодику. Све до тада код нас је перцепција Шпаније била претежно романтична и површна. Писало се о њеном романтичном декору. Она је за многе била непозната земља, те су информације о тадашњим тешким догађајима неретко постајале предмет противречних и погрешних тумачења. Почетна претпоставка овог истраживања јесте да је по обиму и интензитету присуства шпанских тема, првенствено у књижевној периодици, то био јединствен период, односно феномен, имајући у виду наше иначе недовољно развијене везе са Шпанијом и слабу хиспанистичку традицију до тада...In the 1930s, the Yugoslav public shared a global fascination with the social, political and cultural conditions in the Second Spanish Republic, and a keen interest in the conflicts and atrocities of the Spanish Civil War. This fascination was largely reflected in Yugoslav literary periodicals. Until the 1930s, the perception of Spain in Yugoslavia was predominantly romantic and superficial. It was an unfamiliar country for many, and the available information about the ongoing conflict was often misunderstood and/or misinterpreted. This research claims that this period was unique for the scope and intensity of the presence of Spanish themes, primarily in the literary periodicals. It was a veritable phenomenon, bearing in mind the otherwise underdeveloped ties with Spain and the weak Hispanic tradition in Yugoslavia..

    Nature of the diffuse emission sources in the H I supershell in the galaxy IC 1613

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    We present a study of the nearby low-metallicity dwarf galaxy IC 1613, focusing on the search for massive stars and related feedback processes, as well as for faint supernova remnants (SNR) in late stages of evolution. We obtained the deepest images of IC 1613 in the narrow-band H{\alpha}, He II and [S II] emission lines and new long-slit spectroscopy observations using several facilities (6-m BTA, 2.5m SAI MSU, and 150RTT telescopes), in combination with the multi-wavelength archival data from MUSE/VLT, VLA, XMM-Newton, and Swift/XRT. Our deep narrow-band photometry identifies several faint shells in the galaxy, and we further investigate their physical characteristics with the new long-slit spectroscopy observations and the archival multi-wavelength data. Based on energy balance calculations and assumptions about their possible nature, we propose that one of the shells is a possible remnant of a supernova explosion. We study five out of eight Wolf-Rayet (WR) star candidates previously published for this galaxy using the He ii emission line mapping, MUSE/VLT archival spectra, and new long-slit spectra. Our analysis discards the considered WR candidates and finds no new ones. We found P Cyg profiles in H{\alpha} line in two stars, which we classify as Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) star candidates. Overall, the galaxy IC 1613 may have a lower rate of WR star formation than previously suggested

    Optical supernova remnants and their influence on star formation rates derived from H[alpha]

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    U ovoj disertaciji je analiziran uticaj zracenja ostataka supernovih (OSN) u liniji H na stopu formiranja zvezda (SFZ) odredenu na osnovu emisije u ovoj liniji. Pri- kazana je detekcija 16 optickih OSN, od strane autora ove disertacije, u delu galaksije IC342, kao i dva potencijalna OSN u galaksiji NGC 185. Posmatranja su realizovana pomocu dvometarskog teleskopa na Nacionalnoj astronomskoj opservatoriji Rozen u Bugarskoj, koriscenjem uskopojasnih ltera: H, [S ii] i kontinuum ltera na tala- snoj duzini bliskoj talasnim duzinama ove dve linije. Takode, u sklopu rada na ovoj disertaciji, pretrazena je literatura kako bi se sastavila lista svih opticki detektovanih OSN van nase Galaksije. Prilikom odredivanja stope formiranja zvezda iz linije H, polazna pretpostavka je da zracenje potice iz jonizovanog gasa koji okruzuje mlade zvezde, tj iz tzv. Hii regiona. Zbog toga opticko zracenje ostataka supernovih u liniji H ,,kontaminira" uks na osnovu koga treba da se odredi SFZ. Nalazimo da je srednja vrednost udela H uksa OSN u ukupnom uksu galaksije, za uzorak od 18 galaksija sa optickim OSN, 5 5%. Zbog postojanja posmatrackih selekcio- nih efekata, ovaj procenat predstavlja tek donju granicu kontaminacije ukupnog H uksa galaksije zracenjem OSN. Za M83, galaksiju sa najvecim brojem detektova- nih optickih OSN, ovaj procenat je 9%, i ocekujemo da je ovaj broj blizu stvarnog procenta zagadenja u spiralnim galaksijama. Na primeru dva specicna slucaja, patuljastih galaksija Holmberg IX i NGC 185, pokazujemo da H uks proizveden od strane ostataka supernovih, ali i drugih objekata koji ne ukazuju na radanje zvezda, moze biti daleko veci, cak do deset puta, od onog uksa koji proizvode Hii regioni.In this dissertation we discuss in uence of H emission from supernova remnants (SNRs) on H derived star formation rates (SFRs). We present the detection of 16 optical SNR candidates in a part of nearby spiral galaxy IC342, and two more poten- tial SNRs in NGC 185 galaxy. The candidates were detected by applying [S ii]/H ratio criterion on observations made with the 2 m telescope at Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory in Bulgaria. Also, in this dissertation we present the most up-to-date list of nearby galaxies with optically detected SNRs. When deri- ving H star formation rates, assumption is that the radiation is coming from the ionized gas surrounding hot and young stars { Hii regions. In this case, emission from SNRs contaminates H ux used to derive SFR. We found that the contribu- tion of SNRs' ux to the total H ux, for 18 galaxies in our sample of galaxies with optical SNRs, is 5 5%. Due to the observational selection effects, the SNR contamination of SFRs derived herein represents only a lower limit. M83 is the galaxy with the most detected optical SNRs and in this galaxy SNRs account for 9 per cent of the total H emission. We expect that fraction similar to this would be close to the real contribution of SNR emission to the total H emission in spiral galaxies. Using two dwarf galaxies as an example, Holmberg IX and NGC 185, we show that the contamination of H ux by SNRs, or other sources, can be much larger, up to ten times higher than total H ux coming from Hii regions of the observed galaxy

    Spanish themes in the 1930s Yugoslav literary periodicals in the Serbo-Croatian speaking region ; Испанские темы в югославской литературной периодике традцатых годов двадцатого века на сербскохорватской языковой территории

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    У жижи светске, али и југословенске јавности тридесетих година двадесетог века, нашли су се снажни утисци о друштвеним, политичким и културним приликама у Другој шпанској републици, а потом и о сукобима и страхотама Шпанског грађанског рата. Ова појава одразила се у великој мери на периодику. Све до тада код нас је перцепција Шпаније била претежно романтична и површна. Писало се о њеном романтичном декору. Она је за многе била непозната земља, те су информације о тадашњим тешким догађајима неретко постајале предмет противречних и погрешних тумачења. Почетна претпоставка овог истраживања јесте да је по обиму и интензитету присуства шпанских тема, првенствено у књижевној периодици, то био јединствен период, односно феномен, имајући у виду наше иначе недовољно развијене везе са Шпанијом и слабу хиспанистичку традицију до тада...In the 1930s, the Yugoslav public shared a global fascination with the social, political and cultural conditions in the Second Spanish Republic, and a keen interest in the conflicts and atrocities of the Spanish Civil War. This fascination was largely reflected in Yugoslav literary periodicals. Until the 1930s, the perception of Spain in Yugoslavia was predominantly romantic and superficial. It was an unfamiliar country for many, and the available information about the ongoing conflict was often misunderstood and/or misinterpreted. This research claims that this period was unique for the scope and intensity of the presence of Spanish themes, primarily in the literary periodicals. It was a veritable phenomenon, bearing in mind the otherwise underdeveloped ties with Spain and the weak Hispanic tradition in Yugoslavia..

    Neurotoxicity evaluation of fentanyl analogs in rats

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    This study aimed at evaluating the neurotoxicity of fentanyl analogs: (±)-cis-3-carbomethoxy fentanyl (C) and (±)-trans-3-carbomethoxy fentanyl (T) in rats. C and T are less potent (2.4-3.1 and 8.4-12.3 times, respectively) than fentanyl (F) in producing both antinociception and morphine-like neurotoxic effects: loss of pinna reflex, Straub tail, impairment of motor coordination, catalepsy, loss of corneal reflex and loss of righting reflex. All of the effects tested were dose-dependent and they were abolished by pretreatment with naloxone, nonselective antagonist of opioid receptors, indicating that they are mediated via opioid receptors. Further, F, C and T exhibited similar relative potencies in producing all tested effects, indicating that similar receptors are involved in producing antinociceptive and neurotoxic effects, most probably of μ type. By using equiantinociceptive doses, C and T produced significantly shorter duration of both antinociception and neurotoxicity than F. No significant differences between therapeutic indices for F, C and T were found, indicating that these compounds are equally safe and tolerable in respect to the neurotoxic effects tested. Neurotoxicity testing presented in this paper may be useful in studying the structure-activity relationship of opioid congeners