97 research outputs found

    The utopia of personality: Moisei Ginzburg’s project for the Moscow Park of Culture and Leisure

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    The article was submitted on 01.07.2015.This article focuses on Moisei Ginzburg’s competition entry for the Central Park of Culture and Leisure in Moscow (1931), assessing its nature as a utopian landscape. It demonstrates how the program of the project emerged from the debates on modernist town planning as an attempt to adapt ideas developed in the course of these debates to existing urban context. Emerging prior to the rest of the modernist urban environment, the park assumed the role of representing the settlement of the future within the city of the past, while simultaneously forming a part and parcel of the urban system to come. It was both inscribed into the modernist system of the zonal division of the city as the recreation zone and itself divided into separate zones, becoming a miniature model of an ideal modernist city of the future. The project was based on the principles of “disurbanism,” an approach to town planning, which Ginzburg earlier developed in his project of the Green City near Moscow (1930). Following the theoretician of disurbanism Mikhail Okhitovich, Ginzburg declared the individual (rather than the family or the group) the basic unit of society, and consequently, personal development became the major mission that his park was to perform. As a result, the Park of Culture and Leisure became not a site, but a mechanism of personal and urban transformation.Статья посвящена заявке Моисея Гинзбурга на конкурс проектов Центрального парка культуры и отдыха в Москве (1931), рассматривавшей природу как утопический ландшафт. Автор показывает, каким образом программа проекта возникла в дебатах о современном планировании городов в качестве попытки применить идеи, развитые в ходе этих дебатов, к существующему городскому контексту. Возникнув прежде окружающей современной городской среды, парк принимал роль представителя поселения будущего внутри города прошлого, одновременно формируя частицу грядущей городской системы. Он вписывался в рамки модернистской системы зонирования города как рекреационная зона и одновременно сам дробился на меньшие зоны, сделавшись миниатюрной моделью идеального модернистского города будущего. Проект опирался на принципы дезурбанизма - подхода к планированию городов, который Гинзбург ранее применил в проекте Зеленого Города под Москвой (1930). Следуя теории дезурбанизма Михаила Охитовича, Гинзбург провозгласил индивида (но не семью или группу) базовой единицей общества, и, следовательно, развитие личности сделалось основной миссией, которую парк должен был исполнить. В результате парк культуры и отдыха должен был стать не местом, но механизмом персонального и городского преображения

    Stability of singular spectrum analysis and causality in time series

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    The concept of causality has been widely studied in econometrics and statistics since 1969, when C. J. Granger published his paper "Investigating causal relations by econometric models and cross-spectral methods". The intuitive basis for his definition of causality is the following: time series Y is causing time series X if the use of the additional information provided by Y improves the forecast of series X. In the present thesis we focus on combining Granger's causality concept with the Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) technique. SSA is founded on the idea of transforming the time series into a multidimensional trajectory form (Hankel matrices), Singular Value Decomposition with subsequent projection to a lower-dimensional subspace and diagonal averaging. The main aim of the present thesis is to study the causality concept through SSA prism in details and suggest a novel causality measure, which can be used outside the stationary autoregressive class, which is the framework for Granger's original causality concept. We first apply standard statistical tests directly to simulated data to assess the improvement of forecast quality of bivariate multidimensional SSA (MSSA) of time series X and Y compared with SSA of time series X only. Although the results of performance of these tests are reasonably conclusive, the simulation method is time consuming and, thus, more theoretical understanding is desirable. We solve a fundamental scaling problem of the MSSA approach by introducing so-called linearized MSSA. The linearized MSSA approach shows a way towards a causality measure, calculated from the forecast linear recurrence formula (LRF) coefficients. We finally analyze SSA and (non-linear) bivariate MSSA approach in terms of first order stability analysis under perturbations leading to the construction of a valid suitable measure of causality. The construction of the measure requires some simplifying assumptions in the stability analysis whose validity we verify for both simulated and real data

    Elitologia da educação e desafios do século XXI

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    The object of this research is the elitology of education which represents a new character and a new meaning of elite selection according to the principle of high-quality professional knowledge. The article analyzes the key categories, approaches and directions, as well as the problems of changing attitudes towards elites and the elite in the context of the upcoming information society. In turn, the subject of this work is the challenges that the education system will have to face in the conditions of early post-industrial society. In the content of the work, the authors substantiate that the challenges of the 21st century will lead to a change not only in the system of elite (qualitative) training of specialists but also affect the very study of elites, making it more humanitarian. Nanotechnologies, the development of which has now become particularly accelerated and relevant should play a special role in this process.El objetivo de esta investigación es la elitología de la educación, que representa un nuevo carácter y un nuevo significado de la selección de élite de acuerdo con el principio de conocimiento profesional de alta calidad. El artículo analiza las categorías clave, los enfoques y las direcciones, así como los problemas de cambiar las actitudes hacia las elites y la élite en el contexto de la próxima sociedad de la información. A su vez, el tema de este trabajo son los desafíos que el sistema educativo tendrá que enfrentar en las condiciones de la sociedad postindustrial temprana. En el contenido del trabajo, los autores corroboran que los desafíos del siglo XXI conducirán a un cambio no solo en el sistema de entrenamiento de élite (cualitativo) de especialistas, sino que también afectarán el estudio mismo de las élites, haciéndolo más humanitario. Las nanotecnologías, cuyo desarrollo ahora se ha acelerado y es especialmente relevante, deben desempeñar un papel especial en este proceso.O objetivo desta pesquisa é a elitologia da educação, que representa um novo caráter e um novo significado de seleção de elite de acordo com o princípio do conhecimento profissional de alta qualidade. O artigo analisa as principais categorias, abordagens e direções, bem como os problemas de mudança de atitudes em relação às elites e à elite no contexto da próxima sociedade da informação. Por sua vez, o tema deste trabalho são os desafios que o sistema educacional terá que enfrentar nas condições da primeira sociedade pós-industrial. O conteúdo do trabalho, os autores confirmam que os desafios do século XXI vai levar a uma mudança não só no sistema de treinamento de elite especialistas (qualitativos), mas também afetam o mesmo estudo das elites, tornando-o mais humano. As nanotecnologias, cujo desenvolvimento agora se acelerou e é especialmente relevante, devem desempenhar um papel especial nesse processo

    Transplantation of an alpine Carex-fen – a mitigation measure related to the construction of a reservoir in the Austrian Alps

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    Translocations are applied in the context of infrastructure projects to preserve certain vegetation types. Within the EIA of a large hydropower project in the Austrian Alps, manifold mitigation measures were defined. Among those, the transplantation of about 1.4 ha Carex-fen at an altitude of about 2000 m was defined. One year before the start of the construction works in 2021, basic infrastructure (roads) was established and different ecological measures were undertaken, e.g. translocation of amphibians to newly constructed habitats as well as the transplantation of the Carex-fen. The turf was cut from the initial area with an adjusted excavator shovel, delivered to a wheel loader which brought each single turf immediately to the target area, where another excavator mounted the turf in a pre-arranged area. At the donor site more than ½ of the area was based on wet gley, while especially areas in the vicinity of the river were based on fluvial gravel. With the 30 to 70 cm thick turfs also animals, e.g. Odonata, were transferred. Before the translocation a monitoring of the donor sites was carried out. The monitoring concept foresees a detailed monitoring of the newly established sites for 10 years. Herein we provide insights in the applied technology and summarize first results of the monitoring. Overall, our project is unique regarding the vegetation type, the technology, the size and the intensity of monitoring

    Elitology of education and challenges of the 21st century

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    The object of this research is the elitology of education which represents a new character and a new meaning of elite selection according to the principle of high-quality professional knowledge. The article analyzes the key categories, approaches and directions, as well as the problems of changing attitudes towards elites and the elite in the context of the upcoming information society. In turn, the subject of this work is the challenges that the education system will have to face in the conditions of early post industrial society.Объектом исследования является элитология образования, которая предполагает новый характер и новый смысл подготовки элит в соответствии с принципом качественных профессиональных знаний. В статье анализируются ключевые категории, подходы и направления, а также проблемы изменения отношения к элите в контексте формирующегося информационного общества. В свою очередь, предметом этой статьи являются проблемы, с которыми системе образования придется столкнуться в условиях раннего постиндустриального общества.Об'єктом дослідження є елітологія освіти, яка передбачає новий характер і новий зміст підготовки еліт відповідно до принципу якісних професійних знань. У статті аналізуються ключові категорії, підходи і напрямки, а також проблеми зміни ставлення до еліти в контексті інформаційного суспільства, що формується. У свою чергу, предметом цієї статті є проблеми, з якими системі освіти доведеться зіткнутися в умовах раннього постіндустріального суспільства

    Elitology of education and challenges of the 21st century

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    The object of this research is the elitology of education which represents a new character and a new meaning of elite selection according to the principle of high-quality professional knowledge. The article analyzes the key categories, approaches and directions, as well as the problems of changing attitudes towards elites and the elite in the context of the upcoming information society. In turn, the subject of this work is the challenges that the education system will have to face in the conditions of early post industrial society.Объектом исследования является элитология образования, которая предполагает новый характер и новый смысл подготовки элит в соответствии с принципом качественных профессиональных знаний. В статье анализируются ключевые категории, подходы и направления, а также проблемы изменения отношения к элите в контексте формирующегося информационного общества. В свою очередь, предметом этой статьи являются проблемы, с которыми системе образования придется столкнуться в условиях раннего постиндустриального общества.Об'єктом дослідження є елітологія освіти, яка передбачає новий характер і новий зміст підготовки еліт відповідно до принципу якісних професійних знань. У статті аналізуються ключові категорії, підходи і напрямки, а також проблеми зміни ставлення до еліти в контексті інформаційного суспільства, що формується. У свою чергу, предметом цієї статті є проблеми, з якими системі освіти доведеться зіткнутися в умовах раннього постіндустріального суспільства

    Integration processes in the aspect of didactic positions development of the electronic educational and methodical complex (on the example of the training discipline “Sportive and pedagogical improvement”)

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    The article is devoted to the study of the problems of development and system application, electronic educational and methodological complexes on the example of the educational discipline “Sportive and Pedagogical Improvement,” where the authors substantiate theoretical practice-oriented provisions, the implementation of which will allow creating and implementing effective pedagogical processes in the higher professional school as well as effective high-tech educational information products. Integration of information and communication technologies into the practice of training specialists in the field of physical culture and sports allows achieving high educational results.Статья посвящена исследованию проблематики разработки и системного применения, электронных учебно-методических комплексов на примере учебной дисциплины «Спортивно-педагогическое совершенствование», где авторы обосновывают теоретические практико-ориентированные положения, реализация которых позволит создавать и внедрять в целостный педагогический процесс в высшей профессиональной школе эффективные высокотехнологичные информационные продукты учебного назначения. Интеграция средств информационно-коммуникационных технологий в практике обучения специалистов в сфере физической культуры и спорта позволяет достичь высоких образовательных результатов