309 research outputs found

    Методи організації навчального процесу математики, досягнення академічної адаптації іноземних студентів в університеті

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    The paper addresses the issue of foreign student’s adaptation at university when studying math. We identified the difficulties, which are related to foreign students when they study math, specifically in a group with other students, native speakers. The experience of lectures in the form of presentations, initiated at Tomsk polytechnic university, was described. The results of interviewing, conducted by the authors and de-picked in the paper, showed that the learning presentations sufficiently hold on the quality of “digestion” of the material and in general the rate of academic performance of foreign students. Practically proven that lectures equipped with learning multimedia presentation diminish many difficulties connected with adaptation of foreign students in new university settings

    Analysis of the Concept of cтрах and fear and Associated Actions in Russian and their Translation into Spanish

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    In this article, we are going to carry out a parallel analysis of the concepts страх // fear in Russian and miedo // fear in Spanish with a view to addressing two issues: 1) the translation of the noun страх into Spanish, and 2) the translation of actions associated with this noun. In order to address the first issue, we studied two translations into Spanish of the work Белая Гвардия // La Guardia blanca // The White Guard by Bulgakov: that of Pablo Díaz Mora and that of José Laín Entralgo. The analysis which was carried out allowed us to structure the parameters that must be considered when translating the noun страх and to understand the strategies followed by the previously mentioned translators when translating this concept. In order to analyse the second issue, we researched the actions associated with the presence of the noun страх in Russian and their translations into Spanish, making use of the national corpus of the Russian language (RUSSCORPORA). In this study, we show how the noun страх can appear in statements in which it performs the function of a direct object (преодолеть страх) and of a subject (страх мучил меня) as well as in structures of the type страх Vf + prep. (oт, из, с, в) + страх (дрожать от страха). This study allowed us to confirm to what extent the actions associated with the presence of страх can find equivalents in Spanish, and what the most suitable strategies and techniques are there for their translation into Spanish

    Verbalization of the "rich/poor" dichotomy in the Russian and English-language of mass media

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    The article deals with studying of one of the basic cultural and psychological oppositions forming the cognitive value-appraisal picture of the world, the rich and the poor dichotomy and its verbalizations in the language of mass media. Specificity of representation of the rich/poor bipolarity as dominants of the journalistic text and as one of the ways of linguistic cognition of the world is defined. The method of continuous sampling, method of component-definitional analysis, descriptive method, including observation and classification of the material under study, and evidently the contextual analysis have been used as the major methods of research. At first, the microcontexts are analyzed, where the poor/rich dichotomy is considered as the subject-bearer of the feature. The paradigmatic set of nominations of subject-bearers of the rich/poor feature by occupation, age, social status, etc., is revealed. Secondly, the analysis of verbalization in the newspaper text of the items of possession of the poor/rich (nominations combined by the meaning of "food", "clothing", "housing", etc.) is presented. Thirdly, the analysis of contexts depicting the style and lifestyle of the poor/rich is given. The rich/poor binary code in the linguistic space of the Russian and English mass media has exposed a wide range of lexico-semantic links promoting formation of semantic sets and paradigms based on synonymy and antonymy, phraseological and associative representations and images, valence of the word and its contextual interaction

    New Possibilities of Treatment for Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma: A Literature Review

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    Despite improvements in the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) through the introduction of new drugs and high-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, relapses are still inevitable in all patients. The use of immunomodulatory agents (thalidomide, lenalidomide) and proteasome inhibitor bortezomib has improved the treatment of relapses. However, the disease progression lead to repeated relapses and eventually refractory MM. For these patients new therapeutic strategies are needed, including the development of more effective drugs within the existing classes and the study of new combinations, as well as searching new targets for the treatment of MM. We present the key clinical data on the efficacy and safety of the most promising proteasome inhibitors (carfilzomib, ixazomib), new generation immunomodulatory drug pomalidomide, and monoclonal antibodies (daratumumab and elotuzumab)

    Multistationary and Oscillatory Modes of Free Radicals Generation by the Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Revealed by a Bifurcation Analysis

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    The mitochondrial electron transport chain transforms energy satisfying cellular demand and generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) that act as metabolic signals or destructive factors. Therefore, knowledge of the possible modes and bifurcations of electron transport that affect ROS signaling provides insight into the interrelationship of mitochondrial respiration with cellular metabolism. Here, a bifurcation analysis of a sequence of the electron transport chain models of increasing complexity was used to analyze the contribution of individual components to the modes of respiratory chain behavior. Our algorithm constructed models as large systems of ordinary differential equations describing the time evolution of the distribution of redox states of the respiratory complexes. The most complete model of the respiratory chain and linked metabolic reactions predicted that condensed mitochondria produce more ROS at low succinate concentration and less ROS at high succinate levels than swelled mitochondria. This prediction was validated by measuring ROS production under various swelling conditions. A numerical bifurcation analysis revealed qualitatively different types of multistationary behavior and sustained oscillations in the parameter space near a region that was previously found to describe the behavior of isolated mitochondria. The oscillations in transmembrane potential and ROS generation, observed in living cells were reproduced in the model that includes interaction of respiratory complexes with the reactions of TCA cycle. Whereas multistationarity is an internal characteristic of the respiratory chain, the functional link of respiration with central metabolism creates oscillations, which can be understood as a means of auto-regulation of cell metabolism. © 2012 Selivanov et al

    Некоторые замечания о концепте "радость" в русском языке

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    En el presente artículo se examinan los rasgos diferenciadores del concepto “alegría” en la lengua rusa. Se presta atención especial al análisis de la estructura derivativa de dicho concepto.В данной статье рассматриваются особенности концепта радость в русском языке. Особое внимание уделяется анализу деривационной структуры концепта

    Word-Formation Field of the Emotional Concept ‘pechal’ [sadness] in the Russian Language

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    Esta investigación ha sido realizada en el marco del Proyecto Erasmus + KA220 – HED «Innovación del concepto y los planes de estudio de los programas de doctorado para aumentar su efectividad» con referencia 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000022917.El campo de derivación de un concepto emocional es un sistema ordenado de significados categóricos de derivación, que reflejan atributos cognitivos y se expresan mediante la derivación. Tras analizar los derivados incluidos en los nidos de derivación del sustantivo печаль/tristeza, así como sus sinónimos, podemos observar los microcampos más significativos en la estructura del campo de derivación del concepto ruso печаль/tristeza, como son «Действие/Acción» y «Признак, качество/Rasgo, cualidad», lo que confirma la importancia de estos rasgos cognitivos en la representación de los conceptos emocionales. Asimismo, la intensidad está determinada por los verbos derivados con los prefijos вс-(вз-), на - y рас-. El microcampo «Лицо/Persona» está en la periferia del campo de formación de palabras; todos los derivados con el significado de «Лицо/Persona» no son estilísticamente neutros. Un análisis del desarrollo histórico del campo de formación de palabras de un concepto sustantivo mostró que, por un lado, el número de derivados está disminuyendo y, por otro, que la interacción de los rasgos cognitivos en el nivel de formación de palabras está aumentando, pues muchos derivados pueden expresar varios significados categóricos de formación de palabras (por ejemplo, acción e intensidad). La novedad del método propuesto consiste en que la construcción de un modelo de campo de derivación de un concepto permite hablar del carácter específico de este tramo de campo de nominación, describir los procesos de derivación, demostrar una interacción de distintos modos de derivación e intentar averiguar una dependencia de la estructura de un campo de derivación del tipo de concepto.The word-formation field of an emotional concept is an ordered system of categorical derivational values that reflect cognitive criterions and are expressed with help of derivational means. Having analyzed the derivatives included in the family of words of the noun ‘PECHAL’ [sadness] as well as its synonyms, we can note that the most significant micro fields in the structure of the word-formation field of the Russian concept ‘PECHAL’ [sadness] are ‘Action’ and ‘Attribute, Quality’ which confirms the importance of these cognitive criterions in representations of emotional concepts. The intensity is manifested indirectly due to derivative verbs with prefixes vs-(vz-), na-, ras-. The micro field ‘Person’ lies on the periphery of the word-formation field: all derivatives with the value of a ‘Person’ are not stylistically neutral. The analysis of the historical development of the word-formation field of the noun naming the concept showed that, on the one hand, the number of its derivatives is being reduced and, on the other hand, the interaction of cognitive criterions is being intensified at the word-formation level since many derivatives can express several categorical derivational values (for example, an action and intensity). The novelty of the suggested approach lies in the fact that building a model of the word-formation field of the concept enables us to talk about the specifics of this section of the nominative field, to describe the word-formation processes, to show the interaction of different ways of word-building, and to try to establish the dependence of the structure of the word-formation field on the type of the concept.Erasmus+ 2021-1-SK0-KA220-HED000022917Departamento de Filología y Culturas Europeas y Departamento de Estudios InglesesVicerrectorado de Investigació

    Формирование словообразовательного поля концепта "страх" в русском языке XVIII – XX века

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    In modern Russian the most important and developed microfields in the structure of the word-formation field of the concept ‘FEAR’ [strakh] are the "Action" and the "Attribute, Quality" ones. They reflect significant cognitive signs of the emotional concept associated with the expression of movement, intensity, etc. Other microfields have either not received a proper derivational development or they were formed much later. In general, we can talk about a significant reduction in one-root derivatives representing the ‘fear’. There is a variety of reasons for it: transformation in the words’ semantics, isolation of a new family of words from the verb ‘insure’ [strakhovat’], etc.В современном русском языке наиболее важными и развитыми микрополями в структуре словообразовательного поля концепта страх являются «Действие» и «Признак, качество», что отражает важные когнитивные признаки эмоционального концепта, связанные с обозначением движения, интенсивности и т.д. Другие микрополя либо не получили должного деривационного развития, либо сформировались значительно позже. В целом мы можем говорить о значительном сокращении однокоренных производных, репрезентирующих страх, что может быть обусловлено целым рядом причин: изменением семантики слов, выделением нового словообразовательного гнезда от глагола страховать и др

    Effectiveness of the extrascholastic forms of occupations by physical culture in an increase in the physical preparedness of the rural schoolboys

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    Is usovershenstvovana the program of the extra-scholastic forms of occupations on molding of the engine of the scope of the students of the 5th classes, which is built taking into account seasonal- climatic conditions, and the possibilities of educational establishment, it has the zdoroveformiruyushchuyu and kompetent-nostnuyu directivity. Its effectiveness in comparison with the standard school program is shown the physical cultureУсовершенствована программа внешкольных форм занятий по формированию двигательных компетенции учащихся 5-х классов, которая построена с учетом сезонно-климатических условий, и возможностей образовательного учреждения, имеет здоровьеформирующую и компетентностную направленность. Показана её эффективность по сравнению со стандартной школьной программой по физической культур