67 research outputs found

    Transport-induced mortality in Pekin ducks transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic

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    Data on the numbers of Pekin ducks transported to slaughterhouses between 2009 and 2014 and the numbers of ducks that died during these transports were recorded in cooperation with the State Veterinary Administration of the Czech Republic. In the monitored period, a total of 12,327,017 ducks were transported, of which 9,545 (0.077%) died. The levels of transport-related mortality over these years varied significantly (P < 0.001); the lowest mortality was observed in 2011 (0.059%) and the highest in 2013 (0.089%). The impact of distance on transport-related mortality in ducks was demonstrated. The lowest transport-related mortality (0.052%) was found for distances shorter than 50 km. It was significantly (P < 0.001) lower than the mortality rates connected with longer journeys. The greatest mortality rates were found for transport distances of 101-200 km (0.105%). In addition, the season of the year significantly affected transport-related mortality in Pekin ducks. The highest death losses were found in the summer (0.090%). Death losses of ducks connected with summer transports were significantly higher (P < 0.001) in comparison with transport-related mortality rates in any other season of the year. The lowest death losses were found in duck transports carried out in the autumn and winter (0.069% and 0.072%, respectively) with no significant difference between those two seasons. Shortening transport distances and maintaining a suitable micro-climate inside transport vehicles especially in the summer are thus two important factors that can contribute to reducing transport-related mortality in Pekin ducks in commercial practice

    Cortisol concentration, pain and sedation scale in free roaming dogs treated with carprofen after ovariohysterectomy

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    Background and Aim: One of the topic issues in animal welfare activities is the free roaming dog welfare especially in developing countries such as Serbia. The way of controlling population of free roaming dogs is their reproduction with the method of Catch-Neuter-Release. This complex process consists of capturing free roaming dogs in public areas, sterilizing, and returning them to the public area from which they were temporarily removed. Ovariohysterectomy present the period with a high intensity of stress reaction since many veterinarians in Serbia do not use analgesia for this group of dogs. The aim of this study was to compare the serum cortisol concentration before and after ovariohysterectomy and the level of post-operative pain and sedation in a group of free roaming female dogs treated with carprofen after surgical intervention and in a group with no treatment. Materials and Methods: The study was performed on a total of 20 female dogs under the program for free roaming dog control. Free-roaming dogs were captured in public areas by the communal animal hygiene service and were transported between 30 and 45 min to the clinic of a veterinary practice. Treatment began at 10:00 h on the next day and the bitches were kept in cages until they were returned to public locations from which they were temporarily removed to be sterilized. The G2 group received before closing the incision line carprofen in one dosage of 4 mg/kg given by subcutaneous injection into the scruff. Rescue protocol with carprofen was provided for G1 after 24 h following ovariohysterectomy same dosage as G2. Blood (2 ml) was collected from the cephalic vein of each dog in disposable plastic syringes, containing heparin (1:1000) 4 times: Before ovariohysterectomy, 30, 120 min and 24 h following ovariohysterectomy. Cortisol concentration was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The multifactorial pain and sedation scale were used for the assessment of pain and sedation. Results: In both groups, the lowest values of serum cortisol concentration were obtained before ovariohysterectomy. Cortisol levels in both groups were significantly higher (p < 0.01) 30 and 120 min after ovariohysterectomy and showed a decreasing trend toward the end of the observation period (24 h). The results obtained 15 and 30 min after the surgical intervention have revealed a statistically significant difference between the groups (p < 0.05) showing that female dogs treated with carprofen had a lower value on the pain scale and a higher value on the sedation scale compared to the group with no treatment. Conclusion: Carprofen provides both a restful consequence of sedation and a rapid return to a more normal physiological and behavioral state in dogs after ovariohysterectomy

    Causes of admission, length of stay and outcomes for common kestrels in rehabilitation centres in the Czech Republic

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    Rehabilitation centres help injured animals to recover and return back to the wild. This study aimed to analyse trends in intake and outcomes for the common kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) admitted into rehabilitation centres in the Czech Republic. From 2010 to 2019, a total of 12,923 kestrels were admitted to 34 rehabilitation centres with an increasing trend (rSp = 0.7697, P < 0.01) being found during the monitored period. Subadult kestrels (34.70%) and kestrels injured by power lines (26.57%) were most often admitted. Most kestrels in the rehabilitation centres died or had to be euthanized (81.66%), only 15.90% of the birds could be released back into the wild. The median length of stay in rehabilitation centres for kestrels that were subsequently released was 35 days. Considering survival rates, the most critical threat to kestrels was poisoning (100% of the cases resulted in death) but mortality of the kestrels admitted for most other reasons also exceeded 80%. Given the low success rate of the care of kestrels in rehabilitation centres and the relatively small proportion returned to the wild, it is essential to eliminate the causes leading to their admission, that is, to protect their natural habitats and to prevent unnecessary capture

    HENNOVATION: Learnings from Promoting Practice-Led Multi-Actor Innovation Networks to Address Complex Animal Welfare Challenges within the Laying Hen Industry

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    The Hennovation project, an EU H2020 funded thematic network, aimed to explore the potential value of practice-led multi-actor innovation networks within the laying hen industry. The project proposed that husbandry solutions can be practice-led and effectively supported to achieve durable gains in sustainability and animal welfare. It encouraged a move away from the traditional model of science providing solutions for practice, towards a collaborative approach where expertise from science and practice were equally valued. During the 32-month project, the team facilitated 19 multi-actor networks in five countries through six critical steps in the innovation process: problem identification, generation of ideas, planning, small scale trials, implementation and sharing with others. The networks included farmers, processors, veterinarians, technical advisors, market representatives and scientists. The interaction between the farmers and the other network actors, including scientists, was essential for farmer innovation. New relationships emerged between the scientists and farmers, based on experimental learning and the co-production of knowledge for improving laying hen welfare. The project demonstrated that a practice-led approach can be a major stimulus for innovation with several networks generating novel ideas and testing them in their commercial context. The Hennovation innovation networks not only contributed to bridging the science-practice gap by application of existing scientific solutions in practice but more so by jointly finding new solutions. Successful multi-actor, practice-led innovation networks appeared to depend upon the following key factors: active participation from relevant actors, professional facilitation, moderate resource support and access to relevant expertise. Farmers and processors involved in the project were often very enthusiastic about the approach, committing significant time to the network’s activities. It is suggested that the agricultural research community and funding agencies should place greater value on practice-led multi-actor innovation networks alongside technology and advisor focused initiatives to improve animal welfare and embed best practices

    Negative Trends in Transport-related Mortality Rates in Broiler Chickens

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    The high incidence of deaths during transport for slaughter is associated with poor welfare and represents a considerable loss to the poultry industry. In the period from 2009 to 2014, all shipments of broiler chickens to poultry processing plants were monitored in the Czech Republic and the numbers of chickens transported and those dying as a result of their transport were recorded and analysed. Overall transport-related mortality of broiler chickens transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic was 0.37%. It ranged from 0.31% to 0.72%, the increase approximately corresponding to the increasing transport distance. Statistically highly significant (p<0.001) differences were found when comparing transport-related mortality rates in individual seasons of the year. The greatest mortality (0.55%) was associated with transports carried out in winter months whereas the lowest death losses (0.30%) were found in chickens transported for slaughter in summer months. Our study revealed greater transport-related mortality rates in broiler chickens transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic than expected when considering earlier studies. The most pronounced increases were found in transports for shorter distances and in winter months. However, an increase was found at all transport distances monitored except for distances exceeding 300 km and all seasons except for summer. Furthermore, a general increasing tendency in chicken losses during the monitored period was found. The particularly alarming finding is that the mortality of broiler chickens being transported to processing plants has been showing a long-term increasing tendency over the last two decades. Further research should focus on the identification of specific factors leading to such high and growing mortality rates and developing practical guidelines to improve the welfare of the birds in transit accordingly

    Welfare and meat quality of lambs

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    Recently, in many parts of the world, greater importance has been given to lamb meat as well as to the intensive production of lamb and sheep, due to demand for this type of meat at affordable prices. In Serbia, similar to most European countries, the structure of total sheep meat production comprises about 70% lamb meat and 30% sheep meat. This study assessed resource-based measures on 11 dairy sheep farms and investigated, in a total of 30 lambs, the effects of sex, the presence of bruises and pneumonia in carcasses, and carcass and meat quality. Carcass (carcass length, thigh length, croup width, subcutaneous fat thickness, presence of bruises) and meat quality (pH, temperature, drip, thawing and cooking losses, color, and meat quality classes) traits were measured post mortem. The most common deficiencies on farms were high stocking density, poor hygienic conditions, dirty drinkers, and lack of outdoor access. Regarding sex differences, higher prevalences of carcass bruises and severe pneumonia were recorded in male lambs. Meat pH (pH45min), sensory color score, and prevalence of dark, firm and dry (DFD) meat were higher in lambs with carcass bruises. The occurrence of quality defects (DFD meat) was higher in lambs with severe pneumonia. It can be concluded that it is necessary to improve the welfare conditions on the lamb farms and pre-slaughter conditions in order to achieve better lamb meat quality.U mnogim delovima sveta, sve više se daje na značaju jagnjećem mesu kao i intenzivnom načinu gajenja jagnjadi i ovaca, usled velike potražnje za jagnjadima po povoljnim cenama. U Srbiji, kao i u najvećem broju zemalja Evrope, akcenat je stavljan na jagnjeće meso, pri čemu u strukturi ukupne proizvodnje ovčijeg mesa oko 70% čini zaklana jagnjad, a ostatak ovce i ovnovi. U ovom istraživanju, ispitani su uslovi dobrobiti na 11 farmi ovaca na osnovu indirektnih pokazatelja, kao i uticaj pola, prisustva modrica i pneumonije na kvalitet trupa i mesa 30 jagnjadi. Postmortem su određivani pokazatelji kvaliteta trupa (dužina trupa, dužina buta, širina sapi, prekrivenost trupa masnim tkivom, prisustvo pneumonija, konformacija i prisustvo modrica) i mesa tovnih jagnjadi (pH, temperatura, sposobnost vezivanja vode mesa, boja mesa, klase kvaliteta mesa). Najčešći nedostaci na ispitivanim farmama su velika gustina naseljenosti, loši higijenski uslovi, prljave pojilice, kao i nedostatak ispusta. Kod muške jagnjadi utvrđen je veći procenat modrica na trupu i patoloških promena na plućima, u odnosu na žensku jagnjad. Kod jagnjadi sa modricama na trupu utvrđena je viša pH (pH45min) vrednost mesa i senzorna ocena za boju mesa, kao i veća učestalost tamnog, suvog i čvrstog (TČS) mesa. Učestalost TČS mesa bila je veća kod jagnjadi sa teškom pneumonijom. Na osnovu rezultata može se zaključiti da je neophodno poboljšati uslove dobrobiti jagnjadi na farmi i tokom postupanja sa jagnjadima pre klanja, kako bi se dobilo meso boljeg kvaliteta

    Quantitative analysis of DNA levels in maternal plasma in normal and Down syndrome pregnancies

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated fetal and total DNA levels in maternal plasma in patients bearing fetuses affected with Down syndrome in comparison to controls carrying fetuses with normal karyotype. METHODS: DNA levels in maternal plasma were measured using real-time quantitative PCR using SRY and β-globin genes as markers. Twenty-one pregnant women with a singleton fetus at a gestational age ranging from 15 to 19 weeks recruited before amniocentesis (carried out for reasons including material serum screening and advanced material age), and 16 pregnant women bearing fetuses affected with Down syndrome between 17 to 22 weeks of gestation were involved in the study. RESULTS: The specificity of the system reaches 100% (no Y signal was detected in 14 women pregnant with female fetuses) and the sensitivity 91.7% (SRY amplification in 22 of 24 examined samples). The median fetal DNA levels in women carrying Down syndrome (n=11) and the controls (n=13) were 23.3 (range 0–58.5) genome-equivalents/ml and 24.5 (range 0–47.5) genome-equivalents/ml of maternal plasma, respectively (P = 0.62). The total median DNA levels in pregnancies with Down syndrome and the controls were 10165 (range 615–65000) genome-equivalents/ml and 7330 (range 1300–36750) genome-equivalents/ml, respectively (P = 0.32). The fetal DNA proportion in maternal plasma was 0%-6 % (mean 0.8%) in women carrying Down syndrome and 0%-2.6 % (mean 0.7 %) in the controls, respectively (P=0.86). CONCLUSIONS: Our study revealed no difference in fetal DNA levels and fetal DNA: maternal DNA ratio between the patients carrying Down syndrome fetuses and the controls

    Welfare of domestic birds and rabbits transported in containers

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    This opinion, produced upon a request from the European Commission, focuses on transport of domestic birds and rabbits in containers (e.g. any crate, box, receptacle or other rigid structure used for the transport of animals, but not the means of transport itself). It describes and assesses current transport practices in the EU, based on data from literature, Member States and expert opinion. The species and categories of domestic birds assessed were mainly chickens for meat (broilers), end-of-lay hens and day-old chicks. They included to a lesser extent pullets, turkeys, ducks, geese, quails and game birds, due to limited scientific evidence. The opinion focuses on road transport to slaughterhouses or to production sites. For day-old chicks, air transport is also addressed. The relevant stages of transport considered are preparation, loading, journey, arrival and uncrating. Welfare consequences associated with current transport practices were identified for each stage. For loading and uncrating, the highly relevant welfare consequences identified are handling stress, injuries, restriction of movement and sensory overstimulation. For the journey and arrival, injuries, restriction of movement, sensory overstimulation, motion stress, heat stress, cold stress, prolonged hunger and prolonged thirst are identified as highly relevant. For each welfare consequence, animal-based measures (ABMs) and hazards were identified and assessed, and both preventive and corrective or mitigative measures proposed. Recommendations on quantitative criteria to prevent or mitigate welfare consequences are provided for microclimatic conditions, space allowances and journey times for all categories of animals, where scientific evidence and expert opinion support such outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio