186 research outputs found

    Freedom of Assembly and the Right to Passage in Modern English Legal History

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    This Article suggests, on the broadest level, that the history of the right to passage in the past two centuries is explicable only in terms of the complex interaction between formal legal doctrine on the one hand and social and political pressures on the other. Specific challenges to public order significantly shaped the evolution of legal rules, but these rules, once established, constrained official action and compelled the authorities at critical junctures to develop countervailing strategies. This exploration confirms that neither an externalist nor internalist approach to legal history by itself adequately explains historical change and, moreover, that the relative significance of contextual and doctrinal factors at any particular point in time is itself historically contingent. This systemic discretion, as has been suggested, was frequently exercised selectively against particular groups and, since the 1960s, has prompted growing criticism and increasing calls for formal recognition of freedom of assembly. Given the character of much contemporary discourse about the right to passage, however, a positive right to assemble would not necessarily supersede the powerful and tenacious right of the public to pass along the highway without obstruction. Insofar as the primacy of passage continues to have an inhibiting effect on civil liberties, the history of the right to passage is not simply an antiquarian inquiry but a cautionary tale for the present

    Post-Discharge Coercion of Bankrupts by Private Creditors

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    The Political Power of Nuisance Law: Labor Picketing and the Courts in Modern England, 1871-Present

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    Political Power of Nuisance Law: Labor Picketing and the Courts in Modern England, 1871-Present, The

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    This inquiry, a comprehensive historical study of the impact of nuisance law on labor picketing in England, comprises six sections. Part I introduces general principles of labor law and nuisance law in the nineteenth century, particularly the legislative scheme of collective laissezfaire that emerged after 1871 and remained relatively intact until 1980. Part II examines the use of nuisance doctrines against picketers in the first phase of confrontational picketing from 1889 to 1906, when the appearance of militant unions representing unskilled workers stimulated inventive judicial responses in both private and public nuisance. Part III investigates the much heralded judicial and legislative triumphs that unions enjoyed in 1906, and it argues that both successes rested on flawed foundations that unnecessarily exposed picketers to the vagaries of nuisance law. Part IV explores the judicial treatment of picketers between 1906 and 1980, a period when courts widened public nuisance law and correspondingly restricted the picketing immunity to defeat a series of new picketing tactics. Part V considers the Thatcher government\u27s efforts to dismantle the system of parliamentary and the extent to which the political environment encouraged the judiciary to refine nuisance law as a tool against labor picketing. Finally, the Conclusion analyzes the broader implications of the relationship between nuisance law and larger social and political developments, suggesting that nuisance wielded considerable political power in regulating various forms of organized popular protest in nineteenth and twentieth century England

    Law and War: Individual Rights, Executive Authority, and Judicial Power in England During World War I

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    In this-Article Professor Vorspan examines the role of the English courts during World War I, particularly the judicial response to executive infringements on individual liberty. Focusing on detention, deportation, conscription, and confiscation of property, the Author revises the conventional depiction of the English judiciary during World War I as passive and peripheral. She argues that in four ways the judges were activist and energetic, both in advancing the government\u27s war effort and in promoting their own policies and powers. First, they were judicial warriors, developing innovative legal strategies to legitimize detention and other governmental restrictions on personal freedom. Second, they relentlessly preserved their own institutional power and authority, consistently affirming the right to review government conduct through the writ of habeas corpus. Third, in stark contrast to their treatment of individual liberty, they vigorously upheld property rights against executive power. Finally, they suffused their decisions with a particular wartime moral ideology based on both national origin and traditional concepts of individual character. Their success in achieving these priorities while failing to protect individual liberty offers the troubling contemporary lesson that maintaining jurisdiction to review governmental conduct will not safeguard rights during wartime without a staunch judicial commitment to the substantive value of personal freedom

    Mise au point de mesures de variables intermédiaires pour les essais cliniques dans la dépendance à la cocaïne (craving et symptômes psychotiques)

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    La dépendance à la cocaïne est un problème de santé publique d importance croissante. Il n existe pas actuellement de traitement pharmacologique validé dans la dépendance à la cocaïne. Les essais thérapeutiques nécessitent une méthodologie qui permette d évaluer l efficacité des médicaments employés. Il n existait pas à ce jour de mesure d efficacité des traitements pharmacologiques dans la dépendance à la cocaïne validée en français. Nous avons mis au point et validé des questionnaires pouvant servir de mesures intermédiaires d efficacité pour les essais pharmacologiques dans la dépendance à la cocaïne. Nous avons choisi de nous intéresser à deux types de variables intermédiaires : le craving et les symptômes psychotiques. Le craving est le besoin impérieux de reconsommer une drogue. Ce concept psychologique est un marqueur de dépendance. Nous avons conçu un questionnaire de craving en langue française : l OCCS (Obsessive Compulsive Cocaïne Scale), en nous basant sur les travaux de plusieurs équipes travaillant dans le domaine de la dépendance à l alcool. Nous avons validé ce questionnaire sur une population de 119 sujets cocaïnomanes suivis en centre de soins (Vorspan et al 2012). Nous avons notamment montré que les scores à ce questionnaire étaient corrélés à une mesure de craving par échelle visuelle analogique, étaient supérieurs chez les sujets dépendants par rapport aux sujets abuseurs de cocaïne, et étaient sensible au changement. Nous avons déjà utilisé le questionnaire de craving OCCS dans un essai thérapeutique en ouvert d aripiprazole chez 10 patients dépendants du crack non schizophrènes (Vorspan et al 2008). Nous proposons également de l utiliser pour évaluer l efficacité d interventions non pharmacologiques dans la dépendance à la cocaïne, comme la stimulation cérébrale profonde (Vorspan et al 2011), ou des interventions psychothérapeutiques. Les symptômes psychotiques se composent de différentes manifestations (hallucinations, idées délirantes et modifications comportementales). Nous avons choisi d adapter en français un questionnaire évaluant les symptômes psychotiques transitoires survenant dans les quelques minutes à quelques heures suivant une consommation de cocaïne : le SAPS-CIP (Scale for Assessment of Positive Symptoms for Cocaine-Induced Psychosis). Nous avons montré que ces symptômes sont fréquents mais d intensité variable dans une population de patients cocaïnomanes suivis en centre de soins (Vorspan et al, soumis), et qu ils étaient sensibles au changement (Vorspan et al 2011). Il existe des hypothèses de vulnérabilité génétique à la survenue des symptômes psychotiques lors de l usage de cocaïne. La vulnérabilité à cette complication pourrait être un facteur de protection vis-à-vis de l acquisition d une dépendance à la cocaïne (Brousse et al 2010). La mesure des symptômes psychotiques survenant lors de l usage de drogue permet de modéliser une vulnérabilité pharmacogénétique vis-à-vis des addictions. Nous proposons d utiliser ces deux mesures (OCCS pour le craving et SAPS-CIP pour les symptômes psychotiques) dans les essais thérapeutiques dans la dépendance à la cocaïne. En effet, il paraît pertinent, au regard des particularités cliniques de la dépendance à la cocaïne, de viser une réduction ou une disparition de ces deux ordres de symptômes. Une diminution du craving pourrait constituer une variable intermédiaire de l objectif final d obtenir une abstinence de la drogue. Une diminution des symptômes psychotiques pourrait constituer un moyen de réduction de la morbi-mortalité liée à l usage de cocaïne.Cocaine dependence is a growing public health concern in France. There is no pharmacological treatment validated for cocaine dependence treatment. Clinical trials require that validated methods are used to ascertain the efficacy of new drugs that are tested. There was no validated tool available to conduct pharmacological trials for cocaine dependence in French. We conceptualized and validated questionnaires that could be used as surrogate endpoints in pharmacological trials for cocaine dependence. We choose to work on two types of surrogate variables: craving and psychotic symptoms.Craving is the overwhelming desire to use a drug. It is a psychological construct that can be used as a biomarker of dependence. We designed a craving questionnaire in French named OCCS (Obsessive Compulsive Cocaïne Scale) after the work of several research teams working in the field of alcohol dependence. We validated this questionnaire in a sample of 119 cocaine addicts in a clinical setting (Vorspan et al 2012). We could demonstrate that the scores obtained on this questionnaire were correlated to those obtain on a visual analogue scale of craving. We could also demonstrate that the scores were higher in cocaine dependent that in cocaine abusing subjects. Lastly, we could demonstrate that the scores were time-sensitive. We used this questionnaire OCCS in an open-label trial of aripiprazole in 10 non-schizophrenic crack dependent patients (Vorspan et al 2008). We propose that this questionnaire could be used in clinical trials assessing the efficacy of various therapeutic interventions in cocaine dependent subjects, pharmacological treatments, but also deep brain stimulation (Vorspan et al 2011) and psychological interventions. Psychotic symptoms are composed of various phenomenons (hallucinations, delusions and behavioural modifications). We choose to adapt in French a validated questionnaire that assesses psychotic symptoms occurring between a few minutes to a few hours after cocaine intake: the SAPS-CIP (Scale for Assessment of Positive Symptoms for Cocaine-Induced Psychosis). We could demonstrate that those symptoms are frequent but of variable intensity in a sample of French cocaine addicts in a clinical setting (Vorspan et al, soumis). We could also demonstrate that those symptoms are change sensitive (Vorspan et al 2011). We hypothesized that there is a genetic vulnerability to cocaine-induced psychotic symptoms, and that being sensitive to the occurrence of psychotic symptoms could be a protective factor toward the development of cocaine dependence (Brousse et al 2010). The variability of cocaine-induced psychotic symptoms helps to conceptualize a pharmacogenetic model of drug dependence. We propose that those two questionnaires (OCCS for craving and SAPS-CIP for psychotic symptoms) could be used in clinical trial in cocaine dependent subjects. It seems very helpful indeed, knowing the clinical pattern of cocaine dependence, to design trails aimed at reducing or suppressing craving and psychotic symptoms. Reducing or suppressing craving could be a surrogate endpoint for cocaine abstinence. Reducing or suppressing cocaine-induced psychotic symptoms could reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with cocaine use.PARIS5-Bibliotheque electronique (751069902) / SudocPARIS-BIUM-Bib. électronique (751069903) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Early developmental, temperamental and educational problems in 'substance use disorder' patients with and without ADHD: Does ADHD make a difference?

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    AbstractIntroductionThe prevalence of ADHD among patients with substance use disorder (SUD) is substantial. This study addressed the following research questions: Are early developmental, temperamental and educational problems overrepresented among SUD patients with ADHD compared to SUD patients without ADHD? Do this comorbid group receive early help for their ADHD, and are there signs of self-medicating with illicit central stimulants?MethodAn international, multi-centre cross-sectional study was carried out involving seven European countries, with 1205 patients in treatment for SUD. The mean age was 40years and 27% of the sample was female. All participants were interviewed with the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Plus and the Conners' Adult ADHD Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV.ResultsSUD patients with ADHD (n=196; 16.3% of the total sample) had a significantly slower infant development than SUD patients without ADHD (n=1,009; 83.4%), had greater problems controlling their temperament, and had lower educational attainment. Only 24 (12%) of the current ADHD positive patients had been diagnosed and treated during childhood and/or adolescence. Finally, SUD patients with ADHD were more likely to have central stimulants or cannabis as their primary substance of abuse, whereas alcohol use was more likely to be the primary substance of abuse in SUD patients without ADHD.ConclusionThe results emphasize the importance of early identification of ADHD and targeted interventions in the health and school system, as well as in the addiction field