22 research outputs found

    Teacher's Professional Health as a Factor of the Development of a Student's Harmonic Personality (on J. Updike's Novel “Terrorist”)

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    AbstractDefining factors of a student's personality development requires analyzing the notion of professional health of a teacher. Urgent social instability, social changes, environmental problems and changes in educational policy influence both teachers and students. Professionalism of teachers is necessary condition for young people's resistance to negative psychological impacts. The scope of our work is a generalized approach to uncover connections between teachers’ professionalism and their contributions to the development of the student's harmonic personality. We analyze several criteria of teachers’ level of professionalism including their moral intentions, drawing on previous work of Russian, U.S., German, Turkish, etc. scholars. We use correlative analysis, comparative, structural-typological methods, and structural-poetical method while engaging literary images of a teacher and a student from the novel “Terrorist” by well-known American writer J. Updike. The results demonstrate that the development of a student's harmonic personality is closely connected to the professional health of a teacher. We find that the professional health of a teacher is the base for the harmonious development of the cognitive, psychological and moral characteristics of a student's personality


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    The article presents the innovative aspects of development of state internal fi nancial control and internal fi nancial audit in terms of the budgeting focused on result. A mechanism for implementing the functions of the Supervisory bodies in order to ensure the effi cient use of budgetary funds and eff ectiveness of budget expenditures. The main purpose of the article is justifi cation of implementing systems of internal fi nancial control and internal fi nancial audit in the structures of the major administrators and recipients of budgetary funds, with the allocation of the basic tools that ensure the functioning of the control mechanism, the combination of control procedures and sequence of their implementation. Methodological base of research is the generalization of domestic and foreign experience of internal fi nancial control and internal fi nancial audit, refl ecting an objective law and the necessity of development of state fi nancial control system in the conditions of innovative economy. The result of the implementation of the proposed mechanism and instruments for its implementation in key spending units and recipients of budget funds should be to ensure the eff ectiveness of the implementation of government programmes and projects. Signifi cance of the research contained in the article problems and their solutions is to ensure the effectiveness of the regulatory authorities at all stages of movement of budgetary funds and effective implementation of their Manager and recipient assigned to them socio-economic functions.В статье представлены инновационные аспекты развития государственного внутреннего финансового контроля и внутреннего финансового аудита в условиях бюджетирования, ориентированного на результат. Показан механизм реализации функций контрольных органов в целях обеспечения эффективности использования бюджетных средств и результативности бюджетных расходов. Основной целью статьи является обоснование внедрения систем внутреннего финансового контроля и внутреннего финансового аудита в структурах главных распорядителей и получателей бюджетных средств, с выделением основных инструментов, обеспечивающих функционирование механизма контроля, совокупности контрольных процедур и последовательности их осуществления. Методологической базой исследования является обобщение отечественного и зарубежного опыта внутреннего финансового контроля и внутреннего финансового аудита, отражающего объективную закономерность и необходимость развития системы государственного финансового контроля в условиях инновационной экономики.Результатом внедрения предложенного механизма и инструментов его реализации у главных распорядителей и получателей бюджетных средств должно стать обеспечение эффективности реализации ими государственных программ и проектов.Значимость исследования содержащихся в статье проблем и результатов их решения заключается в обеспечения результативности работы контрольных органов на всех этапах и стадиях движения бюджетных средств и эффективного выполнения их распорядителями и получателями возложенных на них социально-экономических функций

    Evenk Literature and Folklore in Transboundary Space (Russia — China): a Review of Modern Domestic and Foreign Studies

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    The article is devoted to a review of scientific works and critical publications of domestic and foreign scientists in 2000—2021, which presents a modern view of the study of Evenk literature and folklore of Transbaikalia, the Amur Region and North China. The relevance of the topic of the scientific review is due to the increasing interest of the world community in the problems of preserving and developing the cultures of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the world in the late XX — early XXI centuries, in connection with which the consideration of the Evenk (Tungus) ethnoculture of various regions, including the transboundary (Russia-China), in the global scale requires special attention.  The authors turn to the identification of research strategies of representatives of scientific centers in Russia and countries of the world, taking into account the achievements in the field of Tungus studies of the XX century and the expansion of the problem field in the first decades of the XXI century. It is proved that in 2000—2021 the geography of publications of scientific works in this field on a global scale changes significantly: Russia, China, European countries, USA, Japan. A characteristic feature of modern research is an interdisciplinary focus. There is an increase in academic interest in the “Evenk phenomenon” in literature and an increase in the number of literary works

    Рекомендації щодо вибору та обґрунтування шляхів підвищення рівня воєнно-економічної безпеки України під час дії воєнного стану в умовах російсько-української війни (24.02.22-30.09.22 рр.)

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    Мета роботи: є формування дієвих рекомендацій щодо підвищення рівня воєнно-економічної безпеки (ВЕБ) України в умовах воєнного стану під час російсько-української війни. Метод: основними методами досліджень є графоаналітичний метод, метод експертних оцінок, методи статистичного аналізу та математичної статистики, методи прогнозування. Результати дослідження: методичний підхід та рекомендації щодо оцінювання стану ВЕБ, а також розроблення рекомендацій щодо підвищення рівня ВЕБ України в умовах воєнного стану під час російсько-української війни. Теоретична цінність дослідження: основними результатами  досліджень за тематикою статті є: визначений перелік проблем підвищення рівня ВЕБ України в умовах воєнного стану; методичний підхід оцінювання дисбалансу між показниками внутрішньої та зовнішньої ВЕБ, а також сформовані рекомендації щодо підвищення ВЕБ України в умовах війни

    About stability of levitating states of superconducting myxini of plasma traps-Galateas

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    To develop a plasma trap with levitating superconducting magnetic coils it is necessary to carry out the search of their stable levitating states. With this purpose, based upon the superconductor property to conserve the trapped magnetic flux, in the uniform gravitational field the analytical dependence of the potential energy of one or two superconducting rings, having trapped the given magnetic fluxes, in the field of the fixed ring with the constant current from the coordinates of the free rings and the deflection angle of their axes from the common axis of the magnetic system has been obtained in the thin ring approximation. Under magnetic fluxes of the same polarity in coils the existence of the found from the calculations equilibrium levitating states for the manufactured HTSC rings stable relative to the vertical shifts of levitating rings and to the deflection angle of their axes from the vertical has been confirmed experimentally.Для разработки плазменной ловушки с левитирующими сверхпроводящими магнитными катушками нужно выполнить поиск их устойчивых левитирующих состояний. С этой целью, исходя из свойства сверхпроводников сохранять захваченный магнитный поток, в однородном поле силы тяжести в приближении тонких колец получена аналитическая зависимость потенциальной энергии одного либо двух сверхпроводящих колец, захвативших заданные магнитные потоки, в поле закрепленного кольца с постоянным током от координат свободных колец и углов отклонения их осей от общей оси системы. При совпадающих по знаку потоках в кольцах существование найденных из расчетов равновесных левитирующих состояний для изготовленных ВТСП колец, устойчивых по отношению к вертикальным смещениям левитирующих колец и к отклонению их осей от вертикали, было подтверждено экспериментально.Для розробки плазмової пастки з левітуючими надпровідними магнітними котушками потрібно виконати пошук їх стійких левітуючих станів. З цією метою, виходячи з властивості надпровідників зберігати захоплений магнітний потік, в однорідному полі сили тяжіння в наближенні тонких кілець отримана аналітична залежність потенційної енергії одного або двох надпровідних кілець, які захопили задані магнітні потоки, у полі закріпленого кільця з постійним струмом від координат вільних кілець і кутів відхилення їх осей від загальної осі системи. При співпадаючих за знаком потоках у кільцях існування знайдених з розрахунків рівноважних левітуючих станів для виготовлених ВТНП кілець, стійких по відношенню до вертикальних зміщень левітуючих кілець і до відхилення їх осей від вертикалі, було підтверджено експериментально

    Implementing and operationalising integrative approaches to sustainability in Higher Education: The role of project-oriented learning.

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    Higher education institutions across the world are increasingly placing an emphasis on students’ acquisition of a broader range of skills or attributes within the taught curriculum, which should lead to a widening of their chances of academic success, in particular in the employment market. Among other issues, matters related to sustainable development are playing a key role, but many universities do not yet cater for integrative approaches, which may help them to approach sustainability issues in a transformative way. It is therefore necessary to develop new approaches and methods, which may address this gap. Based on the importance of meeting this perceived research need, this paper defines the role of project-oriented learning, also designated as Project Based Learning, as a tool to support integrative approaches to sustainability in a higher education context. The scientific value of the paper lies in the provision of some examples of successful approaches to Project Based Learning and the identification of some of the trends that characterise it. The paper makes clear why project-oriented learning should be more widely used in support of integrative approaches to sustainability, and why it needs to become part of the routine of higher education institutions. The outline of some of the initiatives recently and currently being undertaken may inspire others and assist in the implementation of Project Based Learning

    Problems and perspectives of Russian financial control development in a globalization condition

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    In the article the peculiarities of the modern Russian system of financial control, the characteristics and the evaluation of its status, systematic problems and outlined the prospects of its development in conditions of globalization

    Organizational and methodical features of financial control in Russia and abroad

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    In the article the questions of functioning of financial control in Russia and foreign countries as defined by its basic forms, kinds and principles and functions of regulatory authorities, is characterized organizational-methodical peculiarities of modern Russian and foreign financial control


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    The article presents the innovative aspects of development of state internal fi nancial control and internal fi nancial audit in terms of the budgeting focused on result. A mechanism for implementing the functions of the Supervisory bodies in order to ensure the effi cient use of budgetary funds and eff ectiveness of budget expenditures. The main purpose of the article is justifi cation of implementing systems of internal fi nancial control and internal fi nancial audit in the structures of the major administrators and recipients of budgetary funds, with the allocation of the basic tools that ensure the functioning of the control mechanism, the combination of control procedures and sequence of their implementation. Methodological base of research is the generalization of domestic and foreign experience of internal fi nancial control and internal fi nancial audit, refl ecting an objective law and the necessity of development of state fi nancial control system in the conditions of innovative economy. The result of the implementation of the proposed mechanism and instruments for its implementation in key spending units and recipients of budget funds should be to ensure the eff ectiveness of the implementation of government programmes and projects. Signifi cance of the research contained in the article problems and their solutions is to ensure the effectiveness of the regulatory authorities at all stages of movement of budgetary funds and effective implementation of their Manager and recipient assigned to them socio-economic functions

    To the Question of the Military-economic Problem of Planning the Development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as A Basic Element of Ensuring Its National Security

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    The foundation of Ukraine's national security, as well as one of its most important functions, is to ensure its economic security, which is possible only if Ukraine's national interests are protected from any forceful pressure and encroachments with the use of military force. Therefore, among the main prerequisites for ensuring national security and further economic development of Ukraine, the role of its military security should be considered along with economic, and under certain circumstances the former may even acquire a priority. In the Armed Forces of Ukraine, work continues to improve the efficiency of defense planning and the management of defense resources. The development of any armed forces is determined by a complex of economic, political, scientific, technical and other factors closely interconnected. The level of development of the armed forces largely depends on the amount of resources allocated to meet defense needs. Because the resources of the state are limited, the problem of finding an expedient part of the resources that need to be allocated for defense needs is always one of the most relevant in the development of its armed forces. One of the key points in the effective planning of the use of the armed forces according to the appropriate scenario is the correct, well-founded determination of the amount of necessary defense resources (human, logistical, financial). The article forms a system of views on the military-economic problems of planning the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as the main element of ensuring its national security, and also identifies a number of unfavorable and favorable factors of the influence of defense spending on the development of the national economy of the state and the level of its national security