236 research outputs found

    Activity of Xenoestrogens at Nanomolar Concentrations in the E-Screen Assay

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    Our studies illustrate the difficulties that may be encountered during the estimation of low doses in vivo. High statistical power is required when the underlying dose-response curves are shallow. Through the use of large sample sizes and numerous repeats, the experimental power of the E-Screen assay was sufficiently high to measure effect magnitudes of around 1-2% with reliability. However, such resources are usually not available for in vivo testing, with the consequence that the statistical detection limits are considerably higher. If this coincides with shallow dose-response curves in the low-effect range (which is normally not measurable in vivo), the limited resolving power of in vivo assays may seriously constrain low-dose testing

    Synergistic disruption of external male sex organ development by a mixture of four antiandrogens

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    Reproduced with permission from Environmental Health Perspectives.Background: By disrupting the action of androgens during gestation, certain chemicals present in food, consumer products, and the environment can induce irreversible demasculinization and malformations of sex organs among male offspring. However, the consequences of simultaneous exposure to such chemicals are not well described, especially when they exert their actions by differing molecular mechanisms. Objectives: To fill this gap, we investigated the effects of mixtures of a widely used plasticizer, di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP); two fungicides present in food, vinclozolin and prochloraz; and a pharmaceutical, finasteride, on landmarks of male sexual development in the rat, including changes in anogenital distance (AGD), retained nipples, sex organ weights, and malformations of genitalia. These chemicals were chosen because they disrupt androgen action with differing mechanisms of action. Results: Strikingly, the effect of combined exposure to the selected chemicals on malformations of external sex organs was synergistic, and the observed responses were greater than would be predicted from the toxicities of the individual chemicals. In relation to other hallmarks of disrupted male sexual development, including changes in AGD, retained nipples, and sex organ weights, the combined effects were dose additive. When the four chemicals were combined at doses equal to no observed adverse effect levels estimated for nipple retention, significant reductions in AGD were observed in male offspring. Conclusions: Because unhindered androgen action is essential for human male development in fetal life, these findings are highly relevant to human risk assessment. Evaluations that ignore the possibility of combination effects may lead to considerable underestimations of risks associated with exposures to chemicals that disrupt male sexual differentiation.European Union and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency

    A new method for the estimation of variance matrix with prescribed zeros in nonlinear mixed effects models

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    We propose a new method for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) of nonlinear mixed effects models when the variance matrix of Gaussian random effects has a prescribed pattern of zeros (PPZ). The method consists in coupling the recently developed Iterative Conditional Fitting (ICF) algorithm with the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. It provides positive definite estimates for any sample size, and does not rely on any structural assumption on the PPZ. It can be easily adapted to many versions of EM.Comment: Accepted for publication in Statistics and Computin

    Size-dependent functional response of Xenopus laevis feeding on mosquito larvae

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    Predators can play an important role in regulating prey abundance and diversity, determining food web structure and function, and contributing to important ecosystem services, including the regulation of agricultural pests and disease vectors. Thus, the ability to predict predator impact on prey is an important goal in ecology. Often, predators of the same species are assumed to be functionally equivalent, despite considerable individual variation in predator traits known to be important for shaping predator–prey interactions, like body size. This assumption may greatly oversimplify our understanding of within-species functional diversity and undermine our ability to predict predator effects on prey. Here, we examine the degree to which predator–prey interactions are functionally homogenous across a natural range of predator body sizes. Specifically, we quantify the size-dependence of the functional response of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) preying on mosquito larvae (Culex pipiens). Three size classes of predators, small (15–30 mm snout-vent length), medium (50–60 mm) and large (105–120 mm), were presented with five densities of prey to determine functional response type and to estimate search efficiency and handling time parameters generated from the models. The results of mesocosm experiments showed that type of functional response of X. laevis changed with size: small predators exhibited a Type II response, while medium and large predators exhibited Type III responses. Functional response data showed an inversely proportional relationship between predator attack rate and predator size. Small and medium predators had highest and lowest handling time, respectively. The change in functional response with the size of predator suggests that predators with overlapping cohorts may have a dynamic impact on prey populations. Therefore, predicting the functional response of a single size-matched predator in an experiment may misrepresent the predator’s potential impact on a prey population

    Predator Effects in Predator-Free Space: The Remote Effects of Predators on Prey

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    Predators can have remote effects on prey populations that are connected by migration (i.e. prey metapopulations) because predator-mediated changes in prey behavior and abundance effectively transmit the impact of predators into predator-free prey populations. Behavioral changes in prey that might give rise to remote effects are altered rates of migration or activity in the presence of predation risk (called non-consumptive effects, fear- or μ-driven effects, and risk effects). Changes in prey abundance that may result in remote effects arise from changes in prey density due to direct predation (i.e. consumptive effects, also called N-driven effects and predation effects). Remote effects provide a different perspective on both predator-prey interactions and spatial subsidies, illustrating how the interplay among space, time, behavior, and consumption generates emergent spatial dynamics in places where we might not expect them. We describe how strong remote effects of predators may essentially generate “remote control” over the dynamics of local populations, alter the persistence of metapopulations, shift the importance of particular paradigms of metacommunity structure, alter spatial subsidies, and affect evolutionary dynamics. We suggest how experiments might document remote effects and predict that remote effects will be an important component of prey dynamics under several common scenarios: when predators induce large changes in prey dispersal behavior, when predators dramatically reduce the number of prey available to disperse, when prey movement dynamics occur over greater distances or shorter timescales than predator movement, and when prey abundance is not already limited by competitors or conspecifics

    Combined Exposure to Anti-Androgens Exacerbates Disruption of Sexual Differentiation in the Rat

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess whether the joint effects of three androgen receptor antagonists (vinclozolin, flutamide, procymidone) on male sexual differentiation after in utero and postnatal exposures can be predicted based on dose-response data of the individual chemicals. METHODS: Test chemicals and mixtures were administered by gavage to time-mated nulliparous, young adult Wistar rats from gestational day 7 to the day before expected birth, and from postnatal days 1-16. Changes in anogenital distance (AGD) and nipple retention (NR) in male offspring rats were chosen as end points for extensive dose-response studies. Vinclozolin, flutamide, and procymidone were combined at a mixture ratio proportional to their individual potencies for causing retention of six nipples in male offspring. RESULTS: With AGD as the end point, the joint effects of the three anti-androgens were essentially dose additive. The observed responses for NR were slightly higher than those expected on the basis of dose addition. A combination of doses of each chemical, which on its own did not produce statistically significant AGD alterations, induced half-maximal mixture effects. At individual doses associated with only modest effects on NR, the mixture induced NR approaching female values in the males. CONCLUSIONS: Effects of a mixture of similarly acting anti-androgens can be predicted fairly accurately on the basis of the potency of the individual mixture components by using the dose addition concept. Exposure to anti-androgens, which individually appears to exert only small effects, may induce marked responses in concert with, possibly unrecognized, similarly acting chemicals

    Icodextrin does not impact infectious and culture-negative peritonitis rates in peritoneal dialysis patients: a 2-year multicentre, comparative, prospective cohort study

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    Background. Icodextrin is a glucose polymer derived by hydrolysis of cornstarch. The different biocompatibility profile of icodextrin-containing peritoneal dialysis (PD) solutions may have a positive influence on peritoneal host defence. Furthermore, cases of sterile peritonitis potentially associated with icodextrin have been reported

    Peritonitis in children on peritoneal dialysis in Cape Town, South Africa: epidemiology and risks

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    Peritonitis is a frequent complication of peritoneal dialysis (PD) in children as well in adults. Data on PD and peritonitis in pediatric patients are very scarce in developing countries. A retrospective cohort study was performed between 2000 and 2008 with the aim to evaluate PD treatment and peritonitis epidemiology in pediatric patients in South Africa and identify risk factors for peritonitis. Baseline characteristics and potential risk factors of peritonitis were recorded, including housing, socio-economic circumstances, distance to PD center, type of PD, mode of catheter placement, race, presence of gastrostomy tube, weight, and height. Outcome indices for peritonitis were peritonitis rate, time to first peritonitis, and number of peritonitis-free patients. The patient cohort comprised 67 patients who were on PD for a total of 544 months. The total number of peritonitis episodes was 129. Median peritonitis rate was one episode every 4.3 patient months (2.8 episodes/patient-year, range 0–21.2). Median time to first infection was 2.03 months (range 0.1–21.5 months), and 28.4% of patients remained free from peritonitis. Patients with good housing and good socio-economic circumstances had a significantly lower peritonitis rate and a longer time to first peritonitis episode. Peritonitis rate was high in this cohort, compared to numbers reported for the developed world; the characteristics of causative organisms are comparable. The most important risk factors for the development of peritonitis were poor housing and poor socio-economic circumstances. More intensive counseling may be beneficial, but improvement of general socio-economic circumstances will have the greatest influence on PD success

    Acute Treatment Effects on GFR in Randomized Clinical Trials of Kidney Disease Progression

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    Background Acute changes in GFR can occur after initiation of interventions targeting progression of CKD. These acute changes complicate the interpretation of long-term treatment effects. Methods To assess the magnitude and consistency of acute effects in randomized clinical trials and explore factors that might affect them, we performed a meta-analysis of 53 randomized clinical trials for CKD progression, enrolling 56,413 participants with at least one estimated GFR measurement by 6 months after randomization. We defined acute treatment effects as the mean difference in GFR slope from baseline to 3 months between randomized groups. We performed univariable and multivariable metaregression to assess the effect of intervention type, disease state, baseline GFR, and albuminuria on the magnitude of acute effects. Results The mean acute effect across all studies was 20.21 ml/min per 1.73 m2 (95% confidence interval, 20.63 to 0.22) over 3 months, with substantial heterogeneity across interventions (95% coverage interval across studies, 22.50 to 12.08 ml/min per 1.73 m2). We observed negative average acute effects in renin angiotensin system blockade, BP lowering, and sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor trials, and positive acute effects in trials of immunosuppressive agents. Larger negative acute effects were observed in trials with a higher mean baseline GFR. Conclusion The magnitude and consistency of acute GFR effects vary across different interventions, and are larger at higher baseline GFR. Understanding the nature and magnitude of acute effects can help inform the optimal design of randomized clinical trials evaluating disease progression in CKD

    Reimbursement and economic factors influencing dialysis modality choice around the world

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    The worldwide incidence of kidney failure is on the rise and treatment is costly; thus, the global burden of illness is growing. Kidney failure patients require either a kidney transplant or dialysis to maintain life. This review focuses on the economics of dialysis. Alternative dialysis modalities are haemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD). Important economic factors influencing dialysis modality selection include financing, reimbursement and resource availability. In general, where there is little or no facility or physician reimbursement or payment for PD, the share of PD is very low. Regarding resource availability, when centre HD capacity is high, there is an incentive to use that capacity rather than place patients on home dialysis. In certain countries, there is interest in revising the reimbursement structure to favour home-based therapies, including PD and home HD. Modality selection is influenced by employment status, with an association between being employed and PD as the modality choice. Cost drivers differ for PD and HD. PD is driven mainly by variable costs such as solutions and tubing, while HD is driven mainly by fixed costs of facility space and staff. Many cost comparisons of dialysis modalities have been conducted. A key factor to consider in reviewing cost comparisons is the perspective of the analysis because different costs are relevant for different perspectives. In developed countries, HD is generally more expensive than PD to the payer. Additional research is needed in the developing world before conclusive statements may be made regarding the relative costs of HD and PD