780 research outputs found

    Health Care Team Members\u27 Perceptions of Changes to an Electronic Documentation System

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    Policy makers view electronic medical records as a way of increasing efficiency in the U.S. health care system. However, hospital administrators may not have the clinical background to choose a documentation system that helps the health care team safely increase efficiency. The purpose of this case study was to examine health care team members\u27 attitudes and perceptions of quality of care and efficiency amid a documentation system change. The theory of change was the theoretical foundation for the study. The 6 research questions were designed to elicit information about what the health care team experienced when a documentation system changed and how the change affected health care workers\u27 stress level, chance of medical errors, ability to deliver quality care, and attitudes about hospital efficiency. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the 15 members of a health care team who volunteered from the group and met the inclusion criteria for the study (i.e., employed during the documentation system change). The participants represented all aspects of the health care team to create a bounded case. The interview responses were hand coded to find common themes among the participants. Most participants revealed that the implementation of the new system increased their efficiency and the quality of care they offered to patients. Participants felt that the training and implementation of the system was inadequate and not specific enough for their group. By providing health care administrators with more information about the health care teams\u27 perceptions during a change in documentation systems, they may be able to improve implementation of a new system, creating more sustainable change with less negative impact

    Optimization of preparation condition of Ce1-xMxOy AND Ni/Ce1-xMxOy (M = Gd, La, Mg) nanomaterials for hydrogen power engineering

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    Nanomaterials Ce1-xMxOy and Ni/Ce1-xMxOy (M = Gd, La, Mg, x = 0-0,5) were prepared at variation of temperature, medium and duration of thermal treatment. The effects of type (M = Gd, La, Mg) and content (x = 0-0,5) of doping cation (M) on crystal structure and sintering of nanomaterials during calcination were investigated. It was shown that phase composition of materials did not change under rising of calcination temperature up to 800oC. The material stability against the sintering during thermal treatment increases at an increase of La or Mg content in the materials. The comparative study of functional properties of Ni/Ce1-xMxOy materials was carried out in autothermal reforming of ethanol (ATR of C2H5OH). It is demonstrated that Ni/Ce1-xMxOy samples provide high hydrogen yield in ATR of C2H5OH, which indicates their perspective application for hydrogen power engineering

    Die Verkehrsentwicklung in indischen Metropolen und ihre Folgen

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    Das starke Wachstum des motorisierten Verkehrs in indischen Metropolen bzw. Großstädten hat vielfältige ökonomische und ökologische Folgewirkungen. Dieses Thema fand jedoch in der Literatur bisher nur wenig Beachtung, obwohl es entwicklungsökonomisch in hohem Maße relevant ist. Das wachsende Verkehrsaufkommen wird häufig mit dem urbanen Bevölkerungswachstum und dem steigenden Einkommensniveau in den indischen Großstädten begründet. Aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht wird der wachsende motorisierte Verkehr häufig positiv bewertet: Die Produktion und die Unterhaltungskosten von Fahrzeugen (z.B. Ersatzteile, Wartung, Diesel/Benzin, Versicherung) leisten einen positiven Beitrag zum Sozialprodukt und stellen einen wichtigen Beitrag zu den relativ hohen Raten des Wirtschaftswachstums in Indien dar. Bei dieser Betrachtung bleiben jedoch die negativen externen Effekte unberücksichtigt. Daher haben Vertreter der ökologischen Ökonomie in den vergangenen Jahren hinreichend begründet, dass das Sozialprodukt als ökonomischer Indikator für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung eines Landes Unzulänglichkeiten aufweist, da die wachsenden Umweltschäden und sonstigen Folgekosten die Wohlfahrt einer Gesellschaft belasten (v. Hauff 1998, S.20 ff)

    Entwicklung und Perspektiven der indischen Außenhandelsstruktur

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    Ein wesentliches Ziel der indischen Wirtschafts- und Außenhandelspolitik ist der Ausbau internationaler Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Am 1. April 2000 hat der indische Handels- und Industrieminister Murasolin Maran die Aus- und Einfuhrpolitik (EXIM Policy) für die kommenden fünf Jahre weiter liberalisiert. Für 714 Konsumgüter wurden die Lizenzbestimmungen und das Importkontingent aufgehoben. Gleichzeitig soll durch verschiedene Maßnahmen die Wachstumsrate des Exportwertes (in US$) um 20% gesteigert werden (Singh, I.N. 2001, S.105). Damit will Indien seinen Außenhandel stärken und so die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Landes forcieren. Weiterhin soll der Weltmarktanteil bis 2007 von gegenwärtig 0,67% auf 1% erhöht werden (Bierbrauer 2002, S.259). Während der indische Außenhandel vor Beginn der Liberalisierungspolitik eher eine untergeordnete Bedeutung hatte, erhielt er seit Beginn der 90er-Jahre eine deutlich stärkere Beachtung. Die Stärkung des Außenhandels ist somit zu einem wichtigen Bereich der allgemeinen Wirtschaftspolitik geworden

    Spongiibacter marinus gen. nov., sp. nov., a halophilic marine bacterium isolated from the boreal sponge Haliclona sp. 1

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    Strain HAL40bT was isolated from the marine sponge Haliclona sp. 1 collected at the Sula Ridge off the Norwegian coast and characterized by physiological, biochemical and phylogenetic analyses. The isolate was a small rod with a polar flagellum. It was aerobic, Gram-negative and oxidase- and catalase-positive. Optimal growth was observed at 20–30 °C, pH 7–9 and in 3 % NaCl. Substrate utilization tests were positive for arabinose, Tween 40 and Tween 80. Enzyme tests were positive for alkaline phosphatase, esterase lipase (C8), leucine arylamidase, acid phosphatase, naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase and N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase. The predominant cellular fatty acid was C17 : 1 ω8, followed by C17 : 0 and C18 : 1 ω7. Analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight MS was used to characterize the strain, producing a characteristic low-molecular-mass protein pattern that could be used as a fingerprint for identification of members of this species. The DNA G+C content was 69.1 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis supported by 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison classified the strain as a member of the class Gammaproteobacteria. Strain HAL40bT was only distantly related to other marine bacteria including Neptunomonas naphthovorans and Marinobacter daepoensis (type strain sequence similarity >90 %). Based on its phenotypic, physiological and phylogenetic characteristics, it is proposed that the strain should be placed into a new genus as a representative of a novel species, Spongiibacter marinus gen. nov., sp. nov.; the type strain of Spongiibacter marinus is HAL40bT (=DSM 17750T =CCUG 54896T)

    Testing of the Survivin Suppressant YM155 in a Large Panel of Drug-Resistant Neuroblastoma Cell Lines

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    The survivin suppressant YM155 is a drug candidate for neuroblastoma. Here, we tested YM155 in 101 neuroblastoma cell lines (19 parental cell lines, 82 drug-adapted sublines). Seventy seven (77) cell lines displayed YM155 IC50_{50}s in the range of clinical YM155 concentrations. ABCB1 was an important determinant of YM155 resistance. The activity of the ABCB1 inhibitor zosuquidar ranged from being similar to that of the structurally different ABCB1 inhibitor verapamil to being 65-fold higher. ABCB1 sequence variations may be responsible for this, suggesting that the design of variant-specific ABCB1 inhibitors may be possible. Further, we showed that ABCC1 confers YM155 resistance. Previously, p53 depletion had resulted in decreased YM155 sensitivity. However, TP53TP53-mutant cells were not generally less sensitive to YM155 than TP53TP53 wild-type cells in this study. Finally, YM155 cross-resistance profiles differed between cells adapted to drugs as similar as cisplatin and carboplatin. In conclusion, the large cell line panel was necessary to reveal an unanticipated complexity of the YM155 response in neuroblastoma cell lines with acquired drug resistance. Novel findings include that ABCC1 mediates YM155 resistance and that YM155 cross-resistance profiles differ between cell lines adapted to drugs as similar as cisplatin and carboplatin

    Flare imaging with multibeam sonar systems: data processing for seep bubble detection

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    Multibeam sonar surveys have been conducted since their invention in the 1970s; however, mainly reflections from the seafloor were considered so far. More recently, water column imaging with multibeam is becoming of increasing interest for fisheries, buoy, mooring, or gas detection in the water column. Using ELAC SEABEAM 1000 data, we propose a technique to detect gas bubbles (flares) although this system is originally not designed to record water column data. The described data processing represents a case study and can be easily adapted to other multibeam systems. Multibeam data sets from the Black Sea and the North Sea show reflections of gas bubbles that form flares in the water column. At least for reasonably intense gas escape the detection of bubbles is feasible. The multibeam technique yields exact determination of the source position and information about the dimension of the gas cloud in the water. Compared to conventional flare imaging by single-beam echo sounders, the wide swath angle of multibeam systems allows the mapping of large areas in much shorter time