55 research outputs found


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    Indicators of sustainable development for agriculture

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    Sustainability in agriculture is a complex concept and there are a lot of methods and scholars for its measuring. Advantages and disadvantages of different estimation system were considered and some of indicators were analyzed. “Feed-back” approach was offered to improve the methods of sustainability estimation. The main difficulty in measuring and monitoring of agricultural sustainability is that it is a rather dynamic than a static concept with long-term correlation. There are different systems of and approaches for monitoring starting from high level international organizations (The World Bank, UN, OECD etc.), regional and state systems, and variety of researches by the topic. But the main critical issues of them are that indicators of sustainability are not considered in pair resource-result. The “feedback” approach was proposed by reviewing principles of sustainable development estimation in agriculture. A key idea of the “feedback” approach is to define a correlation between recourses and effects. The system of indicators helps estimating the correlation in the boxes Financial and Material Resources, Human Resources, Environmental Resources and appropriate effects. Some indicators were estimated and monitored using official database, but there is a lack of information in environmental and social part of estimation system. Therefore, to give politicians and researches a background for decision-making on agrarian policy the system of state statistic can be improved by adding some sustainable development indicators in agriculture.Стійкість у сільському господарстві є комплексною категорією, існує безліч методів та наукових підходів для її оцінки. У статті розглянуті переваги та недоліки різних оціночних систем, проаналізовано окремі індикатори. Для удосконалення методики оцінки був запропонований підхід «зворотного зв’язку» показників. Головні труднощі у вимірі й контролі сільськогосподарської стійкості полягає в тому, що це – більше динамічне, чим статичне поняття з довгостроковою кореляцією. Є різні системи й підходи для контролю починаючи з міжнародних організацій високого рівня (Всесвітній банк, ООН, ОЭСР і т.д.), регіональних і державних систем і різноманітних досліджень по темі. Але головні критичні проблеми їх те, що індикатори стійкості не розглядаються в парі ресурсрезультат. Підхід з «зворотним зв’язком» був запропонований після розгляду принципів стабільної оцінки розвитку сільського господарства. Ключова ідея підходу з «зворотнім зв’язком» полягає в тому, щоб визначити кореляцію між ресурсами й ефектами. Система індикаторів допомагає оцінці кореляції фінансових і матеріальних ресурсів, людських ресурсів, природних ресурсів і відповідних ефектів. Деякі індикатори були оцінені й контролювались використовуючи офіційну базу даних, але є недолік інформації в екологічній і соціальній частині системи оцінки. Тому для того щоб дати політикам і дослідникам підстави для ухвалення рішення в аграрній політиці, система державної статистики може бути поліпшена додаванням деяких індикаторів сталого розвитку в сільському господарстві.Устойчивость в сельском хозяйстве является комплексной категорией, существует множество методов и научных подходов для ее оценки. В статье рассмотрены преимущества и недостатки различных оценочных систем, проанализированы отдельные индикаторы. Для усовершенствования методики оценки был предложен подход «обратной связи» показателей. Главная трудность в измерении и контроле сельскохозяйственной устойчивости состоит в том, что это – больше динамическое, чем статическое понятие с долгосрочной корреляцией. Есть различные системы и подходы для контроля начиная с международных организаций высокого уровня (Всемирный банк, ООН, ОЭСР и т.д.), региональных и государственных систем и разнообразных исследований по теме. Но главные критические проблемы их то, что индикаторы устойчивости не рассматриваются в паре ресурс-результат. Подход с «обратной связи» был предложен после рассмотрения принципов стабильной оценки развития сельского хозяйства. Ключевая идея подхода «обратной связи» состоит в том, чтобы определить корреляцию между ресурсами и эффектами. Система индикаторов помогает оценке корреляции финансовых и материальных ресурсов, человеческих ресурсов, природных ресурсов и соответствующих эффектов. Некоторые индикаторы были оценены и контролировали использующую официальную базу данных, но есть недостаток информации в экологической и социальной части системы оценки. Поэтому для того чтобы дать политикам и исследователям основания для принятия решения в аграрной политике, система государственной статистики может быть улучшена добавлением некоторых индикаторов устойчивого развития в сельском хозяйстве


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    The article deals with the use of active or passive braking of a ship to stop it at a given point. To substantiate the relevance of the study, an analysis of the literature on the problem of ensuring the safe maneuvering of ships was carried out, in which the issues of theoretical and experimental studies of the turnability of ships, the adequacy of the existing models of turnability to the real process of turning the ship, as well as the development of a system of autopilot control of the ship's heading using the principles of fuzzy logic were considered. Considerable attention is paid to the development of an information system for simulating the movement of ships with complex dynamic models. The necessary analytical expressions are given that characterize the dependences of the time and the distance traveled to the stop of the ship on the mode of active and passive braking, which are required to solve the problem posed in the work. A formal description of the maneuver for stopping the ship at a given point by active and passive braking is obtained. This description makes it possible to determine the moment of engine stop in case of passive braking or the moment of its reverse – in case of active braking, provided that the ship is following a heading equal to the bearing to a given point. Cases of presence and absence of current in the area of ship maneuver are considered. In the case of the presence of a current, two stages of the ship's movement are considered: from the zero moment of time until the moment of the start of braking, when the speed of the ship is unchanged, and the second stage, from the moment of the start of braking until the stop of the ship, when the speed of the ship decreases. To take into account the flow during braking with an exit to a given point, two methods are proposed. The first one is at a constant flow angle with a lateral displacement relative to the programmed trajectory of motion. And the second – with a variable flow angle at zero displacement relative to it. A successful check of the correctness of the results obtained by simulation computer modeling of maneuvers for stopping the ship at a given point of braking, taking into account the current, has been carried ou

    Принципи діяльності IP-суду в Україні

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    The principles of IP-court activity in Ukraine have been studied. It has been emphasized that the urgent issues currently are to review the existing approaches to reforming the judicial system of Ukraine, based on the gained experience of establishing specialized courts, defining principles as guidelines for the functioning of IP-court in Ukraine as the Higher Specialized Judicial System of Ukraine. The concept of “principles” and their classification have been defined. The author has noted the importance of international principles of court activity in Ukraine. The regulatory base of courts activity has been characterized, where the principles of functioning of courts and judges in Ukraine have been defined. The author has singled out such an international legal document as the Basic Principles of Judicial Agencies’ Independence, which enshrines the following principles of IP-court activity in Ukraine: the principle of judicial agencies’ independence; the principle of freedom of speech and associations; the principle of qualification, selection and training; the principle of professional secrecy and immunity. The category of “principles of IP-court activity in Ukraine” has been offered to understand as a set of guiding (fundamental) ideas, grounds, principles of operation and functioning of IP-court in Ukraine that ensure the proper administration of justice, respect for rights and fundamental freedoms during the trial and ensuring the right to a fair trial. The principles of the IP-court activity in Ukraine are as follows: 1) general and legal: the rule of law principle; the principle of observance of human rights and fundamental human and civil freedoms; the principle of legality; the principle of openness and transparency of court proceedings; the principle of political or other impartiality; the principle of reasonable terms; 2) special principles of IP-court activity in Ukraine: the principle of independence of judicial agencies; the principle of freedom of speech and associations; principle of qualification; the principle of professional secrecy. It has been concluded that enshrining the principles of operation and functioning of the Supreme Court on Intellectual Property Issues in the Law of Ukraine “On the Supreme Court on Intellectual Property Issues” will increase the efficiency of the judicial system of Ukraine and significantly affect the authority and prestige of IP-court in Ukraine.Досліджено сутність та особливості принципів діяльності IP-суду в Україні. Визначено міжнародно-правову основу принципів здійснення правосуддя та діяльності судів. Встановлено існуючі прогалини в національному законодавстві щодо визначення принципів діяльності судів і суддів. Надано авторське бачення поняття «принципи діяльності IP-суду в Україні». Наведено перелік принципів діяльності IP-суду


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    Aim. This work aimed to validate an assay procedure for desloratadine tablets by direct spectrophotometric method. Materials and methods. A pilot-scale batch of the pharmaceutical preparation Alerdez, film-coated tablets containing 5 mg of desloratadine, manufactured by PJSC SIC “Borshchahivskiy CPP”, Ukraine, was used as an object of the study. A UV-Vis spectrophotometer Lambda 25 (Perkin Elmer), analytical balance Mettler Toledo XP 205DR, and class A volumetric apparatus were used in the study. Validation of the procedure was performed following the metrological approach of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU), whose requirements for the target uncertainty and bias, which rest on the risk assessment of making incorrect decisions on compliance (a confidence level of 95 %), were translated into criteria for all validation characteristics recommended by ICH. All calculations were made in normalised coordinates. The linearity, accuracy and precision (repeatability) were studied in a single experiment using nine different concentrations that uniformly covered the range of ±30 % from the nominal concentration of desloratadine. For validation of the procedure, an SPhU reference standard of desloratadine was used. Results. The experiment design and validation characteristics being tested were in full compliance with ICH Q2(R1) recommendations. All performance characteristics conformed to the criteria recommended by the SPhU. Requirements for the target uncertainty (1.6 %) and bias for any systematic source of variation (≤0.51 %, negligible in relation to 1.6 %) were established. The analytical procedure was specific – the absorbance from the placebo solution was insignificant (A %=0.36). The procedure met the requirements for linearity, accuracy, and precision at the repeatability level. The residual standard deviation s0 was 0.34 (≤ 0.84); correlation index Rc was 0.9998 (≥0.9991); intercept а was 0.045 (less than its confidence interval ∆a=1.14). The confidence interval for recovery ∆Z, which was used as a precision estimate, was 0.55 % (less than the target uncertainty). The mean recovery, which was used as an accuracy estimate, statistically insignificantly deviated from 100% (|Zmean ‑ 100| = 0.022 %).  The confidence interval for the intermediate precision ∆intrawas 0.33 % (less than the target uncertainty). The developed analytical procedure was found to be robust. Conclusions. A spectrophotometric procedure suitable for the assay of desloratadine in film-coated tablets Alerdez with content limits of ±5 % was validated by the SPhU approach

    Modern aspects of sustainable development in context of global safety

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    The authors have considered modern scientific approaches to the problem of sustainable development of complex dynamic systems. Main factors of risks are generalized: anthropogenic, technogeneous and ecological. Some aspects of Darwin’s triad and the second law of thermodynamic are used to explain the problems of global safety.Автори розглянули сучасні наукові підходи до проблем сталого розвитку складних динамічних систем. Узагальнені головні фактори ризику: антропогенні, техногенні і екологічні. Деякі аспекти дарвінівської тріади та другий закон термодинаміки використані для пояснення аспектів глобальної безпеки.Авторы рассмотрели современные научные подходы к проблеме устойчивого развития сложных динамических систем. Обобщены главные факторы риска: антропогенные, техногенные и экологические. Некоторые аспекты дарвиновской триады и второй закон термодинамики использованы для объяснения аспектов глобальной безопасности

    Distribution of adventive species Solidago canadensis, Phalacroloma annuum, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Heracleum sosnowskyi in phytocenoses of Volyn’ Polissya (Ukraine)

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    Biological pollution of natural phytocenoses by adventive plant species poses is a serious threat to endemic species and species with narrower ecological amplitude in ecosystems around the world. This study presents the results of a study of the composition and distribution of adventive plant species in natural, semi-natural and anthropogenic transformed phytocenoses of Volyn’ Polissya, Ukraine. To clarify the effect of drainage melioration on non-native flora species distribution, a botanical study was carried out during the 2003–2019 vegetation seasons on the territory of four drainage systems. The adventive flora of this unique region of Europe was studied in detail for the first time. In total, 279 non-native plant species were found. They belong to 110 genera and 32 families. The results of studying the systematic, bioecological, range-distributional and phytogenetic structure of adventive species found within agricultural lands and adjacent territories are presented. It was found that 161 species are associated with agricultural production. Of these, 90 species were found directly within the agricultural land, another 71 species were found growing in the adjacent territories. It was found that a significant increase in the number of adventive species on the territory of Volyn’ Polissya is associated with drainage melioration carried out in the 1960–1990s, significant changes in the structure and forms of agro-industrial production, and climatic changes in recent decades. The expansion of agricultural land in this area over the past 50–60 years has led to an increase in the number of adventive species by more than 60%. On the territory of drainage systems used for agricultural activities, more than 40% of the total species composition of the adventive flora of Volyn’ Polissya is represented. The majority of these species originate from arid and sub arid regions of the planet. The transformer plants, Solidago canadensis L. and Phalacroloma annuum (L.) Dumort pose a potential threat to phytocenoses of the described region, as well as the whole of Europe. Of particular interest are the species that in the future may pose a serious threat to natural phyto-diversity and have negative practical consequences for the structure of agricultural landscapes. These are Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. and Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. In general, modern agro ecosystems are characterized by instability and low ability to resist non-native species. The strongly weedy character of cultivated fields and the presence of abandoned uncultivated lands have caused the rapid spread of adventive vegetation. In order to further optimize the structure of agrolandscapes, it is advisable to monitor and regulate not only expansionary invasive species, which is especially important for preventing biological pollution, but also species whose status has not yet been determined

    Assessing the Preferences for Criteria in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Treatments for Rare Diseases

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    Background: Increasingly, multi-criteria decision analysis has gained importance as a method by which to assess the value of orphan drugs. However, very little attention has been given to the weight (relative preferences) of the individual criteria used in a framework. Aims: This study sought to gain an understanding of the preferential weights that should be allocated in a multi-criteria decision analysis framework for orphan drugs, from a multi-stakeholder perspective. Method: Using key MCDA criteria for orphan drugs reported in the literature, we developed an interactive web-based survey tool to capture preferences for different criteria from a general stakeholder sample who were requested to assign weights from a reimbursement perspective. Each criterion could be assigned a weight on a sliding scale from 0 to 100% as long as the sum of all the criteria was 100%. We subsequently used the interactive tool with an expert focus group, followed up with a group discussion regarding each criterion and their perspectives on the weight that each criterion should be allocated when assessing an orphan drug. The expert focus group participants were then able to adjust their weights, if the group discussion had changed their perspectives. Results: The interactive tool was completed by 120 general stakeholder sample from a wide range of countries and professional backgrounds and an expert focus group of ten members. The results showed the differences in perspectives on the importance of criteria. Both groups considered Treatment efficacy to be the most important criterion. The general stakeholder sample weighted Treatment safety at 12.03% compared to the expert focus group's average of 20%. The results also demonstrated the value of the group discussion, which provided additional insights into the perspectives on the importance of criteria in assessing orphan drugs. Conclusion: This study aimed to contribute to the important aspect of preferences for different criteria in MCDA. This study sheds light on the important aspect of the preferences of the different criteria. All respondents agreed on the relative importance of Treatment efficacy and Treatment safety, criteria that are captured in conventional cost-effectiveness studies, but they also expressed the view that in addition to those, several disease-related and drug-related criteria should be included in MCDA frameworks for assessing orphan drugs

    Оцінка ефективності організації роботи персоналу в КНП "КПБ Пресвятої Діви Марії" СМР

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    В роботі розглянуто шляхи поліпшення управління оцінкою ефективності роботи медичного персоналу за рахунок вдосконалення системи оцінки персоналу закладу охорони здоров’я. Ґрунтуючись на загальних принципах та методах оцінки ефективності роботи працівників державних та недержавних медичних установ визначено сутність та особливості оцінки медичного персоналу. Розглянуто систему оцінки медичного персоналу в закладах охорони здоров’я, а також особливості оціночного процесу в період запровадження в дію медичної реформи. Досліджено сучасний стан системи оцінки персоналу у реальній діючій медичній установі, вивчено проблемні моменти у вживаних методах та механізмах оцінки персоналу. За допомогою аналізу структури та руху медичного персоналу, системи оцінки працівників, була досліджена поточна ситуація справ в медичній установі. Виявлені недоліки у вже існуючій системі оцінки персоналу організації та визначені причини низьких показників сестринського персоналу. За допомогою використання критерію соціальної задоволеності, методів опитування породіль та організації системи управління якістю на основі циклу PDCA, були показані шляхи вдосконалення існуючої системи оцінки ефективності роботи персоналу в установі. Результати, одержані в кваліфікаційній роботі, вказують на той факт, що в медичній установі існують резерви різного роду для вдосконалення системи оцінки персоналу та зростанням задоволеності породіль рівнем отримуваних медичних послуг.В работе рассмотрены пути улучшения управления и оценки эффективности работы медицинского персонала за счет совершенствования системы оценки персонала учреждения здравоохранения. Основываясь на общих принципах и методах оценки эффективности работы сотрудников государственных и негосударственных медицинских учреждений определена сущность и особенности оценки медицинского персонала. Рассмотрена система оценки медицинского персонала в учреждениях здравоохранения, а также особенности оценочного процесса в период введения в действие медицинской реформы. Исследовано современное состояние системы оценки персонала в реальной действующей медицинском учреждении, изучены проблемные моменты в применяемых методах и механизмах оценки персонала. С помощью анализа структуры и движения медицинского персонала, системы оценки работников, была исследована текущая ситуация дел в медицинском учреждении. Выявленные недостатки в уже существующей системе оценки персонала организации и определены причины низких показателей сестринского персонала. С помощью использования критерия социальной удовлетворенности, методов опроса рожениц и организации системы управления качеством на основе цикла PDCA, были показаны пути совершенствования существующей системы оценки эффективности работы персонала в учреждении. Результаты, полученные в квалификационной работе, указывают на тот факт, что в медицинском учреждении существуют резервы различного рода для совершенствования системы оценки персонала и ростом удовлетворенности рожениц уровнем получаемых медицинских услуг.The paper considers ways to improve the management of the evaluation of the effectiveness of medical staff by improving the system of evaluation of personnel of health care facilities. Based on the general principles and methods of evaluating the effectiveness of employees of state and non-state medical institutions, the essence and features of the evaluation of medical staff are determined. The system of evaluation of medical personnel in health care institutions is considered, as well as the peculiarities of the evaluation process during the implementation of medical reform. The current state of the personnel evaluation system in a real operating medical institution is studied, the problematic moments in the used methods and mechanisms of personnel evaluation are studied. With the help of the analysis of the structure and movement of medical staff, the system of evaluation of employees, the current situation in the medical institution was investigated. Deficiencies in the existing system of personnel evaluation of the organization were identified and the reasons for low rates of nursing staff were identified. Using the criterion of social satisfaction, methods of interviewing mothers and the organization of a quality management system based on the PDCA cycle, showed ways to improve the existing system for assessing the effectiveness of staff in the institution. The results obtained in the qualification work indicate the fact that in the medical institution there are reserves of various kinds to improve the system of personnel evaluation and increase the satisfaction of mothers with the level of medical services received