1,104 research outputs found

    A Note on Quasi-Triangulated Graphs

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    A graph is quasi-triangulated if each of its induced subgraphs has a vertex which is either simplicial (its neighbors form a clique) or cosimplicial (its nonneighbors form an independent set). We prove that a graph G is quasi-triangulated if and only if each induced subgraph H of G contains a vertex that does not lie in a hole, or an antihole, where a hole is a chordless cycle with at least four vertices, and an antihole is the complement of a hole. We also present an algorithm that recognizes a quasi-triangulated graph in O(nm) time

    Mixed interval hypergraphs

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    AbstractWe investigate the coloring properties of mixed interval hypergraphs having two families of subsets: the edges and the co-edges. In every edge at least two vertices have different colors. The notion of a co-edge was introduced recently in Voloshin (1993, 1995): in every such a subset at least two vertices have the same color. The upper (lower) chromatic number is defined as a maximum (minimum) number of colors for which there exists a coloring of a mixed hypergraph using all the colors.We find that for colorable mixed interval hypergraph H the lower chromatic number χ(H) ⩽ 2, the upper chromatic number χ(H) = |X|−s(H), where s(H) is introduced as the so-called sieve number. A characterization of uncolorability of a mixed interval hypergraph is found, namely: such a hypergraph is uncolorable if and only if it contains an obviously uncolorable edge.The co-stability number α.√(H) is the maximum cardinality of a subset of vertices which contains no co-edge. A mixed hypergraph H is called co-perfect if χ(H′) = α√(H′) for every subhypergraph H′. Such minimal non-co-perfect hypergraphs as monostars and cycloids Cr2r−1 have been found in Voloshin (1995). A new class of non-co-perfect mixed hypergraphs called covered co-bi-stars is found in this paper. It is shown that mixed interval hypergraphs are coperfect if and only if they do not contain co-monostars and covered co-bi-stars as subhypergraphs.Linear time algorithms for computing lower and upper chromatic numbers and respective colorings for this class of hypergraphs are suggested

    Pseudo-chordal mixed hypergraphs

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    AbstractA mixed hypergraph contains two families of subsets: edges and co-edges. In every coloring any edge has at least two vertices of different colors, any co-edge has at least two vertices of the same color. The minimum (maximum) number of colors for which there exists a coloring of a mixed hypergraph H using all the colors is called lower (upper) chromatic number. A mixed hypergraph is called uniquely colorable if it has exactly one coloring apart from the permutation of colors. A vertex is called simplicial if its neighborhood induces a uniquely colorable mixed hypergraph. A mixed hypergraph is called pseudo-chordal if it can be decomposed by consecutive elimination of simplicial vertices. The main result of this paper is to provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a polynomial to be a chromatic polynomial of a pseudo-chordal mixed hypergraph

    Coloring mixed hypergraphs: from combinatorics to philosophy

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    We survey recent results and open problems on the chromatic spectrum,planarity and colorability of mixed hypergraphs and their relations to suchcategories of philosophy as identity and difference

    About perfection of circular mixed hypergraphs

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    A mixed hypergraph is a triple H = (X,C,D), where X is the vertex set and each of C and D is a family of subsets of X, the C-edges and D-edges, respectively. A proper k-coloring of H is a mapping c : X → {1,...,k} such that each C-edge has two vertices with a common color and each D-edge has two vertices with different colors. Maximum number of colors in a coloring using all the colors is called upper chromatic number Ï‡ Ì„(H). Maximum cardinality of subset of vertices which contains no C-edge is C-stability number αC (H). A mixed hypergraph is called C-perfect if χ Ì„ (H') = αC (H') for any induced subhypergraph H'. A mixed hyper- graph H is called circular if there exists a host cycle on the vertex set X such that every edge (C- or D-) induces a connected subgraph on the host cycle. We give a characterization of C-perfect circular mixed hypergraphs

    A note on the colorability of mixed hypergraph using k colors

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    The colorability problem on mixed hypergraphs is discussed. A criterion of colorability of mixed hypergraph with k colors is given

    Diffuse retro-reflective imaging for improved mosquito tracking around human baited bednets

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    Robust imaging techniques for tracking insects have been essential tools in numerous laboratory and field studies on pests, beneficial insects and model systems. Recent innovations in optical imaging systems and associated signal processing have enabled detailed characterisation of nocturnal mosquito behaviour around bednets and improvements in bednet design, a global essential for protecting populations against malaria. Nonetheless, there remain challenges around ease of use for large scale in situ recordings and extracting data reliably in the critical areas of the bednet where the optical signal is attenuated. Here we introduce a retro-reflective screen at the back of the measurement volume, which can simultaneously provide diffuse illumination, and remove optical alignment issues whilst requiring only one-sided access to the measurement space. The illumination becomes significantly more uniform, although, noise removal algorithms are needed to reduce the effects of shot noise particularly across low intensity bednet regions. By systematically introducing mosquitoes in front and behind the bednet in lab experiments we are able to demonstrate robust tracking in these challenging areas. Overall, the retro-reflective imaging setup delivers mosquito segmentation rates in excess of 90% compared to less than 70% with back-lit systems
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