799 research outputs found

    Home learning environment and out-of-home activities : their relations to prosocial behaviour and peer relationships in primary school children

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    There is consensus that child socio-emotional development is influenced by various contexts, such as the family one. Research on influencing factors on child socio-emotional skills mainly investigated the effects of home learning environment, whereas the effects of out-of-home activities were often analysed mainly in samples of adolescents. The present study aimed to shed light on effects of preschool home learning environment and out-of-home activities on two facets of socio-emotional skills at the beginning of primary school: Prosocial behaviour and peer relationships. The information on the child prosocial behaviour and peer relationships at preschool age was included with the aim to control for most of the differences across children. Using data from a large sample of children (N = 1,818; Mage = 7.08 years, SD = 0.15; 49.9% girls), results of regression analyses show significant effects of out-of-home activities on prosocial behaviour after controlling a range of child- and family-related influencing factors on prosocial behaviour as well as prosocial behaviour at preschool age. The effects of home learning environment were significant after controlling a range of child- and family-related influencing factors on both facets of socio-emotional skills but became nonsignificant after taking into account respective behaviour at preschool age. The results of the present study suggest that fostering participation in out-of-home activities might contribute to an increase of prosocial behaviour in primary school children

    Early chronology of heat stress-induced alterations in skeletal muscle

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    Prolonged exposure to elevated environmental temperature can result in heat stress. Heat stress has negative effects on human health, animal health and wellbeing, and brings economic losses related to agricultural production. While clinical symptoms of heat stress are well studied, intracellular mechanisms of heat stress-induced injury require further investigation and are essential for development of etiological treatment of heal illness. Skeletal muscle dysfunction is one of the major pathologies associated with heat stress in both humans and animals. This thesis was aimed to determine changes in major pathways involved in the skeletal muscle response to short-term hyperthermic exposure. It has been established that redox balance plays a crucial role in heat stress injury as an exposure to elevated temperature leads to mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction via disruption of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Dysfunctional mitochondrial respiration, in turn, leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. Further, heat stress activates inflammatory signaling pathways in skeletal muscle. To determine changes in heat stress sensitive pathways, this thesis was divided into three research chapters. The first research chapter includes results from pigs exposed to heat stress for 2 h, 4 h, or 6 h. We found that heat stress resulted in decreased abundance of oxidative stress indicators likely due to elevations in antioxidant activity. These changes were independent of mitochondrial content and mitochondrial biogenesis. In the second research chapter we found activation of AP-1 signaling pathway following 4 h of heat stress, while initial signs of NF-ÎșB activation occurred following 6 h of heat stress. Inflammatory signaling activation was associated with decreased protein abundance of cytokine IL-6. In the final research chapter we aimed to determine the extent to which short-term heat stress altered mitochondrial function and confirm a reductive shift in redox balance in murine skeletal muscle. Mice exposed to elevated temperature for 6 h had mitochondrial function similar to animals kept under thermoneutral conditions. In conclusion, short-term heat stress shifts redox balance and activates inflammatory signaling but has little effect on mitochondrial content, biogenesis, or function

    Zur syntaktischen und prosodischen Markierung pragmatischer PhÀnomene im Bereich der Konnektorenforschung

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    Nach Eve Sweetser (1990) kann eine Äußerung auf drei kognitiven Ebenen - Sachverhaltsebene, epistemische Ebene und Sprechaktebene - gedeutet werden. In diesem Beitrag werden auf der Basis eines Korpus gesprochensprachlicher Daten' sowohl syntaktische als auch prosodische Besonderheiten kausaler und konditionaler konnektorhaltiger Relationen untersucht, die auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen gedeutet werden können. Ein besonderes Interesse gilt dabei der Frage, ob die Sweetser’sehen Ebenen im Deutschen sprachlich markiert sind. Es wird gezeigt, dass syntaktische und prosodische Signale mit den Ebenen sehr stark korrelieren, die Ebenen im kausalen Bereich aber anders markiert sind als im konditionalen Bereich. Aufgrund dieses Befundes wird gegen die Annahme Sweetsers argumentiert, dass KausalitĂ€t als Basisbedeutung fĂŒr KonditionalitĂ€t angesehen werden könne

    Wenn-Relationen. Schnittstelle zwischen Syntax, Semantik und Pragmatik

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    Die vorliegende empirisch basierte Studie zu Verwendungsweisen von ‘wenn' in gesprochenem Deutsch versteht sich als kleiner Beitrag zur Konnektorensemantik. Anhand eines Korpus gesprochener Sprache werden im ersten Schritt die Bedeutungsvarianten von wenn auf der Basis der Oppositionspaare ‘faktisch' vs. ‘nicht-faktisch’ und ‘generisch' vs. ‘spezifisch' typologisiert und im Hinblick auf ihre syntaktischen Spezifika untersucht. Im zweiten Schritt wird gezeigt, wie die so ermittelten Typen von wenn-Relationen mit den in Sweetser (1990) ausgefiihrten VerknĂŒpfungsdomĂ€nen (Sachverhaltsebene, epistemische Ebene, Sprechaktebene), die durch pragmatische AmbiguitĂ€t gekennzeichnet sind, korrelieren

    Governmental financial control and audit in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of public sector in Ukraine

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    Masteroppgave i Ăžkonomistyring - Nord Universitet 202

    Uncertainty Quantification for complex computer models with nonstationary output. Bayesian optimal design for iterative refocussing

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    In this thesis, we provide the Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) tools to assist automatic and robust calibration of complex computer models. Our tools allow users to construct a cheap (statistical) surrogate, a Gaussian process (GP) emulator, based on a small number of climate model runs. History matching (HM), the calibration process of removing parameter space for which computer model outputs are inconsistent with the observations, is combined with an emulator. The remaining subset of parameter space is termed the Not Ruled Out Yet (NROY). A weakly stationary GP with a covariance function that depends on the distance between two input points is the principal tool in UQ. However, the stationarity assumption is inadequate when we operate with a heterogeneous model response. In this thesis, we develop diagnostic-led nonstationary GP emulators with a kernel mixture. We employ diagnostics from a stationary GP fit to identify input regions with distinct model behaviour and obtain mixing functions for a kernel mixture. The result is a continuous emulator in parameter space that adapts to changes in model response behaviour. History matching has proven to be more effective when performed in waves. At each wave of HM, a new ensemble is obtained to update an emulator before finding an NROY space. In this thesis, we propose a Bayesian experimental design with a loss function that compares the volume of the NROY space obtained with an updated emulator to the volume of the “true” NROY space obtained using a “perfect” emulator. We combine Bayesian Design Criterion with our proposed nonstationary GP emulator to perform calibration of climate model

    Mediensprache als eines der Hauptmittel zur Massenbeeinflussung

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