1,282 research outputs found

    Numerical methods for the simulation of an aggregation-driven droplet size distribution

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    A droplet size distribution in a turbulent flow field is considered and modeled by means of a population balance system. This paper studies different numerical methods for the 4D population balance equation and their impact on an output of interest, the time-space-averaged droplet size distribution at the outlet which is known from experiments. These methods include different interpolations of the experimental data at the inlet, various discretizations in time and space, and different schemes for computing the aggregation integrals. It will be shown that notable changes in the output of interest might occur. In addition, the efficiency of the studied methods is discussed

    Numerical simulations and measurements of a droplet size distribution in a turbulent vortex street

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    A turbulent vortex street in an air flow interacting with a disperse droplet population is investigated in a wind tunnel. Non-intrusive measurement techniques are used to obtain data for the air velocity and the droplet velocity. The process is modeled with a population balance system consisting of the incompressible Navier--Stokes equations and a population balance equation for the droplet size distribution. Numerical simulations are performed that rely on a variational multiscale method for turbulent flows, a direct discretization of the differential operator of the population balance equation, and a modern technique for the evaluation of the coalescence integrals. After having calibrated two unknown model parameters, a very good agreement of the experimental and numerical results can be observed. Eine turbulente Wirbelstra\ss e in einer Luftstr\"omung mit einer dispergierten Tr\"opfchenpopulation wird in einem Windkanal untersucht. Nichtintrusive Messtechniken werden verwendet, um Daten bez\"uglich der Luft-- und Tr\"opfchengeschwindigkeiten zu gewinnen. Der zu Grunde liegende Prozess wird mit einem Populationsbilanzsystem modelliert, welches aus den inkompressiblen Navier--Stokes--Gleichungen und einer Populationsbilanzgleichung f\"ur die Tr\"opfchenverteilungsdichte besteht. Numerische Simulationen werden durchgef\"uhrt, welche ein variationelle Mehrskalenmethode f\"ur turbulente Str\"omungen, eine direkte Diskretisierung des Differentialoperators der Populationsbilanzgleichung und ein modernes Verfahren zur Berechnung der Koaleszensintegrale verwenden. Nachdem zwei unbekannte Modellparameter kalibriert worden sind, kann eine sehr gute Ãœbereinstimmung der experimentellen und numerischen Ergebnisse beobachtet werden

    Suppression of electrical breakdown phenomena in liquid TriMethyl Bismuth based ionization detectors

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    Organometallic liquids provide good properties for ionization detectors. TriMethyl Bismuth (TMBi) has been proposed as a detector medium with charge and Cherenkov photon readout for Positron Emission Tomography. In this work, we present studies for the handling of TMBi at different electric fields and under different environmental conditions to find applicable configurations for the suppression of electrical breakdowns in TMBi at room temperature. A simple glass cell with two electrodes filled with TMBi was constructed and tested under different operation conditions. Working at the vapour pressure of TMBi at room temperature of about 40 mbar and electric fields of up to 20 kV/cm in presence of a small oxygen contamination we found the formation of a discharge channel in the liquid and a steady increase in the current. Further reduction of pressure by pumping caused the TMBi to boil and a spontaneous combustion. Eliminating the oxygen contamination led the TMBi under the same condition to only decompose. When operating the setup under an argon atmosphere of 1 bar we did not observe breakdowns of the electrical potential up to field strengths of 20 kV/cm. Still, in presence of a small oxygen contamination fluctuating currents in the nA range were observed, but no decomposition or combustion. We conclude from our experiments that TMBi at room temperature in a pure argon atmosphere of 1 bar remains stable against electrical breakdown at least up to electric field strengths of 20 kV/cm, presumably because the formation of gaseous TMBi was prevented.Comment: 14 page, 8 figure

    Towards a personalised approach in exercise-based cardiovascular rehabilitation: How can translational research help?: A ‘call to action’ from the Section on Secondary Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology

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    The benefit of regular physical activity and exercise training for the prevention of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases is undisputed. Many molecular mechanisms mediating exercise effects have been deciphered. Personalised exercise prescription can help patients in achieving their individual greatest benefit from an exercise-based cardiovascular rehabilitation programme. Yet, we still struggle to provide truly personalised exercise prescriptions to our patients. In this position paper, we address novel basic and translational research concepts that can help us understand the principles underlying the inter-individual differences in the response to exercise, and identify early on who would most likely benefit from which exercise intervention. This includes hereditary, non-hereditary and sex-specific concepts. Recent insights have helped us to take on a more holistic view, integrating exercise-mediated molecular mechanisms with those influenced by metabolism and immunity. Unfortunately, while the outline is recognisable, many details are still lacking to turn the understanding of a concept into a roadmap ready to be used in clinical routine. This position paper therefore also investigates perspectives on how the advent of ‘big data’ and the use of animal models could help unravel interindividual responses to exercise parameters and thus influence hypothesis-building for translational research in exercisebased cardiovascular rehabilitation

    Identifying Activated T Cells in Reconstituted RAG Deficient Mice Using Retrovirally Transduced Pax5 Deficient Pro-B Cells

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    Various methods have been used to identify activated T cells such as binding of MHC tetramers and expression of cell surface markers in addition to cytokine-based assays. In contrast to these published methods, we here describe a strategy to identify T cells that respond to any antigen and track the fate of these activated T cells. We constructed a retroviral double-reporter construct with enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP) and a far-red fluorescent protein from Heteractis crispa (HcRed). LTR-driven EGFP expression was used to enrich and identify transduced cells, while HcRed expression is driven by the CD40Ligand (CD40L) promoter, which is inducible and enables the identification and cell fate tracing of T cells that have responded to infection/inflammation. Pax5 deficient pro-B cells that can give rise to different hematopoietic cells like T cells, were retrovirally transduced with this double-reporter cassette and were used to reconstitute the T cell pool in RAG1 deifcient mice that lack T and B cells. By using flow cytometry and histology, we identified activated T cells that had developed from Pax5 deficient pro-B cells and responded to infection with the bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. Microscopic examination of organ sections allowed visual identification of HcRed-expressing cells. To further characterize the immune response to a given stimuli, this strategy can be easily adapted to identify other cells of the hematopoietic system that respond to infection/inflammation. This can be achieved by using an inducible reporter, choosing the appropriate promoter, and reconstituting mice lacking cells of interest by injecting gene-modified Pax5 deficient pro-B cells
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