75 research outputs found

    A GA based meta-heuristic for capacitated vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pick-up and deliveries

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    In this study, we focus on the theoretical framework of a decision model for a real world problem. The problem reveals itself as simultaneous distribution of commodities and recollection of empty packages the same size as the initial state with a single depot and a fleet of uniform vehicles with limited capacities. Resembling instances pile a profound literature under the category of "pick-up and delivery problems with backhauls" and "rural postman problem." To solve the arousing NP-hard problem we use genetic algorithm approach. Computational efficiency and a good solution performance are sought. We have studied the wide literature of the vehicle routing problems, classified and briefly introduced the previous asserted algorithms, which provide considerably high quality solutions. We have developed a genetic algorithm based meta-heuristic on a linear IP model proposed by Dethloff (2001) and conducted tests to come up with a robust heusritic producing results with a reasonable quality. The models we studied were mainly taken from the machine scheduling literature and adapted to handle our problem. Our research has revealed that no resembling problem has ever been proposed to be solved using the genetic algorithms approach. Thus, this work is a first in its field. The improvement algorithm is found to be considerably good performing while the random keys method failed to produce reasonable solutions. We have tested our algorithm on two benchmark problems introduced by Min (1989) and Dethloff (2001). The latter is composed of 40 problem instances generated. We have performed parameter tests to tune our algorithm and shown that our algorithm produced the best ever solution for the first problem and considerably good solutions for the second one

    A hierarchical method for multi-class support vector machines

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    We introduce a framework, which we call Divide-by-2 (DB2), for extending support vector machines (SVM) to multi-class prob-lems. DB2 offers an alternative to the stan-dard one-against-one and one-against-rest al-gorithms. For an N class problem, DB2 pro-duces an N − 1 node binary decision tree where nodes represent decision boundaries formed by N−1 SVM binary classifiers. This tree structure allows us to present a gener-alization and a time complexity analysis of DB2. Our analysis and related experiments show that, DB2 is faster than one-against-one and one-against-rest algorithms in terms of testing time, significantly faster than one-against-rest in terms of training time, and that the cross-validation accuracy of DB2 is comparable to these two methods. 1

    İntrakraniyal Arter Darlıklarının Endovasküler Tedavisinin Kısa ve Uzun Dönem Takip Sonuçları

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    Intacranial artery stenosis is one of the most common causes of stroke. Intracranial artery stenosis can be treated with medical or endovascular therapy. Endovascular treatment is the only solution at the present time for the patients who are symptomatic despite medical therapy. The aim of the study was to retrospectively evaluate the safety and efficacy, the short and long-term angiographic outcomes of stent placement for intracranial artery stenosis in a single center. Sixty-one patients with 68 lesions were treated with stenting between June 2005 and February 2012. The average age of the patients was 62.9. All the patients but one were symptomatic prior to the procedures. The degree of stenosis were %50-70 in 6 lesions (%8.8), %70-90 in 25 lesions (%36.8) and greater than %90 in 37 lesions (%54.4) prior to treatment. Thirty-three lesions (%48.5) were located in the anterior and 35 lesions (%51.5) were in the posterior circulation. Stenting was performed successfully in all lesions. Of the 68 stents used in this study, 16 were balloon-expandable and 52 were self-expandable. There were 53 follow-up angiographic results of total 68 stents (%77.9) with an average follow-up time of 13.7 months (2-72 months). The restenosis rate was found to be %8.3 (1/12) for the balloon-expandable stents and %9.7 (4/41) for the self-expandable stents. Overall restenosis rate in this study was %9.4 (5/53). There were 2 asymptomatic stent occlusion and overall 5 major complication including mortality in this study. Endovascular treatment of intracranial artery stenosis with balloon-expandable or self-expandable stenting is a feasible, safe and effective method; short-and long-term results of treatment with this technique also reveal a high stability.İntrakraniyal arter darlığı inmenin en sık görülen nedenlerinden biridir. İntrakraniyal arter darlıkları medikal ve endovasküler yöntemler ile tedavi edilebilmektedir. Medikal tedaviye rağmen semptomatik olan hastalarda endovasküler tedavi yöntemleri günümüzde tek tedavi seçeneğidir. Bu tek merkezli çalışmanın amacı intrakraniyal arter darlık tedavisinde stentleme tekniğinin güvenlik, etkinlik, kısa ve uzun dönem anjiyografik takip sonuçlarını retrospektif olarak sunmaktır. Haziran 2005 ile Şubat 2012 tarihleri arasında, yaş ortalaması 62.9 olan 61 hastaya ait toplam 68 lezyon stentleme ile tedavi edilmiştir. Çalışmadaki 1 hasta haricindeki tüm hastalar işlem öncesi semptomatikti. İşlem öncesinde 6 lezyonda darlık oranı %50-70 (%8.8) arasında, 25 lezyonda darlık oranı %70-90 (%36.8) arasında ve 37 lezyonda darlık oranı %90 (%54.4) üzerindeydi. Darlıkların 33'ü (%48.5) anteriyor dolaşımda, 35'i (%51.5) ise posteriyor dolaşımdaydı. Çalışmadaki tüm lezyonlara başarılı bir şekilde stent yerleştirilmişti. Balon ile açılabilen 16 stent ve kendiliğinden açılan 52 stent kullanılmıştır. Altmış sekiz stentten 53 tanesinin (%77.9) takip sonucu mevcuttur. İki ile 72 ay arasındaki takip görüntülemelerde (ortalama takip süresi 13.7 ay) toplam restenoz oranı %9.4 (5/53) olup, balon ile açılabilen stentlerde bu oran %8.3 (1/12) ve kendiliğinden açılan stentlerde ise % 9.7'dir (4/41). İki hastada asemptomatik stent oklüzyonu, toplam 5 hastada ise işleme bağlı majör komplikasyon veya mortalite meydana gelmiştir. İntrakraniyal arter darlığı tedavisinde balon ile açılabilen ve kendiliğinden açılan stentler teknik olarak yapılabilir, güvenilir ve etkin tedavi seçenekleridir; kısa ve uzun dönem takip sonuçları da bu teknik ile tedavinin yüksek stabilitesini ortaya koymaktadır

    Los esfuerzos de Turquía

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    Türkiye'de hemoglobin varyantları ve talasemi mutasyonları bilgi sistemi

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    TEZ7110Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.64-66) var.ix, 67 s. : res. ; 29 cm.Alfa, beta, gama globin gen kümelerinin neden olduğu hemoglobinopatiler, insanlarda görülen en yaygın genetik hastalıklardır. Tek nükleotidde meydana gelen baz değişmeleri, orak hücre anemisi gibi hemolitik anemilere, dayanıksız hemoglobinlere veya oksijen affinitesinde değişmelere neden olan amino asit değişikliklerine yol açarlar. İnsanda alfa, beta veya gamma globin genlerinin kodlama veya regüle edici bölgelerindeki moleküler kusurlar bu genlerin ifadesinde dramatik azalmalara yol açarak alfa, beta veya gamma talasemiye neden olurlar.The Hemoglobinopathies caused by the mutations in alfa, beta, and gamma globin gene clusters, are the most common genetic diseases in human. Single nucleotide substitutions can lead to amino acid replacements that cause hemolytic anemias, such as sickle-cell disease, or hemoglobins that are unstable or have altered oxygen affinity. In Human, molecular defects in the region of the coding and regulating sequences of alfa, beta and gamma globin gene clusters cause to dramatic decreases of the genes expression, so alfa, beta or gamma thalassemia is occured.In this study, our aim is to constract a database that contains abnormal hemoglobins and thalassemia mutations which are found in Turkey. For every mutation and variant, information of location, mutation points, haemotologic parameters, structural and functional analysis, and their reference knowledge is loaded to database. Query pages are set up according to subject topics in our databases. Fifty haemoglobin variants and fourty-one thalassemia mutations which are found in Turkey have been entered to hemoglobin information database and opened on www.turktalasemi.org websiteBu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:ZF2007YL

    The vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pick-up and deliveries and a GRASP-GA based solution heuristic

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    In this dissertation, the vehicle routing problem and one of its variants, the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pick up and deliveries (VRPSPD) are studied. The traditional vehicle routing problem (VRP) consists of constructing minimum cost routes for the vehicles to follow so that the set of customers are visited only once. A lot of effort has been devoted to research on developing fast and effective solution methods for many different versions of this problem by different majors of engineering profession. Thus, a structuring effort is needed to organize and document the vast literature so far has accumulated in this field. Over its lifespan the VRP literature has become quite disjointed and disparate. Keeping track of its development has become difficult because its subject matter transcends several academic disciplines and professions that range from algorithm design to traffic management. Consequently, this dissertation begins with defining VRP\u27s domain in its entirety, accomplishes an allencompassing taxonomy for the VRP literature, and delineates all of VRP\u27s facets in a parsimonious and discriminating manner. Sample articles chosen for their disparity are classified to illustrate the descriptive power and parsimony of the taxonomy. Next, a more detailed version of the original problem, the VRPSPD is examined and a more abstract taxonomy is proposed. Additionally, two other existing classification methodologies are used to distinguish all published VRPSPD papers on their respective research strategies and solution methods. By using well-organized methods this study provides a solid multidimensional identification of all VRPSPD studies? attributes thus synthesizing knowledge in the filed. Finally, a hybrid metaheuristic solution algorithm for the VRPSPD problem is presented. To solve this NP-hard vehicle routing problem a GRASP initiated hybrid genetic algorithm is developed. The algorithm is tested on two sets of benchmark problems from the literature with respect to computational efficiency and solution quality. The effect of starting with a better initial population for the genetic algorithm is further investigated by comparing the current results with previously generated ones. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm produces relatively good quality solutions and a better initial population yields a reduction in processing cycles

    Management of Abdominal Wall and Intraabdominal Fibromatosis with Multi-organ Involvement: a Case Report

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    WOS: 000516635800022Desmoid tumors are uncommon, with an overall reported incidence of 2-5 per million population. They can be seen anywhere in the body. Desmoid tumors are associated with familial adenomatous polyposis especially with Gardner syndrome. In this study, we performed surgery for an abdominal mass involving the bladder, sigmoid colon, ileum, omentum, and rectus abdominis muscle macroscopically. A 50-year-old woman complained about abdominal distention of 1-year duration and abdominal pain for 2 months. In physical examination, tenderness was found at the lower quadrants of the abdomen and the suprapubic region. Computed tomography (CT) revealed a 43 x 43-mm mass lesion in the soft tissue densities. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a 43-mm lesion most likely a cyst or a sigmoid mass associated with sigmoid colon. Tumor was totally resected and pathologically diagnosed as fibromatosis. Differential diagnosis of the abdominal desmoid tumors could be difficult if the tumor is not settled in anterior preperitoneal space typically. Primary treatment of aggressive fibromatosis is surgery. Depending on the experience of the surgeon, recurrence rate varies between 25 and 65%. Radiotherapy is performed as adjuvant treatment for local control of the tumor or can be performed if the disease is extensive and local excision is not possible with surgery