73 research outputs found

    The use DC electrical method in diagnostics of insulating materials

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    Tato práce se zabývá dielektrickou relaxační spektroskopií, která se využívá pro hodnocení stavu elektroizolačních systémů. Mezi metody kvalifikující dielektrickou odezvu v časové oblasti patří nabíjecí a vybíjecí proudy a nová metoda zotavených napětí. Ve frekvenční oblasti to jsou ztrátové číslo a komplexní permitivita. V práci jsou pozorovány změny nabíjecích a vybíjecích proudů vlivem tepelného stárnutí.In this work describe to the Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy for the evaluation of the actual status of insulation systém. The used methods of quantifying the dielectric response in time domain are polarization-depolarization current and recovery voltage measurement and in frequency domain the loss factor and the complex capacitance measurement. Influence of thermal ageing and temperature dependences of charge and dischage currents are observed.

    Air Drying in an Industrial Compressor

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    In many industrial applications where compressed air is used it is necessary to increase the quality of the air by decreasing its humidity. This is done by either a condensation or adsorption dryer in the compressor circuit. In this article, the focus is on an industrial adsorption air dryer. The dryer is briefly described together with its function and a selected range of adsorbents suitable for air drying. The paper further deals with the development of a mathematical model of air humidity adsorption which is based on the Pseudo Gas-side Controlled (PGC) model. This paper contains a detailed description of the model and describes its implementation in MATLAB. Finally, the results of the simulations are discussed

    Numerically modelling temperature deformations and stresses in the exhaust system of a gas compressor unit

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    During the operation of a gas compressor unit, the temperature of the exhaust system can cause failure or burnout of the inner facing sheets of the unit. The article describes a technique for determining the maximum temperature deformations of these elements. The technique enables more accurate calculation of the temperature deformations by determining the influence of the contacts between the inner facing and the power frame on the temperature distribution and mobility of the exhaust system. The temperature deformations and stresses of the exhaust system elements are determined, and the level of the permissible stresses is evaluated. The results of the work can be used to prevent possible ruptures and burning of the inner facing, as well as to calculate the design dimensions of the lens expansion joint

    Synthetic peptides as a novel approach for detecting antibodies against sand fly saliva.

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    BACKGROUND: Hosts repeatedly bitten by sand flies develop antibodies against sand fly saliva and screening of these immunoglobulins can be employed to estimate the risk of Leishmania transmission, to indicate the feeding preferences of sand flies, or to evaluate the effectiveness of vector control campaigns. Previously, antibodies to sand fly saliva were detected using whole salivary gland homogenate (SGH) or recombinant proteins, both of which also have their disadvantages. This is the first study on sand flies where short peptides designed based on salivary antigens were successfully utilized for antibody screening. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Specific IgG was studied in hosts naturally exposed to Phlebotomus orientalis, the main vector of Leishmania donovani in East Africa. Four peptides were designed by the commercial program EpiQuest-B, based on the sequences of the two most promising salivary antigens, yellow-related protein and ParSP25-like protein. Short amino acid peptides were synthesised and modified for ELISA experiments. Specific anti-P. orientalis IgG was detected in sera of dogs, goats, and sheep from Ethiopia. The peptide OR24 P2 was shown to be suitable for antibody screening; it correlated positively with SGH and its specificity and sensitivity were comparable or even better than that of previously published recombinant proteins. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: OR24 P2, the peptide based on salivary antigen of P. orientalis, was shown to be a valuable tool for antibody screening of domestic animals naturally exposed to P. orientalis. We suggest the application of this promising methodology using species-specific short peptides to other sand fly-host combinations

    Experimental Studies and Condition Monitoring of Auxiliary Processes in the Production of Al2O3 by Sol–Gel Technology

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    Powders and granules of heavy metal oxides produced through condition monitoring are in high demand as intermediate products for obtaining fine-grained ceramics for a wide range of applications, i.e., nuclear fuel and fuel elements for nuclear power plants. Sol–gel technology to produce nuclear fuel (UO2), as well as catalysts (ThO2) for organic synthesis in the form of granules from pressed microspheres, is a promising method to obtain powders and granules of heavy metal oxides (fine-graded ceramics). Al2O3 was selected as the model analog at the stages of obtaining a solution of heavy metal and sol, the formation and gelation of droplets, and the preparation of gel spheres and their further washing and drying, as well as recovery and firing of particles. In the study, the main parameters were substantiated, e.g., the diameter and angle of inclination of the axis for the holes in the perforated shell, the multiplicity of sol circulation before the holes, the coefficients of liquid (sol) flow rate, the oscillation frequency of the disperser, and the concentration of surfactant and acid in sol. All of these parameters affect the characteristics of the granules that are obtained by sol–gel technology. Moreover, recommendations to increase productivity and the energy efficiency of production were also given. In particular, it was found that oscillation frequency in a range of 70–80 Hz leads to a granulometric composition of the obtained granules of 2.0–2.2 mm. A hole of 0.85 mm and a frequency of 100 Hz slightly change this range to 1.2–2.0 mm, while maintaining monodispersity

    Public administration reform in Czechoslovakia in 1945 - 1949

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    Územněsprávní reforma z roku 1949 byla jednou z řady úprav administrativního členění Československa ve 20. století. V roce 1945 žádný z hlavních politických subjektů nepochyboval o její nezbytnosti. Velké rozdíly v postojích stran však nacházíme v celkovém pojetí veřejné moci, v chápání úlohy samosprávy ve společnosti nebo v míře centralizace, resp. Decentralizace státu. Reforma správního systému byla po roce 1945 nevyhnutelná. Vedle reakce na novou pozici Slováků v Československu bylo nutno reagovat na změněnou demografickou a sociální situaci v českých zemích. Odsunem obyvatelstva a ne zcela úplných znovuosídlením pohraničí vznikl požadavek úpravy obvodů obcí a politických okresů.Katedra právních dějinObhájenoLocal and reform of 1949 was one of a series of modifications of administrative division of Czechoslovakia in the 20th century . In 1945, none of the major political parties doubted its necessity . Large differences in the attitudes of the parties , however, are in the overall concept of public authority in the understanding of the role of government in society or in the degree of centralization , respectively . Decentralization of the state. The reform of the administrative system after 1945 was inevitable. In addition to the response to the new position of Slovaks in Czechoslovakia was to respond to the changed demographic and social situation in the Czech lands. Expulsion of the population and not fully complete znovuosídlením borderland was the requirement modifications districts of municipalities and political districts

    Cooling system for the electromagnetic calorimeter PANDA

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    Několik kilometrů jižně od Frankfurtu, v okrajové části Wixhausen, se již několik let buduje nový mezinárodní urychlovač FAIR. Komplex urychlovačů a shromažďovacích prstenců, které dokáží připravit velmi intenzivní svazky iontů a antiprotonů. Ty následně poslouží studiu vlastností hmoty v nitru supernov, neutronových hvězd i nitru velkých planet. Na vývoji chlazení jednoho z urychlovačů, nesoucího sympatický název PANDA, se podílejí i vědci ze Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. V článku si představíme urychlovač, jeho konstrukci a povíme si i o úskalích, na která jsme při návrhu a výpočtech chladicího systému narazili.A few kilometers south of Frankfurt, on the outskirts of Wixhausen, there has been a new international FAIR accelerator complex under construction for several years. These accelerators can prepare very intense beams of ions and antiprotons, which can be used for countless research activities, for instance to study the properties of matter inside supernovae, neutron stars or large planets. Scientists from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen are actively involved in the development of a cooling system for one of the accelerators, bearing a nice name PANDA. In the article, we discuss the basics of the accelerator design and challenges we must overcome to achieve a reliable cooling system

    Local contribution to climate change in the Czech Republic

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou globální změny klimatu. Je zde možné získat informace o klimatickém systému a o faktorech, které ho ovlivňují. Popsány jsou zde také možné důsledky klimatických změn. Práce je zaměřena na charakteristiku zahraničních zkušeností z oblasti ochrany klimatu. Cílem práce je navrhnout soubor opatření na snížení emisí skleníkových plynů pro město Poděbrady a ověřit možnost aplikovat tato opatření v praxi.This thesis deals with global climate change. It is possible to obtain information about the climate system and factors that affect it. It describes the possible consequences of climate change as well. The thesis is focused on foreign experience in the field of climate protection. The goal is to propose a package of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the town Poděbrady and to verify the possibility to apply these measures in practice.Ústav veřejné správy a právaStudent seznámil s cílem své práce, a to návrhem systému opatření podporujících ochranu klimatu pro město Poděbrady a ověřit možnosti zavedení zahraniční praxe v této oblasti v podmínkách měst ČR.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Digital television broadcasting in the Czech Republic

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá především popisem systému digitálního televizního vysílání. Z práce je možné získat informace o historii televizního vysílání a představu o současném stavu televizního vysílání v České republice. Pozornost je také věnována porovnání analogového a digitálního vysílacího systému. Předpokládaná budoucnost tohoto fenoménu je prezentována v poslední části práce. Cílem bakalářské práce je popsat fungování systému DVB-T, zhodnotit výhody a nevýhody analogového a digitálního vysílání a věnovat pozornost projektu Zavedení digitálního zemského televizního vysílání v ČR.This bachelor work is dedicated to description of digital television broadcasting system. The work is to obtain information about history of television broadcasting. It is possible to obtain the idea about state of television broadcasting in the Czech Republic in theese days. The attantion is focus on comparison of analog and digital broadcasting systems too. The supposed future of this phenomenon is presented in the last part of this work. The main aim of this bachelor work is desribing of DVB-T system, comparing andventages and disadventages of analog and digital broadcasting and paying attention to project Implementation of digital terrestrial broadcasting in the Czech Republic too.Ústav systémového inženýrství a informatikyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Wiretapping and Interception of Telecommunications

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    Náplní předložené diplomové práce jsou odposlechy a záznamy telekomunikačního provozu a zjišťování údajů o něm, tedy instituty trestního práva, které je bezesporu možné označit jako kontroverzní a v současné době jako neustále diskutované. Pokud by mělo být ve stručnosti postiženo, v čem toto ambivalentní postavení spočívá, pak je třeba na straně jedné uvést, že jejich využití bezesporu přispívá k odhalování trestné činnosti, což je zajisté v zájmu ochrany celé společnosti. Na straně druhé však jejich nasazení znamená poměrně citelný zásah do lidských práv, jejichž ochrana a garantování je základním charakteristickým znakem každého demokratického právního státu.ObhájenoThe content of this diploma thesis is the eavesdropping and recording of telecommunication traffic and collecting data on it, i.e. institutes of criminal law, which can indisputably be described as controversial today and currently as constantly discussed. If we want to describe how this is ambivalent, then it should be noted, on the one hand, that their use undoubtedly contributes to the crime detection, which is certainly in the interest of the whole society. On the other hand, however, their deployment means quite appreciable interference with human rights, whose protection and guaranteeing is an essential characteristic of any democratic rule of law