83 research outputs found

    Hydrogen generation from the chemical energy carrier methanol: mechanistic insights into the ruthenium-catalysed dehydrogenation reaction and the implementation of a novel base-metal catalyst system

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    This thesis deals with the aqueous-phase reforming of methanol catalysed by homogeneous pincer complexes. Based on extensive kinetic experiments, spectroscopic investigations and supporting theoretical calculations, a complete mechanistic cycle could be proposed for a Ru-pincer catalyst and its methylated derivative. Furthermore, a highly stable catalyst system based on the base metal manganese was implemented for the low-temperature dehydrogenation of methanol

    Identifying metalloproteins through X-ray fluorescence mapping and mass spectrometry

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    Metals are critical and dynamic components of biochemistry. To understand their roles, we greatly need tools to identify the ligands that bind them within the complexity of natural systems. This work describes the development of methods that not only detect and distinguish metals, but also characterize the proteins that bind them. We describe an approach to expose, identify and quantify metalloproteins in complex mixtures by sequential non-denaturing 2D-gel electrophoresis (2D GE)/X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) in the same spot of a sample. We first apply the development of 2D GE/XRF to Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, a well-studied system, and verify our electrophoretic approach. Then, we identified a novel periplasmic zinc protein in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 through 2D GE/XRF followed by MS/MS. The identity and function of this protein was verified through a gene mutation experiment.Fil: Raimunda, Daniel Cesar. Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Khare, Tripti. Argonne National Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Giometti, Carol. Argonne National Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Vogt, Stefan. Argonne National Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Argüello, José M.. Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Finney, Lydia. Argonne National Laboratory; Estados Unido

    Benefits of listening to a recording of euphoric joint music making in polydrug abusers

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    Background and Aims: Listening to music can have powerful physiological and therapeutic effects. Some essential features of the mental mechanism underlying beneficial effects of music are probably strong physiological and emotional associations with music created during the act of music making. Here we tested this hypothesis in a clinical population of polydrug abusers in rehabilitation listening to a previously performed act of physiologically and emotionally intense music making. Methods: Psychological effects of listening to self-made music that was created in a previous musical feedback intervention were assessed. In this procedure, participants produced music with exercise machines (Jymmin) which modulate musical sounds. Results: The data showed a positive effect of listening to the recording of joint music making on self-efficacy, mood, and a readiness to engage socially. Furthermore, the data showed the powerful influence of context on how the recording evoked psychological benefits. The effects of listening to the self-made music were only observable when participants listened to their own performance first; listening to a control music piece first caused effects to deteriorate. We observed a positive correlation between participants' mood and their desire to engage in social activities with their former training partners after listening to the self-made music. This shows that the observed effects of listening to the recording of the single musical feedback intervention are influenced by participants recapitulating intense pleasant social interactions during the Jymmin intervention. Conclusions: Listening to music that was the outcome of a previous musical feedback (Jymmin) intervention has beneficial psychological and probably social effects in patients that had suffered from polydrug addiction, increasing self-efficacy, mood, and a readiness to engage socially. These intervention effects, however, depend on the context in which the music recordings are presented

    Iron distribution through the developmental stages of Medicago truncatula nodules.

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    Paramount to symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) is the synthesis of a number of metalloenzymes that use iron as a critical component of their catalytical core. Since this process is carried out by endosymbiotic rhizobia living in legume root nodules, the mechanisms involved in iron delivery to the rhizobia-containing cells are critical for SNF. In order to gain insight into iron transport to the nodule, we have used synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of this metal in nodules of the legume Medicago truncatula with hitherto unattained sensitivity and resolution. The data support a model in which iron is released from the vasculature into the apoplast of the infection/differentiation zone of the nodule (zone II). The infected cell subsequently takes up this apoplastic iron and delivers it to the symbiosome and the secretory system to synthesize ferroproteins. Upon senescence, iron is relocated to the vasculature to be reused by the shoot. These observations highlight the important role of yet to be discovered metal transporters in iron compartmentalization in the nodule and in the recovery of an essential and scarce nutrient for flowering and seed production

    Cadmium alters whole animal ionome and promotes the re-distribution of iron in intestinal cells of Caenorhabditis elegans

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    The chronic exposure of humans to the toxic metal cadmium (Cd), either occupational or from food and air, causes various diseases, including neurodegenerative conditions, dysfunction of vital organs, and cancer. While the toxicology of Cd and its effect on the homeostasis of biologically relevant elements is increasingly recognized, the spatial distribution of Cd and other elements in Cd toxicity-caused diseases is still poorly understood. Here, we use Caenorhabditis elegans as a non-mammalian multicellular model system to determine the distribution of Cd at the tissue and cellular resolution and its effect on the internal levels and the distribution of biologically relevant elements. Using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrophotometry (ICP-MS), we show that exposure of worms to Cd not only led to its internal accumulation but also significantly altered the C. elegans ionome. Specifically, Cd treatment was associated with increased levels of toxic elements such as arsenic (As) and rubidium (Rb) and a decreased accumulation of essential elements such as zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), calcium (Ca), cobalt (Co) and, depending on the Cd-concentration used in the assay, iron (Fe). We regarded these changes as an ionomic signature of Cd toxicity in C. elegans. We also show that supplementing nematode growth medium with Zn but not Cu, rescues Cd toxicity and that mutant worms lacking Zn transporters CDF-1 or SUR-7, or both are more sensitive to Cd toxicity. Finally, using synchrotron X-Ray fluorescence Microscopy (XRF), we showed that Cd significantly alters the spatial distribution of mineral elements. The effect of Cd on the distribution of Fe was particularly striking: while Fe was evenly distributed in intestinal cells of worms grown without Cd, in the presence of Cd, Fe, and Cd co-localized in punctum-like structures in the intestinal cells. Together, this study advances our understanding of the effect of Cd on the accumulation and distribution of biologically relevant elements. Considering that C. elegans possesses the principal tissues and cell types as humans, our data may have important implications for future therapeutic developments aiming to alleviate Cd-related pathologies in humans

    A Next-Generation Hard X-Ray Nanoprobe Beamline for In Situ Studies of Energy Materials and Devices

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    The Advanced Photon Source is developing a suite of new X-ray beamlines to study materials and devices across many length scales and under real conditions. One of the flagship beamlines of the APS upgrade is the In Situ Nanoprobe (ISN) beamline, which will provide in situ and operando characterization of advanced energy materials and devices under varying temperatures, gas ambients, and applied fields, at previously unavailable spatial resolution and throughput. Examples of materials systems include inorganic and organic photovoltaic systems, advanced battery systems, fuel cell components, nanoelectronic devices, advanced building materials and other scientifically and technologically relevant systems. To characterize these systems at very high spatial resolution and trace sensitivity, the ISN will use both nanofocusing mirrors and diffractive optics to achieve spots sizes as small as 20 nm. Nanofocusing mirrors in Kirkpatrick–Baez geometry will provide several orders of magnitude increase in photon flux at a spatial resolution of 50 nm. Diffractive optics such as zone plates and/or multilayer Laue lenses will provide a highest spatial resolution of 20 nm. Coherent diffraction methods will be used to study even small specimen features with sub-10 nm relevant length scale. A high-throughput data acquisition system will be employed to significantly increase operations efficiency and usability of the instrument. The ISN will provide full spectroscopy capabilities to study the chemical state of most materials in the periodic table, and enable X-ray fluorescence tomography. Insitu electrical characterization will enable operando studies of energy and electronic devices such as photovoltaic systems and batteries. We describe the optical concept for the ISN beamline, the technical design, and the approach for enabling a broad variety of in situ studies. We furthermore discuss the application of hard X-ray microscopy to study defects in multi-crystalline solar cells, one of the lines of inquiries for which the ISN is being developed

    A next-generation in-situ nanoprobe beamline for the Advanced Photon Source

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    The Advanced Photon Source is currently developing a suite of new hard x-ray beamlines, aimed primarily at the study of materials and devices under real conditions. One of the flagship beamlines of the APS Upgrade is the In-Situ Nanoprobe beamline (ISN beamline), which will provide in-situ and operando characterization of advanced energy materials and devices under change of temperature and gases, under applied fields, in 3D. The ISN beamline is designed to deliver spatially coherent x-rays with photon energies between 4 keV and 30 keV to the ISN instrument. As an x-ray source, a revolver-type undulator with two interchangeable magnetic structures, optimized to provide high brilliance throughout the range of photon energies of 4 keV – 30 keV, will be used. The ISN instrument will provide a smallest hard x-ray spot of 20 nm using diffractive optics, with sensitivity to sub-10 nm sample structures using coherent diffraction. Using nanofocusing mirrors in Kirkpatrick-Baez geometry, the ISN will also provide a focus of 50 nm with a flux of 8·1011 Photons/s at a photon energy of 10 keV, several orders of magnitude larger than what is currently available. This will allow imaging of trace amounts of most elements in the periodic table, with a sensitivity to well below 100 atoms for most metals in thin samples. It will also enable nanospectroscopic studies of the chemical state of most materials relevant to energy science. The ISN beamline will be primarily used to study inorganic and organic photovoltaic systems, advanced batteries and fuel cells, nanoelectronics devices, and materials and systems diesigned to reduce the environmental impact of combustion.United States. Dept. of Energy (SunShot Initiative Contract DE-EE0005314)United States. Dept. of Energy (SunShot Initiative Contract DE-EE0005329)United States. Dept. of Energy (SunShot Initiative Contract DE-EE0005948

    Selenium metabolism in cancer cells: The combined application of XAS and XFM techniques to the problem of selenium speciation in biological systems

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    Determining the speciation of selenium in vivo is crucial to understanding the biological activity of this essential element, which is a popular dietary supplement due to its anti-cancer properties. Hyphenated techniques that combine separation and detection methods are traditionally and effectively used in selenium speciation analysis, but require extensive sample preparation that may affect speciation. Synchrotron-based X-ray absorption and fluorescence techniques offer an alternative approach to selenium speciation analysis that requires minimal sample preparation. We present a brief summary of some key HPLC-ICP-MS and ESI-MS/MS studies of the speciation of selenium in cells and rat tissues. We review the results of a top-down approach to selenium speciation in human lung cancer cells that aims to link the speciation and distribution of selenium to its biological activity using a combination of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray fluorescence microscopy (XFM). The results of this approach highlight the distinct fates of selenomethionine, methylselenocysteine and selenite in terms of their speciation and distribution within cells: organic selenium metabolites were widely distributed throughout the cells, whereas inorganic selenium metabolites were compartmentalized and associated with copper. New data from the XFM mapping of electrophoretically-separated cell lysates show the distribution of selenium in the proteins of selenomethionine-treated cells. Future applications of this top-down approach are discussed.Claire M. Weekley, Jade B. Aitken, Lydia Finney, Stefan Vogt, Paul K. Witting, and Hugh H. Harri

    Yielded to Christ or conformed to this world? Postwar Mennonite responses to labour activism

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    This is the accepted version of the manuscript.The urbanization of North American Mennonites after the Second World War necessitated a reconsideration of Mennonite religious beliefs. Post-war concerns for social justice led to a greater emphasis on non-violence and agape at the expense of Gelassenheit. The tenor of Mennonite church conference resolutions regarding labour union membership changed; while skepticism remained regarding the wisdom of union involvement, the door was left open for participation in unions. The labour militancy of the 1970s led Manitoba Mennonites to re-examine their engagement with the labour movement, a process that has continued to the present day. Without further research on Mennonite workplaces, it cannot be known exactly how the change in religious emphases has affected Mennonite identity.https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/00084298070360020
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