1,204 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a novel transcortical pin-sleeve system in a calf model

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    Le desserrage des tiges est une complication fréquente des plâtres avec tiges transcorticales (TP) chez les grands animaux, nécessitant souvent leur retrait prématuré avant la guérison des fractures. Les charges excessives centrées sur le cortex à l’interface os-tige proximo-externe et disto-interne causent de l'ostéolyse. En utilisant un modèle de veau nouveau-né, ce projet a évalué un nouveau système de tige-manchon et anneau integré dans un plâtre (PS) optimisé pour réduire la contrainte péri-implant et le stress à l'interface os-implant. On a émis l'hypothèse que les PS se traduiraient par une ostéolyse péri-implant moindre par rapport aux TP. Dix veaux en bonne santé, de 3 semaines d'âge, ont été implantés avec les TP ou PS dans le métacarpe droit, à raison de 2 implants par veau. Les veaux ont été observés quotidiennement pour le confort et la boiterie et ont été euthanasiés à 28 jours. Les données recueillies comprenaient les radiographies à la chirurgie et à l'euthanasie et les mesures histomorphométriques de contact os-implant sur des échantillons non-décalcifiés avec les implants in situ. Les données ont été analysées en utilisant le test de Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, une valeur de P <0,05 a été considérée comme significative. L'épaisseur corticale était plus importante pour les implants distaux que proximaux pour les deux groupes lors de la chirurgie (P = 0,03), mais était similaire entre les groupes (P > 0,3). Les veaux avec TP ont développé une boiterie plus tôt (au jour 21) que les veaux avec PS (P = 0,04). Histologiquement, il y avait plus de contact direct os-implant cortical pour les implants PS distaux que les implants TP (P = 0,04). La jonction métaphyso-diaphysaire osseuse où les implants proximaux étaient situés est impropre aux deux systèmes; chacun a un minimum de contact os-implant et de l'ostéolyse extensive. Le système PS n'ayant pas causé une ostéolyse importante lorsque implantés dans l'os diaphysaire et peut-être une alternative convenable aux TP pour des fractures comminutives des membres distaux.Pin loosening is a common complication of transfixation pincasts (TP) in large animals, often necessitating premature removal before fracture healing. The excessive loads centered on the proximo-external and disto-internal cortices of the bone-pin interface cause osteolysis. Using a neonatal calf model, this project evaluated a novel pin-sleeve and ring cast system (PS) optimized to decrease peri-implant strain and evenly share stress at the bone-implant interface. It was hypothesized that PS would result in less peri-implant osteolysis compared to TP. Ten, 3-week-old, healthy calves were implanted with either TP or PS in the right metacarpus, 2 implants per calf. Calves were scored daily for lameness and were euthanized at day 28. Collected data included radiographs at surgery and euthanasia and histomorphometric measures of bone-implant contact on non-decalcified specimens with the implants in situ. Data was analyzed using Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test; a P-value <.05 was considered significant. The cortical thickness was larger for distal implants than proximal implants for both groups at surgery (P = 0.03), but were similar between groups (P > 0.3). TP calves developed lameness sooner, at day 21, than PS calves (P = 0.04). Histologically, there was more direct cortical bone-implant contact for PS distal implants than TP implants (P = 0.04). The metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction where the proximal implants were situated is unsuitable bone for either system; each had minimal bone-implant contact and extensive osteolysis. The PS system did not cause significant osteolysis when instrumented in diaphyseal bone and is a suitable alternative to TP for comminuted distal limb fractures

    Heterosubtype Neutralizing Responses to Influenza A (H5N1) Viruses Are Mediated by Antibodies to Virus Haemagglutinin

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    Background: It is increasingly clear that influenza A infection induces cross-subtype neutralizing antibodies that may potentially confer protection against zoonotic infections. It is unclear whether this is mediated by antibodies to the neuraminidase (NA) or haemagglutinin (HA). We use pseudoviral particles (H5pp) coated with H5 haemagglutinin but not N1 neuraminidase to address this question. In this study, we investigate whether cross-neutralizing antibodies in persons unexposed to H5N1 is reactive to the H5 haemagglutinin. Methodology/Principal Findings: We measured H5-neutralization antibody titers pre- and post-vaccination using the H5N1 micro-neutralization test (MN) and H5pp tests in subjects given seasonal vaccines and in selected sera from European elderly volunteers in a H5N1 vaccine trial who had detectable pre-vaccination H5N1 MN antibody titers. We found detectable (titer ≥20) H5N1 neutralizing antibodies in a minority of pre-seasonal vaccine sera and evidence of a serological response to H5N1 in others after seasonal influenza vaccination. There was excellent correlation in the antibody titers between the H5N1 MN and H5pp tests. Similar correlations were found between MN and H5pp in the pre-vaccine sera from the cohort of H5N1 vaccine trial recipients. Conclusions/Significance: Heterosubtype neutralizing antibody to H5N1 in healthy volunteers unexposed to H5N1 is mediated by cross-reaction to the H5 haemagglutinin. Copyright: © 2009 Garcia et al.published_or_final_versio

    Distinct Binding and Immunogenic Properties of the Gonococcal Homologue of Meningococcal Factor H Binding Protein

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    Neisseria meningitidis is a leading cause of sepsis and meningitis. The bacterium recruits factor H (fH), a negative regulator of the complement system, to its surface via fH binding protein (fHbp), providing a mechanism to avoid complement-mediated killing. fHbp is an important antigen that elicits protective immunity against the meningococcus and has been divided into three different variant groups, V1, V2 and V3, or families A and B. However, immunisation with fHbp V1 does not result in cross-protection against V2 and V3 and vice versa. Furthermore, high affinity binding of fH could impair immune responses against fHbp. Here, we investigate a homologue of fHbp in Neisseria gonorrhoeae, designated as Gonococcal homologue of fHbp (Ghfp) which we show is a promising vaccine candidate for N. meningitidis. We demonstrate that Gfhp is not expressed on the surface of the gonococcus and, despite its high level of identity with fHbp, does not bind fH. Substitution of only two amino acids in Ghfp is sufficient to confer fH binding, while the corresponding residues in V3 fHbp are essential for high affinity fH binding. Furthermore, immune responses against Ghfp recognise V1, V2 and V3 fHbps expressed by a range of clinical isolates, and have serum bactericidal activity against N. meningitidis expressing fHbps from all variant groups

    Carbohydrate antigens in nipple aspirate fluid predict the presence of atypia and cancer in women requiring diagnostic breast biopsy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The goal of this prospective study was to determine (a) concentrations of the carbohydrate biomarkers Thomsen Friedenreich (TF) antigen and its precursor, Tn antigen, in nipple discharge (ND) collected from women requiring biopsy because of a suspicious breast lesion; and (b) if concentration levels predicted pathologic diagnosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adult women requiring biopsy to exclude breast cancer were enrolled and ND obtained. The samples from 124 women were analyzed using an anti-TF and anti-Tn monoclonal antibodies in direct immunoassay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The highest median concentration in ND for TF and Tn was in women with ductal carcinoma <it>in situ </it>(DCIS). TF was higher in women with 1) cancer (DCIS or invasive) vs. either no cancer (atypia or benign pathology, p = .048), or benign pathology (p = .018); and 2) abnormal (atypia or cancer) versus benign pathology (p = .016); and was more predictive of atypia or cancer in post- compared to premenopausal women. Tn was not predictive of disease. High TF concentration and age were independent predictors of disease, correctly classifying either cancer or abnormal vs. benign pathology 83% of the time in postmenopausal women.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>TF concentrations in ND were higher in women with precancer and cancer compared to women with benign disease, and TF was an independent predictor of breast atypia and cancer. TF may prove useful in early breast cancer detection.</p

    Discovery of diverse and functional antibodies from large human repertoire antibody libraries

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    AbstractPhage display antibody libraries have a proven track record for the discovery of therapeutic human antibodies, increasing the demand for large and diverse phage antibody libraries for the discovery of new therapeutics. We have constructed naïve antibody phage display libraries in both Fab and scFv formats, with each library having more than 250billion clones that encompass the human antibody repertoire. These libraries show high fidelity in open reading frame and expression percentages, and their V-gene family distribution, VH-CDR3 length and amino acid usage mirror the natural diversity of human antibodies. Both the Fab and scFv libraries show robust sequence diversity in target-specific binders and differential V-gene usage for each target tested, supporting the use of libraries that utilize multiple display formats and V-gene utilization to maximize antibody-binding diversity. For each of the targets, clones with picomolar affinities were identified from at least one of the libraries and for the two targets assessed for activity, functional antibodies were identified from both libraries

    Fine-mapping identifies multiple prostate cancer risk loci at 5p15, one of which associates with TERT expression

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    Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 5p15 and multiple cancer types have been reported. We have previously shown evidence for a strong association between prostate cancer (PrCa) risk and rs2242652 at 5p15, intronic in the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene that encodes TERT. To comprehensively evaluate the association between genetic variation across this region and PrCa, we performed a fine-mapping analysis by genotyping 134 SNPs using a custom Illumina iSelect array or Sequenom MassArray iPlex, followed by imputation of 1094 SNPs in 22 301 PrCa cases and 22 320 controls in The PRACTICAL consortium. Multiple stepwise logistic regression analysis identified four signals in the promoter or intronic regions of TERT that independently associated with PrCa risk. Gene expression analysis of normal prostate tissue showed evidence that SNPs within one of these regions also associated with TERT expression, providing a potential mechanism for predisposition to disease

    Pharmacological and rAAV Gene Therapy Rescue of Visual Functions in a Blind Mouse Model of Leber Congenital Amaurosis

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    BACKGROUND: Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), a heterogeneous early-onset retinal dystrophy, accounts for ~15% of inherited congenital blindness. One cause of LCA is loss of the enzyme lecithin:retinol acyl transferase (LRAT), which is required for regeneration of the visual photopigment in the retina. METHODS AND FINDINGS: An animal model of LCA, the Lrat (−/−) mouse, recapitulates clinical features of the human disease. Here, we report that two interventions—intraocular gene therapy and oral pharmacologic treatment with novel retinoid compounds—each restore retinal function to Lrat (−/−) mice. Gene therapy using intraocular injection of recombinant adeno-associated virus carrying the Lrat gene successfully restored electroretinographic responses to ~50% of wild-type levels (p < 0.05 versus wild-type and knockout controls), and pupillary light responses (PLRs) of Lrat (−/−) mice increased ~2.5 log units (p < 0.05). Pharmacological intervention with orally administered pro-drugs 9-cis-retinyl acetate and 9-cis-retinyl succinate (which chemically bypass the LRAT-catalyzed step in chromophore regeneration) also caused long-lasting restoration of retinal function in LRAT-deficient mice and increased ERG response from ~5% of wild-type levels in Lrat (−/−) mice to ~50% of wild-type levels in treated Lrat (−/−) mice (p < 0.05 versus wild-type and knockout controls). The interventions produced markedly increased levels of visual pigment from undetectable levels to 600 pmoles per eye in retinoid treated mice, and ~1,000-fold improvements in PLR and electroretinogram sensitivity. The techniques were complementary when combined. CONCLUSION: Intraocular gene therapy and pharmacologic bypass provide highly effective and complementary means for restoring retinal function in this animal model of human hereditary blindness. These complementary methods offer hope of developing treatment to restore vision in humans with certain forms of hereditary congenital blindness

    National health policy-makers’ views on the clarity and utility of Countdown to 2015 country profiles and reports: findings from two exploratory qualitative studies

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    Background: The use of sets of indicators to assess progress has become commonplace in the global health arena. Exploratory research has suggested that indicators used for global monitoring purposes can play a role in national policy-making, however, the mechanisms through which this occurs are poorly understood. This article reports findings from two qualitative studies that aimed to explore national policy-makers’ interpretation and use of indicators from country profiles and reports developed by Countdown to 2015. Methods: An initial study aimed at exploring comprehension of Countdown data was conducted at the 2010 joint Women Deliver/Countdown conference. A second study was conducted at the 64th World Health Assembly in 2011, specifically targeting national policy-makers. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 29 and 22 participants, respectively, at each event. Participants were asked about their understanding of specific graphs and indicators used or proposed for use in Countdown country profiles, and their perception of how such data can inform national policy-making. Responses were categorised using a framework analysis. Results: Respondents in both studies acknowledged the importance of the profiles for tracking progress on key health indicators in and across countries, noting that they could be used to highlight changes in coverage, possible directions for future policy, for lobbying finance ministers to increase resources for health, and to stimulate competition between neighbouring or socioeconomically similar countries. However, some respondents raised questions about discrepancies between global estimates and data produced by national governments, and some struggled to understand the profile graphs shown in the absence of explanatory text. Some respondents reported that use of Countdown data in national policy-making was constrained by limited awareness of the initiative, insufficient detail in the country profiles to inform policy, and the absence of indicators felt to be more appropriate to their own country contexts. Conclusions: The two studies emphasise the need for country consultations to ensure that national policy-makers understand how to interpret and use tools like the Countdown profile for planning purposes. They make clear the value of qualitative research for refining tools used to promote accountability, and the need for country level Countdown-like processes