762 research outputs found

    Leopoldo : o encontro feliz

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    Este é um escrito memorialístico. Move-se, pois, no plano histórico e sentimental, para recordar um dos maiores antropólogos latinoamericanos: o notável Professor Leopoldo Bartolomé. Neste sentido, trata de recordá-lo em sua estatura profundamente humana; em sua fina erudição, como estudioso; na especial capacidade demiúrgica, reiteradas vezes demonstrada, tanto no meio acadêmico, quanto no mundo social. Referese a Leopoldo Bartolomé tal como este se revelou e distinguiu, seja pelos seus feitos notáveis como consultor, seja pelo seu brilhante destino, que o tornou mestre inexcedível do ofício de antropólogo, além de intelectual admirado pelo seu extenso saber e pelo fascínio de sua sempre amável presenç

    Component Based Systems Development Adoption and Diffusion

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    Component Based Development (CBD) has caught the attention of academics and practitioners alike. Building upon sound Object-Oriented principles, CDB has a strong conceptual foundation as well as extensive practical orientation and application. CBD approaches promise the potential to deliver quality systems in a short period of time with opportunities for component reuse to further reduce cost that seems especially appropriate for the myriad of e-business systems that are a focal point of many organizations’ contemporary systems development portfolios. Indeed, numerous commercial organizations are supplying components that can be relatively easily integrated to create cost-effective systems. Interestingly, however, CBD is currently not applied extensively. The prospective reasons are many. Management is currently ill-informed and not committed to the CBD approach as they often lack knowledge of the benefits of adopting CBD. Further, many system developers, system analysts and programmers are not aware of CBD issues and opportunities. Possible reasons could be that they received their software education a long time ago (e.g. five or ten years ago or more), and are only familiar with traditional approaches. There is also considerable confusion with regard to component granularity and CBD focus. To some, the focus is on creating the components while to others, the focus is on creating systems by integrating components. A question exists as to the role of education and research given this situation. Numerous opportunities exist for academics to play a leading role in creating awareness and removing uncertainties in exploring CBD concepts and application. However, little attention is currently being given to CBD, especially in teaching. Like IS professionals, many educators are hesitant to change from traditional development perspectives currently being taught as they face faculty development challenges. By in large, few have had experience in this area and easily fall back to what they learned historically. Further, there is a dearth of textbooks and educational material available to assist academic in the teaching process. Research seems to be fragmented and lacking coherency in focus. Research, teaching and practice all seem to be going in different directions

    A tragédia da Piedade : o grande drama da República

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    A “tragédia da Piedade”, o grande drama social republicano do início do século XX, que envolveu toda a sociedade brasileira de 1909, é o objeto desta pesquisa, cujo tema é o valor da honra. O cenário dessa tragédia foi o Rio de Janeiro, então capital do Brasil, e seu palco, o subúrbio da Piedade. O escritor Euclides da Cunha foi uma das dramatis personae do acontecimento, ao lado da sua esposa, Anna Emília, e do amante dela, Dilermando de Assis. Euclides, famoso pelo seu opus magnum Os sertões : campanha de Canudos, diante da traição de sua esposa, tomou a decisão de lavar sua honra com sangue. No duelo, contudo, foi morto por Dilermando. O homicídio do marido traído pelo amante de sua esposa tornou-se um escândalo, suscitando, como problema de pesquisa, o custo social do valor da honra.This article is about the ‘tragédia da Piedade’. Its main theme is honor and its social costs. It analyzes a criminal case which happened in Brazil at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the Republican regime was just finishing its first decade of existence. The dramatis personae of the tragedy involved Brazil’s most famous writer, Euclides da Cunha, the renowned author of Os Sertões: Campanha de Canudos. He lived in a society which was changing, and where patriarchal tradition and State Law coexisted side-by-side. When Euclides’ wife, Anna Emília, betrayed him, he reacted as a traditional male would have done. He decided to wash his honor with blood. But, in the showdown with the young lover of his wife, Dilermando de Assis, he was killed by his opponent, unleashing a full-blown social drama which shook the very foundations of the whole society of Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil at the time. The case, which reached its peak in a neighborhood called ‘Piedade’, became something of a national scandal about honor and shame, guilt and vengeance

    Zur Beschäftigungsentwicklung in der Region Hannover – Ein Vergleich mit 12 deutschen Verdichtungsräumen

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Beschäftigungsentwicklung in der Region Hannover für den Zeitraum 1999 bis 2006 und stellt sie zwölf weiteren deutschen Verdichtungsräumen gegenüber. Unter Verwendung des Betriebs-Historik-Panels des Institutes für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) werden neben der Beschäftigungsentwicklung im Aggregat auch die dahinter liegenden Bruttoströme analysiert um somit auch Aussagen über die Dynamik der Beschäftigungsentwicklung treffen zu können. Insgesamt1 weist die Region Hannover zwischen 1999 und 2006 ein Nettobeschäftigungswachstum von 2,2 Prozent auf, was mit Blick auf die Vergleichsregionen als relativ ungünstig einzuschätzen ist. Zieht man die Bruttoströme zur Betrachtung hinzu, wird deutlich, dass hinter der relativ geringen Nettowachstumsrate eine beachtliche Dynamik an Beschäftigungsauf- und -abbau steht. So weist die Region Hannover eine Bruttowachstumsrate der Beschäftigung von 35,1 Prozent sowie eine Bruttoabbaurate der Beschäftigung von -32,9 Prozent auf. Im Vergleich zu den anderen Verdichtungsräumen zeigt sich, dass die relativ ungünstige Nettobeschäftigungsentwicklung in der Region Hannover insbesondere auf eine vergleichsweise geringe Bruttowachstumsrate zurückzuführen ist.Region Hannover, Beschäftigungsentwicklung, Paneldaten

    A tragédia da Piedade: o grande drama da República

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    A “tragédia da Piedade”, o grande drama social republicano do início do século XX, que envolveu toda a sociedade brasileira de 1909, é o objeto desta pesquisa, cujo tema é o valor da honra. O cenário dessa tragédia foi o Rio de Janeiro, então capital do Brasil, e seu palco, o subúrbio da Piedade. O escritor Euclides da Cunha foi uma das dramatis personae do acontecimento, ao lado da sua esposa, Anna Emília, e do amante dela, Dilermando de Assis. Euclides, famoso pelo seu opus magnum Os sertões: campanha de Canudos, diante da traição de sua esposa, tomou a decisão de lavar sua honra com sangue. No duelo, contudo, foi morto por Dilermando. O homicídio do marido traído pelo amante de sua esposa tornou-se um escândalo, suscitando, como problema de pesquisa, o custo social do valor da honra

    Articulating tomorrow: Large language models in the service of professional training. A contribution by the Digitalbegleitung (technological monitoring and research) within the framework of the German funding program "Innovationswettbewerb INVITE"

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    The present paper offers a comprehensive introduction to large language models and their transformative impact on professional training. Language models, especially GPT models, are on the verge of revolutionizing teaching methods and the culture of learning itself. The paper aims to explore the diverse applications, opportunities, and challenges of language models in professional education and training. It presents how language models work and real-world use cases in professional education. The use cases range from filtering and capturing metadata from course descriptions for better findability and interoperability, to improving training in production, supporting role-play-based learning units, and virtual coaching for future leaders. Each case study highlights the specific use of language models, the benefits they bring to educational content, and the insights gained from integrating these technologies into learning systems. This publication is part of an innovation competition focused on connecting and advancing educational and training platforms with modern methods like AI. It underscores the necessity for ongoing research, development, and collaboration to responsibly harness the full potential of large language models in education. (DIPF/Orig.)Das vorliegende Papier bietet eine umfassende Einführung in große Sprachmodelle und ihre transformative Wirkung auf die berufsbezogene Weiterbildung. Sprachmodelle, insbesondere GPT-Modelle, stehen an der Schwelle, Lehrmethoden und die Lernkultur selbst zu revolutionieren. Das Papier zielt darauf ab, die vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Chancen und Herausforderungen von Sprachmodellen in der beruflichen Bildung und Weiterbildung zu erkunden. Es stellt die Funktionsweise von Sprachmodellen und reale Anwendungsfälle in der beruflichen Bildung vor. Die Anwendungsfälle reichen vom Herausfiltern und Erfassen von Metadaten aus Kursbeschreibungen für eine bessere Auffindbarkeit und Interoperabilität, über die Verbesserung der Ausbildung in der Produktion, die Unterstützung von rollenspielbasierten Lerneinheiten, bis hin zum virtuellen Coaching für zukünftige Führungskräfte. Jede Fallstudie reflektiert die spezifische Nutzung von Sprachmodellen, die Vorteile, die sie für den Bildungsinhalt bringen, und die aus der Integration dieser Technologien in Lernsysteme gewonnenen Erkenntnisse. Diese Publikation ist Teil des vom BMBF geförderten Innovationswettbewerbs INVITE, der auf die Vernetzung und Weiterentwicklung von Bildungs- und Weiterbildungsplattformen mit modernen Methoden wie KI fokussiert. Das Papier betont die Notwendigkeit kontinuierlicher Forschung, Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, um das volle Potenzial von Sprachmodellen in der Bildung verantwortungsvoll zu nutzen. (DIPF/Orig.

    An Efficient, Movable Single-Particle Detector for Use in Cryogenic Ultra-High Vacuum Environments

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    A compact, highly efficient single-particle counting detector for ions of keV/u kinetic energy, movable by a long-stroke mechanical translation stage, has been developed at the Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Kernphysik (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, MPIK). Both, detector and translation mechanics, can operate at ambient temperatures down to \sim 10 K and consist fully of ultra-high vacuum (UHV) compatible, high-temperature bakeable and non-magnetic materials. The set-up is designed to meet the technical demands of MPIK's Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR). We present a series of functional tests that demonstrate full suitability for this application and characterise the set-up with regard to its particle detection efficiency.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, version accepted for publication in Review of Scientific Instrument

    Metadata standards in the German funding program "Innovationswettbewerb INVITE". Which standards are used for which purpose? A contribution by INVITE Meta and the Digitalbegleitung (technological monitoring and research) within the framework of the German funding program INVITE

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    This paper is about the definition and recommendation of metadata standards for the field of continuing vocational education and training. The standards were discussed in a bottom-up approach and selected in several workshops attended by projects from the German funding program “INVITE” on behalf of the BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research). (DIPF/Orig.)In diesem Paper geht es um eine Darstellung und Empfehlung von Metadatenstandards für den Bereich der beruflichen Weiterbildung. Die Standards wurden bottom-up in mehreren Workshops durch Projekte aus dem Innovationswettbewerb INVITE des BMBF diskutiert und auf dieser Basis ausgewählt

    Lógica politécnica versus fisiocracia agreste: conflitos em torno da gestão ambiental num ecossistema no litoral fluminense

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    Este artigo busca descrever e analisar a atividade da pesca artesanal no município de Maricá (RJ), para chegar, finalmente, à discussão dos impactos socioambientais da expansão da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro sobre suas lagunas e restingas. O registro da evolução histórica da paisagem de Maricá, a partir da literatura dos viajantes – naturalistas e geógrafos–, desde o século XIX, constitui, juntamente com uma ampla discussão da natureza, dinâmica e perspectivas dos ambientes lacustres fluminenses, o cerne da proposta para uma etnografia de seu manejo, pelas comunidades de pescadores e pela engenharia sanitária e urbana, com suas distintas, conflitantes e concorrentes concepções dos mecanismos de seu funcionamento (estagnação versus circulação); nesse caso, analisa-se a relação do conjunto de lagunas como mar, ou seja, a questão das barras oceânicas permanentes versus barras oceânicas sazonais