76 research outputs found

    Përballja me dhunën ndërgrupore

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    Në konfliktet ndërgrupore, ballafaqimi me të kaluarën është esencial për pajtim. Tendencat e njerëzve për të fajësuar njëri-tjetrin për vuajtjet e kaluara të brendagrupit nga jashtëgrupit mund të shkaktojë sfida të konsiderueshme për pajtim. Përndryshe, marrëdhëniet ndërgrupore mund të përmirȅsohen nëse njerëzit shfaqin qëndrime për të falur jashtëgrupin për vuajtjet e shkaktuara grupit të brendshëm. Ky studim ka analizuar se si anëtarët e grupeve rivale reagojnë kur diskutojnë rreth dhunës ndërgrupore të përjetuar. Ky studim është bazuar në takimet me dialog të strukturuar me pjesëmarrës shqiptarȅ dhe serbȅ në Kosovë. Duke përdorur udhëzuesin e Braun dhe Clarke për analizȅ të të dhënave, rezultatet kanë treguar se anëtarët e grupit rival përqendrohen kryesisht në ngjarjet kur brendagrupi ka vuajtur përderisa neglizhojnë ngjarjet kur jashtëgrupi ka vuajtur. Studimi ka gjetur se njerëzit përdorin strategji të ndryshme për të mohuar apo justifikuar dhunën e brendagrupit ndaj jashtëgrupit. Kërkim falja, shfajësimi, fajësimi i të tjerëve, përgjegjësia kolektive dhe turpi i brendagrupit janë temat e shfaqura kur grupet rivale kanë diskutuar për dhunën ndërgrupore në të kaluarën

    ACDI/VOCA-AICCRA Internship Program

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    To accelerate inclusive and gainful employment for young women and men in Zambia, ACDI/VOCA, under its USAIID EDGE project, developed an internship program. ACDI/VOCA partnered with the Accelerating Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project to deliver a joint program centered around building capacities of interns in business management skills, key value chain practices, climate information services (CIS) and climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices

    The Impact of Human Resources Development on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Performance

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of the Human Resources Development (HRD) on the performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kosovo. There is a large volume of research that support the positive relationship between HRD and the organizational performance. Most of such research was conducted in the developed countries and to a lesser extent in the developing countries (countries in transit). Through this study we confirmed the impact of the investments in various forms of HRD in the performance of the SMEs in Kosovo. This study provides empirical data that support the impact of training and development, career development and motivation of employees on organizational performance, but the results of this study do not support the impact of the education of entrepreneurs on the organizational performance

    Potencial energético de la biomasa procedente de árboles frutales podados en Croacia

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     The world's most developed countries and the European Union (EU) deem that the renewable energy sources should partly substitute fossil fuels and become a “bridge” to the utilization of other energy sources of the future. This paper will present the possibility of using pruned biomass from fruit cultivars. It will also present the calculation of potential energy from the mentioned raw materials in order to determine the extent of replacement of non-renewable sources with these types of renewable energy. One of the results of the intensive fruit-growing process, in post pruning stage, is large amount of pruned biomass waste. Based on the calculated biomass (kg ha-1) from intensively grown woody fruit crops that are most grown in Croatia (apple, pear, apricots, peach and nectarine, sweet cherry, sour cherry, prune, walnut, hazelnut, almond, fig, grapevine, and olive) and the analysis of combustible (carbon 45.55-49.28%, hydrogen 5.91-6.83%, and sulphur 0.18-0.21%) and non-combustible matters (oxygen 43.34-46.6%, nitrogen 0.54-1.05%, moisture 3.65-8.83%, ashes 1.52-5.39%) with impact of lowering the biomass heating value (15.602-17.727 MJ kg-1), the energy potential of the pruned fruit biomass is calculated at 4.21 PJ.Los principales países desarrollados del mundo y de la Unión Europea (UE) consideran que las fuentes de energía renovables deberían sustituir parcialmente a los combustibles fósiles y convertirse en el futuro en un “puente” hacia la utilización de otras fuentes de energía. En este trabajo, se planteó la posibilidad de utilizar biomasa cortada procedente de cultivos frutales con el propósito de calcular el potencial energético del mencionado material en bruto, así como determinar el grado de remplazo de fuentes no renovables con este tipo de fuentes de energía renovable. Uno de los resultados del proceso de cultivo de frutales en intensivo, tras la época de poda, es la gran cantidad de biomasa cortada inútil. En base al cálculo de biomasa (kg ha-1) de los frutales leñosos de cultivo intensivo más comunes en el territorio de Croacia (manzano, peral, albaricoquero, melocotonero y nectarino, cerezo, guindo, ciruelo, nogal, avellano, almendro, higuera, viña y olivo) y en base al análisis de partículas combustibles (carbono 45,55-49,28%, hidrógeno 5,91-6,83% y azufre 0,18-0,21%) y de partículas no combustibles (oxígeno 43,34-46,6%, nitrógeno 0,54-1,05%, vapor de agua 3,65-8,83% y cenizas 1,52-5,39%) que influyen en el poder calorífico  inferior de la biomasa (15,602-17,727 MJ kg-1), se calcula que la energía potencial de los restos de poda de frutales es 4.21 PJ

    Dealing with the Past Intergroup Violence

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    In intergroup conflicts, dealing with the past is essential for reconciliation. Peoples’ tendencies to blame each other for the past ingroup suffering by outgroup can cause a considerable challenge for reconciliation. Alternatively, if people show forgiving attitudes toward outgroups for inflicting ingroup suffering, intergroup relations can improve. This study analyzed how rival group members react when discussing past intergroup violence. The study is based on structured dialogue meetings with Albanian and Serbian participants in Kosovo. Using Braun and Clarke’s guide for data analysis, the results showed that rival group members emphasize mainly the events when the ingroup have suffered while neglecting the events when the outgroup have suffered. The study found that people use various strategies to deny or justify past ingroup violence toward the outgroup. Forgiveness, apology, blaming the other, collective responsibility and ingroup shame, are themes that have emerged when rival groups discussed past intergroup violence. We discuss the implications of these themes for intergroup relations in Kosovo

    The Correlation Between Adult Age Factors toward The Clinical Manifestation and The Severity Level of COVID-19 in Bengkulu Province in 2020

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    Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is an acute respiratory disease in Wuhan, China, and was discovered discovered in 2019. The things that need to be considered in COVID-19 patients include their clinical manifestation and the severity level of COVID-19. The severity level of COVID-19 patients is associated with age. Each age has a different proportion of severity. The study aimed to determine the correlations among adult age with clinical manifestation and severity of COVID-19 in Bengkulu Province 2020. This study used an observational analytic study. The sample was 108 patients 19 - ≥65 years old and confirmed positive for COVID-19 in 2020. The assessment used the epidemiological investigation form and medical record from Dr. M.Yunus Hospital. At the same time, the severity level of COVID-19 was obtained from the measurement based on the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Guidelines by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. The results showed that the subjects in 19 – 23 years old mostly have asymptomatic severity, 24 – 64 years old mostly have mild severity, and ≥65 years old have moderate severity. It was concluded that there was a significant correlation between the severity of COVID-19 in Bengkulu Province in 2020

    The correlation between Children’s Age Factors toward the clinical manifestation and the severity level of COVID-19 in Bengkulu Province in 2020

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    Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease that can infect people of all ages. Symptoms can range from asymptomatic to severe in certain age groups. It can occur due to differences in the innate immune response, comorbidities and the function, distribution, maturation of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor. This study aimed to determine the correlation between children’s age factors toward the clinical manifestation and the severity level of COVID-19 in Bengkulu Province in 2020. An observational analytic study with cross-sectional design was used in this study. This study included 86 children aged 0-18 years old who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 and lived in Bengkulu Province from March to December 2020. The clinical manifestation was assessed using the COVID-19 epidemiological investigation form and medical records from M.Yunus Hospital. The degree of severity is determined using Ministry of Health of Indonesia’s Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention and Control. The result showed that of the majority of children aged 0-1 years old, 5-11 years old, and 12-18 years old have asymptomatic severity illness. While children are between the ages of two and four, the majority of their illnesses are of a mild severity. There was no significant correlation between children age factors and the severity of COVID-19 in Bengkulu Province in 2020

    Phytochemical and antioxidant characteristics of medlar fruits (Mespilus germanica L.)

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    Eleven medlar (Mespilus germanica L.) genotypes sampled from Turkey were analyzed for their fruit weight, fruit dimensions, fruit firmness, ostiole diameter, shape index, skin color, moisture (%), ash (%), reducing sugar (%), crude protein (%), pH, soluble solid content (%), vitamin C (mg/100 g), minerals (P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn), total phenolic content and total antioxidant capacity. A wide variation among genotypes on most of the searched parameters was evident. Fruit weight varied from 11.21 g to 33.24 g indicating high variability among genotypes. Determination of antioxidant activities by β-carotene–linoleic acid and 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assays resulted in average 80.8%, and 46.6 μg/ml FW DPPH, respectively. The total phenolic contents of eleven medlar genotypes varied from 114 to 293 mg gallic acid equivalent in 100 g fresh weight basis. The medlar fruits were found to be rich in terms of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron

    Empleo inclusivo desde los centros de formación: Experiencia de trabajo entre Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá y Fundación ACDI/VOCA LA

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    Esta guía es una herramienta que busca socializar buenas prácticas para la inclusión laboral, desde las entidades relacionadas con los procesos de formación para el trabajo y desarrollo humano. Su vocación es eminentemente práctica por lo que pretende responder a interrogantes puntuales referidos al quehacer de los equipos de trabajo y de los tomadores de decisiones, que procuran el establecimiento de una agenda común para la consolidación del empleo inclusivo como un eje estratégico dentro de los Centros de Formación. Se espera que permita el debate y sea una herramienta de consulta al interior de las entidades, y a distintos niveles, como: personal directivo, coordinación académica, registro, docentes, departamento de prácticas, entre otros
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