196 research outputs found
Influence of risk factors on anterior cruciate ligament injuries during sports activities
Ispitivanu grupu činilo je 1247 ispitanika sa povredama prednje ukrštene veze kolena koji su operativno lečeni u periodu 2012.-2017. godina na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su utvrđivanje uticaja nivoa sportske aktivnosti i mehanizama povređivanja na nastanak povreda prednje ukrštene veze kolena, zatim uticaj spoljašnjih faktora rizika (vrsta sporta, rang takmičenja, vrsta podloge, trening ili utakmica, period treninga) na nastanak povreda prednje ukrštene veze kolena, odnosno uticaj unutrašnjih faktora rizika (pol, starost, BMI) na nastanak povreda ove strukture kolena. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika njih 517 (41,5%) su činili aktivni sportisti, a 730 (58,5%) rekreativci. Značajnu većinu u posmatranom uzorku su činili muškarci (82,6%), osobe starosti od 16 do 25 godina (62,6%) i normalno uhranjenje osobe (62%). Do povrede prednje ukrštene veze došlo je kod njih 504 (40,5%) prilikom aktivnog bavljenja sportom, dok su se povrede prilikom rekreativnog bavljenja sportom dogodile kod 741 ispitanika (59,5%). Među aktivnim sportistima, više od dve trećine se takmičilo na internacionalnom ili republičkom nivou, odnosno u najvišim rangovima takmičenja. Kontaktnim kolektivnim sportovima (fudbal, košarka i rukomet) bavilo se 77,9% ispitanika. Nekontaktnim sportovima kao što su odbojka, borilački sportovi i skijanje bavilo se 22,1% ispitanika, pri čemu je najveći broj povreda nastao prilikom igranja fudbala (51,3%). Statistički značajno više povreda (i prilikom aktivnog i prilikom rekreativnog bavljenja sportom) je nastalo bez direktnog kontakta (nekontaktne povrede koje su činile 78,7% povreda), pri čemu je najveći broj povreda nastao usled promene pravca i ritma kretanja. Kod aktivnih sportista najviše povreda dogodilo se na utakmicama (73,8%), slede povrede na treningu (24,1%), dok se na rekreaciji povredilo svega 2,1% ispitanika. Značajno više povreda dogodilo se na sredini bavljenja sportskom aktivnošću (47,4%) u odnosu na povrede na zagrevanju, početku, odnosno kraju sportske aktivnosti. Povrede su značajno češće nastajale na travi (42%) i parketu (28%), nego na drugim vrstama podloge. Najveći broj ispitanika povredio se noseći patike prilikom bavljenja sportskom aktivnošću. Postoje značajne razlike u kontekstu povređivanja u zavisnosti od pola ispitanika. Žene su u značajno većem procentu povređivane prikom aktivnog bavljenja sportom, dok su se muškarci češće povređivali na rekreaciji. Žene su se najčešće povređivale na rukometu, muškarci na fudbalu. U odnosu na muškarce, kod žena su povrede znatno ređe nastajale prilikom direktnog kontakta, a kad je u pitanju mesto povređivanja, žene su se češće nego muškarci povređivale na treningu. Preko 50% žena je povređeno na parketu, dok se najveći broj muškaraca povredio na travi. Ispitanici sa prekomernom telesnom masom značajno češće su se povređivali prilikom rekreacije, dok su se normalno uhranjeni češće povređivali prilikom aktivnog bavljenja sportom. Faktori rizika za nastanak povreda prednje ukrštene veze su brojni i specifični, odnosno da za svaku populacionu kategoriju postoje rizici, ali se uočava da su u svim sportovima, na svim podlogama i kod svih ispitanika povrede najčešće nastajale nekontaknim mehanizmom povređivanja. Formiranjem registra povređenih omogućilo bi se bolje razumevanje faktora rizika i njihovog međusobnog uticaja, kao i definisanje profila osoba pod najvećim rizikom za nastanak povrede prednje ukršene veze kolena. Na taj način obezbedile bi se potrebne informacije za planiranje preventivnih programa usmerenih na smanjenje rizika od povređivanja i omogućilo bi se sprovođenje odgovarajućih mera selektivne prevencije.The study group consisted of 1247 respondents with anterior cruciate ligament injuries who were surgically treated in the period 2012-2017. at the Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina. The objectives of the study were to determine the impact of sports activity levels and injury mechanisms on the occurrence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries, then the impact of external risk factors (type of sport, competition rank, type of surface, training or match, training period) on the occurrence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries and the influence of internal risk factors (gender, age, BMI) on the occurrence of injuries of this knee structure. Out of the total number of respondents 517 (41.5%) were active athletes, and 730 (58.5%) were recreational athletes. A significant majority in the observed group were men (82.6%), persons aged 16 to 25 years (62.6%) and normal BMI respondents (62%). Anterior cruciate ligament injury occurred in 504 of them (40.5%) during active sports, while injuries during recreational sports occurred in 741 respondents (59.5%). Among active athletes, more than two thirds competed at the international or national level- in the highest ranks of the competition. Contact collective sports (football, basketball and handball) were practiced by 77.9% of respondents. 22.1% of respondents practiced non-contact sports such as volleyball, martial arts sports and skiing. The largest number of injuries occurring while playing football (51.3%). Statistically significantly more injuries (both during active and recreational sports) occurred without direct contact (noncontact injuries-78,7% of total injuries number), with the largest number of injuries caused by changes in the direction and rhythm of movement. Among active athletes, most injuries occurred in matches (73.8%), followed by injuries in training (24.1%), while only 2.1% of respondents were injured in recreation. Significantly more injuries occurred in the middle of engaging in sports activity (47.4%) compared to injuries during the warm-up, beginning and end of sports activity. Injuries occurred significantly more often on grass (42%) and floor (28%) than on other types of surfaces. Most of the respondents were injured wearing sneakers while doing sports. There are significant differences in the context of injury depending on the gender of the respondents. A significantly higher percentage of women were injured during active sports, while men were more often injured during recreational sport activities. Women were most often injured in handball, men in football. Compared to men, injuries were much less common in women during direct contact, and when it comes to the place of injury, women were injured more often than men during training acitivities. Over 50% of women were injured on the floor, while the largest number of men were injured on the grass. Subjects with overweight were significantly more likely to be injured during recreational sport acitivites, while those with normal BMI were more likely to be injured during active sports. Risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injuries are numerous and specific and there are risks for each population category, but it is noticed that in all sports, on all surfaces and in all subjects, injuries were most often caused by a noncontact injury mechanism. The formation of a Register of injuries would enable a better understanding of risk factors and their mutual influence, as well as the definition of the profile of persons at greatest risk for the occurrence of an anterior cruciate ligament injury. This would provide the necessary information for planning prevention programs aimed at reducing the risk of injury and would enable the implementation of appropriate selective prevention measures
Influence of risk factors on anterior cruciate ligament injuries during sports activities
Ispitivanu grupu činilo je 1247 ispitanika sa povredama prednje ukrštene veze kolena koji su operativno lečeni u periodu 2012.-2017. godina na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su utvrđivanje uticaja nivoa sportske aktivnosti i mehanizama povređivanja na nastanak povreda prednje ukrštene veze kolena, zatim uticaj spoljašnjih faktora rizika (vrsta sporta, rang takmičenja, vrsta podloge, trening ili utakmica, period treninga) na nastanak povreda prednje ukrštene veze kolena, odnosno uticaj unutrašnjih faktora rizika (pol, starost, BMI) na nastanak povreda ove strukture kolena. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika njih 517 (41,5%) su činili aktivni sportisti, a 730 (58,5%) rekreativci. Značajnu većinu u posmatranom uzorku su činili muškarci (82,6%), osobe starosti od 16 do 25 godina (62,6%) i normalno uhranjenje osobe (62%). Do povrede prednje ukrštene veze došlo je kod njih 504 (40,5%) prilikom aktivnog bavljenja sportom, dok su se povrede prilikom rekreativnog bavljenja sportom dogodile kod 741 ispitanika (59,5%). Među aktivnim sportistima, više od dve trećine se takmičilo na internacionalnom ili republičkom nivou, odnosno u najvišim rangovima takmičenja. Kontaktnim kolektivnim sportovima (fudbal, košarka i rukomet) bavilo se 77,9% ispitanika. Nekontaktnim sportovima kao što su odbojka, borilački sportovi i skijanje bavilo se 22,1% ispitanika, pri čemu je najveći broj povreda nastao prilikom igranja fudbala (51,3%). Statistički značajno više povreda (i prilikom aktivnog i prilikom rekreativnog bavljenja sportom) je nastalo bez direktnog kontakta (nekontaktne povrede koje su činile 78,7% povreda), pri čemu je najveći broj povreda nastao usled promene pravca i ritma kretanja. Kod aktivnih sportista najviše povreda dogodilo se na utakmicama (73,8%), slede povrede na treningu (24,1%), dok se na rekreaciji povredilo svega 2,1% ispitanika. Značajno više povreda dogodilo se na sredini bavljenja sportskom aktivnošću (47,4%) u odnosu na povrede na zagrevanju, početku, odnosno kraju sportske aktivnosti. Povrede su značajno češće nastajale na travi (42%) i parketu (28%), nego na drugim vrstama podloge. Najveći broj ispitanika povredio se noseći patike prilikom bavljenja sportskom aktivnošću. Postoje značajne razlike u kontekstu povređivanja u zavisnosti od pola ispitanika. Žene su u značajno većem procentu povređivane prikom aktivnog bavljenja sportom, dok su se muškarci češće povređivali na rekreaciji. Žene su se najčešće povređivale na rukometu, muškarci na fudbalu. U odnosu na muškarce, kod žena su povrede znatno ređe nastajale prilikom direktnog kontakta, a kad je u pitanju mesto povređivanja, žene su se češće nego muškarci povređivale na treningu. Preko 50% žena je povređeno na parketu, dok se najveći broj muškaraca povredio na travi. Ispitanici sa prekomernom telesnom masom značajno češće su se povređivali prilikom rekreacije, dok su se normalno uhranjeni češće povređivali prilikom aktivnog bavljenja sportom. Faktori rizika za nastanak povreda prednje ukrštene veze su brojni i specifični, odnosno da za svaku populacionu kategoriju postoje rizici, ali se uočava da su u svim sportovima, na svim podlogama i kod svih ispitanika povrede najčešće nastajale nekontaknim mehanizmom povređivanja. Formiranjem registra povređenih omogućilo bi se bolje razumevanje faktora rizika i njihovog međusobnog uticaja, kao i definisanje profila osoba pod najvećim rizikom za nastanak povrede prednje ukršene veze kolena. Na taj način obezbedile bi se potrebne informacije za planiranje preventivnih programa usmerenih na smanjenje rizika od povređivanja i omogućilo bi se sprovođenje odgovarajućih mera selektivne prevencije.The study group consisted of 1247 respondents with anterior cruciate ligament injuries who were surgically treated in the period 2012-2017. at the Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina. The objectives of the study were to determine the impact of sports activity levels and injury mechanisms on the occurrence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries, then the impact of external risk factors (type of sport, competition rank, type of surface, training or match, training period) on the occurrence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries and the influence of internal risk factors (gender, age, BMI) on the occurrence of injuries of this knee structure. Out of the total number of respondents 517 (41.5%) were active athletes, and 730 (58.5%) were recreational athletes. A significant majority in the observed group were men (82.6%), persons aged 16 to 25 years (62.6%) and normal BMI respondents (62%). Anterior cruciate ligament injury occurred in 504 of them (40.5%) during active sports, while injuries during recreational sports occurred in 741 respondents (59.5%). Among active athletes, more than two thirds competed at the international or national level- in the highest ranks of the competition. Contact collective sports (football, basketball and handball) were practiced by 77.9% of respondents. 22.1% of respondents practiced non-contact sports such as volleyball, martial arts sports and skiing. The largest number of injuries occurring while playing football (51.3%). Statistically significantly more injuries (both during active and recreational sports) occurred without direct contact (noncontact injuries-78,7% of total injuries number), with the largest number of injuries caused by changes in the direction and rhythm of movement. Among active athletes, most injuries occurred in matches (73.8%), followed by injuries in training (24.1%), while only 2.1% of respondents were injured in recreation. Significantly more injuries occurred in the middle of engaging in sports activity (47.4%) compared to injuries during the warm-up, beginning and end of sports activity. Injuries occurred significantly more often on grass (42%) and floor (28%) than on other types of surfaces. Most of the respondents were injured wearing sneakers while doing sports. There are significant differences in the context of injury depending on the gender of the respondents. A significantly higher percentage of women were injured during active sports, while men were more often injured during recreational sport activities. Women were most often injured in handball, men in football. Compared to men, injuries were much less common in women during direct contact, and when it comes to the place of injury, women were injured more often than men during training acitivities. Over 50% of women were injured on the floor, while the largest number of men were injured on the grass. Subjects with overweight were significantly more likely to be injured during recreational sport acitivites, while those with normal BMI were more likely to be injured during active sports. Risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injuries are numerous and specific and there are risks for each population category, but it is noticed that in all sports, on all surfaces and in all subjects, injuries were most often caused by a noncontact injury mechanism. The formation of a Register of injuries would enable a better understanding of risk factors and their mutual influence, as well as the definition of the profile of persons at greatest risk for the occurrence of an anterior cruciate ligament injury. This would provide the necessary information for planning prevention programs aimed at reducing the risk of injury and would enable the implementation of appropriate selective prevention measures
The rapid technological development of the last decades has affected practically all areas of the economy, society, and culture. Almost every aspect of life and work in the modern world to a greater or lesser extent depend on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The aim of this paper is to analize the ICT performance of ten Balkan countries and to highlight areas that need further improvement. The analysis is based on the data published by the International Telecommunication Union in annual Measuring the Information Society Report. The research is conducted through comparative analysis and benchmarking method. The ten best-positioned European countries in terms of ICT development represent the benchmark group. The analysis finds low level of national ICT performance of the Balkan countries compared to the selected European countries. The conclusions of this research may serve as guidelines for ICT policy makers in the observed economies
An Inquiry into Trust, Faith and Knowledge
Vjera i znanje proizvodi su čovjekove želje da nadiđe sebe i temelje se na povjerenju. Postoje dvije usmjerenosti povjerenja: usmjerenost na konkretan pojam (epistemičko povjerenje) i usmjerenost na nešto novo, više (na transcendenciju). Shodno tomu, postoje epistemička i transcendentalna vjera, ali i znanje. U ovom se radu pokušava utvrditi može li se znanje okrenuto transcendenciji nazvati znanjem, kao što se vjera u transcendenciju (eng. faith) može nazvati vjerovanjem (eng. belief). Temelj je analize prikaz odnosa ovih pojmova račvajućim stablom. Proučavanjem stabla autor uviđa da postoje tri vrste autoriteta te da i u povjerenju u njih ima znanja jer se utvrđuje tko je autoritet. Znanje je istinita vjera potkrjepljena obrazloženjem. Istina nije svojstvo stvari u svijetu, već proizvod čovjekove refleksije, dok je obrazloženje činjenje razlike između istine i neistine. Do objektivnosti znanja dovodi prilazak drugomu, a ne branjenje vlastitih uvida. Pozitivistički pristup propušta uvidjeti da je sud o višem, kao znanje o transcendenciji, stalno gibanje k boljemu te da treba biti svrhom svakoga znanja. Međutim, poistovjećivanje znanja o transcendenciji i religijskoga vjerovanja nije primjereno.Belief, faith and knowledge are products of the human desire to transcend oneself and are founded on trust. The directedness of trust is twofold: directedness towards a concrete concept (epistemic trust) and directedness towards something new, something higher (transcendence). Accordingly, we can speak of epistemic and transcendental belief, that is, faith and so too of knowledge. The aim of this paper is to determine whether knowledge directed towards transcendence can be called ’knowledge’ in the strict sense, just as faith in transcendence can be called ’belief’. A depiction of the relationship among the notions in question by means of a branching tree diagram serves as the basis of this analysis. Through a close examination of the diagram the author reaches the conclusion that there are three types of authority on which trust is based, and this implies that trust is also founded on knowledge of a sort, since it is needed to determine who is in authority. Knowledge is a true and substantiated belief. Truth is not an attribute of objects in the world, but a product of our reflection; on the other hand, authentication ensues from the act of distinguishing truth from falsity. Objectivity of knowledge is achieved by approaching others, not by defending one’s insights. The positivistic approach fails to grasp that in judging a higher reality, such as knowledge of transcendence, there is a constant movement towards the better which should be the end of all knowledge. However, the identification of the knowledge of transcendence with religious belief is not feasible and has been refuted
A Pre-Biblical Version of the Cain and Abel Story: a Subtle Condemnation of a Dysfunctional Social Arrangement
This paper argues that, in its pre-Biblical version (pre-J), the Cain and Abel story principally dealt with tensions distinctive for dry-farming families identifying the social structure as their main cause. The social structure was problematic because it involved two important imbalances, one between the spouses and one between the children. Pre-J offers a novel solution to problems caused by these interfamilial imbalances: rather than accepting their pre-established social roles, people should develop a merit-based social structure. This is why Yahweh says that acceptance and honour are in doing what is right. Focusing on a pre-J narrative in this way and situating the story within the broader motive of sibling rivalry, solve three puzzles: Yahweh’s preference (God challenges unjust social institutions), Cain’s reactions (he is angry because his expectations were unmet and depressed because he thought that this was his failure), and Yahweh’s final forgiveness to Cain (the conflict was not due to Cain’s wicked character)
Determination analysis of temperature regimes, functional characteristics and sliding curves of a hydrodynamic clutch
Analysis of output quality of power transmitters is possible in position when characteristics are determined earlier. This is the reason why we focused on determination of these characteristics for a concrete power hydro-transmitter. This means that the investigation task primarily consisted of determination of functional characteristics, defining of the sliding curves and temperature regimes of a concrete hydrodynamic clutch. Results of velocity and pressure field investigations in the working space of this clutch, obtained by use of the same test setup, are the basis for determination and analysis of the functional characteristics, sliding curves and temperature regimes. In this work we also analyzed function of the hydrodynamic transmitter in assembly with an internal combustion engine, as well as a process of acceleration and deceleration of a vehicle with this assembly in it
Sworn Virgins of the Balkan Highlands
Once widely spread in the Dinaric Mountains part of the Balkan Peninsula, swearing to virginity was a social and cultural custom recorded among all groups inhabiting the area. In the absence of a capable adult man in the household, a daughter would take over his social role by ‘becoming’ a man. The standard explanation is that the function of this practice is enabling the continuation of the household’s economic, social, and religious activities. We argue that this explanation fails. A better explanation is that, because the lack of a particular kind of a man (competent and honourable) was perceived as a shame in these societies, the primary reason for swearing to virginity was saving family honour
Identification of structural damages using modal data
Dinamičke karakteristike konstrukcije predstavljaju osobnu iskaznicu konstrukcije i iz njih se može iščitati stanje konstrukcije. Konstruktivna oštećenja uzrokuju promjenu dinamičkih parametara (vlastitih frekvencija, formi osciliranja i koeficijenata prigušenja). Kako se često radi o malim, vizualno teško uočljivim oštećenjima, dinamičko mjerenje je idealna metoda za ispitivanje i utvrđivanje stanja konstruktivnih elemenata jer je jednostavna, brza i ne razorna metoda ispitivanja. Na osnovi razlike između dinamičkih karakteristika konstrukcije unutar dva razdoblja ispitivanja primjenom prijenosne funkcije (kao metode dinamičkog ispitivanja) moguće je zaključivati o bitnim promjenama u konstrukciji (krutost i masa) i o stanju konstruktivnih elemenata. Kvantifikacija oštećenja je teža od određivanja lokacije oštećenja. Ovim radom predložena je metoda za određivanje lokacije i intenziteta oštećenja na bazi poznatih rezultata iz dva mjerenja te je njena primjena pokazana na eksperimentalnom modelu.The dynamic characteristics of the structure (natural frequencies, forms and damping) contain data about its structural state. Changes in one of them indicate the change of the structural state (damage). As actual damage is usually hard to visualize and locate the experimental modal analysis presents a useful tool as being fast, reliable and non-destructive. Based on the changes in dynamic characteristics between two measurements it is possible to draw the conclusion about the structural state. Qualitative location of damage is relatively easy to obtain, while the quantitative extent of damage is much harder to determine. The applicable methodology for the qualitative and quantitative extent of damage has been outlined and explained on a practical example in this paper
Analiza stanja i mogućnosti ruralne obnove depopulacionih naselja u Pirotskom okrugu
Sa problemom depopulacije se suočavaju brojne države na lokalnom, regionalnom i nacionalnom nivou. Intenziviranje procesa depopulacije usled negativnog prirodnog priraštaja i emigracije je pogotovo izraženo u planinskim, perifernim i ruralnim oblastima. U radu je analiziran prostorni raspored depopulacionih naselja u Pirotskom okrugu. Oblast istraživanja obuhvata opštine koje su u sastavu Pirotskog okruga: Pirot, Dimitrovgrad, Babušnica i Bela Palanka. Vremenski period istraživanja obuhvata razdoblje od 1948. do 2011. godine, u kojima su izdvojene promene broja stanovnika po naseljima. Cilj rada jeste da se izdvoje napuštena naselja, kao i naselja kojima preti potpuno gašenje kako bi se izvršila regionalizacija depopulaciono najugroženijih područja i identifi kovala područja za koja postoji opasnost da budu napuštena. Izdvojene su posledice negativnih demografskih trendova Pirotskog okruga, koji predstavljaju problem na regionalnom a u budućnosti i na nacionalnom nivou, sa idejom ukazivanja na značaj revitalizacije seoskih naselja. U radu su analizirane mogućnosti ruralne obnove naselja Pirotskog okruga i predložene su mere kojima bi se mogla izvršiti njihova revitalizacija, uzimajući u obzir pozitivne primere iz drugih zemalja koji bi se mogli implementirati na ovoj studiji slučaja
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