70 research outputs found
Use of extension variance in monitoring of fluoride in bottled water
Temporal variograms allowed the analyzing of the temporal variance of eight sources of mineral waters during the four climatic seasons. The water sources are located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The extension variance compares the temporal variance obtained in the collection interval t with the temporal variance obtained in the collection interval T (where T is twice as large as t). Based on the calculation of the extension variance, relative sampling errors for the confidence intervals (CI) equal to 68% and 99% were obtained. For the sampled sources, the greater the sampling interval, the greater the values obtained for the extension variance and for the relative sampling error. The greater the confidence interval analyzed, the greater the relative sampling error to be obtained. The results showed a very high global sampling error for collection intervals greater than 32 days (relative error greater than 10%) when the confidence interval was CI = 68%. When the confidence interval was 99.9%, for collection intervals greater than two days, relative sampling errors greater than 10% have already been obtained. It was concluded that for the fluoride parameter the sampling time should not be longer than two days
Difficulties inmonitoring the microbiological parameters of a mineral water source in São Paulo state
O monitoramento dos parâmetros microbiológicos de uma empresa de água minera de porte pequeno é uma tarefa simples porque se tem um número pequeno de poços a serem monitorados na sua área de lavra. Quando se tenta monitorar os parâmetros microbiológicos demarcas globais, muitos obstáculos são enfrentados devido à grande quantidade de poços que cada companhia de água mineral costuma ter. Muitos poços de uma mesma marca de água mineral podem estar localizados em diferentes estados brasileiros.Escolheram-se quatromarcasde águasminerais diferentes deprovenientes deempresas de mineração de água mineralpara serem monitoradas. A primeira empresa teve8 poços monitorados e para as outras três empresas monitoraram-se três poços, um paracada empresa.Os seguintes parâmetros microbiológicos foram monitorados durante dias e meses: Escherichia Coli, Coliformes Totais e Bactérias Heterotróficas. As estações climáticas e os vários tipos de embalagens foram considerados neste monitoramento.Todas as marcas analisadas foram adquiridas em estabelecimentos comerciais no estado de São Paulo, no Brasil.Monitoring the microbiological parameters of a small-scale mining water company is a simple task because there are a small number of wells to be monitored in its mining area. When trying to monitor the microbiological parameters of global brands, many obstacles are faced due to the large number of wells that each mineral water company usually has. Many wells of the same brand of mineral water can be indifferent Brazilian states.Fourdifferentmineral waterbrands from 4 mineral water mining companies were chosen to be monitored. The first company had 8 wells monitored and for the other three companies three wells were monitored, one for each company.The following microbiological parameters were monitored for days and months: Escherichia Coli, Total Coliforms and Heterotrophic Bacteria. The climatic seasons and the various types of packaging were considered in this monitoring.All brands analyzed were acquired in commercial establishments in the state of São Paulo, Brazil
Composição florística da sub-bacia hidrográfica do rio Figueiredo - Ceará - Brasil.
A degradação ambiental é um problema sério que acomete os recursos naturais, podendo estar relacionado com as atividades humanas pautadas em práticas inadequadas. O presente trabalho objetivou realizar uma listagem da composição florística da Sub-bacia hidrográfica do rio Figueiredo para perceber a degradação ambiental a partir da perda da biodiversidade. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram: após a delimitação da sub-bacia e dos seus sistemas ambientais realizou-se a listagem da composição florística com base em trabalhos de campo onde foram aplicadas fichas de campo com auxílio de um mateiro. Para cada sistema foi identificada uma parcela medido 30x30m onde realizou-se a listagem da composição florística. Para a identificação das espécies buscou-se identificar os nomes científicos e suas famílias através de sites especializados e trabalhos publicados (CEARÁ, 2006), (BRASIL, 2012). Os resultados mostraram que a Sub-bacia apresenta composição florística baixa. A maior riqueza florística foi registrada no Maciço do Pereiro e a menor na Planície Fluvial. Das 64 espécies encontradas na área 32 apresentam baixa frequência e apenas 5 alta frequência. Considerando todos os sistemas, verifica-se que o índice de semelhança entre si é baixo, com algumas exceções. Umas das justificativas para tal fato se refere a relação uso/capacidade suporte do ambiente
Semen quality, testicular B-mode and Doppler ultrasound, and serum testosterone concentrations in dogs with established infertility
Retrospective examination of breeding records enabled the identification of 10 dogs of normal fertility and 10 dogs with established infertility of at least 12 months of duration. Comparisons of testicular palpation, semen evaluation, testicular ultrasound examination, Doppler ultrasound measurement of testicular artery blood flow, and measurement of serum testosterone concentration were made between the two groups over weekly examinations performed on three occasions. There were no differences in testicular volume (cm3) between the two groups (fertile right testis = 10.77 ± 1.66; fertile left testis = 12.17 ± 2.22); (infertile right testis = 10.25 ± 3.33; infertile left testis = 11.37 ± 3.30), although the infertile dogs all had subjectively softer testes compared with the fertile dogs. Infertile dogs were either azoospermic or when they ejaculated, they had lower sperm concentration, sperm motility, and percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa than fertile dogs. Furthermore, infertile dogs had reduced sperm membrane integrity measured via the hypoosmotic swelling test. Infertile dogs had significantly lower basal serum testosterone concentrations (1.40 ± 0.62 ng/mL) than fertile dogs (1.81 ± 0.87 ng/mL; P < 0.05). There were subjective differences in testicular echogenicity in some of the infertile dogs, and important differences in testicular artery blood flow with lower peak systolic and end-diastolic velocities measured in the distal supratesticular artery, marginal testicular artery, and intratesticular artery of infertile dogs (P < 0.05). Notably, resistance index and pulsatility index did not differ between infertile and fertile dogs. These findings report important differences between infertile and fertile dogs which may be detected within an expanded breeding soundness examination
Regional differences of testicular artery blood flow in post pubertal and pre-pubertal dogs
Measurement of testicular artery blood flow is used in several species to evaluate reproductive function and testicular and scrotal pathology. In dogs there are inconsistent reports about normal flow in post-pubertal dogs and no information concerning pre-pubertal dogs. The aim of this study was to describe regional differences in testicular artery blood flow in clinically normal post-pubertal and pre-pubertal dogs with no history of reproductive tract disease.
The post-pubertal dogs produced normal ejaculates throughout the study. In all dogs the three different regions of the artery were imaged and monophasic flow with an obvious systolic peak and flow throughout diastole was observed on every occasion. The highest peak systolic velocity (PSV) and end diastolic velocity (EDV) were measured within the distal supra-testicular artery and marginal artery whilst the lowest PSV and EDV were measured within the intra-testicular arteries. Flow measurements were not different between left and right testes and were consistent between dogs on different examination days. Calculated resistance index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) were lowest in the intra-testicular arteries.
The pre-pubertal dogs had significantly smaller testes than the post-pubertal dogs (p < 0.05) and were unable to ejaculate during the study. The three different artery regions were imaged at every examination time point, and flow profiles had a similar appearance to those of the post-pubertal dogs. PSV, EDV, RI and PI showed a similar trend to the post-pubertal dogs in that values were lowest in the intra-testicular arteries. Notably, values of PSV, EDV, RI and PI were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in pre-pubertal dogs compared with post-pubertal dogs.
This study demonstrated important regional and pubertal differences in testicular artery blood flow of dogs, and form the basis for establishing baseline reference values that may be employed for the purposes of clinical diagnosis
Índice de degradação ambiental em núcleos de desertificação no Nordeste do Brasil
O semiárido do Nordeste brasileiro por apresentar condições naturais favoráveis ao desenvolvimento da agropecuária propiciou desde muito cedo a exploração de seus recursos. Nesse contexto o semiárido foi gradativamente explorado, e isso, associada às condições de semiaridez e a ausência de pousio das terras, contribui para que houvesse um processo lento de regeneração mediante o ritmo acelerado de exploração. Assim, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar de forma comparativa o índices de degradação/desertificação de dois núcleos de desertificação: a sub-bacia do riacho Santa Rosa nos município de Jaguaretama e Morada Nova no Ceará e a sub-bacia do riacho Itacuruba/Tamanduá no município de Itacuruba em Pernambuco. A base metodológica gira em torno da análise dos indicadores geobiofísicos de degradação/desertificação elaborado por Oliveira (2011) e aplicados por Costa (2014) e Sousa (2014) nesses dois núcleos respectivamente. Com o resultado das análises pode-se concluir que a sub-bacia cearense apresenta maior área de terras submetidas a nível moderados de degradação/desertificação, cerca de 560km2 o equivalente a 83,1% do núcleo. Porém, se consideramos como base o maior nível de degradação, a sub-bacia pernambucana se destaca com nível médio a alto sob uma área de 149,283km2 o correspondente a 85,28% desse núcleo
The increase in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity is associated with hypoxia due to the rapid proliferation of cancer cells and high metabolic demands. Few studies have evaluated the LDH concentration in canine mammary tumor (CMT). Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate serum LDH concentrations in CMT and its association with prognostic factors. Thirty bitches participated in the work and were divided equally into two groups, with and without CMT. The average concentration of LDH was significantly higher in CMT (424.9±244.4 U / L) compared to the control group (299.0±170.3 U / L) and its values were positively correlated with inflammation and / or macroscopic ulceration (r=0.6), tumor size (r=0.5), histopathological grade (r=0.6), metastatic lymph node (r=0.7) and clinical stage (r=0.5).O aumento da atividade da lactato desidrogenase (LDH) está associado à hipóxia devido à rápida proliferação de células cancerígenas e altas demandas metabólicas. Poucos estudos avaliaram a concentração de LDH em tumor mamário canino (CMT). Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as concentrações séricas de LDH na CMT e sua associação com fatores prognósticos. Trinta cadelas participaram do trabalho e foram divididas igualmente em dois grupos, com e sem CMT. A concentração média de LDH foi significativamente maior no CMT (424,9±244,4 U/L) em comparação ao grupo controle (299,0±170,3 U/L) e seus valores foram positivamente correlacionados com inflamação e/ou ulceração macroscópica (r=0,6), tamanho do tumor (r=0,5), grau histopatológico (r=0,6), linfonodo metastático (r=0,7) e estágio clínico (r=0,5)
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