81 research outputs found


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    Por meio de pesquisa teórica, analisar-se-á a utilização de instrumentos de flexibilidade orçamentária, especialmente a abertura de créditos suplementares. Na execução orçamentária de Goiás observou-se que são abertos excessivos créditos suplementares, que alteram os valores fixados nas dotações iniciais e demonstram indícios de fragilidade no planejamento e baixa aderência dos gestores às peças orçamentárias, em uma verdadeira desfiguração do orçamento original, dificultando seu acompanhamento e avaliação. O controle externo realizado pelos Tribunais de Contas possui um grande potencial para contribuir na melhoria da gestão e governança das políticas públicas e recomendar mudanças destinadas a aperfeiçoar à Administração Pública

    Índice de Massa Corporal e fatores associados em mulheres climatéricas

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    Goal: To identify the association between body mass index and sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, eating habits, anthropometric measurements and clinical factors of climacteric women assisted in Health Strategies of Montes Claros. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, analytical epidemiological study with a sample of 874 perimenopausal women selected by simple random sampling. Sociodemographic data, lifestyle, eating habits, and clinical, obstetrical and gynecological factors were collected through standardized questionnaires, in addition to performing anthropometric assessment. The bivariate analysis was performed using the chi-square test. Results: The results showed high prevalence of obesity (36.0%) and overweight (38.1%), as well as associations between body mass index and the the type of school attended (p = 0.009), smoking (p = 0.023), treatment for weight loss (p = 0.000), anthropometric measurements (p = 0.000) and clinical factors (p = 0.000). Conclusion: We conclude that educational interventions to correct or improve the anthropometric profile may result in benefits for the health of climacteric women, since the presence of obesity and overweight was high, and lifestyle habits, anthropometric and clinical factors present themselves associated to morbidity.Objetivo: Identificar la asociación del índice de masa corporal con factores sociodemográficos, estilo de vida, los hábitos alimentarios, mediciones antropométricas y factores clínicos de mujeres climatéricas asistidos en las Estrategias de Salud de Montes Claros. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio epidemiológico transversal, analítico, con una muestra de 874 mujeres perimenopáusicas seleccionadas por muestreo aleatorio simple. Los datos sociodemográficos, estilo de vida, los hábitos alimentarios y los factores clínicos, obstetricia y ginecología se recogieron a través de cuestionarios estandarizados, además de realizar la evaluación antropométrica. El análisis bivariante se realizó mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una alta prevalencia de la obesidad (36,0%) y el sobrepeso (38,1%), así como las asociaciones de índice de masa corporal con el tipo de escuela que asistió (p = 0,009), el tabaquismo (p = 0,023 ), el tratamiento para la pérdida de peso (p = 0,000), las mediciones antropométricas (p = 0,000) y los factores clínicos (p = 0,000). Conclusión: Se concluye que las intervenciones educativas para corregir o mejorar el perfil antropométrico pueden resultar en beneficios para la salud de las mujeres climatéricas, ya que la presencia de la obesidad y el sobrepeso fue alta, y los hábitos de estilo de vida, antropométricas y factores clínicos asociados presentes para que la morbilidad.Objetivo: Identificar a associação do Índice de Massa Corporal com os fatores sociodemográficos, hábitos de vida, hábitos alimentares, medidas antropométricas e fatores clínicos das mulheres climatéricas assistidas nas Estratégias da Saúde de Montes Claros. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico transversal, analítico, com a amostra composta por 874 mulheres climatéricas selecionadas por meio de sorteio aleatório simples. Os dados sociodemográficos, hábitos de vida, hábitos alimentares e fatores clínicos, obstétricos e ginecológicos foram coletados por meio de questionários padronizados, além da realização de avaliação antropométrica. A análise bivariada foi realizada por meio do teste qui-quadrado. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram prevalência elevada de obesidade (36,0%) e sobrepeso (38,1%), bem como associações do índice de massa corporal com o tipo de escola que frequentou (p=0,009), tabagismo (p=0,023), tratamento para perda de peso (p=0,000), medidas antropométricas (p=0,000) e fatores clínicos (p=0,000). Conclusão: Conclui-se que intervenções educativas visando corrigir ou melhorar o perfil antropométrico poderão resultar em benefícios relativos à saúde da mulher climatérica, uma vez que a presença da obesidade e sobrepeso foi elevada, além de hábitos de vida, fatores antropométricos e clínicos apresentarem associados a essa morbidade

    Stress distribution in fixed mandibular prostheses fabricated by CAD/CAM and conventional techniques : photoelastic and strain gauge analyses

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of stress in complete fixed mandibular prostheses with infrastructures (IE) fabricated with different materials and techniques, under compressive force. A model of an edentulous mandible, which received five 4x11 mm external hexagon implants between the mental foramens, was fabricated. The groups were divided into: Group I - IE in nickel-chromium with an acrylic resin occlusal coating; Group II ? IE in nickel-chromium with a ceramic occlusal coating; Group III ? IE milled in zirconia with a ceramic coating. For the photoelastic methodology, 70 N axial loads were applied in three regions. Photographic images were taken and analyzed according to the number of high-intensity fringes. For the strain gauge methodology, the measurement of stresses was performed in two distinct regions. The same compression tests described earlier were then performed. The registered stress values were grouped in tables and submitted to two-factor variance analysis (ANOVA) and the Tukey test with 5% significance. The results of the two methodologies demonstrated smaller stress values for Group I, when compared to the other groups. It was possible to conclude that the complete fixed prostheses, with infrastructures cast in metal and acrylic occlusal coating, demonstrated better biomechanical results

    Análise de podcasts de saúde sobre pessoas com estomias: revisão de escopo com prospecção tecnológica

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    Introduction: Podcasts have gained a lot of space in the communication and transmission of information in various areas and can contribute to the implementation of health education for the self-care of people with ostomy, since it allows guidance, clarifying doubts and bringing prospects for future quality of life. Thus, this study sought to analyze in the literature and in the digital audio platforms the characteristics of educational podcasts about intestinal ostomy.Methodology: this is a scoping review, conducted from June to September 2022, developed according to the theoretical framework of the Joanna Briggs Institute – JBI. A search for articles and gray literature was carried out in databases via the Federated Academic Community (CAFe). The technological prospection stage occurred through a search on the Spotify and Deezer platforms. The data were transcribed and organized in a Microsoft® Office Excel spreadsheet for analysis.Results: The search found one study on the theme with the production of 4 episodes in the interview format and in Portuguese. In the technological search, 14 podcasts were found, 119 episodes with prevalence in Spotify, in English language, scripts of the “interview” type and composed of host and guests.Conclusion: the study allowed us to analyze the characteristics of the podcasts about intestinal stomas and affirmed their importance as alternative tools for health education. We highlight the importance of the social and informational character of the podcasts about ostomy for the health education practice, as well as a tool that seeks to reduce prejudice against the person with ostomy.Introducción: Los podcasts han ganado mucho espacio en la comunicación y transmisión de información en diversas áreas y pueden contribuir a la implementación de la educación para la salud para el autocuidado de las personas con ostomía, ya que permite orientar, aclarar dudas y traer perspectivas para el futuro de la calidad de vida. Así, este estudio buscó analizar en la literatura y en las plataformas digitales de audio las características de los podcasts educativos sobre ostomía intestinal.Metodología: Se trata de una revisión de escopo, realizada de junio a septiembre de 2022, desarrollada según la referencia teórica del Instituto Joanna Briggs - JBI. Realiza la búsqueda de artículos y literatura cinzenta en las bases de datos a través de la Comunidad Académica Federada (CAFe). La etapa de prospección tecnológica se produjo a través de la búsqueda en las plataformas Spotify y Deezer. Los datos se transcribieron y organizaron en la hoja de cálculo Excel de Microsoft® Office para su análisis.Resultados: La búsqueda encontró un estudio sobre el tema con producción de 4 episodios en formato de entrevista y en lengua portuguesa. En la búsqueda tecnológica se encontraron 14 podcasts, 119 episodios con prevalencia en Spotify, en idioma inglés, guiones del tipo "entrevista" y compuestos por presentador e invitados.Conclusión: El estudio permitió analizar las características de los podcasts sobre los estomas intestinales y afirmó su importancia como herramientas alternativas para la educación sanitaria. Destacamos la importancia del carácter social e informativo de los podcasts sobre estomas para la práctica educativa en salud, así como una herramienta que busca reducir los prejuicios hacia la persona con estomas.Introdução: Os podcasts têm ganhado bastante espaço na comunicação e na transmissão de informação nas mais variadas áreas e podem contribuir para a implementação da educação em saúde para o autocuidado de pessoas com estomia, uma vez possibilita orientar, esclarecer dúvidas e trazer perspectivas para qualidade de vida futura. Dessa forma, esse estudo buscou analisar na literatura e nas plataformas digitais de áudios as características dos podcasts educativos sobre estomias intestinais.Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo, realizada de junho a setembro de 2022, desenvolvida segundo referencial teórico do Joanna Briggs Institute – JBI. Realizou-se busca de artigos e literatura cinzenta nas bases de dados via Comunidade Acadêmica Federada (CAFe). A etapa de prospecção tecnológica ocorreu através da busca nas plataformas Spotify e Deezer. Os dados foram transcritos e organizados em planilha no Microsoft® Office Excel para análise.Resultados: A busca permitiu encontrar um estudo sobre a temática com produção de 4 episódios no formato entrevista e no idioma português. Já na busca tecnológica foram encontrados 14 podcasts, 119 episódios com prevalência no Spotify, no idioma inglês, roteiros do tipo “entrevista” e compostos por apresentador e convidados.Conclusão: O estudo permitiu analisar as características dos podcasts sobre estomias intestinais e afirmou a importância deles como ferramentas alternativas para educação em saúde. Ressalta-se a importância de caráter social e informacional dos podcasts sobre estomias para a prática educativa em saúde, assim como uma ferramenta que busca reduzir o preconceito frente a pessoa com estomias

    Image quality evaluation for a clinical organ-targeted PET camera

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    IntroductionA newly developed clinical organ-targeted Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system (also known as Radialis PET) is tested with a set of standardized and custom tests previously used to evaluate the performance of Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) systems.MethodsImaging characteristics impacting standardized uptake value (SUV) and detectability of small lesions, namely spatial resolution, linearity, uniformity, and recovery coefficients, are evaluated.ResultsIn-plane spatial resolution was measured as 2.3 mm ± 0.1 mm, spatial accuracy was 0.1 mm, and uniformity measured with flood field and NEMA NU-4 phantom was 11.7% and 8.3% respectively. Selected clinical images are provided as reference to the imaging capabilities under different clinical conditions such as reduced activity of 2-[fluorine-18]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) and time-delayed acquisitions. SUV measurements were performed for selected clinical acquisitions to demonstrate a capability for quantitative image assessment of different types of cancer including for invasive lobular carcinoma with comparatively low metabolic activity. Quantitative imaging performance assessment with phantoms demonstrates improved contrast recovery and spill-over ratio for this PET technology when compared to other commercial organ-dedicated PET systems with similar spatial resolution. Recovery coefficients were measured to be 0.21 for the 1 mm hot rod and up to 0.89 for the 5 mm hot rod of NEMA NU-4 Image Quality phantom.DiscussionDemonstrated ability to accurately reconstruct activity in tumors as small as 5 mm suggests that the Radialis PET technology may be well suited for emerging clinical applications such as image guided assessment of response to neoadjuvant systemic treatment (NST) in lesions smaller than 2 cm. Also, our results suggest that, while spatial resolution greatly influences the partial volume effect which degrades contrast recovery, optimized count rate performance and image reconstruction workflow may improve recovery coefficients for systems with comparable spatial resolution. We emphasize that recovery coefficient should be considered as a primary performance metric when a PET system is used for accurate lesion size or radiotracer uptake assessments

    Prevalence of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders, oral behaviors, anxiety, and depression in Dentistry students during the period of social isolation due to COVID-19

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    Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), anxiety, and depression are disorders that, due to the current lifestyle, are affecting an increasing portion of the population. Investigating the prevalence of the symptoms of these disorders during the quarantine due to the coronavirus 2019 pandemic (COVID-19) is important to outline clinical strategies for patient care. Objective: This study assessed the prevalence of TMD symptoms, anxiety, depression, and oral behaviors and their associations during the social isolation due to COVID-19. Methodology: Questionnaires were used to assess TMD symptoms in accordance with the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders: clinical protocol and assessment instruments, a questionnaire to verify oral behaviors and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale to assess symptoms of anxiety and depression in students of dentistry at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Brasília in May 2020. Qualitative data were subjected to descriptive statistics and chi-squared analysis (p<0.05). The relationship between quantitative and qualitative data was evaluated using Spearman's rho correlation (p<0.05). Results: There was a high prevalence of TMD symptoms, anxiety, and depression in the participants, resulting in association between gender and anxiety symptoms (p=0.029). There was a positive correlation between oral behaviors and TMD symptoms (r=0.364; p<0.001), between oral behaviors and anxiety symptoms (r=0.312; p=0.001), and between oral behaviors and symptoms of depression (r=0.216; p=0.021). Conclusion: Social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the prevalence of TMD symptoms, anxiety, and depression

    Análise comparativa da resistência flexural de duas resinas indiretas

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    Purpose: The system of indirect composite resins is an alternative esthetics treatment aiming to solve some of the problems present in the ceramic restorations and conventional resins. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the flexural strength in three points, of two indirect restorative materials, Sinfony® (3M-ESPE) and Ceramage® (Shofu). Materials and Methods: Twelve samples were made of each material with 15 mm diameter and 2 mm thick. After 24 hours of preparation, the discs were subjected to flexural strength test at three points in a universal testing machine EMIC, at constant speed of 0.5 mm/min and load cell of 50 Kgf. The data were analyzed by Student T test, the significance level of 5%. Results: The Ceramage had the highest average (98.90 MPa) of resistance to bending by the method biaxial compared to Sinfony (86.90 MPa), the difference had being statistically significant. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, we conclude that the Ceramage showed higher values of flexural strength than Sinfony, being an excellent option of indirect restorative material for the clinician.Objetivos: O sistema de resinas compostas indiretas constitui uma alternativa de tratamento estético com o objetivo de solucionar alguns dos problemas presentes nas restaurações das cerâmicas e das resinas convencionais. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar e comparar a resistência flexural, em três pontos, de dois materiais restauradores indiretos, Sinfony® (3M-ESPE) e Ceramage® (Shofu). Materiais e Métodos: Foram confeccionados 12 corpos de prova de cada material com 15 mm de diâmetro e 2 mm de espessura. Decorridas 24 horas após a confecção, os discos foram submetidos ao teste de resistência flexural em três pontos em uma máquina de ensaio universal EMIC, a uma velocidade constante de 0,5 mm/min e com célula de carga de 50 Kgf. Os dados foram avaliados estatisticamente pelo Teste t de Student, ao nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A resina Ceramage apresentou a maior média (98,90 MPa) de resistência à flexão pelo método biaxial comparado ao grupo Sinfony (86,90 MPa), sendo esta diferença estatisticamente significante. Conclusão: Dentro das limitações deste estudo, podemos concluir que a resina Ceramage apresentou maior resistência flexural que a resina Sinfony, sendo uma excelente indicação de material restaurador indireto para o clínico

    Masticatory efficiency, bite force and electrical activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles in bodybuilders

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    This study aimed to compare the masticatory efficiency, the maximum voluntary occlusal bite force (MVOBF) and the electrical activity (EMG) of masticatory muscles of practitioners of upper limb bodybuilding before and after physical activity. Twenty he

    Dynamic UCLA for single tilted implant in an aesthetic region

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    AbstractIntroductionThe aim of this paper was to present a rehabilitation of a patient with a dynamic universal castable long abutment (UCLA) for a single tilted implant in the anterior maxillary area.Presentation of caseA 57-year-old male patient attended the dentistry college clinic complaining of a vertical fracture of a residual root of the dental element 22. The tooth extraction was indicated for the implant installation. Due to the socket buccal wall thickness, the implant was installed with an inclination to the palate. It was done in a two-stage surgical protocol, and an external hexagon implant (3.75×11.5mm) was placed. After a six-month healing period to correct the implant position, a dynamic UCLA was set in place, rectifying the implant emergence profile at 20°. The ceramic structure fitting was performed and, after the patient’s consent, the prosthesis was finalized and installed.DiscussionAfter a follow-up period of twenty months, no complications were observed.ConclusionThe installation of tilted implants with a dynamic UCLA may be a viable option, faster and less invasive than bone grafts

    Bond strength of lithium disilicate after cleaning methods of the remaining hydrofluoric acid

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    Different ceramic surface cleaning methods have been suggested after the acid conditioning. The aim was to evaluate the effect of different protocols used to remove the remaining hydrofluoric acid on the shear bond strength (SBS) between lithium disilicate and resin cement. Forty-four specimens of lithium disilicate (IPS e.max Press) were divided in 4 groups (n=11): group C (control, no treatment); group HF+S (5% hydrofluoric acid + silane); group HF+US+S (5% hydrofluoric acid + ultrasound cleaning + silane); group HF+PH+S (5% hydrofluoric acid + 37% phosphoric acid + silane). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were performed to characterize the surface morphology. The SBS test was performed on the resin/ceramic interface, and the failure mode was characterized. SBS values were submitted to 1-way ANOVA and the Tukey test (?=.05). The relation between surface treatment and failure modes was analyzed using the chi-squared test (?=.05). The surface treatment type interfered in the shear strength (p<.001) and higher SBS values were observed for the groups HF+US+S (17.87 MPa) and HF+PH+S (16.37 MPa). The surface treatment did not influence the failure mode (p=.713). No fluorsilicate salts were observed after ultrasound cleaning. The utilization of ultrasound cleaning was an effective procedure to remove remaining fluorsilicate salts, promoting the highest SBS values