27 research outputs found

    São Paulo Transitional Iconographies. Field notes

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    Antes de viajar, alguém me falou que, em 2014, eu teria a oportunidade de conhecer o melhor e o pior do Brasil. A Copa do Mundo, sobre a qual havia muita expectativa no assim chamado “país do futebol”, vinha provocando diversas críticas e manifestações pelos gastos excessivos e injustificados em estádios, pela expulsão de moradores e pelo aumento da violência policial.Before traveling, someone told me that in 2014, I would have the opportunity to know the best and the worst of Brazil. The World Cup, on which was a lot of expectation in the so called "country of football", had been causing several criticism and manifestations for overspending and unjustified stadiums spending, the expulsion of local residents, and because of the increase of police violence

    Pesquisa audiovisual para o documentário Rio desborde (2019): visões do rio e da cidade em São Paulo, Brasil e Santiago, Chile

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    The purpose of this article is to present the audiovisual research in the production of the documentary Rio desborde (2019). Elaborated with archival materials and new images about the rivers Tietê, in São Paulo, and Mapocho, in Santiago, the documentary is a reflection on floods and the crisis of the development model of two Latin American cities. From two points of view, one based on the ideas of nature and progress and the other focused on the hidden and marginalized city, four documentaries are approached: Retificação do Tietê (1940) by B.J. Duarte and Lacrimosa (1970) by Aloysio Raulino and Luna Alkalay, in Brazil; Las callampas (1957) by Rafael Sanchez and Mapocho (2008) by Cristóbal Zapata, in Chile. Subsequently, the reuse of part of this audiovisual material in Rio Desborde is commented, discussing the methodology of filming and montage, considering the notion of audiovisual essay.Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar la investigación audiovisual tras la realización del documental Rio desborde (2019). Elaborado con materiales de archivo e imágenes inéditas sobre los ríos Tietê, en São Paulo, y Mapocho, en Santiago, el documental es una reflexión sobre las inundaciones y la crisis del modelo de desarrollo en dos ciudades latinoamericanas. A partir de dos miradas, una basada en las ideas de naturaleza y progreso, y otra centrada en la ciudad oculta y marginalizada, se abordan cuatro documentales: Retificação do Tietê (1940) de B. J. Duarte y Lacrimosa (1970) de Aloysio Raulino y Luna Alkalay, en Brasil; Las callampas (1957) de Rafael Sánchez y Mapocho (2008) de Cristóbal Zapata, en Chile. Posteriormente, se comenta la reutilización de parte de este material audiovisual en Rio desborde, discutiendo la metodología de realización y el montaje, considerando la noción de ensayo audiovisual.Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a pesquisa audiovisual por detrás da realização do documentário Rio desborde (2019). Elaborado com materiais de arquivo e imagens inéditas dos rios Tietê em São Paulo e Mapocho em Santiago, o documentário é uma reflexão sobre as inundações e a crise do modelo desenvolvimentista em duas cidades latino-americanas. A parir de dois olhares, um baseado nas ideias de natureza e progresso, e outro centrado na cidade escondida e marginalizada. Quatro documentários são abordados: Retificação do Tietê (1940) de B.J. Duarte e Lacrimosa (1970) de Aloysio Raulino e Luna Alkalay, no Brasil; Las callampas (1957) de Rafael Sanchez e Mapocho (2008) de Cristóbal Zapata, no Chile. Em seguida, comenta-se a reutilização de parte deste material audiovisual no Rio desborde, discutindo a metodologia de realização e montagem, considerando a noção de ensaio audiovisual


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    Background. The present research is an exploratory study on clinical teaching and competency-based education in the discursive practices of the fifth-level students of the Occupational Therapy program at the University of Chile Purpose. Describe and analyze the assessment made by students regarding the clinical teachings they receive in their professional practices. Methods. This work, from the theoretical and methodological points of view, assumes the critical analysis of the discourse, specifically, of the discursive practices that arise from the professional practices carried out by the students of the first innovated cohort, in 2017, of occupational oherapy in the clinical fields. It is based in a file body, which the students complete according to three periods during the academic year. Therefore, an analysis of the discursive practices is followed, which transcends the pure act of numerical and qualitative scores, to acquire all its subjective dimension as recognition of a multiplicity of meanings, which value and challenge the conditions of its own formative course. Results. Data and valuations are presented, where the scores mark repeatedly a positive evaluation of the teaching practice. For example, compliance with the agreements and established deadlines (84%); a respectful treatment with the student is maintained (77.8%); the necessary time is used to support and supervise the practice (92.9%); it is encouraged and generates spaces for the discussion of topics related to professional practice; the student is encouraged to work as a team (86.9%); among other things. Likewise, the students identify a series of topics, such as autonomy / autonomous work; feedback; teamwork; facilitation of teaching work, and, critical points in the teaching-learning process, such as participation; the administrative work of the teacher of practice and the lack of spaces for discussion. However, the different learning contexts in the different clinical fields are valued in a relevant way: conditions are facilitated to participate in various activities such as team meetings, home visits, instances of group and individual intervention, all of a practical nature; training focused on student learning, the issue of decision making an

    Valutazione antropometrica e dietetica nei praticanti di Jiu-Jitsu di un'accademia di São Bernardo do Campo-SP

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    O jiu-jitsu é uma arte marcial, dividida por categorias de peso, que visa o equilí­brio de disputas com atletas de diferentes pesos, força e velocidade, baseada em golpes realizados pelas articulações dos lutadores. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a antropometria e analisar a frequência alimentar de praticantes de jiu-jitsu de uma academia de São Bernardo do Campo-SP. Foi aplicado um questionário de frequência alimentar, tendo em vista a importância de conferir se a alimentação dos mesmos se encontra adequada ou inadequada, avaliando em conjunto o percentual de gordura dos mesmos pela antropometria. A amostra foi composta por 25 atletas do gênero masculino, com idades entre 23 e 47 anos praticantes da modalidade do Grupo Fight Gym. Foram aferidos: peso, estatura, dobra abdominal, dobra da coxa e dobra peitoral, para a determinação do percentual de gordura. A média do percentual de gordura corporal foi de 17,40% (dp± 5,65%), indicando em sua maioria bom condicionamento fí­sico. Em relação ao resultado da frequência alimentar 84% (n=21) dos atletas relataram consumir diariamente alimentos fonte de carboidratos e proteí­nas, 56% (n=4) relataram consumir gorduras, 76% (n=19) frutas e hortaliças e 80% (n=20) uma variedade de suplementos, todos sem indicação ou acompanhamento nutricional. Observou-se então que mesmo classificados com bom condicionamento fí­sico pelo percentual de gordura, os atletas realizam um consumo alimentar inadequado, necessitando um acompanhamento nutricional individualizado para evitar possí­veis prejuí­zos à saúde e ao desempenho causado pela má alimentação.Jiu-jitsu is a martial art, divided by weight categories, which aims at balancing disputes with athletes of different weights, strength and speed, based on blows made by the fighters' joints. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anthropometry and to analyze the food intake frequency of jiu-jitsu practitioners from a São Bernardo do Campo academy. A food frequency questionnaire was applied, considering the importance of checking if their diet is adequate or inadequate, and jointly assess the fat percentage of the assessed by anthropometry. The sample consisted of 25 male athletes, aged between 23 and 47 years of age, practitioners of the sport at Fight Gym Group. Weight, height, abdominal bending, thigh bending and pectoral fold were measured to determine the percentage of fat. The mean percentage of body fat was 17.40% (sd ± 5.65%), indicating mostly good physical conditioning. Regarding the result of food frequency, 84% (n = 21) of the athletes reported consuming carbohydrate and protein sources daily, 56% (n = 4) fats, 76% (n = 19) fruits and vegetables, and 80% (N = 20) a variety of supplements, all without indication or nutritional monitoring. It was observed that even if they were classified with good physical conditioning by the percentage of fat, the athletes perform an inadequate food intake, requiring an individualized nutritional monitoring to avoid possible damages to the health and performance caused by poor nutrition.El jiu-jitsu es un arte marcial, dividido por categorías de peso, que tiene como objetivo equilibrar disputas con atletas de diferente peso, fuerza y ​​velocidad, a partir de golpes realizados por las articulaciones de los luchadores. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la antropometría y analizar la frecuencia alimentaria de practicantes de jiu-jitsu de una academia de São Bernardo do Campo-SP. Se aplicó un cuestionario de frecuencia de alimentos, dada la importancia de comprobar si su alimentación es adecuada o inadecuada, evaluando conjuntamente su porcentaje de grasa por antropometría. La muestra estuvo conformada por 25 atletas masculinos, con edades comprendidas entre los 23 y 47 años, practicantes de la modalidad de Fight Gym Group. Se midieron: peso, talla, pliegue abdominal, pliegue del muslo y pliegue pectoral, para determinar el porcentaje de grasa. El porcentaje medio de grasa corporal fue de 17,40% (sd± 5,65%), indicando mayoritariamente buena condición física. En cuanto al resultado de la frecuencia de alimentos, el 84% (n=21) de los atletas reportaron consumir diariamente alimentos fuente de carbohidratos y proteínas, el 56% (n=4) reportaron consumir grasas, el 76% (n=19) frutas y verduras y El 80% (n=20) suplementos variados, todos sin indicación ni seguimiento nutricional. Se observó entonces que aún clasificados con buena condición física por el porcentaje de grasa, los atletas realizan un inadecuado consumo de alimentos, requiriendo un seguimiento nutricional individualizado para evitar posibles daños a la salud y al rendimiento causados ​​por una mala alimentación.O jiu-jitsu é uma arte marcial, dividida por categorias de peso, que visa o equilí­brio de disputas com atletas de diferentes pesos, força e velocidade, baseada em golpes realizados pelas articulações dos lutadores. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a antropometria e analisar a frequência alimentar de praticantes de jiu-jitsu de uma academia de São Bernardo do Campo-SP. Foi aplicado um questionário de frequência alimentar, tendo em vista a importância de conferir se a alimentação dos mesmos se encontra adequada ou inadequada, avaliando em conjunto o percentual de gordura dos mesmos pela antropometria. A amostra foi composta por 25 atletas do gênero masculino, com idades entre 23 e 47 anos praticantes da modalidade do Grupo Fight Gym. Foram aferidos: peso, estatura, dobra abdominal, dobra da coxa e dobra peitoral, para a determinação do percentual de gordura. A média do percentual de gordura corporal foi de 17,40% (dp± 5,65%), indicando em sua maioria bom condicionamento fí­sico. Em relação ao resultado da frequência alimentar 84% (n=21) dos atletas relataram consumir diariamente alimentos fonte de carboidratos e proteí­nas, 56% (n=4) relataram consumir gorduras, 76% (n=19) frutas e hortaliças e 80% (n=20) uma variedade de suplementos, todos sem indicação ou acompanhamento nutricional. Observou-se então que mesmo classificados com bom condicionamento fí­sico pelo percentual de gordura, os atletas realizam um consumo alimentar inadequado, necessitando um acompanhamento nutricional individualizado para evitar possí­veis prejuí­zos à saúde e ao desempenho causado pela má alimentação.Il Jiu-jitsu è un'arte marziale, suddivisa per categorie di peso, che mira a bilanciare le dispute con atleti di diverso peso, forza e velocità, in base ai colpi effettuati dalle articolazioni dei combattenti. L'obiettivo di questo studio era di valutare l'antropometria e analizzare la frequenza alimentare dei praticanti di jiu-jitsu di un'accademia a São Bernardo do Campo-SP. È stato applicato un questionario sulla frequenza degli alimenti, vista l'importanza di verificare se la loro dieta è adeguata o inadeguata, valutando congiuntamente la percentuale di grasso tramite antropometria. Il campione era composto da 25 atleti maschi, di età compresa tra i 23 ei 47 anni, che praticavano la modalità del Fight Gym Group. Sono stati misurati: peso, altezza, piega addominale, piega coscia e piega pettorale, per determinare la percentuale di grasso. La percentuale media di grasso corporeo era del 17,40% (sd± 5,65%), indicando per lo più un buon condizionamento fisico. Per quanto riguarda il risultato della frequenza alimentare, l'84% (n=21) degli atleti ha riferito di consumare quotidianamente cibi che sono fonti di carboidrati e proteine, il 56% (n=4) ha riferito di consumare grassi, il 76% (n=19) di frutta e verdura e 80% (n=20) una varietà di integratori, tutti senza indicazione o monitoraggio nutrizionale. Si è poi osservato che anche classificati con un buon condizionamento fisico dalla percentuale di grasso, gli atleti svolgono un consumo alimentare inadeguato, richiedendo un monitoraggio nutrizionale individualizzato per evitare possibili danni alla salute e alle prestazioni causati da una dieta scorretta

    Implementación de un taller educativo para familiares de personas con accidente cerebro vascular

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    Este artículo presenta la experiencia de un Taller Educativo para familiares que estarán al cuidado de personas que han sufrido recientemente un Accidente Cerebro Vascular (ACV). Éste Taller se lleva a efecto en la Unidad de Neurología del Hospital de la Dirección Previsional de Carabineros de Santiago de Chile. Su objetivo es educar a los familiares en la asistencia y ejecución de las Actividades de la Vida Diaria Básicas del familiar recién dado de alta hospitalaria. Esta nueva ocupación de cuidador implica una carga emocional y física que puede alterar su rutina ocupacional. La relevancia de esta intervención se basa en la entrega de conocimientos y técnicas a través de una experiencia participativa de los familiares/cuidadores, lo que ayuda a disminuir la ansiedad y mejorar su calidad de vida. Además contribuye en el inicio y continuidad de la rehabilitación del familiar afectado dentro del hogar y mejorar sus condiciones de salud

    A 3-year multicentre randomized controlled trial of etonogestrel- and levonorgestrel-releasing contraceptive implants, with non-randomized matched copper-intrauterine device controls

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    STUDY QUESTION Is there any difference in the clinical performance of the 3-year one-rod etonogestrel (ENG)- and the 5-year two-rod levonorgestrel (LNG)-releasing contraceptive implants during 3 years of insertion, and between implant and intrauterine device (IUD) contraception, in particular complaints possibly related to hormonal contraceptives? SUMMARY ANSWER The cumulative contraceptive effectiveness after 3 years and method continuation through 2.5 years were not significantly different between ENG and LNG implants, but both outcomes were significantly worse in the non-randomized age-matched group of IUD users than in the combined implant group. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY ENG- and LNG-releasing implants are safe and highly efficacious contraceptives with pregnancy rates reported to be 0.0-0.5 per 100 women-years (W-Y). No head-to-head comparative study of the two implants has been undertaken, and little information is available on comparisons of complaints of side effects of implant and copper IUD users. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION This was an open parallel group RCT with 1:1 allocation ratio of the ENG and the LNG implants with non-randomized control group of women choosing TCu380A IUD to address lack of reliable data on common side effects typically attributed to the use of progestogen-only contraceptives. After device(s) placement, follow-ups were at 2 weeks, 3 and 6 months, and semi-annually thereafter for 3 years or until pregnancy, removal or expulsion of the implant/IUD occurred. PARTICIPANTS, SETTING, METHODS The study took place in family planning clinics in Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Hungary, Thailand, Turkey and Zimbabwe. Women seeking long-term contraception were enlisted after an eligibility check and informed consent, and 2982 women were enrolled: 1003, 1005 and 974 in the ENG-implant, LNG-implant and IUD groups, respectively; 995, 997 and 971, respectively, were included in the per protocol analysis reported here. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE ENG and LNG implants each had the same 3-year cumulative pregnancy rate of 0.4 per 100 W-Y [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.1-1.4]. A weight of ≥70 kg at admission was unrelated to pregnancy. Method continuation rates for ENG and LNG implants at 2.5 years were 69.8 (95% CI 66.8-72.6) and 71.8 per 100 W-Y (68.8-74.5), and at 3 years 12.1 (95% CI 5.2-22.0) and 52.0 per 100 W-Y (95% CI 41.8-61.2), respectively. Bleeding disturbances, the most frequent reason for method discontinuation, were significantly more common in the ENG group [16.7 (95% CI 14.4-19.3)] than in the LNG group [12.5 (95% CI 10.5-14.9)] (P 0.019). The 3-year cumulative loss to follow-up was lower in the ENG- than in the LNG-implant group, 8.1 (95% CI 6.4-10.2) and 14.4 per 100 W-Y (95% CI 12.1-17.1), respectively. The median duration of implant removal was 50 s shorter among women with ENG than among women with LNG implant (P < 0.0001). In the observational comparison between IUD and implant users, the 3-year relative risk for pregnancy in IUD group compared with the combined implant group was 5.7 per 100 W-Y (95% CI 4.4-7.3) (P = 0.0003). The 3-year expulsion rate of the IUD was 17.8 per 100 W-Y (95% CI 14.5-21.9), while the discontinuation rate for bleeding disturbances was 8.5 (95% CI 6.7-10.9). Frequency of complaints of headache and dizziness was not significantly different between implant and IUD users (P = 0.16 and 0.77, respectively), acne and bleeding irregularities were more frequent among implant users (P < 0.0001), while heavy bleeding and lower abdominal pain occurred more often among IUD than implant users (P < 0.0001). LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION Few women were ≤19 years old or nulligravida, the proportion of implant users ≥70 kg was <20% and <8% were obese. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS Findings of the study can inform policy makers and clinicians about choice of implant, but also about TCu380A IUD in relation to implants. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S) UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/UNICEF/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP), Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR), World Health Organization (WHO). This report contains the views of an international expert group and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the WHO. TRIAL REGISTRATION ISRCTN33378571 registered on 22 March 2004. The first participant was enrolled on 12 May 200

    Study protocol for the multicentre cohorts of Zika virus infection in pregnant women, infants, and acute clinical cases in Latin America and the Caribbean: The ZIKAlliance consortium

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    Background: The European Commission (EC) Horizon 2020 (H2020)-funded ZIKAlliance Consortium designed a multicentre study including pregnant women (PW), children (CH) and natural history (NH) cohorts. Clinical sites were selected over a wide geographic range within Latin America and the Caribbean, taking into account the dynamic course of the ZIKV epidemic. Methods: Recruitment to the PW cohort will take place in antenatal care clinics. PW will be enrolled regardless of symptoms and followed over the course of pregnancy, approximately every 4 weeks. PW will be revisited at delivery (or after miscarriage/abortion) to assess birth outcomes, including microcephaly and other congenital abnormalities according to the evolving definition of congenital Zika syndrome (CZS). After birth, children will be followed for 2 years in the CH cohort. Follow-up visits are scheduled at ages 1-3, 4-6, 12, and 24 months to assess neurocognitive and developmental milestones. In addition, a NH cohort for the characterization of symptomatic rash/fever illness was designed, including follow-up to capture persisting health problems. Blood, urine, and other biological materials will be collected, and tested for ZIKV and other relevant arboviral diseases (dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever) using RT-PCR or serological methods. A virtual, decentralized biobank will be created. Reciprocal clinical monitoring has been established between partner sites. Substudies of ZIKV seroprevalence, transmissio

    Zika virus infection in pregnancy: a protocol for the joint analysis of the prospective cohort studies of the ZIKAlliance, ZikaPLAN and ZIKAction consortia

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    INTRODUCTION: Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in pregnancy has been associated with microcephaly and severe neurological damage to the fetus. Our aim is to document the risks of adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes and the prevalence of laboratory markers of congenital infection in deliveries to women experiencing ZIKV infection during pregnancy, using data from European Commission-funded prospective cohort studies in 20 centres in 11 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We will carry out a centre-by-centre analysis of the risks of adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes, comparing women with confirmed and suspected ZIKV infection in pregnancy to those with no evidence of infection in pregnancy. We will document the proportion of deliveries in which laboratory markers of congenital infection were present. Finally, we will investigate the associations of trimester of maternal infection in pregnancy, presence or absence of maternal symptoms of acute ZIKV infection and previous flavivirus infections with adverse outcomes and with markers of congenital infection. Centre-specific estimates will be pooled using a two-stage approach. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval was obtained at each centre. Findings will be presented at international conferences and published in peer-reviewed open access journals and discussed with local public health officials and representatives of the national Ministries of Health, Pan American Health Organization and WHO involved with ZIKV prevention and control activities

    Prácticas docentes : nuevos desafíos y demandas en el marco del proceso de innovación curricular de la escuela de Terapia Ocupacional de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile

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    magíster en educación en ciencias de la saludIntroducción: La Universidad de Chile inicia en 1999 un proceso de reforma del pregrado que ha avanzado consistentemente, este proceso se caracteriza por una innovación que busca construir y poner en práctica un enfoque curricular basado en competencias. La innovación o proceso de cambio, la cual se ha intentado numerosas veces de definir y analizar, genera en los docentes y los equipos directivos diversos cuestionamientos y cierta incertidumbre acerca de las demandas en relación al tipo de prácticas que exigirá el nuevo modelo para contribuir al éxito. En esta perspectiva, se hace necesario caracterizar las prácticas docentes actuales en relación a las demandas que emergen de la implementación de la innovación desde la mirada de los propios docentes. La Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional de la Universidad de Chile (ETOUCH) ha rediseñado su currículo de formación profesional, desde el cual emergen demandas de prácticas docentes. Propósito: El propósito de esta investigación contribuir al proceso de instalación e implementación del nuevo currículo en la ETOUCH a través de de la identificación de las necesidades formativas de los docentes, y tiene como objetivos específicos, el describir las prácticas docentes que demanda el currículo renovado de la ETOUCH; Caracterizar las prácticas docentes actuales de los profesores de la ETOUCH, privilegiando la propia percepción de los docentes; conocer las percepciones de los docentes que tienen sobre sus prácticas docentes actuales a la luz de las demandas e implementación del nuevo currículo; e identificar los requerimientos y acciones de habilitación y de acompañamiento docente emergen desde percepción de los docentes ante el nuevo curriculum. Métodos: Se realiza una revisión de documentos oficiales que dan contexto institucional respecto al Modelo Educativo declarado. Se aplica un cuestionario de 24 preguntas construidas producto del análisis documental y finalmente se realiza un grupo focal con 7 participantes. La información obtenida en la revisión documental se analiza desde una perspectiva teórica alineada a la ruta curricular que plantean los documentos institucionales. Respecto a lo visualizado en la encuesta, el análisis se realiza según la frecuencia y distribución de las respuestas en las diversas secciones que componen el cuestionario y fueron representadas en tablas. Los datos obtenidos en el grupo de discusión se analizan desde la perspectiva de análisis de contenido. Respecto a la triangulación se realizó un análisis de convergencia con registro escrito de los acuerdos y declaraciones emergentes. Resultados: Se intenta establecer una línea base de prácticas docentes actuales y sus proyecciones en todas las dimensiones que emergen durante el estudio y se reflexiona acerca de las necesidades formativas y de habilitación de los docentes. Se desprenden algunas implicancias para la práctica de los docentes en relación a la actuación del profesor. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio, podrían servir de apoyo y respaldo para la toma de decisiones en la ETOUCH así como en otras instancias de la Facultad, a fin de generar procesos que colaboren al mejoramiento del desempeño de los docentes en el marco de un currículum renovado.Introduction: The University of Chile began in 1999 a process of reform OF undergraduate program, which has advanced consistently, this process is characterized by an innovation that seeks to build and implement a competencybased curricula approach. The innovation or process of change, which has been tried numerous times to be defined and analyzed, generates in scholars and management teams several questions and uncertainty on the demands in relation to the type of practices that the new model requires to support success. In this perspective, it is necessary to characterize the current teaching practices in relation to the demands emerging from the implementation of the innovation from the perspective of scholars. The School of Occupational Therapy at the University of Chile (ETOUCH) has redesigned its curricula, from which demands on teaching practice emerge. Aims: The purpose of this research is to contribute with the process of installation and implementation of the new curricula in the ETOUCH through the identification of training needs of scholars and has the specific objectives, to describe the teaching practices that the curriculum renewed demand in the ETOUCH, to characterize the current teaching practices of schoolars in the ETOUCH, to understand the perceptions of scholars they have on their current teaching practices in the light of the implementation demands of the new curriculua and, to identify requirements and enabling actions emerged from perceptions of schoolarson the new curricula. Method: A review of official documents which give institutional context regarding the stated educational model was performed. A survey of 24 questions was done with the products of the previous analysis and, finally a discussion group with 7 participants was carried out. The information obtained in the literature review is discussed from a theoretical perspective in a curricula-aligned route posed in institutional documents. As to what was shown on the survey, the analysis is performed according to the frequency and distribution of responses in the various sections that make up the questionnaire and were represented in tables. The data obtained from focus group is analyzed from the perspective of content analysis. Regarding the triangulation, it was performed a convergence analysis with written record of agreements and declarations emerging. Results: It is attempted to establish a baseline of current teaching practices and their projections in all dimensions emerging durign the study and reflects on the training needs and qualifications of scholars. They some implications arises for teaching practices in relation to the scholars' performance. Conclusions: The results of this study could support decision making in the ETOUCH as well as other instances of the institution, with the end to generate processes that work together to improve the performance of scholars in the context of a renewed curriculum


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    Este projeto busca articular visualmente as paisagens urbanas, as ocupações de edifícios abandonados e as grafias do centro de São Paulo com a linguagem fotográfica: mediante intervenções gráficas sobre as fotografias propõe-se uma reflexão a respeito das transformações que vem sofrendo a visualidade do centro antigo. Isto é, o colapso de um tipo de urbanismo, o derretimento da \"utopia\" moderna e da visão cartão postal da cidade fazem parte de um mesmo contexto de crise, em que também se questiona a fotografia como representação realista. O trabalho final é um livro de fotografia com uma linguagem híbrida com outros meios de representação.This project aims to visually articulate urban landscapes, empty buildings occupations and graphic symbols of Sao Paulo\'s city center, using photography. A reflection based on graphic interventions about the changes undergone in the old city center\'s visuality and in the photographic language is proposed. That is, the collapse of a kind of urbanism, the melting of modern \"utopia\" and city postcard view are part of the same crisis context, which also questions realism in photography. The outcome is a photo book that uses hybrid language and other forms of representation