77 research outputs found

    Los planes de convivencia como documento activo del centro y para el centro

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    Aquesta investigació reflecteix la realitat de la implicació de la comunitat educativa dels IES de les Illes Balears en la confecció de plans de convivència. Primer de tot es fa una reflexió sobre el conflicte als centres escolars i les diferents formes d’intervenció. També es presenta una revisió del marc legal dels plans de convivència a les Illes Balears. En darrer terme s’ha demanat als orientadors i caps d’estudis sobre el grau de conflicte als seus centres, com també les tècniques utilitzades per detectar-lo. Altres qüestions han intentat esbrinar la implicació dels pares, professors i alumnes en la confecció del pla de convivència del seu centre i quina ha estat la difusió del pla entre la comunitat educativaEsta investigación refleja la realidad de la implicación de la comunidad educativa de los IES de las Islas Baleares en la confección de los planes de convivencia. Primeramente se hace una reflexión sobre el conflicto en los centros escolares y las diferentes formas de intervención. También se presenta una revisión del marco legal de los Planes de Convivencia en las Islas Baleares. Por último se ha preguntado a los orientadores y jefes de estudio sobre el grado de conflicto en sus centros así como las técnicas utilizadas para la detección del mismo. Otras cuestiones han intentado averiguar la implicación de padres, profesores y alumnos en la confección del plan de convivencia de su centro y cuál ha sido la difusión del plan entre la comunidad educativ

    Compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice in the Assessment of Immunomodulation Potential of Clinical Grade Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Derived from Wharton’s Jelly

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    Cell culture; Cellular therapy; Good manufacturing practiceCultiu cel·lular; Teràpia cel·lular; Bones pràctiques de manufacturaCultivo celular; Terapia celular; Buenas prácticas de fabricaciónThe selection of assays suitable for testing the potency of clinical grade multipotent mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC)-based products and its interpretation is a challenge for both developers and regulators. Here, we present a bioprocess design for the production of Wharton's jelly (WJ)-derived MSCs and a validated immunopotency assay approved by the competent regulatory authority for batch release together with the study of failure modes in the bioprocess with potential impact on critical quality attributes (CQA) of the final product. Methods: The lymphocyte proliferation assay was used for determining the immunopotency of WJ-MSCs and validated under good manufacturing practices (GMP). Moreover, failure mode effects analysis (FMEA) was used to identify and quantify the potential impact of different unexpected situations on the CQA. Results: A production process based on a two-tiered cell banking strategy resulted in batches with sufficient numbers of cells for clinical use in compliance with approved specifications including MSC identity (expressing CD73, CD90, CD105, but not CD31, CD45, or HLA-DR). Remarkably, all batches showed high capacity to inhibit the proliferation of activated lymphocytes. Moreover, implementation of risk management tools led to an in-depth understanding of the manufacturing process as well as the identification of weak points to be reinforced. Conclusions: The bioprocess design showed here together with detailed risk management and the use of a robust method for immunomodulation potency testing allowed for the robust production of clinical-grade WJ-MSCs under pharmaceutical standards

    General Characteristics of the Original Articles Included in the Scoping Review on Health and Immigration in Spain

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    Fundamentos: La realidad socio-demográfica configurada en España a partir de la incorporación de la población inmigrante requiere analizar las necesidades y prioridades generadas por esta situación en todos los ámbitos, incluido el de la investigación en salud. El objetivo del presente estudio es conocer las características generales de los artículos incluidos en una revisión bibliográfica sobre este tema y realizada en el marco del Subprograma de Salud e Inmigración del CIBERESP. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica de los artículos originales publicados en español o inglés en el periodo 1998-2012. Se seleccionaron artículos realizados en España y que cumplieran la definición de inmigrante de la Organización Internacional de Migraciones. La búsqueda bibliográfica se realizó en Medline y MEDES. Se analizó la distribución temporal de la producción y las características generales de los artículos mediante frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: En la búsqueda inicial se identificaron 2.625 artículos (2.434 Medline y 191 Medes-MEDicina), finalmente se incluyeron los 311 que cumplían criterios de inclusión. La mayoría eran estudios epidemiológicos de diseño transversal realizados con datos primarios. En el 69% se comparó a la población inmigrante con la autóctona. En 217, (70%) la temática principal fue la relacionada con enfermedades transmisibles. En 256 (82%) el periodo producción fue entre 2004 y 2011. En 220 (71%) el país de origen fue la forma más común de clasificación de la población inmigrante. Conclusiones: Las enfermedades transmisibles fueron el principal objeto de investigación de los estudios desarrollados en España sobre salud de la población inmigrante. La mayoría de estudios incluyen a la población autóctona como grupo de comparación.Background: The new socio-demographic reality that came about with the incorporation of the immigrant population in Spain requires an analysis of the needs and priorities generated by this situation in all areas, including research in health. The objective of this study is to determine the general characteristics of a group of articles included in a literature review on the subject, carried out within the framework of the CIBERSP Subprogram on Migration and Health. Methods: Scoping Review of the literature published in the period 1998-2012.Articles in Spanish or English developed in Spain and that fulfil the definition of immigrant from the International Organization for Migration were selected. The literature search was performed in Medline and MEDES. The temporal distribution of the production and main characteristics of the articles are described trough absolute and relative frequencies. Results: The initial search identified 2.625 articles (Medline 2434; 191 Medes-MEDicina) 311 were including finally. Most epidemiological studies are cross-sectional design with primary data. 69% compared with native population. The main theme has been associated with infectious diseases (n=217, 70%). The period of maximum production is between 2004 and 2011(n=256, 82%). The country of origin is the most common way of classifying immigrants (n=220, 71%). Conclusions: The epidemiology of infectious prevails as the main theme of the studies performed in Spain about the health of the immigrant population. Most of the studies include native population as a comparison group

    The effects of university programs for seniors in their social network and social support. The case of the open university for seniors.

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    [ES] Introducción. El apoyo social se configura como una dimensión clave de la calidad de vida y del envejecimiento activo. El objetivo de la investigación fue describir y analizar la red y apoyo social de las personas alumnas del Diploma Sénior y Diploma Sénior Superior de la UOM entendiendo que éstos han aumentado su red social y pueden usar el apoyo social (emocional, informacional y material) que necesiten en diferentes circunstancias y procesos (recepción, percepción, demanda y donación), vinculándolo al capital social de éstas. Método. Se plantean una serie de hipótesis que han sido contrastadas a través de un cuestionario propio basado en: variables sociodemográficas, red social y apoyo social. El cuestionario se construyó a partir de diversas fuentes de referencia y fue parcialmente validado por pares y por jueces expertos. El análisis de los datos obtenidos se procesó con el programa estadístico SPSS.21. Resultados. Las personas mayores, alumnas de la UOM, poseen un buen nivel de apoyo social (emocional, informacional y material), además tienen una muy buena percepción de éste y una buena red social, tanto a nivel cuantitativo como cualitativo. Se observa una relación entre la mejora del capital social formativo y relacional con el apoyo social obtenido, en sus diversas modalidades. Discusión. Entre las principales destacamos: a) hay diferencias significativas entre las redes sociales y el apoyo social según el sexo, el grupo de edad, con quien viven y nivel de estudios; b) participar en la UOM produce cambios positivos en las redes y apoyos sociales de las personas mayores, especialmente a partir del reconocimiento o de la mejora del capital social formativo y relacional; c) la mayoría de los cambios se producen en los primeros cursos estabilizándose en los últimos años. Concluimos con una serie de propuestas de futuras investigaciones. [EN] ntroduction. Social support is set as a key dimension to quality of life; in addition, it is an indispensable part of active ageing. That is why we wanted to investigate the effects of social support on students at the Universitat Oberta per a Majors (UOM) of the University of Balearic Islands. In particular, our aim is to describe and analyze the social network and social support for people who have participated in the Senior Diploma and Higher Senior Diploma at the UOM; understanding that these students have increased their social network and that they can use the social support (emotional, informational and material) that they need in different circumstances and processes (reception, perception, request and donation), by linking it to their social capital. Method. To this end, the hypothesis will be tested through a specially created questionnaire based on three principal areas: socio-demographic, social network variables and social support variables. The questionnaire was made using various reference sources and was partially validated by peers and expert judges. The analysis of all the data is processed using the SPSS.21 program. Results. Senior students at the UOM have a good level of social support (emotional, informative and material); they also have a very good perception of this social support and a good social network, both at quantitative and qualitative levels. It can be observed a relationship between the improvement in educational and relational social capital with the social support received, in its various forms. Discussion. This article concludes with some elements for discussion related to the hypotheses: a) there are significant differences among social networks and social supports according to gender, age group, cohabitation status and level of education; b) participating in the UOM produces significant positive changes in seniors’ social networks and social supports, especially through the recognition or the improvement in educational and relational social capital; c) most changes that take place occur during the program’s first year, whereas these changes stabilize in later years. Finally some proposals for the future are made

    Comparability exercise of critical quality attributes of clinical-grade human mesenchymal stromal cells from the Wharton’s jelly: single-use stirred tank bioreactors versus planar culture systems

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    Bioprocessing; Microcarriers; Mesenchymal stromal cellBioprocesamiento; Microportadores; Célula estromal mesenquimatosaBioprocessament; Microportadors; Cèl·lula estromal mesenquimalBackground aims The increasing demand of clinical-grade mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) for use in advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) require a re-evaluation of manufacturing strategies, ensuring scalability from two-dimensional (2D) surfaces to volumetric (3D) productivities. Herein we describe the design and validation of a Good Manufacturing Practice–compliant 3D culture methodology using microcarriers and 3-L single-use stirred tank bioreactors (STRs) for the expansion of Wharton's jelly (WJ)-derived MSCs in accordance to current regulatory and quality requirements. Methods MSC,WJ were successfully expanded in 3D and final product characterization was in conformity with Critical Quality Attributes and product specifications previously established for 2D expansion conditions. Results After 6 days of culture, cell yields in the final product from the 3D cultures (mean 9.48 × 108 ± 1.07 × 107 cells) were slightly lower but comparable with those obtained from 2D surfaces (mean 9.73 × 108 ± 2.36 × 108 cells) after 8 days. In all analyzed batches, viability was >90%. Immunophenotype of MSC,WJ was highly positive for CD90 and CD73 markers and lacked of expression of CD31, CD45 and HLA-DR. Compared with 2D expansions, CD105 was detected at lower levels in 3D cultures due to the harvesting procedure from microcarriers involving trypsin at high concentration, and this had no impact on multipotency. Cells presented normal karyotype and strong immunomodulatory potential in vitro. Sterility, Mycoplasma, endotoxin and adventitious virus were negative in both batches produced. Conclusions In summary, we demonstrated the establishment of a feasible and reproducible 3D bioprocess using single-use STR for clinical-grade MSC,WJ production and provide evidence supporting comparability of 3D versus 2D production strategies. This comparability exercise evaluates the direct implementation of using single-use STR for the scale-up production of MSC,WJ and, by extension, other cell types intended for allogeneic therapies

    Optimized reagents for immunopotency assays on mesenchymal stromal cells for clinical use

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    Immunomodulation; Mesenchymal stromal cells; Quality & regulatory complianceImmunomodulació; Cèl·lules estromals mesenquimàtiques; Qualitat i compliment normatiuInmunomodulación; Células estromales mesenquimales; Calidad y cumplimiento normativoMultipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) offer new therapeutic opportunities based on their ability to modulate an imbalanced immune system. Immunomodulatory potency is typically demonstrated in vitro by measuring the presence of surrogate markers (i.e., indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase, IDO; tumor necrosis factor receptor type 1, TNFR1) and/or functional assays in co-cultures (i.e., inhibition of lymphoproliferation, polarization of macrophages). However, the biological variability of reagents used in the latter type of assays leads to unreliable and difficult to reproduce data therefore making cross-comparison between batches difficult, both at the intra- and inter-laboratory levels. Herein, we describe a set of experiments aiming at the definition and validation of reliable biological reagents as a first step towards standardization of a potency assay. This approach is based on the co-culture of Wharton’s jelly (WJ)-derived MSC and cryopreserved pooled peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Altogether, we successfully defined a robust and reproducible immunopotency assay based on previously described methods incorporating substantial improvements such as cryopreservation of multiple vials of pooled peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 5 individual donors that enable a number of tests with same reagents, also reducing waste of PBMC from individual donors and therefore contributing to a more efficient and ethical method to use substances of human origin (SoHO). The new methodology was successfully validated using 11 batches of clinical grade MSC,WJ. Methods described here contribute to minimize PBMC donor variability while reducing costs, streamlining assay setup and convenience and laying the foundations for harmonization of biological reagents usage in standardized immunopotency assays for MSC.Open Access Funding provided by Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. This work has been developed in the context of Red Española de Terapias Avanzadas (TERAV, expedient no. RD21/0017/0022) funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) in the context of NextGenerationEU’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and by the Commission for Universities and Research of the Department of Innovation, Universities, and Enterprise of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017 SGR 719)

    Nickel removing by electrocoagulation of Ni(II)-NH3-CO2-SO2-H2O system. Kinetics, isothermal, mechanism and estimated cost of operation

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    This study reports nickel removing by electrocoagulation of Ni(II)-NH3-CO2-SO2-H2O system at laboratory scale. Experiments were done using Al/Al pair electrodes at initial nickel concentration between 293 and 1356 mg·L-1 and under operation parameters of pH 8.6, current density 9.8 mA·cm-2, electrolysis time 30 min, and temperature 60 ºC. The obtained results show removal efficiencies between 97.7 and 99.7 %. Kinetics modeling suggested combined effects of external diffusion and nucleation, and as controlling step the chemical reaction and a possible autocatalytic contribution. The process followed the Langmuir´s isotherm with a maximum adsorption capacity of 7519 mg·g-1. ICP-OES, XRD and FTIR characterization of the precipitates indicated a typical Ni-Al layered double hydroxide structures with 33.4-40.7 % nickel and 6.3-7.0 % aluminum depending on initial nickel concentration. The operation costs of energy and electrode consumption were 320 - 537 $·t-1 of removed nickel

    Preventing and addressing intimate partner violence against migrant and ethnic minority women: the role of the health sector

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    Violence against women is an extreme manifestation of gender inequality in society and a serious violation of fundamental human rights. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the most common type of such violence and takes place within couples. IPV can lead to death, physical injury, functional impairment, mental health problems, negative health behaviour, chronic conditions and reproductive health problems. Institutional discrimination, lack of access to or knowledge of services, and cultural differences can prevent women who are not only experiencing IPV but also migrants or members of ethnic minorities from seeking help. This policy brief aims to provide input into the role of the health sector in preventing and addressing IPV among migrant women and those of ethnic minorities. It describes the scope of the problem, presenting key evidence, and makes recommendations for health policy and health systems, health facilities and health service providers