12 research outputs found

    Amor, empatía y conductas prosociales: una reflexión interdisciplinaria

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    This book presents, through reflection, the relevance, timeliness and necessity of love, empathy and prosocial behaviors within the framework of the professional and disciplinary work of the authors. The reader will be able to find here what these professionals, academics and intellectuals think and feel about it. Let the reader know that it was not a simple writing project, maybe because of the invitation to think about oneself, maybe because of the presence of the concept of "love" in the academy, or maybe, because we are not so accustomed to putting in the first person the reflection turned from what we relate to day by day. May this text be the excuse to continue to reflect on the role of love, empathy and prosocial behavior in a world that sometimes shows great desolation. May these unknotted reflections allow us to understand and resignify, learn and continue.PublishedEste libro expone, por la vía de la reflexión, la pertinencia, actualidad y necesidad del amor, la empatía y las conductas prosociales en el marco del quehacer profesional y disciplinar de los autores. El lector podrá encontrar aquí lo que esos profesionales, académicos e intelectuales piensan y sienten al respecto. Sepa el lector que no fue un proyecto de escritura sencillo, quizá por la invitación a pensar sobre sí, quizá por la presencia del concepto “amor” en la academia, o quizá, simplemente, porque no estamos tan acostumbrados a poner en primera persona la reflexión devenida de aquello con lo que día a día nos relacionamos. Que sea este texto la excusa para continuar reflexionando sobre el papel del amor, la empatía y las conductas prosociales en un mundo que a veces muestra gran desolación. Que estas reflexiones des-anudadas permitan comprender y resignificar, aprender y continuar

    Comparing the efficiency of performing complex tasks with a tablet and a smartphone

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    The number of users who today use a smartphone or a tablet as a tool on a daily basis is increasing. Professionals, in certain environments, are moving towards mobile devices instead of the traditional laptop or desktop computer. From manufacturing to e-health and e-commerce, more and more apps can be used to improve companies’ efficiency and efficacy. Thus, there are apps developed for tablet and smartphone platforms as well as for the traditional desktop version. But how can we define user efficiency with each platform? In this work we present a comparative usability study of one CRM app that is designed for all that three platforms (laptop, smartphone, and tablet). We conducted a study with eight participants in which the efficiency of one mobile app designed for iPad and iPhone was measured. Results of the study demonstrate that users are more efficient with a tablet than with a smartphone for undertaking complex tasks.El número de usuarios que usan diariamente un smartphone o una tableta como su herramienta de trabajo está aumentando. Muchos profesionales están cambiando sus ordenadores de escritorio o portátiles por dispositivos móviles en ciertos entornos. Desde factorías hasta sectores de e-health o e-commerce, cada vez más aplicaciones móviles están siendo usadas para mejorar la eficacia y eficiencia de las empresas. Así, podemos encontrar apps desarrolladas par tabletas o smartphones además de sus versiones tradicionales de escritorio. Pero, ¿cómo podemos medir la eficiencia de una usuario sobre cada plataforma? En este trabajo presentamos un estudio comparativo de usabilidad sobre una aplicación de gestión CRM diseñada para las tres plataformas. Realizamos un estudio con ocho participantes para medir la eficiencia de una aplicación móvil diseñada para iPad y para iPhone. Los resultados demuestran que los usuarios son más eficientes con una tableta que con un smartphone para realizar tareas complejas

    Frienship, a shared experience

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    El presente estudio pretende caracterizar los mecanismos de configuración de la experiencia de la amistad en grupos de amigos, por medio de conversaciones con tres colectivos de amigos. Se realizó un análisis que permitió explorar y acercarse de manera más profunda a las representaciones sociales de los sujetos colectivos, y así poder dar cuenta de la experiencia de la amistad. Se encontró que la amistad es una experiencia compartida que entrelaza afectos, valores y referentes en común que se renuevan continuamente.This paper is aiming towards the characterization of the mechanisms from which friendship is experienced within groups, through conversations with three separate groups of friends. An analysis was done in order to explore the different stories narrated by the collectives, which enabled to approach the experience of friendship. Findings suggest that friendship is a shared experience that weaves common affections, values and shared practices that are continually renewed.Psicólogo (a)Pregrad

    Avance de las investigaciones en Esteco El Viejo

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    It is presented the preliminary results obtained during the fieldwork of 2005 in the historic city "Nuestra Señora de Talavera (also known as Esteco El Viejo, 1566-1609) located in the village "El Vencido", El Quebrachal, department de Anta, province of Salta. The mapping of the city was the main objective of that year. The historic city was probably built after the typical "chessboard pattern" adopted by the majority of the Spanish cities in America (Curzio, et al. 2004). At present, the city of Esteco is hidden under a dense dry forest called "monte chaqueño", and it is conformed by a series of elevations and depressions that point out the collapsed buildings. Also, it was located the bed of a channel that surrounded the common land of the city. Next to it, there are terrains, which are levelled and separated by lineal elevations that indicate the farming fields. Based on the considerations previously mentioned, a mapping was initiated to get the present general disposition of the site, to differentiate areas of occupation, and to locate previous digging pits and surveys. After considering the particular characteristics of the landscape (a law dense xerophilous forest) where the city is placed, a combination of methods was used for the mapping: theodolite, GPS, Brunton Compass and tape measure. The Brunton Compass and tape measure were used for the record of the rectilinear elevations that correspond to the walls of the buildings of the city. Also, the looting pits and digging units were mapped. The Geographical coordinates of the city, its borders and main features were obtained with the GPS. The theodolite was essential to get more accurate measures in certain structures. Finally, the data obtained was worked in AUTOCAD to get a scaled map of the site, and later a digital image of the Department of Anta was used to georeference the city.En el marco de dos proyectos de investigación, en los cuales nos encontramos insertos, presentamos resultados parciales alcanzados durante el año 2005. El estudio se focalizó en la obtención del plano general de la ciudad Nuestra Señora de Talavera (conocida como Esteco El Viejo), ubicada en el paraje El Vencido, localidad de El Quebrachal, departamento de Anta, provincia de Salta. La ciudad histórica fue posiblemente construida según el clásico modelo de damero adoptado en la mayoría de las ciudades españolas en las Indias (Curzio, et al 2004). Actualmente se presenta oculta bajo un espeso monte chaqueño, manifestándose a partir de la presencia de elevaciones y depresiones, que indicarían las diferentes construcciones colapsadas. Asimismo, se pudo localizar el cauce de una acequia que circunda el ejido de la ciudad; próximo a éste, se encuentran terrenos nivelados y separados por elevaciones lineales que corresponderían a zonas de cultivo. En base a las observaciones mencionadas anteriormente, se planteó el inicio de un relevamiento planimétrico para obtener la configuración actual del sitio, diferenciar áreas de ocupación y ubicar áreas de excavaciones y sondeos realizados en campañas anteriores. Dadas las particulares características del terreno (monte xerófilo bajo, cerrado, propio de la Región del Chaco) en el que se asienta la ciudad, se consideró la combinación de diferentes técnicas de mapeo: brújula tipo "Brunton" y cinta métrica, GPS y teodolito. La brújula Brunton y la cinta métrica fueron utilizadas para el relevamiento de cada uno de los montículos rectilíneos que constituirían los muros de las estructuras. Se relevaron y mapearon además los pozos de saqueo, pozos de sondeo y las excavaciones realizadas en campañas anteriores. Con el GPS se georeferenció el sitio y se establecieron los límites y puntos extremos de la ciudad, como también características sobresalientes del terreno. El teodolito, por su parte, se usó para aumentar la precisión del resto de las mediciones. Finalmente, los datos relevados en el campo fueron procesados en AutoCAD, obteniendo el plano a escala del sitio y georeferenciando el mismo dentro de la imagen satelital correspondiente al departamento de Anta

    Influence of monometallic and bimetallic phytonanoparticles on physiological status of mezquite

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    The present study was conducted to evaluate the impact of monometallic and bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs) of copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) from Justicia spicigera on the photochemical efficiency and phenol pattern of Prosopis glandulosa. In this study, the existence of localized surface plasmon resonance absorption associated with the nano-sized nature of Ag, Cu and Cu/Ag particles was confirmed by the presence of a single peak around 487, 585, and 487/580 nm respectively. Zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility were found to be 0.2 mV and 0.02 μmcm/(Vs) for synthesized NPs indicating less stability and thus tendency to agglomerate, and broad distribution of particles. Cu-NPs and Cu/Ag-NPs demonstrate that the dispersed phase is stable and has a minimum particle size at zeta potentials above –30 mV. Changes in phenolic compounds, total chlorophyll, and photochemical efficiency in leaves exposed to Ag, Cu and Cu/Ag phyto-nanoparticles were evaluated up to 72 hours. The results revealed that Ag-NP and Cu-NP from J. spicigera at 100 mg/L showed significant reduction in chlorophyll, epidermal polyphenol content and photochemical efficiency of P. glandulosa. In contrast, the application of bimetallic Cu/Ag-NP from J. spicigera showed a positive impact on physiological parameters of P. glandulosa after 72 h of exposure

    Changes of photochemical efficiency and epidermal polyphenols content of Prosopis glandulosa and Prosopis juliflora leaves exposed to cadmium and copper

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    The effect of metals on the photosynthetic activities and epidermal polyphenol content of Prosopis glandulosa and Prosopis juliflora leaves was investigated by the tissue tolerance test. Foliar tissues of Prosopis glandulosa and Prosopis juliflora were incubated with Cd2+ (0.001 M) or Cu2+ (0.52 M) concentrations for 96 h. The results showed that significant reductions (p < 0.05) of photochemical efficiency in P. juliflora leaves were found after 96 h of exposure to 0.52 M Cu2+ compared with Cd-treatments and controls. In contrast, P. glandulosa leaves showed a progressive increase on photochemical efficiency at 72 h after Cu-treatment. The results also showed a significant decrease (p < 0.05) of epidermal polyphenols in P. juliflora leaves after 24 h of exposure to 0.52 M Cu2+ compared with Cd-treatments and control leaves. On the other hand, the values of leaf epidermal polyphenols observed in P. glandulosa exposed to copper and cadmium did not show any difference with respect to control. These findings are very important and suggest that these compounds could be considered as a protection mechanism of P. glandulosa when is treated with these heavy metals. Finally, the results of bioaccumulation showed that the copper concentration in P. glandulosa was higher than the values detected in P. juliflora Nevertheless, the cadmium concentration in foliar tissues of P. juliflora was significantly higher than P. glandulosa after 96 h of exposure to Cu2+ or Cd2+. Therefore, future studies are necessary to elucidate the effects of heavy metals on the biosynthesis of flavonoids and participation of these compounds in the reduction of metal toxicity in Prosopis species

    “Machos e bruxas na Patagônia”. Trabalho, masculinidade e espaço da reprodução

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    El título “Machos y brujas en la Patagonia” expresa el nudo central de este artículo, en su intento por problematizar procesos sociales tensionados por relaciones de clase y género. “Machos” remite a la construcción de un sujeto petrolero acorde a la disciplina fabril impuesta por el proceso productivo; la noción de “brujas”, por su parte, retoma metafóricamente la caza de brujas de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, proceso que significó el confinamiento de la mujer en el espacio doméstico y su rol reproductivo de la fuerza de trabajo. En tal sentido, nos interesa analizar en Comodoro Rivadavia, ciudad de la Patagonia argentina, la articulación entre el proceso de trabajo petrolero y las experiencias obreras fuera del trabajo. Dado que las masculinidades y las feminidades son posiciones relacionales de género, analizaremos el rol del hombre y la mujer en articulación con la organización del trabajo.The title "Machos and Witches in Patagonia" illustrates the core debate of this article and attempts to problematize the processes emphasized by social class and gender relations. "Machos" refers to the social construction of the oil worker as imposed by the production system. Meanwhile, "witches” refers to the witch-hunts of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and the practice in which women were confined to the domestic sphere and their reproductive role of the workforce. Therefore, we want to analyze the link between the production process of the oil workforce inside the production system and outside of their work experiences in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentinian Patagonia. Given that masculinity and femininity are relational gender positions, we will discuss the role of men and women in the organization of work, as a whole.O presente título expressa o nó central deste artigo, na sua tentativa de problematizar processos sociais tensionados por relações de classe e gênero. “Machos” remete à construção de um sujeito petroleiro em concordância com a disciplina fabril imposta pelo processo produtivo; a noção de “bruxas”, por sua vez, retoma metaforicamente a caça às bruxas dos séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII, processo que significou o confinamento da mulher no espaço doméstico e seu papel reprodutivo da força de trabalho. Nesse sentido, interessa-nos analisar em Comodoro Rivadavia, cidade da Patagônia argentina, a articulação entre o processo de trabalho petroleiro e as experiências operárias fora do trabalho. Tendo em visa que as masculinidades e as feminilidades são posições relacionais de gênero, analisaremos o papel do homem e da mulher em articulação com a organização do trabalho.Fil: Palermo Haber, Hernan Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales; Argentin

    Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network

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    International audienceThe shortage of reliable primary taxonomic data limits the description of biological taxa and the understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes, complicating biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This deficit creates a significant taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research and conservation planning. The taxonomic impediment and the biodiversity crisis are widely recognized, highlighting the urgent need for reliable taxonomic data. Over the past decade, numerous countries worldwide have devoted considerable effort to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which called for the preparation of a working list of all known plant species by 2010 and an online world Flora by 2020. Brazil is a megadiverse country, home to more of the world's known plant species than any other country. Despite that, Flora Brasiliensis, concluded in 1906, was the last comprehensive treatment of the Brazilian flora. The lack of accurate estimates of the number of species of algae, fungi, and plants occurring in Brazil contributes to the prevailing taxonomic impediment and delays progress towards the GSPC targets. Over the past 12 years, a legion of taxonomists motivated to meet Target 1 of the GSPC, worked together to gather and integrate knowledge on the algal, plant, and fungal diversity of Brazil. Overall, a team of about 980 taxonomists joined efforts in a highly collaborative project that used cybertaxonomy to prepare an updated Flora of Brazil, showing the power of scientific collaboration to reach ambitious goals. This paper presents an overview of the Brazilian Flora 2020 and provides taxonomic and spatial updates on the algae, fungi, and plants found in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. We further identify collection gaps and summarize future goals that extend beyond 2020. Our results show that Brazil is home to 46,975 native species of algae, fungi, and plants, of which 19,669 are endemic to the country. The data compiled to date suggests that the Atlantic Rainforest might be the most diverse Brazilian domain for all plant groups except gymnosperms, which are most diverse in the Amazon. However, scientific knowledge of Brazilian diversity is still unequally distributed, with the Atlantic Rainforest and the Cerrado being the most intensively sampled and studied biomes in the country. In times of “scientific reductionism”, with botanical and mycological sciences suffering pervasive depreciation in recent decades, the first online Flora of Brazil 2020 significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of taxonomic data available for algae, fungi, and plants from Brazil. This project also made all the information freely available online, providing a firm foundation for future research and for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Brazilian funga and flora