669 research outputs found

    A is for Anthropocene:An A–Z of Design Ecology

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    This paper lists in A to Z format the changing ecology of design in the Anthropocene. From twenty-six points of view the paper contrasts design’s search for a coherent ecology – how it looks like it looks – with its search for a familiar ecology – how it is understood today. Taking each letter of the alphabet to create individual reviews of the vicissitudes of design, the paper critiques how design has historically explained to itself, and anyone who has been listening, what it has been doing, and contrasts that with what needs to be done

    Analysis of the energy performance strategies in a historical building used as a music school

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    [EN] Energy consumption in public education buildings depends on use and occupancy. To improve energy performance, energy audits are essential to identify specific solutions for each building. In this study, we conducted an energy audit of a historical building used as a public education centre. We collected gas and electricity bills and recorded indoor temperatures for over a year to determine heating and cooling set points and the schedules. Our analysis showed that 47.42% of the electricity bills were unused. To reduce energy demand and improve thermal comfort, we both developed and validated a Building Energy Modelling (BEM) approach using TRNSYS18 and weather data during year 2021. The BEM model allowed us to propose efficient measures to meet the Standard Passive requirements. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of energy audits and BEM modelling in reducing energy consumption in public education buildings.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain PID2019-108271RB-C33). The study could not have taken place without the assistance of the personnel of professional conservatory of artistic education (Carcaixent). We also thank to the Spanish Meteorological Agency (© AEMET) for providing us with weather data.Aparicio Fernandez, CS.; Torner, ME.; Cañada-Soriano, M.; Vivancos, J. (2023). Analysis of the energy performance strategies in a historical building used as a music school. Developments in the Built Environment. 15:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dibe.2023.1001951121

    Expression of the Neuroblastoma-Associated ALK-F1174L Activating Mutation During Embryogenesis Impairs the Differentiation of Neural Crest Progenitors in Sympathetic Ganglia.

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is an embryonal malignancy derived from the abnormal differentiation of the sympathetic nervous system. The Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) gene is frequently altered in NB, through copy number alterations and activating mutations, and represents a predisposition in NB-genesis when mutated. Our previously published data suggested that ALK activating mutations may impair the differentiation potential of neural crest (NC) progenitor cells. Here, we demonstrated that the expression of the endogenous ALK gene starts at E10.5 in the developing sympathetic ganglia (SG). To decipher the impact of deregulated ALK signaling during embryogenesis on the formation and differentiation of sympathetic neuroblasts, Sox10-Cre;LSL-ALK-F1174L embryos were produced to restrict the expression of the human ALK-F1174L transgene to migrating NC cells (NCCs). First, ALK-F1174L mediated an embryonic lethality at mid-gestation and an enlargement of SG with a disorganized architecture in Sox10-Cre;LSL-ALK-F1174L embryos at E10.5 and E11.5. Second, early sympathetic differentiation was severely impaired in Sox10-Cre;LSL-ALK-F1174L embryos. Indeed, their SG displayed a marked increase in the proportion of NCCs and a decrease of sympathetic neuroblasts at both embryonic stages. Third, neuronal and noradrenergic differentiations were blocked in Sox10-Cre;LSL-ALK-F1174L SG, as a reduced proportion of Phox2b <sup>+</sup> sympathoblasts expressed βIII-tubulin and almost none were Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) positive. Finally, at E10.5, ALK-F1174L mediated an important increase in the proliferation of Phox2b <sup>+</sup> progenitors, affecting the transient cell cycle exit observed in normal SG at this embryonic stage. Altogether, we report for the first time that the expression of the human ALK-F1174L mutation in NCCs during embryonic development profoundly disturbs early sympathetic progenitor differentiation, in addition to increasing their proliferation, both mechanisms being potential crucial events in NB oncogenesis


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    La selección bibliográfica que recogemos en estas páginas no es más que un intento de sintetizar las diversas temáticas y problemáticas, clarificando las numerosas áreas de investigación que se abren ante cualquier iniciación o estudio que se pretenda efectuar sobre la romanización y cristianización en Siria. Por este motivo, en algunos de los temas propuestos, simplemente se insinúan algunos de los estudios más significativos a modo de punto de referencia inicial, desde el que poder comenzar una mayor profundización en el caso de que fuese necesaria. Es el caso de algunos capítulos como los dedicados a la Patrología, a las Escuelas o a la Producción Literaria y Autores que por lo extenso y amplio de su bibliografía hacen imposible una recogida totalmente exhaustiva. (...

    Detection and discrimination of organophosphorus pesticides in water by using a colorimetric probe array

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    [EN] Detection and discrimination of several organophosphorus pesticides in water using a colorimetric probe array containing twelve dyes has been achieved. A clear discrimination for malathion, leptophos, dichlorvos, dibrom and diazinon was observed. The array was used to determine the concentration of diazinon in orange leavesThe financial support from the Spanish Government (project MAT2012-38429-C04), the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROM-ETEO/2009/016) and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (project ref. 2711) is gratefully acknowledged. SCSIE (Universidad de Valencia) is also acknowledged for all the equipment employed.Ferri, D.; Gaviña, P.; Costero, AM.; Parra, M.; Vivancos, J.; Martínez-Máñez, R. (2014). Detection and discrimination of organophosphorus pesticides in water by using a colorimetric probe array. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical. 202:727-731. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2014.06.011S72773120

    A Study to Validate a Self-Reported Version of the ONS Drug Dependence Questionnaire

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    Aim: A prospective study to establish the reliability of a self-completion version of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) questionnaire for assessing drug dependence of substance misuse clients. Method: A total of 47 treatment seeking opioid-dependent clients completed the self-complete version of the ONS questionnaire (ONS-sc) followed by the interviewer-administered ONS questionnaire (ONS-ia) at a single clinic appointment. Scores for four Class A drugs (heroin, methadone, speed and crack/cocaine) from both formats were compared. Results: The observed agreement was 87% or more and Cohen's kappa was 0.7 (p < 0.001) or more for all four Class A drugs. Sensitivity for each Class A drugs was 56% or higher and specificity was 87% or higher. Sensitivity for severe heroin dependency was 98% (CI 89–100%). There was a 100% correlation between the ONS-sc and positive urine analysis for heroin use. However, methadone and crack/cocaine drug use appeared under reported. Conclusion: ONS-sc is a feasible, practical and time-saving alternative to a detailed interview on drug dependence. Further research with a larger sample size and non-opiate-dependent clients are needed, as this could prove a useful tool for monitoring clients in everyday practice, or for survey purposes where interviews are impractical

    Application of kernel smoothing to estimate the spatio-temporal variation in risk of STEC O157 in England

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    Identifying geographical areas with significantly higher or lower rates of infectious diseases can provide important aetiological clues to inform the development of public health policy and interventions designed to reduce morbidity. We applied kernel smoothing to estimate the spatial and spatio-temporal variation in risk of STEC O157 infection in England between 2009 and 2015, and to explore differences between the residential locations of cases reporting travel and those not reporting travel. We provide evidence that the distribution of STEC O157 infection in England is non-uniform with respect to the distribution of the at-risk population; that the spatial distribution of the three main genetic lineages infecting humans (I, II and I/II) differs significantly and that the spatio-temporal risk is highly dynamic. Our results also indicate that cases of STEC O157 reporting travel within or outside the UK are more likely to live in the south/south-east of the country, meaning that their residential location may not reflect the location of exposure that led to their infection. We suggest that the observed variation in risk reflects exposure to sources of STEC O157 that are geographically prescribed. These differences may be related to a combination of changes in the strains circulating in the ruminant reservoir, animal movements (livestock, birds or wildlife) or the behavior of individuals prior to infection. Further work to identify the importance of behaviours and exposures reported by cases relative to residential location is needed

    GP coding behaviour for non-specific clinical presentations: a pilot study

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    Background: Clinical coding is an integral part of primary care. Disease incidence studies based on primary care electronic health records (EHRs) rely on the accuracy of these codes. Current code validation methods are not appropriate for non-specific conditions and provide limited information about GPs' decision-making behaviour around coding. Qualitative methods could offer insight into decision-making behaviour around coding of patients with non-specific conditions. Aim: To investigate the decision-making behaviour of GPs when applying Read codes to non-specific clinical presentations, using Lyme disease as a case example. Design & setting: A pilot study was undertaken, involving masked semi-structured interviews of eight GPs in the North West of England. Method: Semi-structured interviews were carried out based on 11 clinical cases representative of Lyme disease presentations. Discrete answers were described descriptively. Interview transcripts were analysed using a thematic approach. Results: Themes underpinning GPs’ coding behaviour included: GP personal and professional experience; clinical evidence; diagnostic uncertainty; professional integrity and defensive practice; and patient-sourced health information and beliefs. GPs placed Lyme disease on their differential diagnosis list for five cases; in only two cases would GPs select a Lyme disease related Read code. Conclusion: GPs were reluctant to code with specific diagnostic Read codes when they were presented with patients with vague or unfamiliar symptomology. This masked questionnaire methodology offers a new approach to validate incidence figures, based on Read codes of non-specific conditions. The reluctance to code poses many problems for primary care EH

    Monitoring of RAS mutant clones in plasma of patients with RAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Circulating tumor DNA; Liquid biopsy; Metastatic colorectal cancerADN tumoral circulante; Biopsia liquida; Cáncer colorrectal metastásicoADN tumoral circulant; Biòpsia líquida; Càncer colorectal metastàticPurpose Some patients with histologically confirmed primary mCRC and mutated RAS reported undetectable RAS mutant clones in plasma after receiving anti-VEGF treatment. The aim was to prospectively assess it with its potential therapeutic implications. Methods RAS mutant genes in solid biopsy (before first-line treatment: FOLFOX/CAPOX + bevacizumab) were compared in liquid biopsy (before second-line treatment: panitumumab + FOLFIRI), using Idylla™ system. Discordant results between solid/liquid biopsies were assessed by the next-generation sequencing (NGS) test (solid/liquid biopsies). Results Twenty-three patients were assessed (seven had RAS mutant discrepancies between solid/liquid biopsies). The NGS test confirmed that 3/23 (13%) patients had undetectable RAS mutant clones in liquid biopsy and 3/23 (13%) presented discrepancies in solid biopsy (Idylla™ system vs. NGS test). Conclusion Thirteen percentage of patients had undetectable RAS mutant clones in liquid biopsy after first-line treatment. However, some discrepancies between solid and liquid biopsies have been observed. These results suggest a need to improve accuracy of RAS analyses, especially in solid biopsies.This work was supported by Amgen S.A. Amgen did not have any role in study design; collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing the report; and the decision to submit the report for publication

    Movement velocity can be used to estimate the relative load during the bench press and leg press exercises in older women

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    Background: Movement velocity has been proposed as an effective tool to prescribe the load during resistance training in young healthy adults. This study aimed to elucidate whether movement velocity could also be used to estimate the relative load (i.e., % of the one-repetition maximum (1RM)) in older women. Methods: A total of 22 older women (age = 68.2 ± 3.6 years, bench press 1RM = 22.3 ± 4.7 kg, leg press 1RM = 114.6 ± 15.9 kg) performed an incremental loading test during the free-weight bench press and the leg press exercises on two separate sessions. The mean velocity (MV) was collected with a linear position transducer. Results: A strong linear relationship between MV and the relative load was observed for the bench press (%1RM = -130.4 MV + 119.3; r2 = 0.827, standard error of the estimate (SEE) = 6.10%1RM, p < 0.001) and leg press exercises (%1RM = -158.3 MV + 131.4; r2 = 0.913, SEE = 5.63%1RM, p < 0.001). No significant differences were observed between the bench press and leg press exercises for the MV attained against light-medium relative loads (>70%1RM), while the MV associated with heavy loads (>80%1RM) was significantly higher for the leg press. Conclusions: These results suggest that the monitoring of MV could be useful to prescribe the loads during resistance training in older women. However, it should be noted that the MV associated with a given %1RM is significantly lower in older women compared to young healthy individuals