360 research outputs found

    Enhancing the cognitive interview with an alternative procedure to witness-compatible questioning: category clustering recall

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    The Cognitive Interview (CI) is one of the most widely studied and used methods to interview witnesses. However, new component techniques for further increasing correct recall are still crucial. We focused on how a new and simpler interview strategy, Category Clustering Recall (CCR), could increase recall in comparison with witness-compatible questioning and tested if a Revised Cognitive Interview (RCI) with CCR instead of witness-compatible questioning and without the change order and change perspective mnemonics would be effective for this purpose. Participants watched a mock robbery video and were interviewed 48 hours later with either the CI or the RCI. Recalled information was classified as either correct, incorrect or confabulation. Although exclusion of the change order and change perspective mnemonics in the RCI group might have caused a slight decrease in recall during the last interview phases, the RCI group generally produced more correct information than the CI group, with a lower number of confabulations. Further analyses revealed CCR was largely responsible for this increase in correct recall. CCR is a very promising interview technique which allowed the interviewer to obtain more detailed information without additional questions and may have, in certain situations, several practical advantages over a questioning phase.N/

    Case Report: Pure Red Cell Aplasia due to Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma.

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    Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a rare bone marrow failure characterized by a progressive normocytic anemia and reticulocytopenia without leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. It can be associated with various hematological disorders but exceedingly rarely with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL). We report the case of a 72-year-old woman with PRCA associated with AITL. The patient presented with severe anemia (hemoglobin 2.6 g/dL) and a low reticulocyte count 0.7%. Direct and indirect Coombs tests were positive. A CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis revealed multiple lymphadenopathies. A cervical lymph node biopsy was compatible with AITL. A bone marrow biopsy showed medullary involvement by AITL and a severe erythroid hypoplasia with a myeloid:erythroid ratio of 19.70. The patient was started on CHOP and after 6 cycles the PET scan confirmed complete remissioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Journal Staff

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    Cells move along surfaces both as single cells and multi-cellular units. Recent research points toward pivotal roles for water flux through aquaporins (AQPs) in single cell migration. Their expression is known to facilitate this process by promoting rapid shape changes. However, little is known about the impact on migrating epithelial sheets during wound healing and epithelial renewal. Here, we investigate and compare the effects of AQP9 on single cell and epithelial sheet migration. To achieve this, MDCK-1 cells stably expressing AQP9 were subjected to migration assessment. We found that AQP9 facilitated cell locomotion at both the single and multi-cellular level. Furthermore, we identified major differences in the monolayer integrity and cell size upon expression of AQP9 during epithelial sheet migration, indicating a rapid volume-regulatory mechanism. We suggest a novel mechanism for epithelial wound healing based on AQP-induced swelling and expansion of the monolayer.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council for Medicine and Health|2007-34832009-66492010-3045|</p

    Epidural Abscess Related to Brucellar Spondylodiscitis Diagnosis by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

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    The localized forms of brucellosis, particularly osteoarticular, by their symptomatology usually nonspecific, still continue to be a diagnosis challenge, being fundamental to raise a high degree of suspicion based on a careful epidemiological history. The authors describe the case of a 69 year old farmer that was admitted due to an insidious lower back pain with irradiation to the left lower limb accompanied by nocturnal sweating, anorexia and weight loss. The imaging studies revealed a spondylodiscitis in L3-L4 with an associated epidural abscess. The diagnosis of brucellosis was brought on by the occupational exposure to sheep and was confirmed by a positive PCR to Brucella in the product gathered by aspiration from the epidural abscess and also by the serology (ELISA and Rose Bengal). Despite the initial therapy with doxycycline, rifampicin and gentamycin (the last one for 1 week), the patient had a clinical and imagiologic worsening, determining surgical decompression. After the surgery, antiobiotherapy with doxycyline and rifampicin was maintained and a cycle of gentamicin was started, this time for a month, with a favorable clinical evolution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Numerical Simulations of Astrophysical Jets from Keplerian Disks with Periodic Ejection

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    We present 2.5-dimensional time-dependent simulations of nonrelativistic and nonradiative outflows from sinusoidally perturbed Keplerian accretion disks. A sinusoidal perturbation is introduced in the velocity of the gas ejected from the surface of the disk into a cold corona. In the simulations, the disk is a fixed boundary from which the gas is ejected with a pulsed velocity. The maximum value of this velocity is taken to be a thousandth of the local Keplerian disk velocity. It was found that for large periods, the structures in the jet tend to fragment into smaller substructures. For small values of the period, the structures tend to dissipate, while for medium values of the period, they tend to persist.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures (by e-mail to [email protected]), accepted for publication in Ap

    Biofilm dormancy enhances antimicrobial tolerance in S. epidermidis

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    Our well-being and our microbes Annual Meeting of the New Zealand Microbiological SocietyIndwelling medical devices have been increasingly used in modern medicine and have saved millions of lives worldwide. However, they can also be an important source of infections, most commonly caused by coagulase negative-staphylococci, particularly by biofilm forming Staphylococcus epidermidis. A key feature of biofilms is its enhanced tolerance to antibiotics. Several mechanisms have been proposed to contribute to this phenomenon. We recently developed an in vitro model able to stimulate the induction or prevention of biofilm dormancy. Herein, we used that model to determine if biofilms with induced dormancy presented a distinct antimicrobial tolerance profile than biofilms with prevented dormancy. Both clinical or commensal isolates where included and a total of 43 unique isolates, from different parts of the world were tested. Biofilms were exposed to tetracycline, vancomycin and rifampicin and where analysed by flow citometry, CFU counts and CLSM. Three unique observations were obtained. First, biofilm dormancy was found as a widespread condition in both clinical and commensal isolates, suggesting this is a fundamental process not only related to the infectious process. Second, while vancomycin did not presented any significant effect on the tested biofilms, tetracycline and rifampicin significantly reduced the number of CFUs in biofilms with prevented dormancy tested (up to 4 log killing under 8 h), but were significantly less effective in biofilms with induced dormancy. The third and more curious observation was that the very high reduction in cultivable bacteria was not correlated with the reduction of total and viable cells. Overall, our data suggests in one hand that biofilms with induced dormancy are more tolerant to tetracycline and rifampicin and that those antibiotics further induce dormancy in biofilms, instead of effective eliminating the biofilm bacteria.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Espacialização da precipitação e erosividade na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Dourados - MS.

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    A distribuição da precipitação numa bacia hidrográfica durante o ano é um dos fatores determinantes para quantificar a necessidade de irrigação de culturas e de abastecimento de água doméstico e industrial, além de estudos para o controle de inundações e da erosão do solo. O potencial da chuva em causar erosão hídrica pode ser avaliado por meio de índices que se baseiam nas características físicas das chuvas de cada região, entre os quais se destacam índice de erosividade. Analisaram-se, neste trabalho, a espacialização da precipitação pluvial e o índice de erosividade médio anual e mensal na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Dourados. Analisando os resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que: o regime de precipitação apresenta oscilação unimodal, com período chuvoso compreendido entre os meses de outubro e março; todos os meses da estação chuvosa apresentam drásticas reduções da precipitação média; a erosividade média anual variou de 3.192,0 a 4.977,0 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1; e os meses de dezembro a janeiro apresentam os maiores riscos de ocorrência de perdas de solo por erosão hídrica

    Células C em bócio colóide

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this investigation was to quantitatively evaluate C-cells in colloid goiters, analyzing 36 thyroids that were obtained through thyroidectomy from 24 patients with goiter and 12 normal glands from adult patients without thyroid disease, which were used as the control group. MATERIAL AND METHODS: On average, 6 different thyroid areas were sampled and labeled by immunohistochemistry with a monoclonal anticalcitonin antibody, utilizing the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex. C-cells were counted in fields measuring 1 square centimeter, and the mean number of cells per field was then calculated. Data were statistically analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: In the colloid goiter group, the number of C-cells ranged from 0 to 23 per field, while in normal controls they ranged from 20 to 148 per field. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate a significant decrease of C-cell number in the colloid goiter group compared with control group, indicating that the hyperplastic process is restricted to follicular cells, to the detriment of C-cells, which probably cease to receive trophic stimuli.OBJETIVO: Pesquisar, quantitativamente, as células C em bócio colóide com o propósito de investigar a relação destas células na patogênese do bócio. MÉTODO: Foram analisadas 35 tiróides obtidas de tiroidectomia, sendo 24 de pacientes com bócio colóide e 11 tiróides normais de adulto usadas como controle. Seis diferentes áreas foram amostradas em média e coradas com o anticorpo monoclonal anticalcitonina. As células C foram contadas em campos de 1 cm² e o número médio de células/campo foi calculado. Os dados foram estudados estatisticamente pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADOS: O número de células C variou de 0 a 23/cm² em bócio colóide e em tiróides normais de 20 a 148/cm². CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados demonstraram redução significativa no número de células C em bócio colóide comparando com tiróides normais, indicando que o processo hiperplásico é restrito às células foliculares em detrimento das células C, as quais, provavelmente, deixam de receber estímulos tróficos e se degeneram