17 research outputs found

    Nueva especie del género Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1832 (Actynopterigii, Cyprinidae) del oeste de Portugal

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    11 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables.[EN] A new cyprinid species endemic to western Portugal, Chondrostoma occidentale sp. n., is described based on fish collected in the small costal drainages of the Rivers Alcabrichel, Sizandro and Safarujo. The new species belongs to a monophyletic clade that also includes C. oligolepis and C. arcasii, with which it shares many molecular and morphological features. However, it can be distinguished from these two Chondrostoma species by a combination of the following characters: 40-43 (x = 40.9) canaliculate scales on the lateral line; 6-7 (x = 6.9) above the lateral line; 2-3 (x = 2.9) scales below the lateral line. The axilary pelvic scale is smaller than or at most equal to the base of the pelvic fin. The coronoid process of the dentary is very thick. The minimum divergence distances in cytochrome b between C. occidentale and C. oligolepis and C. arcasii was “p” = 4.8-5.9%. This new species should be considered Critically Endangered (CR) according to the IUCN Red List Categories.[ES] Se describe una nueva especie de ciprínido endémico del oeste de Portugal, Chondrostoma occidentale sp. n., sobre la base de peces colectados en las pequeñas cuencas costeras de los ríos Alcabrichel, Sizandro y Safarujo. La nueva especie comparte algunas características geneticas y morfologicas con C. oligolepis y C. arcasii con los cuales forma un grupo monofiletico. Se puede diferenciar de estas dos especies de Chondrostoma por una combinación de los siguientes caracteres: 40-43 (x = 40,9) escamas acanaladas en la línea lateral; 6-7 (x = 6,9) escamas por encima de la línea lateral; 2-3 (x = 2,9) por debajo de la línea lateral. La escama axilar es más corta o igual a la inserción de la aleta pelviana. El proceso coronoideo del dentario es muy robusto. La mínima distancia de divergencia para el citocromo b entre C. occidentale y otras especies de Chondrostoma fue de “p”= 4,8-5,9%. Esta nueva especie debe ser considerada En Peligro Crítico (CR) de acuerdo con las categorías de la lista Roja de la UICN.This study was funded by the projects “Evolution of feeding and agonistic behaviour in cyprinid fishes of the genus Chondrostoma” (funded by ISPA) and Plurianual Program (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, UI&D 331/94, partially FEDER funded). C. Sousa Santos was also supported by a grant from FCT (SFRH/BD/8320/2002). J.I. Robalo and C. Sousa Santos benefited from grants from BiodIberia during the development of this study.Peer reviewe

    Some features of the territories in the breeding males of the intertidal blenny Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae)

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    In this paper we present data on the organization of the territories in males of Lipophrys pholis during the breeding season. Data were collected during high tides by skin- and scubadiving and during low tides by direct inspection of nests. Our study area was located at Arrébida, Portugal. The main results are: (i) The territories of the breeding males of this species are temporary, being established each breeding season, (ii) The guarding males stay in the nest holes with the egg masses while the tide is low and are subjected to several hours of emersion in each tidal cycle, (iii) Even when the nests are submerged the fishes stay inside the nest for an average of 92% of the time. All the activities performed outside the nest correspond to an average of 27 minutes per day. (iv) There was a low frequency of territorial intrusions. Conspecific intruders released a significantly higher frequency of agonistic responses than did Coryphoblennius galerita. (v) Removal experiments showed that vacated territories are not occupied by other males during the same breeding season, (vi) Without the presence of the guarding male the eggs are slowly destroyed by predation and infection, but some eggs can still survive and hatch up to five days after the removal of the parental male. The results are discussed in terms of the probable costs and benefits of breeding intertidally

    Embryonic and larval development of Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae)

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    Information on the early ontogeny of Lipophrys pholis is scattered and incomplete. In this paper we describe for the first time the full developmental sequence from egg to juvenile in controlled conditions. In addition, some notes on the spawning behaviour of adults and the behaviour of larvae are provided. During oviposition, the female follows the male´s path, suggesting that the male may apply sperm on the nest before spawning. Embryonic development lasted 16 days (17ºC) and larval development to settlement lasted 29 days (15.5-17.5ºC). At hatching, mean larval total length was 5.0 mm. The larvae hatched with the mouth and anus opened, with pigmented eyes and almost no yolk, and started to feed within one day. They first settled 29 days after hatching (13-14 mm TL) and showed full juvenile pigmentation and behaviour 8 to 9 days later (17-19 mm TL).No Disponibl

    Nuevos datos de distribución de especies autóctonas de peces de agua dulce de España

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    Entre los años 2008 y 2010 hemos realizado un proyecto de monitorización para actualizar la base de datos de la ictiofauna continental española. Se ha llevado a cabo en 785 estaciones de muestreo cada año, repartidas homogéneamente por toda España. Entre los datos más sobresalientes se incluyen nuevas citas para algunas cuencas y ríos de España de Lampetra planeri, Petromyzon marinus, Barbus haasi, Iberochondrostoma lemmingii, Squalius alburnoides, Squalius carolitertii, Squalius malacitanus, Cobitis calderoni, Cobitis paludica y Salaria fluviatilis. También se ha confirmado la presencia de Barbatula barbatula en la cuenca del Duero y la adscripción de las poblaciones de este género del Noreste de la Península Ibérica a B. quignardi.We thank all those who have helped us in fieldwork: B. Prieto, M. J. Arumburu, P. Ornelas, C. Pedraza, J. Manzano, A. Arraiol, C. Cuhna, G. Solís, M. Vilá, I. Martínez and F. Melero. The Lucidus Consultancy reviewed the English text. Cristina Pérez from URS provided us with very useful information. We would like especially thanks to Jerónimo de la Hoz, Nel Álvarez, Gustavo González and Paco Blanco. We also thanks all the Administration stuff of the Autonomous Communities that gave us permissions for sampling. This study was funded by the project CGL201015231/Bos and “Seguimiento de la Ictiofauna Continental Española” from the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino.Peer Reviewe