345 research outputs found

    Pore structure and diffusional properties of hardened cement pastes

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    This study has investigated the inclusion of pulverised fuel ash (PFA) and blast furnace slag (BFS) into hardened cement pastes (HCP) in retarding the ingress of chloride ions and oxygen molecules from the external environment. The influence of environmental factors such as drying and carbonation on the pore structure and diffusional properties of OPC, OPC/30%PFA and OPC/65%BFS hardened pastes was investigated. Specimens were desorbed from a saturated surface dry condition to a near constant weight at 65% relative humidity (RH) while others were simultaneously exposed to a 65% RH atmosphere and a carbon dioxide atmosphere of up to 5% by volume until there were fully carbonated. The presence of the interfacial zone at the cement paste-aggregate interface was critically reviewed and identified. The influence of the interfacial zone on porosity and chloride ingress in assumed periodic composites of glass bead mortars was also studied. The investigations have demonstrated the following: (a) The use of fly ash and slag in blended cement pastes has resulted in a marked reduction in capillary porosity and rate of chloride ingress. (b) The ratio of oxygen to chloride diffusion coefficients increased from values close to 1 in permeable pastes, to values of around 15 in low-permeability blended fly ash and slag pastes. This supports the view that the diffusion of chloride ions is retarded by the surface charge of the hydrated cement gel in low-permeability pastes. (c) Compared with plain OPC pastes, the carbonation of blended fly ash and slag pastes resulted in a marked increase in the coarse capillary porosity and a corresponding increase in the oxygen and chloride diffusion rates


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    The study examines the determinants of public health expenditure in Nigeria for the period of 1977 to 2008. The study employs Augmented-Dickey Fuller (ADF) test for unit root, Engle-Granger (1987) approach for cointegration. The ADF test suggests that the variables are mean reverting series at level, while some became stationary after first order difference. The result of the cointegration suggests that there is a long-run relationship between per capita health care expenditure and its economic determinants: per capita income, petroleum prices, population with age below 15 years, under-five mortality, inflation rate, unemployment rate and regime of goverrnment. The results show that public health care expenditure in Nigeria is income inelastic and positive; implying that health care in Nigeria is a necessity rather than a luxury. Medical progress, which represents the level of advancement of the health sector, is also a core determinant of public health care expenditure in Nigeria, shows that Nigerian health sector is underdeveloped and is yet to utilize modern treatment options. The results further show that military government regime spends less on health care than civilian government regime by about 75.59%. This suggests that civilian government is not only more people-oriented, but also more responsive to the health care needs of the people. Hence, government intervention (both direct and indirect) is requiredd to improve the health status of Nigerians

    Incidence of post dural puncture headache following caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi

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    Background: Post dural puncture headache can be a debilitating complication of subarachnoid anaesthesia for a new mother. Successful management of post dural puncture headache requires adherence to clear policies and protocols with close follow up of patients by an experienced obstetric anaesthetist. Objectives: To examine the cumulative incidence and severity of post dural puncture headache in obstetric patients who consented for spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean section. Design: Prospective cohort study. Subjects: All women who underwent Caesarean sections under spinal anaesthesia and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Setting: Aga Khan University Hospital, a teaching and referral hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. Results: The overall cumulative incidence of post dural puncture headache was found to be 20.35 % but was significantly higher in patients in whom the quincke type of needle was used than in those whose spinal anaesthetics were administered using the pencil point needle (24.2% and 4.5% respectively: p=0.042). Conclusions: The incidence of post dural puncture headache can be significantly reduced in the obstetric population at the Aga Khan University Hospital if the pencil point spinal needle was to be routinely used. We recommend that the Quincke needles should not be used in the obstetric population at the Aga Khan University Hospital

    Computational analysis of pathogen-borne metallo β-lactamases reveals discriminating structural features between B1 types

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genes conferring antibiotic resistance to groups of bacterial pathogens are cause for considerable concern, as many once-reliable antibiotics continue to see a reduction in efficacy. The recent discovery of the metallo β-lactamase <it>blaNDM-1 </it>gene, which appears to grant antibiotic resistance to a variety of Enterobacteriaceae <it>via </it>a mobile plasmid, is one example of this distressing trend. The following work describes a computational analysis of pathogen-borne MBLs that focuses on the structural aspects of characterized proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using both sequence and structural analyses, we examine residues and structural features specific to various pathogen-borne MBL types. This analysis identifies a linker region within MBL-like folds that may act as a discriminating structural feature between these proteins, and specifically resistance-associated acquirable MBLs. Recently released crystal structures of the newly emerged NDM-1 protein were aligned against related MBL structures using a variety of global and local structural alignment methods, and the overall fold conformation is examined for structural conservation. Conservation appears to be present in most areas of the protein, yet is strikingly absent within a linker region, making NDM-1 unique with respect to a linker-based classification scheme. Variability analysis of the NDM-1 crystal structure highlights unique residues in key regions as well as identifying several characteristics shared with other transferable MBLs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A discriminating linker region identified in MBL proteins is highlighted and examined in the context of NDM-1 and primarily three other MBL types: IMP-1, VIM-2 and ccrA. The presence of an unusual linker region variant and uncommon amino acid composition at specific structurally important sites may help to explain the unusually broad kinetic profile of NDM-1 and may aid in directing research attention to areas of this protein, and possibly other MBLs, that may be targeted for inactivation or attenuation of enzymatic activity.</p

    New Pool of Cortical Interneuron Precursors in the Early Postnatal Dorsal White Matter

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    The migration of cortical γ-aminobutyric acidergic interneurons has been extensively studied in rodent embryos, whereas few studies have documented their postnatal migration. Combining in vivo analysis together with time-lapse imaging on cortical slices, we explored the origin and migration of cortical interneurons during the first weeks of postnatal life. Strikingly, we observed that a large pool of GAD65-GFP-positive cells accumulate in the dorsal white matter region during the first postnatal week. Part of these cells divides and expresses the transcription factor paired box 6 indicating the presence of local transient amplifying precursors. The vast majority of these cells are immature interneurons expressing the neuronal marker doublecortin and partly the calcium-binding protein calretinin. Time-lapse imaging reveals that GAD65-GFP-positive neurons migrate from the white matter pool into the overlying anterior cingulate cortex (aCC). Some interneurons in the postnatal aCC express the same immature neuronal markers suggesting ongoing migration of calretinin-positive interneurons. Finally, bromodeoxyuridine incorporation experiments confirm that a small fraction of interneurons located in the aCC are generated during the early postnatal period. These results altogether reveal that at postnatal ages, the dorsal white matter contains a pool of interneuron precursors that divide and migrate into the aC

    New pool of cortical interneuron precursors in the early postnatal dorsal white matter.

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    The migration of cortical γ-aminobutyric acidergic interneurons has been extensively studied in rodent embryos, whereas few studies have documented their postnatal migration. Combining in vivo analysis together with time-lapse imaging on cortical slices, we explored the origin and migration of cortical interneurons during the first weeks of postnatal life. Strikingly, we observed that a large pool of GAD65-GFP-positive cells accumulate in the dorsal white matter region during the first postnatal week. Part of these cells divides and expresses the transcription factor paired box 6 indicating the presence of local transient amplifying precursors. The vast majority of these cells are immature interneurons expressing the neuronal marker doublecortin and partly the calcium-binding protein calretinin. Time-lapse imaging reveals that GAD65-GFP-positive neurons migrate from the white matter pool into the overlying anterior cingulate cortex (aCC). Some interneurons in the postnatal aCC express the same immature neuronal markers suggesting ongoing migration of calretinin-positive interneurons. Finally, bromodeoxyuridine incorporation experiments confirm that a small fraction of interneurons located in the aCC are generated during the early postnatal period. These results altogether reveal that at postnatal ages, the dorsal white matter contains a pool of interneuron precursors that divide and migrate into the aCC

    Genome scan of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera for genetic variation associated with crop rotation tolerance

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    Crop rotation has been a valuable technique for control of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera for almost a century. However, during the last two decades, crop rotation has ceased to be effective in an expanding area of the US corn belt. This failure appears to be due to a change in the insect's oviposition behaviour, which, in all probability, has an underlying genetic basis. A preliminary genome scan using 253 amplified fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) markers sought to identify genetic variation associated with the circumvention of crop rotation. Samples of D. v. virgifera from east-central Illinois, where crop rotation is ineffective, were compared with samples from Iowa at locations that the behavioural variant has yet to reach. A single AFLP marker showed signs of having been influenced by selection for the circumvention of crop rotation. However, this marker was not diagnostic. The lack of markers strongly associated with the trait may be due to an insufficient density of marker coverage throughout the genome. A weak but significant general heterogeneity was observed between the Illinois and Iowa samples at microsatellite loci and AFLP markers. This has not been detected in previous population genetic studies of D. v. virgifera and may indicate a reduction in gene flow between variant and wild-type beetles

    MannDB – A microbial database of automated protein sequence analyses and evidence integration for protein characterization

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    BACKGROUND: MannDB was created to meet a need for rapid, comprehensive automated protein sequence analyses to support selection of proteins suitable as targets for driving the development of reagents for pathogen or protein toxin detection. Because a large number of open-source tools were needed, it was necessary to produce a software system to scale the computations for whole-proteome analysis. Thus, we built a fully automated system for executing software tools and for storage, integration, and display of automated protein sequence analysis and annotation data. DESCRIPTION: MannDB is a relational database that organizes data resulting from fully automated, high-throughput protein-sequence analyses using open-source tools. Types of analyses provided include predictions of cleavage, chemical properties, classification, features, functional assignment, post-translational modifications, motifs, antigenicity, and secondary structure. Proteomes (lists of hypothetical and known proteins) are downloaded and parsed from Genbank and then inserted into MannDB, and annotations from SwissProt are downloaded when identifiers are found in the Genbank entry or when identical sequences are identified. Currently 36 open-source tools are run against MannDB protein sequences either on local systems or by means of batch submission to external servers. In addition, BLAST against protein entries in MvirDB, our database of microbial virulence factors, is performed. A web client browser enables viewing of computational results and downloaded annotations, and a query tool enables structured and free-text search capabilities. When available, links to external databases, including MvirDB, are provided. MannDB contains whole-proteome analyses for at least one representative organism from each category of biological threat organism listed by APHIS, CDC, HHS, NIAID, USDA, USFDA, and WHO. CONCLUSION: MannDB comprises a large number of genomes and comprehensive protein sequence analyses representing organisms listed as high-priority agents on the websites of several governmental organizations concerned with bio-terrorism. MannDB provides the user with a BLAST interface for comparison of native and non-native sequences and a query tool for conveniently selecting proteins of interest. In addition, the user has access to a web-based browser that compiles comprehensive and extensive reports. Access to MannDB is freely available at