809 research outputs found

    If You Provide It, Will They Read It? The Effect of Information on Choices

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    This paper investigates the effect of information on respondent's choices in an internet survey for measuring the value of water quality improvements in Deckers Creek (DC) watershed in Monongalia and Peterson Counties of West Virginia, USA. A multiattribute, choice experiment and multinomial logit (MNL) models are used in estimating the marginal utilities of restoring the three attributes of DC: aquatic life, swimming safety, and scenic quality. Response times serve as proxy variables regarding whether respondents read or did not read all the information provided in the survey. Response times fell quickly, but then tapered off as they progressed through the various sections of the survey. Results show that the estimated coefficients of subsamples, read and did not read all the information, were statistically different from each other. Based on log likelihood tests of MNL models, two subsamples of the survey population (read and did not read all information) were found to be from different populations. Estimates of marginal utilities reveal that respondents value aquatic life restoration the highest, followed by scenic quality restoration. Average compensating variation estimates for full restoration of the aquatic life and scenic quality attributes are 9and9 and 6 per month per household, respectively, when the subsamples are pooled. However, the individual subsamples resulted in 5permonthforaquaticlifeand5 per month for aquatic life and 3 per month for scenic quality for respondents that read the information, while respondents that did not read the information resulted in statistically higher estimates of 16and16 and 12, respectively. While respondents' motives for not reading the resource information provided is uncertain, results show their values for watershed restoration are substantially higher than respondents that read the information.Demand and Price Analysis,


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan LKS praktikum pada topik pembuatan koloid dari susu kacang kedelai. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan yang terdiri dari studi pendahuluan dan pengembangan model. Sumber datanya adalah tiga bahan ajar buku sekolah sekolah elektronik dan tujuh buku teks, 20 siswa kelas XI salah satu SMA di Bandung, tujuh guru kimia SMA di Bandung, dan tiga dosen Departemen Pendidikan Kimia FPMIPA UPI. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan pedoman wawancara, lembar analisis LKS praktikum, lembar optimasi, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan tahapan inkuiri, rubrik penilaian jawaban siswa terhadap tugas-tugas pada LKS, lembar penilaian guru dan dosen, serta angket respons siswa. Hasil analisis LKS praktikum di sekolah dan survei lapangan menunjukkan karakteristik LKS praktikum yang ada adalah LKS praktikum instruksi langsung/cookbook. Hasil optimasi prosedur pembuatan susu kacang kedelai sebagai berikut : bahan yang digunakan kacang kedelai sebanyak 7 gram yang telah direndam dengan air suhu ruang selama 12 jam, kemudian direbus menggunakan air suhu 80̊C dan waktu praktikum selama 18 menit. Selanjutnya, LKS disusun berdasarkan prosedur yang sudah dioptimasi dan dievaluasi berdasarkan jawaban/respons siswa. Berdasarkan jawaban siswa terhadap tugas dalam LKS tergolong sangat baik (81,61%). Keterlaksanaan LKS praktikum yang dilihat berdasarkan keterlaksanaan tahapan inkuiri adalah sangat baik (100%) yang didukung oleh hasil jawaban siswa terhadap tugas dalam LKS yang tergolong sangat baik (81,61%). Penilaian guru dan dosen terhadap LKS praktikum pada aspek kesesuaian konsep tergolong sangat baik(82,58%), kesesuaian tata bahasa tergolong sangat baik (83,18%), dan kesesuaian tata letak serta perwajahan tergolong sangat baik (88,43%). ---; The purpose of this reaserch is to develop of lab worksheet on the topic make colloidal trough making soybean milk. To achieve these aim, these research applied research and development method that consist of preliminary studies and the development studies. Data source used were chemistry material, there are seven senior high school chemistry text book and three of electronic senior high school chemistry book, XI grade students in Bandung Senior High School, seven Senior High School chemistry teachers, and three chemistry lecturers in Chemistry Departement of Chemistry Education, FPMIPA UPI. The research instrumen used were interview guided, analysis sheet for making colloids lab worksheet, optimazion sheet, implementation of inquiry phases observation sheet, asessment guidelines for students’ answers related to worksheet Task, asessment sheet given to teacher and lecturers and students questionnaire responses. The result of analysis about lab worksheet in the school still direct instruction/cookbook. The results of the optimization procedure of making soybean milk as follows : materials used soybeans as much as 7 grams which had been soaked with water at room temperature for 12 hours, then boiled with water at 80̊C and a experiment for 18 minutes. Furthermore LKS compiled based procedure has been optimized and evaluated based on answers / responses students. Based on students' responses to the task in the LKS is very good (81,61%). Lab worksheet implementation which is based on The inquiry phases that conducted by student were found very good (100%) and supported by students' responses to the task in the LKS is very good (81,61%). Assessment of teachers and lecturers against lab worksheet on the aspect of suitability concept is very good (82,58%), suitability grammar is very good (83,18%), and the suitability of the layout and appearance of is very good (88,43%)

    La Casa di correzione di Firenze (1782-1794). Disciplinamento di “discoli”, “oziosi” e “donne di mala vita”.

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    La Casa di correzione, istituita da Pietro Leopoldo nella Fortezza da Basso a Firenze nel 1782, fu originariamente pensata come strumento di ausilio ai genitori nell'educazione dei figli, che potevano fare richiesta di iniviarveli quando "discoli", "vagabondi", "oziosi" o libertine se femmine. La Casa di correzione doveva correggerli tramite una reclusione basata sul binomio preghiera-lavoro. Creata a seguito della riforma del 26 maggio 1777, essa fu anche, però, uno strumento di giustizia "economica" nelle mani delle rinnovate forze di polizia, per il mantenimento della quiete pubblica e la prevenzione dei delitti, nella convinzione che "il pronto riparo alli sconcerti piccoli previene i più grandi". Fu il figlio di Pietro Leopoldo, Ferdinando III, a porre fine a questo esperimento nel 1794, animato da una visione forse più garantista della giustizia

    Social Identity, Mental Toughness, and Behavioural Intentions as Antecedents of Overuse Injury Pain in Physical Activity Contexts

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    Psychological factors specific to overuse injury pain in physical activity contexts were explored within a social identity theoretical framework. Study 1 involved development of a method for designating overuse injury pain occurrence of hikers (N = 751), along with exploration of relationships between psychological measures, overuse injury pain occurrence, and effort levels. The findings of this cross-sectional, mixed-methods investigation revealed that social identification, social identity content, and mental toughness differentiated hikers who incurred overuse injury pain or selected a higher-effort behaviour from those who did not. From qualitative analysis, several social identity constructs (i.e., group member’s presence, in-group status, social creativity, additional social identity content) emerged as contributors to overuse injury occurrence. The focus of Study 2 was a prospective examination of the aforementioned psychological factors in relation to overuse injury severity of hikers (N = 283). Additionally, the Test of Intentions to Reduce Effort (TIRE) was developed to identify individuals with susceptibility to higher overuse injury severity. Results provided evidence of factorial, construct, and predictive validity of TIRE factor scores. TIRE factors and social identity content significantly predicted higher severity of hikers’ overuse injury pain. Mental toughness scores moderated the relationship between social identification and overuse injury severity. Study 3 consisted of a qualitative examination of social identity mechanisms of overuse injury pain in a physical activity context, CrossFit®, involving the presence of group leaders, and in which group members view each other. Findings revealed mechanisms pertaining to social identity content, in-group status, and social threats. Overall, the findings support a new means for assessing overuse injury occurrence and susceptibility to higher overuse injury severity, whilst demonstrating the potential applicability of social identity theory to the study of overuse injury. Knowledge gained may ultimately aid development of interventions to reduce overuse injury occurrence and severity of physical activity participants


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    Strategi yang paling tepat dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan akademik pada perguruan tinggi adalah dengan meningkatkan variabel yang ada pada kualitas pelayanan secara nyata, keandalan, responsivitas, jaminan, dan empati, dengan dibuktikan dengan ketersesuaian yang ada di lapangan, di antaranya kesesuaian kurikulum antara harapan dan kenyataan, kesesuaian sarana dan prasarana perkuliahan antara harapan dan kenyatan, kesesuaian pelaksanaan perkuliahan antara harapan dan kenyataan, dan kesesuaian pembimbing akademik antara harapan dan kesesuaian

    Bandwidth selection for kernel estimation in mixed multi-dimensional spaces

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    Kernel estimation techniques, such as mean shift, suffer from one major drawback: the kernel bandwidth selection. The bandwidth can be fixed for all the data set or can vary at each points. Automatic bandwidth selection becomes a real challenge in case of multidimensional heterogeneous features. This paper presents a solution to this problem. It is an extension of \cite{Comaniciu03a} which was based on the fundamental property of normal distributions regarding the bias of the normalized density gradient. The selection is done iteratively for each type of features, by looking for the stability of local bandwidth estimates across a predefined range of bandwidths. A pseudo balloon mean shift filtering and partitioning are introduced. The validity of the method is demonstrated in the context of color image segmentation based on a 5-dimensional space


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    Problems that are often encountered by teachers are less prepared well evaluation tools and impressed carelessly without regard to the achievement indicator of each basic competency. Based on interviews with the teacher partners, in implementing the evaluation without doing the analysis of the test items given in advance. To determine the feasibility of the evaluation tool used by the teacher it is necessary to analyze the use of evaluation tools in economic subjects the accounting materials in class XI IPS SMA Negeri 4 Surabaya. This research is descriptive research that is used to explain and describe the evaluation tool used by teachers and feasibility. Subjects were teachers economic subjects the accounting material class XI IPS SMA Negeri 4 Surabaya. While the object of the study is an evaluation tool. Results of this study are evaluation tools used in class XI IPS is a written test evaluation tool shaped test description. The written test is used to form the test description daily tests because it is more in accordance with the indicators in each basic competence in economic subjects the accounting materials and teachers make tests easier in the form of a written description. Evaluation tool has met the eligibility criteria established Directorate PSMA 2010 of 91.67% (very decent) however there should be efforts to improve.    Key words : The use of evaluation tools, form of  evaluation tools, feasibilit

    Taking Bytes: Sound Recordings, Digital Sampling, and the De Minimis Exception

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    This research aims to analyze the challenges of future agricultural production in terms of water scarcity and the availability of agricultural land while exploring strategies that can be applied to address these challenges. The study employs a systematic literature review approach with a sample of 30 journals from various developed and developing countries. These journals span publication years from 2000 to 2021. Further investigation by reading the abstracts of each selected journal was conducted to ensure their relevance to the research objectives. The research findings indicate that water scarcity and the availability of agricultural land are significant factors influencing the sustainability of agricultural production. The absence of these inputs can have a substantial impact on meeting global demand. Factors such as extreme climate change, land conversion, population growth, and increased demand for agricultural products contribute to water scarcity and the limited availability of agricultural land. Strategies employed to address these issues involve a combination of policy measures and environmental prevention and adaptation strategies, such as wastewater and saline water management for irrigation, the use of superior crop varieties, changes in crop intensity, improved weather forecasting for farmers, and crop diversification. Moreover, to combat the shrinking availability of agricultural land, several strategies can be implemented, including optimizing land-use intensity, increasing the crop yield index, and formulating policies related to land-use conversion. Kata kunci: kelangkaan air, lahan pertanian, produksi pertanian


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    Persaingan bisnis di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mengalami persaingan yang ketat. E-commerce merupakan salah satu bisnis besar yang ada di Indonesia. Pelanggan merupakan sumber yang penting bagi e-commerce dalam memperoleh pendapatan semaksimal mungkin. Maka e-commerce perlu mengembangkan strategi pemasaran untuk kedepannya. E-commerce harus mengetahui pelanggan yang menguntungkan baginya melalui segmentasi pelanggan dimana pelanggan akan dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok menurut kemiripan karakteristik pada setiap pelanggannnya. Data pelanggan tersebut dikelompokkan menggunakan algoritma Fuzzy C-Means yang digabungkan dengan model Fuzzy RFM (Recency, Frequency, dan Monetary) guna mengetahui kelas pelanggan berdasarkan kelompoknya. Kelompok pelanggan tersebut diuji validitas cluster untuk menentukan cluster yang optimal menggunakan uji validitas Modified Partition Coefficient (MPC). Data pada penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 111 pelanggan dalam periode 4 bulan. Data tersebut didapatkan dengan menggunakan kuisioner yang berisikan pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan model RFM. Model RFM berupa Recency (interval waktu antara tanggal transaksi terakhir sampai akhir periode yang sudah ditetapkan), Frequency (banyaknya transaksi yang sudah dilakukan dalam satu periode yang ditentukan), dan Monetary (jumlah uang yang dikeluarkan pada saat transaksi satu periode yang ditentukan). Dari data tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pembagian kelompok yang optimal yaitu sebanyak 2 kelompok dengan hasil kelas pelanggan Dormant Customer F dan Everyday Shopper E dengan nilai validitas sebesar 0.778681508. Pelanggan pada Dormant Customer F yaitu sebanyak 83.7838% dengan nilai pusat cluster Recency 11.6472, Frequency 8.51460, dan Monetary 399770.18041. Everyday Shopper E yaitu sebanyak 16.2162% dengan nilai pusat cluster Recency 5.72924, Frequency 24.56709, dan Monetary 1957744.49306. Kata Kunci : Segementasi Pelanggan, Fuzzy C-Means, Model Fuzzy RFM, Modified Partition Coefficien
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