692 research outputs found

    Følelseskunnskap og helse — musikk og identitet i et kunnskapsperspektiv

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    I forbindelse med doktorgradsarbeidet ”Muligheter for følelseskunnskap” ble det dokumentert at musikkopplevelse kan erfares som et medierende redskap for følelseskunnskap, og også at følelseskunnskapen kan knyttes til identitet (Vist 2009a:367-376). Denne artikkelen utforsker en videre sammenheng mellom musikkopplevelse, aspekter ved følelseskunnskap, identitetsarbeid og helse. Med utgangspunkt i data fra ti kvalitative intervjuer, tidligere presentert i den nevnte doktorgradsavhandlingen, vil jeg drøfte om uttalelsene knyttet til følelseskunnskap også kan ses i relasjon til identitet og helse. Følelseskunnskap kan innebære både emosjonell tilgjengelighet, bevissthet, forståelse og refleksjon og mer sosiale aspekter som ekspressivitet, empati, regulering og samspill. Artikkelformatet gjør det nødvendig med en avgrensning, så etter en innledning om prosjektets metode og teoritilknytning, presenteres fire områder med særlig relevans for identitet og helse: 1) Emosjonell tilgjengelighet og bevissthet i identitetsarbeid, 2) Tilgjengelighet og ekspressivitet som helsebringende, 3) Emosjonell forståelse som identitets- og helsearbeid og 4) Emosjonell refleksjon som identitets- og helsearbeid. Siden både det nevnte doktorgradsprosjektet og min egen bakgrunn er musikkpedagogisk, blir det naturlig å se identitet og helse i et kunnskapsperspektiv. Men teorien som benyttes er i stor grad fra emosjonspsykologi og musikkterapi, og viser både nærheten mellom de to fagfeltene og hvordan terapeuter og pedagoger kan ha glede av en dialog

    Cyborg Games: Videogame Blasphemy and Disorientation

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    This paper describes the genre of “cyborg games,” using examples of independent videogames (such as Gone Home) to illustrate the genre, as well as AAA mainstream games (such as Mass Effect) to describe the genre’s limits. After defining key terms (cyborg, blasphemy, and disorientation), the paper offers a close reading of two of Anna Anthropy’s games, dys4ia and Defend the Land. These close readings show how cyborg games are disorienting to normative bodies, and why those moments of disorientation are necessarily jarring for normative players

    The Intimate Fandoms of Men’s Hockey Real Person Fanfiction

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    Using queer phenomenology, rhetorical genre theory, and fanfiction written about National Hockey League (NHL) athletes, this dissertation develops the concept of intimate publics of fandom: small, reciprocal and protective groups of fans who write to and for each other to assuage desires otherwise unmet by public fandom. Historically, fan scholars convincingly argued for the literary and social value of the political and interpretive work of slash fandoms that write fanfiction where two otherwise straight male characters are reimagined in a queer relationship. In this way, slash is seen as a powerful, subversive fandom that poaches material from texts that uphold oppressive norms. However, most of the slash studied has been based on fictional characters, because Real Person Fanfiction (RPF) or RPF slash is frequently seen as immoral and shameful by both fans and fan scholars. Even though RPF slash is common in many fandoms, such as boy band fandom (e.g. Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson from One Direction), or actors who are popular slash pairings (e.g. Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman who play Sherlock and Watson in BBC’s Sherlock), RPF slash has not received the same scholarly attention as slash based on fictional characters. In this dissertation, I argue that this gap exists in part because of fan studies’ attachment to the metaphor of poaching to empower slash-fans as subversive interpreters, which would make RPF slash an infringement on a real person’s autonomy. Understanding that some fandoms function as intimate publics, however, makes it possible to see some RPF slash not as a subversive interpretation, but as a shelter from public fandom. To develop the framework of intimate publics of fandom, I use my experience as a hockey fan as the case for this dissertation. Through Men’s Hockey RPF, I find queer joy and community that is absent to me in the traditional, public spaces of hockey fandom. I trace this journey through 5 chapters, each addressing a different facet of intimate publics of fandom. Chapter 1 develops squatting as an alternative metaphor to poaching and argues that, where poaching comes from the antagonistic mode of suspicious reading common in literary studies, squatting comes from reparative modes of reading which do not require a hostile relationship between reader and text. Chapter 2 uses feminist literary theories and rhetorical genre theory to define intimate fandoms through hockey’s public fandom in Canada. Building on those first two chapters, the next three chapters offer close readings of my own intimate fandoms to test the usefulness of the framework. Chapter 3 demonstrates that understanding Hockey RPF slash as an intimate fandom allows us to see how fans use Hockey RPF as a shelter from the relation of cruel optimism to the NHL. Chapter 4 argues that the framework of intimate fandoms makes it more possible to see the ways in which even fanfiction that seems subversive may still uphold other norms, such as the white supremacy of hockey. Chapter 5 tests the limits of intimate fandoms by reading fanfiction that makes erotic monsters out of NHL athletes to argue that intimate fandoms help us better understand the desires that create ‘creepy’ slash. I close the dissertation with a short conclusion that reflects on the end of my attachment to hockey, and how the framework of intimate publics allows me to trace the shift in desires that move me into new intimate fandoms

    Hensynet til barnets beste ved spørsmül om omsorgsovertakelse etter barnevernloven

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    Master i rettsvitenskapJUS399MAJU

    ‘We cannot afford outsiderness’

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    This article addresses social inclusion/exclusion – specifically the kind of exclusion we describe as outsiderness – in relation to sustainable development and arts education. Our idea is to address and discuss this on an individual/micro level and as a topic of social sustainability. Inspired by Irwin and Springgay’s a/r/tography, Frank’s dialogical narrative analysis, and different walk-along methods, we also explore alternative formats of the scientific article. In this text, we will thus present what became five threads of inquiry into arts education’s potential contribution to social sustainability. These threads describe our path through this field and relate to 1) the position of the arts in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs), 2) social inclusion in the SDGs, 3) research on the arts and health, 4) social inclusion in the arts, and 5) research on outsiderness. Throughout the article, we also exemplify our walk-along discussions through narratives, revealing more of the motivations behind this text. We end the article with a discussion proposing relational arts education to help avoid outsiderness and to promote inclusion, care, social sustainability, and diverging voices or what we describe as counter-voices, in arts education. Cover image: photo collage by Torill Vis

    Oppsummering av systematiske oversikter om effekt av samstemming av legemiddellister

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    Beskriver en systematisk litteraturstudie hvor hensikten var å oppsummere kunnskap om samstemming av legemiddellister.Mange pasienter har flere sykdommer og bruker mange legemidler samtidig. Feilmedisinering fører hvert år til unødvendige pasientskader. Et tiltak innen pasientsikkerhetsprogrammet er samstemming av legemiddellister. Det innebærer at helsepersonell i samarbeid med pasienten sikrer at informasjonen om pasientens aktuelle legemiddelbruk er korrekt. I denne systematiske oversikten har vi søkt etter og oppsummert forskning om samstemming av legemiddellister har effekt. Vi inkluderte ni systematiske oversikter. Oversiktene konkluderer at: • samstemming av legemiddellister sannsynligvis reduserer antall uønskede avvik. • oversiktsforfatterne påpeker at de inkluderte studiene gjennomgående har metodologiske svakheter. • Det er behov for systematisk forskningsoversikt om samstemming av legemidler av høy kvalitet

    Impact of Cholesterol on Voids in Phospholipid Membranes

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    Free volume pockets or voids are important to many biological processes in cell membranes. Free volume fluctuations are a prerequisite for diffusion of lipids and other macromolecules in lipid bilayers. Permeation of small solutes across a membrane, as well as diffusion of solutes in the membrane interior are further examples of phenomena where voids and their properties play a central role. Cholesterol has been suggested to change the structure and function of membranes by altering their free volume properties. We study the effect of cholesterol on the properties of voids in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers by means of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. We find that an increasing cholesterol concentration reduces the total amount of free volume in a bilayer. The effect of cholesterol on individual voids is most prominent in the region where the steroid ring structures of cholesterol molecules are located. Here a growing cholesterol content reduces the number of voids, completely removing voids of the size of a cholesterol molecule. The voids also become more elongated. The broad orientational distribution of voids observed in pure DPPC is, with a 30% molar concentration of cholesterol, replaced by a distribution where orientation along the bilayer normal is favored. Our results suggest that instead of being uniformly distributed to the whole bilayer, these effects are localized to the close vicinity of cholesterol molecules
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