139 research outputs found

    Instabilities and the null energy condition

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    We show that violation of the null energy condition implies instability in a broad class of models, including classical gauge theories with scalar and fermionic matter as well as any perfect fluid. When applied to the dark energy, our results imply that w=p/ρw = p / \rho is unlikely to be less than -1.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, revtex, presentation improved, minor change

    Left pulmonary artery thrombosis in a neonate with left lung hypoplasia

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    Thrombotic events in neonates may origin from fetal life. A 4-day-old newborn infant with a family history of heterozygous type 1 protein C deficiency was diagnosed with left lung hypoplasia and left pulmonary artery thrombosis. Its source was prenatally closed ductus arteriosus. Surgical removal of the thrombus was performed

    On Traversable Lorentzian Wormholes in the Vacuum Low Energy Effective String Theory in Einstein and Jordan Frames

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    Three new classes (II-IV) of solutions of the vacuum low energy effective string theory in four dimensions are derived. Wormhole solutions are investigated in those solutions including the class I case both in the Einstein and in the Jordan (string) frame. It turns out that, of the eight classes of solutions investigated (four in the Einstein frame and four in the corresponding string frame), massive Lorentzian traversable wormholes exist in five classes. Nontrivial massless limit exists only in class I Einstein frame solution while none at all exists in the string frame. An investigation of test scalar charge motion in the class I solution in the two frames is carried out by using the Plebanski-Sawicki theorem. A curious consequence is that the motion around the extremal zero (Keplerian) mass configuration leads, as a result of scalar-scalar interaction, to a new hypothetical "mass" that confines test scalar charges in bound orbits, but does not interact with neutral test particles.Comment: 18 page

    Passing through the bounce in the ekpyrotic models

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    By considering a simplified but exact model for realizing the ekpyrotic scenario, we clarify various assumptions that have been used in the literature. In particular, we discuss the new ekpyrotic prescription for passing the perturbations through the singularity which we show to provide a spectrum depending on a non physical normalization function. We also show that this prescription does not reproduce the exact result for a sharp transition. Then, more generally, we demonstrate that, in the only case where a bounce can be obtained in Einstein General Relativity without facing singularities and/or violation of the standard energy conditions, the bounce cannot be made arbitrarily short. This contrasts with the standard (inflationary) situation where the transition between two eras with different values of the equation of state can be considered as instantaneous. We then argue that the usually conserved quantities are not constant on a typical bounce time scale. Finally, we also examine the case of a test scalar field (or gravitational waves) where similar results are obtained. We conclude that the full dynamical equations of the underlying theory should be solved in a non singular case before any conclusion can be drawn.Comment: 17 pages, ReVTeX 4, 13 figures, minor corrections, conclusions unchange

    Euclidean wormholes with Phantom field and Phantom field accompanied by perfect fluid

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    We study the classical Euclidean wormhole solutions for the gravitational systems with minimally coupled pure Phantom field and minimally coupled Phantom field accompanied by perfect fluid. It is shown that such solutions do exist and then the general forms of the Phantom field potential are obtained for which there are classical Euclidean wormhole solutions.Comment: 15 pages, major revision with perfect flui

    Primordial perturbations in a non singular bouncing universe model

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    We construct a simple non singular cosmological model in which the currently observed expansion phase was preceded by a contraction. This is achieved, in the framework of pure general relativity, by means of a radiation fluid and a free scalar field having negative energy. We calculate the power spectrum of the scalar perturbations that are produced in such a bouncing model and find that, under the assumption of initial vacuum state for the quantum field associated with the hydrodynamical perturbation, this leads to a spectral index n=-1. The matching conditions applying to this bouncing model are derived and shown to be different from those in the case of a sharp transition. We find that if our bounce transition can be smoothly connected to a slowly contracting phase, then the resulting power spectrum will be scale invariant.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX 4, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Brane Big-Bang Brought by Bulk Bubble

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    We propose an alternative inflationary universe scenario in the context of Randall-Sundrum braneworld cosmology. In this new scenario the existence of extra-dimension(s) plays an essential role. First, the brane universe is initially in the inflationary phase driven by the effective cosmological constant induced by small mismatch between the vacuum energy in the 5-dimensional bulk and the brane tension. This mismatch arises since the bulk is initially in a false vacuum. Then, the false vacuum decay occurs, nucleating a true vacuum bubble with negative energy inside the bulk. The nucleated bubble expands in the bulk and consequently hits the brane, bringing a hot big-bang brane universe of the Randall-Sundrum type. Here, the termination of the inflationary phase is due to the change of the bulk vacuum energy. The bubble kinetic energy heats up the universe. As a simple realization, we propose a model, in which we assume an interaction between the brane and the bubble. We derive the constraints on the model parameters taking into account the following requirements: solving the flatness problem, no force which prohibits the bubble from colliding with the brane, sufficiently high reheating temperature for the standard nucleosynthesis to work, and the recovery of Newton's law up to 1mm. We find that a fine tuning is needed in order to satisfy the first and the second requirements simultaneously, although, the other constraints are satisfied in a wide range of the model parameters.Comment: 20pages, 5figures, some references added, the previous manuscript has been largely improve

    Cosmology of Brane Models with Radion Stabilization

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    We analyze the cosmology of the Randall-Sundrum model and that of compact brane models in general in the presence of a radius stabilization mechanism. We find that the expansion of our universe is generically in agreement with the expected effective four dimensional description. The constraint (which is responsible for the appearance of non-conventional cosmologies in these models) that must be imposed on the matter densities on the two branes in the theory without a stabilized radius is a consequence of requiring a static solution even in the absence of stabilization. Such constraints disappear in the presence of a stablizing potential, and the ordinary FRW (Friedmann-Robertson-Walker) equations are reproduced, with the expansion driven by the sum of the physical values of the energy densities on the two branes and in the bulk. For the case of the Randall-Sundrum model we examine the kinematics of the radion field, and find that corrections to the standard FRW equations are small for temperatures below the weak scale. We find that the radion field has renormalizable and unsuppressed couplings to Standard Model particles after electroweak symmetry breaking. These couplings may have important implications for collider searches. We comment on the possibility that matter off the TeV brane could serve as a dark matter candidate.Comment: 35 pages, Late

    The Q2Q^2-dependence of the generalised Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn integral for the deuteron, proton and neutron

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    The Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule connects the anomalous contribution to the magnetic moment of the target nucleus with an energy-weighted integral of the difference of the helicity-dependent photoabsorption cross sections. The data collected by HERMES with a deuterium target are presented together with a re-analysis of previous measurements on the proton. This provides a measurement of the generalised GDH integral covering simultaneously the nucleon-resonance and the deep inelastic scattering regions. The contribution of the nucleon-resonance region is seen to decrease rapidly with increasing Q2Q^2. The DIS contribution is sizeable over the full measured range, even down to the lowest measured Q2Q^2. As expected, at higher Q2Q^2 the data are found to be in agreement with previous measurements of the first moment of g1g_1. From data on the deuteron and proton, the GDH integral for the neutron has been derived and the proton--neutron difference evaluated. This difference is found to satisfy the fundamental Bjorken sum rule at Q2=5Q^2 = 5 GeV2^2.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure
